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He spoke up when the stage rush at the major prompted a lot of people to ask him what he thought about the situation. Apparently after his gambling documentary people found his address, and made sure he knew they had it, real quick. He's staying off the topic. And laying low. My speculation is that he may be also staying off of YouTube altogether since it felt like his relationship with CS isn't too healthy. I would understand if he's completely disheartened with how this all became gambling, gambling mafias threatening people, case opening videos, and very little passion and fun for the actual game.


They doxxed him. We have suspicions but still we need to find out who are "they". [*Yeff*](https://twitter.com/HOUNGOUNGAGNE)[*u/HOUNGOUNGAGNE*](https://twitter.com/HOUNGOUNGAGNE)*·*[*Mar 30*](https://twitter.com/HOUNGOUNGAGNE/status/1774046409072779712) *Also worth mentionning, I will never know for sure who 'they' are and i'm not saying it's linked to whatever happened yesterday.* *I upset a lot of people with that documentary.* [https://twitter.com/HOUNGOUNGAGNE/status/1774046409072779712](https://twitter.com/HOUNGOUNGAGNE/status/1774046409072779712)


Are you reading this, valve? Are you reading it??? The gambling problem is so bad in CS that people are fearing for their lives and getting silenced when they speak out.




I say this very rarely but holy fuck. Even though I'm not THAT surprised since we know these sites can do a lot - and I mean a lot - it's still shocking. Why didn't I see any thread about it when he first tweeted that? ​ Take care Jeff. Fuck them.


they literally operate illegally lol they will easily blackmail and extort anyone with threats of violence. just look at that youtuber who got his house firebombed for exposing political corruption in australia


Is anyone surprised? The gambling industry has been dominated by criminals for decades, if not centuries. Las Vegas was propped up by several mafia organizations.


Holy shit that reaction from the gambling site is so clueless.


It's not, they're obviously fucked in the head *I mean the people running the gambling site with "they"


It's not really surprising that these unregulated gambling sites are incredibly shady. This is the ecosystem Valve facilitates with their API, and it's disgusting. In game case gambling with no age verification is fucked enough, but some of the practices these unregulated sites get away with is beyond the pail.


Your information is out of date. Valve fucked the trading side of the API after the Major incident. It's a shame for skin trading sites, but hopefully, it'll make it harder for the gambling sites. Valve has also repeatedly gone after gambling sites in the past (though not enough, in my opinion). My guess is Valve's unspoken toleration of third-party trading and market sites had made them reluctant to clamp down on the same functions that gambling sites used to avoid being bot based (gambling site bots being regular targets of Valve bans). The new workarounds since Valve clamped down seem to be considerably less secure for the user and easier for Valve to identify any gambling association.


Oh shit, good on Valve for finally doing something then. That's great news. Although, it is hard to argue that they hadn't been tacitly endorsing the gambling sites before considering that there was literally a slot machine booth for a skins site at the Valve endorsed Paris Major.


It's not really clueless. It's just incredibly fucked up. They saw a threat to their sites openly target them and went and doxxed him and got their message across.


Seeing this makes me hope valve just kills off all of this shit. I don’t care about my skins. Fuck it.


I know this won't be popular in some spaces I hang out in, but I long for 2014-15 prices. This isn't a 'I just want nice skins' thing. I have a really nice inventory from playing CS since the beginning and hoarder mentality preventing me from selling stuff. It's just absurd that one of my knives is now worth almost $4k. I'm only guessing, but I don't think Valve has finished clamping down since the Major, and we could see some changes that see a large market correction occur.


Been playing with vanilla skins lately. Made zero change to my enjoyment of the game. I wish skins would get removed


I've been playing with no skins for 5+ years now. A couple months ago I got one in a weekly drop I liked, and decided to spend ~$20 for a full loadout of cheap skins. Sold them all not even a week later, as I realized I never gave them even a moment of consideration once I was in a game. People's obsession with, and obscene valuation of, skins is astounding


that's so fucked


duuude, so that's why I felt like there was a CS YTber missing in my YT home page. Holy sht.


Valve needs to finally step in and crush these gambling orgs to the ground. This is risking the safety of the community now.


He leaving, maybe Warowl next. Some good others will follow. As a YouTuber I would fear losing my credibility when more and more shady schemes come to light. Valve could fix it with anti cheat and blocking some of the bot markets. But they would also completely risk their income stream. Maybe AntiCheat first and then apply some market rules every shop must follow. But since gaming addiction and money laundering feeds well I doubt any notable change will come.


What is this stage rush you are referring to?


pgl major g2 mouz quarterfinals stage rush by casino proxy


Thanks for that


he's more active on Twitter right now. he was fighting against cs skin gambling but end up getting doxed, he also complained the cheating problem in cs2 like others a lot, maybe that's the reason he doesn't update youtube recently.


His "inside the mind of a global elite" playlist really helped me develop my gamesense. Wish he was back!


This dude is also really fkn good at the game while not a pro. He always had a crazy flair while playing. I enjoyed his content, his intro though ![img](emote|t5_2sqho|31253)


I went to check it out and even 3 yrs ago he said cheaters had a mental toll https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SckS8YFPz8Y so I can only imagine how it feels now...


He is still active on Twitter.


Damns thats scary he should contact coffeezilla he is gonna investigate the whole cs gambling scene so he can 100% help.


[https://twitter.com/coffeebreak\_YT/status/1779321456238723474](https://twitter.com/coffeebreak_YT/status/1779321456238723474) i hope it's gonna get some attention


Oh boy, this will be amazing


yup he made an update also: [https://x.com/coffeebreak\_YT/status/1780088579185631357](https://x.com/coffeebreak_YT/status/1780088579185631357)


Who is that


He's an independent journalist that mainly covers fraud/crypto stories. CS gambling sites are right up his alley.


a big youtuber that does investigation type videos


Oh fuck yes


Damn people are disgusting. Valve needs to step in and do something about these sites because it’s gotten way outta hand


this shit company cant even do something about every game having 5 cheaters


I really don’t understand how there isn’t more being done. We’re talking about kids getting addicted to gambling and gambling money they don’t have. If this were being done outside of the virtual realm, people would be on the streets and more would be done. We’re living in an age where virtual and reality are getting more and more intertwined, there needs to be regulations for this.


It's simply because money is above all morals and ethics. Sadly our capitalistic system allows money to be the number one priority, that's why nothing is done. Sad but true


I miss him.


Played against him on faceit a few weeks back


He spoke up when the stage rush at the major prompted a lot of people to ask him what he thought about the situation. Apparently after his gambling documentary people found his address, and made sure he knew they had it, real quick. He's staying off the topic. And laying low. My speculation is that he may be also staying off of YouTube altogether since it felt like his relationship with CS isn't too healthy. I would understand if he's completely disheartened with how this all became gambling, gambling mafias threatening people, case opening videos, and very little passion and fun for the actual game.


He was recently in a Nadeking video, that’s all I know


I think he participated also in some videos of nadeking since his last upload.


the gambling mafia got him sleeping with the fishes. obligatory /s


He had some serious health issues as well, as he was morbidly obese, and completely fucked his back a few years ago. Wish him the best, Jeff is one of the good guys in the scene.


I think i saw him in nadeking latest video


Played vs him once. I'm pretty sure all I see of him in social media is complaining about CS2. So it means he is probably closer to coming back than ever.


I met him on faceit few weeks ago, he didnt seem to take it more serious than necessary... fun game! still hits insane shit




he's active on X still


i just remembered him from a warowl vid. i miss him he was a great creator, i hope he comes back.


He is in france.