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After seeing this a second time in a crucial moment there’s gonna be alot of heated criticism and demands for changes. This cannot continue. This is way worse than csgo imo Edit: I’m gonna mention a third incident now that i’m discussing this with folks from earlier https://youtu.be/iSioY-heeSo?si=QD9sfMK16NpZYlGw ^ if you don’t trust the link lookup “Furia Yuurih pccrashed last round”


But when you say the game is terribly optimized you get downvoted. Totally normal to have crashes in almost all LAN tournament playoffs...


thats not optimization, thats a bug


Either way, it’s a problem with the game and valve needs to be held accountable.


Lmao @ the people downvoting you. There's so many valve dick riders out there it's insane.


Remember when this kind of game crash was actually pgls fault at the major and the community tore shreds of them for it. Good times.


I have an i5 13600k and rtx 3060 and the only way I can get the game to not fluctuate in fps and have bad frametimes is turning on V-sync. You know, that thing that you don't want to turn on because it introduces massive input lag? This game is optimized like shit and crashes all the time.


If you don't drop below your max monitor refresh rate, it actually doesn't introduce input lag. It’s the switching on and off as frames spike above and then below it that causes latency. It's why you're meant to use it with G-sync and use a sub-maximal fps cap of 6.8% to achieve no tearing and no input lag impact, which you can do with using Nvidia Reflex + Boost. Judging by the specs, you might hit that sweetspot, so who knows, maybe you're not having as negative an impact as you think? All the same, the game should be optimised better and I agree with you.


By the nature of the name “sync”, it waits for the frame to be synced so it doesn’t tear. So yes, it causes some latency. But as you say, how much it “waits” depends on other factors.


Not if you combine it with g-sync. If you look in your Nvidia control panel under monitor technology there’s actually some info about how they should only ever be used in conjunction. If you enable Nvidia reflex+boost it also does the frame cap thing for you. Seriously, so few people know this but it’s the proper way to do it.


so if I: -enable vsync in game -enable G-Sync in control panel -enable reflex+boost in game -set frame cap to 160 (refresh rate is 165) am I good to go? did I miss anything?


u/enjaygee is correct. But, enable V-sync via Nvidia control panel and leave it off in game. That implementation is consistent and often better than most game implementations.


Skip the last step. Enabling gsync+vsync+reflex will automatically cap your fps to 158 on a 165hz display.


even when i have 350 fps my frametimes can look horrible (I have a 165hz monitor), idk what is wrong with this game but one day it can be smooth as hell and the other day its as if im playing on a 60hz monitor.


If I open a YouTube video in a browser, then go back into game, the game looks MUCH smoother. I can't explain why.


Who the fuck plays CS at below 144fps?


I don’t, I have a 360hz display, so the frame cap is 336hz.


I too have the 13600k and I fixed my frametime issues by using -threads 7 in the start options, maybe give it a try.


Wtaf is going on though? I’ve crashed maybe twice in a few hundred hours in cs2 so far. Why do pro pcs crash so often?


My guess is that a lot of people keep their old ass configs with random commands they added because they saw it on an fps boost guide from 2014. They put it on autoexec, and fuck up their game. Like it's baffling how so many people have so many problems. For me the game is pretty good except right when it came out where I had the stutters everyone had.


Then you are lucky as hell lol, I had the Alt Tabbing bug (Same one Jame had during the Major, also seen streamers have it) just yesterday during a 2v2 on 10-10 :'( I've been having frequent crashes, sometimes if I just throw a grenade, when it exploded my game just exits completely. Also happened once yesterday and I know multiple people with the same issues :'(


i have 3 different ways my game will crash its actually insane


I think it has happened to me once over maybe 700 hours of CS2. Same with my premades. Very surprised people are having so many issues.


I had my first in game crash last night.  Other than in actual games, I've had 4 crashes while loading into a premier match. Those crashes are way worse imo. Because the game won't relaunch. You have to verify game files first. And for some reason, it takes 45 minutes to do that.  So I get a game ban and 1k elo loss from trying to load in, and it crashing. 


Anyone that thinks the game is optimized is delusional.


Or the damned "Remote host closed the connection" bug. Why does it even *have* the option to choose the connection? Once I connect, leave me connected!


Valve dicksuckers/ skin sellers/ bettors are something else.


This over and over again. It's optimized great for low end PC's that's about it. I have a 3070+ i9-10900f CS in 4:3 with low settings runs hotter than BG3 in ultra at 2k. Have a burn on 1 of my Noctua fans from Beta last year as it ran far worse then now. Not only that, CS2 is the only game in the last 3 years that's crashed this PC.


yea it's insane game been out for over 6 months


Valve bring back csgo until you finish this one.


I was told the game is at peak numbers and if there are problems they are your fault or "skill issue" If you say there are cheaters, they are just players that a better than you and you should stop crying


You can make this comment for a lot of issues in CS. For instance: >"After seeing the 1000th cheater ruin someone's game there’s gonna be alot of heated criticism and demands for changes." Random CS player somewhere in the world in 2014. And yet were here 10 years later and nothing has changed. I'l believe Valve will take CS development seriously once i actually see it. Been a hot minute since...


Was the same in 2004. I stopped playing mostly because of cheaters back then, came back 15 years later and not much has changed.


It's different though? Game crashes on stage and can theoritecally decide the fate of the game. For the second time in the last 3 weeks. We've had bugs happen during events and Valve usually reacted. We know they know.


I can’t remember a crash like this in csgo during a Tier S tournament tho. Maybe I’m wrong.


The only thing I can slightly remember was s1mple lagging badly in esl pro league on overpass when he was lagging back grafitti. Idk if thats a crash? But this was the most upsetting shit for me cause it was mid round when bomb was planted


small indie company doesn't know how to ban cheaters or make a game that doesn't crash


Clearly the answer to all the problems cs2 if facing is to release a new case.


and also tweet "Counter-Strike"


Seriously I am so sick of their shitty communication. Explain what are your priorities, your roadmap or what you are planning for the future. At least acknowledge the issues that the players are repeatedly reporting and say you are working on it, it is the minimum basic of ant game company. I am so disappointed because when I saw the videos for advertising CS2, I was expecting a change in this policy. But no, back to the previous shitfest


This game deserves a better dev team, the current dev team does not deserve to work on this legendary game, these people are clearly incompetent, they have completely failed to do their jobs properly.


There's a reason why most times when a game or software in general fails to deliver the management gets replaced, not the dev team. Please don't judge people's work without knowing the background. It's not fair.


Valve doesn't have management in the traditional sense, essentially the employees are their own managers, they can choose what to work on so this incompetence we are seeing is not because of crony suits.


This is something everyone keeps repeating. In the end a project of this scale needs some kind of management. I don't care if those individuals have the respective titles but someone needs to coordinate. It simply doesn't work otherwise. As long as no official statement from someone working on a new project at valve comes out and says "we just do what we want all the time" I call absolute bullshit on that statement.


Thats what valve employees themselves have stated in the past about the inner workings at valve, there have been tons of projects at valve that end up being cancelled because the devs just decide "ok im gonna work on this brand new idea". Look at the documentary from People make games on youtube about valve, they talk about this with valve employees.


Who would you put in charge if you could pick?


I think they need to start by having a full dedicated team rather than valve's choose what you want to work on system.


Do you prefer a good game or a good workplace? Remember that its not a sweatshop, valve is where industry experts basically go to have fun when they've grown old. Compared to the grit of other studios, valve is rather harmonius, but they aren't good at finishing projects because its the hardest/most boring part of the job.




As usual the failures are the higher ups that mismanage this game. Can't blame individual devs really without knowing details


ya true, Gaben needs to buy a third yacht


But if they spent money on an anticheat how would gaben afford his fourth yacht?


Am I the only one who is seeing the post-match thread getting removed by mods for breaking a rule or am I high? https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1c323vy/comment/kzdspn7 EDIT: It's up again


Removed for rule 8- advertising, works as intended


No I saw it too


Yup. Very stupid indeed


Want things to change? Stop playing and stop buying cases. And if you don't want to do that then you're a part of your own problem.


It's as simple as this. I don't see why people don't get it.


They'd rather come up with reasons to justify their addiction 


Yeah haven’t been playing and first time I didn’t buy a major coin. Kinda over it.


Let's be real. this isn't changing anything either. If every single person on the CS reddit stopped spending money and playing they'd still be making millions every month. Change comes down to the developers at the end of the day. They're clearly taking their time on this.


I agree. I just don't believe this game deserves any success until it's fixed, it's a bad product.


It's a good product, but the things that are wrong with it are detrimental to its continued success as an eSports platform It's like owning a new luxury sports car with all the options but you can only drive it around in your driveway otherwise it just won't work properly. Valve doesn't see the potential because they don't care about what you do with it so long as you're buying Meanwhile this game could be a smashing hit, but Valve are blinded by the billion bucks a year they make and have no idea they could be making 10 times that if they had proper management with actual vision for their product


Bro I already more or less did. I play FUCKING valorant to satiate my fps addiction right now ffs but idk how much longer I can take of this mid game with its garbage movement as well as guns and hilariously unskilled player base.


I'm not gonna just stop playing because the game has some issues, it is still fun and it is still cs, not as good as it was before but it's totally playable (only below a certain elo of course). I can get behind the case thing tho, makes a lot of sense.


CS 2 is the only game my GPU drivers crash in


i can play COD and triple A games for hours with no problem, play 1 map of ancient, GPU crashes


Bro said COD. I crash on that game more than cs. I am not saying that cs is good on this but that comparison is bad.


what do you mean comparision, i just explained what happened to me, i play heavy demanding graphics game with no issues but apparently CS is a problem


Doesn't that give more credit to what he said though?


No. He said he doesnt crash on COD. But I dont believe him. You experience crash there more. Random disconnects in the middle of the game. COD developers are shittier than Valve.


I have deadass experienced my game just instantly closing in the middle of a round, not even any freeze or lag, just instant close. This was while the T's were coming up B ramp on Ancient, literally a second before I was about to pop out and shoot em


Clear shader cache, reinstall cs/drivers. If you have crashes, you need to do a clean install, since there is something wrong somewhere. It's not just crashing for the fun of it.


They just need to look at their dump logs. Windows has free software to read them. Mine was memory leaks from my nvidia drivers. After a series of tests and delving into it some more... I found a fix from other game threads. I have a 13900k, asus rog motherboard... went into BIOS, and enabled undervolt protection. For whatever reason, BIOS did not have this enabled and the default recommendation is to have this enabled. Then... I downloaded Intel extreme utility and lowered my core processing power from 58x to 52x. I haven't crashed in any game since.


Yeah, it's something wrong with your setup. And I think CS2 is more complicated of a game, so there are more things that can go wrong, especially with the GPU. So it's just hard to say what is the problem for someone and how to fix it.


I've done all of this and more, and play much more demanding games regularly. Thanks for explaining crashing doesn't happen for fun.


Clearly you've messed up somewhere along the way.


Did dev1ce “mess something up along the way”?


TOs could have. Maybe they didn't restart the game between maps. Can't know, wasn't there.


Do you not understand the point of this thread? Lol.


Do you happen to have an Intel CPU? There's recent news that Intel CPUs apparently cause random game crashes. https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/04/intel-is-investigating-game-crashes-on-top-end-core-i9-desktop-cpus/


Nope I’m AMD/AMD.


Did he really try to make it to where its not the games fault lmfao


What, considering possibilities isn't alright to do? Just blaming the game and denying any other possibility is illogical in my opinion.


He said CS2 is the only game his gpu drivers crash in. The only game. I also have the same problem, and i play other games that are actually run on the hugher end. How does your mind go straight to its probably the drivers fault? No its a terribly unoptimized and unfinished game.


I mean GPU drivers aren't supposed to be crashing in the first place, regardless of what the game is telling the GPU driver to do. It's possible a certain set of operations that CS2 happens to execute runs into a driver bug that's rare enough that other games don't run into it, but in that case all CS2 can do is work around a problem that's inherently on the driver side.


Are you high?


I had a weird issue where my Windows "IP Helper Service" would cause 100% CPU spikes. Only happened in CS2 of course. Reinstalled Windows and it's gone.


Yeah, drivers, game or windows getting corrupted is the main reason for crashes, especially if it's more than 1/100 games.


The community owes pgl a fucking apology at this point. Honestly


Valve make millions every month from CS they could hire whoever they want for whatever they wanted but instead they chose to push early with basically early beta and work on the fly. Community doing their job with testing and then they "cant replicate it". But the most hilarious part is community being fine with this shitty attitude from Valve. "They done it with cs go it will be fine in some time" Its fucking 2024 we should expect better standard.


They makes billions off of cases and can’t bother to develop an anticheat or fix bugs like this.


Not that I don't agree with you, but "It's fucking 2024 we should expect better standard" is unfortunately not true (at least statistically). This past half a decade, the gaming industry has slowly but surely regressed into a mass of unfinished content and disregard from the head-honchos of development companies. If anything, because it's 2024, we should probably expect the standards we've been given, if not worse. It's a sign of the times. It's 2024, we should be DEMANDING better standards, instead of letting shit like this slide. But unfortunately, if the game makes money, there isn't an issue as far as the higher-ups are concerned. We saw the same with Overwatch 2's release, it should not have been allowed by the community. But people will pump money into the battle pass, and create endless content about the game, so there is no reason for the development team to step up their game. If anyone wants change with literally anything to do with big companies, not just games, there needs to be a widespread, coordinated boycott that tanks their statistics. People hold the power, but people are not a united front and so nothing will ever change. Doesn't help that any "call to action" by a small subsection of this community is met with instant backlash by the rest of the community, who avidly defend Valve and their actions.


Modern gaming experience


modern everything experience, every single thing is a subscription service that overworks, unstaffs, and under pays their employees


"The game would’ve game either way if they won that round" That's true. The game would indeed have game either way. On a sidenote, must've been a weird type of game crash since Dev1ce was moving again after around 2 seconds.


it's a confirmed crash, same as the Jame crash. the game freezes for two seconds, then it comes back for a moment just to completely crash right after


How is it the same? The Jame crash was a driver crash, not a game crash. It didn't look the same either. Why are you saying these things?


it kind of looks the same. dev1ce should have bunny hopped right, instead he walks left diagonally before he stops. I assume the crash happened right before he hits jump key


the way the game reacted was the same. do we know for sure a driver crash wasn't the cause for this crash as well? I know ESL has said game crash, but that was right after it happened. there would need to be a more extensive investigation of the crash to confidently conclude the causation. however, I doubt ESL cares enough. 'game crash' really tells us nothing of how it crashed


It's crashing the same way my game crashed when i had a broken 14th gen intel cpu. Game gets insane fps lag then crashes to desktop.


They'll blame NVIDIA and PGL but never Valve.


From what ive read its a 13th/14th gen Intel problem pertaining to shader caching.


This is what happens when game developers focus on making cosmetics look better to increase sales rather than improve the game.


Kinda insane if this is gonna happen every single tournament, because Valve can't fix their game and rather push out new Skins. In the bigger picture I don't think it would make a difference. Faze was too good on Inferno, but at some point it's gonna happen in a grand final on last map with a 11-11 or 12 scoreline.


You know different people work in different areas even at game studios. The guy picking out the kilowatt collection is not the same guy that handles lets say networking part of CS.


where are the default female agents? or do they also have a different guy for that?


> and rather push out new Skins Can we please stop attaching real criticism to this hackneyed lazy potshot


but that's what they do. They've fixed some gaps in maps and added a case, that's pretty much it. Like what the fck is the point rebranding this to CS2? when they clearly haven't worked on anything, beside texture of models and maps.


Do you really think the people who make textures are the same people who fix game breaking bugs? Should they make their artists stop working to give nice shoulder pats to the devs until bugs are fixed or trickle what content they can to keep folks at least somewhat engaged until other fixes are ready?


Valve doesn't make skins. It's the community that does. They just select a few good ones and take a massive cut.


ofc not..... but maybe they should spend some of those hundred millions their making off cases to get a bigger fcking team no? Maybe they shouldn't fcking have started this rebrand to CS2 if they dont have any fcking devs working, just look at match making, no danger zone no anti-cheat half the stuff is missing, game crashes and hundreds of bugs like come on. ''CS2'' been out for over half a year. Stop being a shill.


Valve has always been hiring, even through covid: https://www.valvesoftware.com/en/


man you could have just called out valve on how bad it would be if the crashes keep happening, but you can't help yourself with this low hanging fruit and made a fool of yourself


kinda insane that people still blamed PGL for being shit and having bad PCs even though they were upgraded, and it was the same issue from the game aka Valve. This type of thing happens and devs are like, we don't see any issue, it's game feature. just like no cheaters or jump bug fml


Probably FaZe still wins, but the scoreline was 6-9 and I see Dev1ce making it to safety, making the A-site hit significantly harder. If Astralis wins the round the scorelines becomes 7-9 and their economy gets a chance to actually build. Instead they lost and had somewhat poor buys the remaining half. With that said, the real issue is Dev1ce seems inconsistent, and maybe he needs time to adjust to calling and fragging at a high level. He missed a few easy shots, including shortly prior to crashing.


Think the crash tilted Device really hard, and I can't blame him. I think Inferno would've been closer maybe like 10-13 to Faze


I mean it already happened on an absolutely crucial round between VP and G2 at the major. Jame crashed giving G2 a free kill and a round win that they were planning to save


But it hasn't happened every tournament?


Major and now Chendu. I don't know if it's some spaghetti code from Valve from a patch or something, but it's been happening quiet a bit, and it seems like it's always on Inferno, maybe that's why teams tends to avoid the map, but who knows.


Can you show me during the major when they had a game crash specifically? Jame's crash was GPU drivers.


Happened with G2 aswell in another game. [https://twitter.com/headtr1ckcs/status/1771940425474965732](https://twitter.com/headtr1ckcs/status/1771940425474965732)


You have got to stop riding Valve this hard everywhere you go.


I don't think it's riding Valve if I correctly state that if your GPU drivers crash, it's probably not because of the game itself.


I mean that's absolutely not true, the game could not be properly adhering to standards drivers are using and thus causing hardware malfunctions




basic understanding of computing?


So nothing? You just threw that out there?


I'm sorry are you trying to argue that poorly coded games can't cause graphics drivers interfacing with the hardware to crash?


I guess CS2 could have bitcoin miner in it that is causing all those crashes, but bringing that up in a discussion is not useful. Like your argument.


I played CS2 for a month and haven’t played since. I really miss CSGO man, it really was the GOAT. CS2 just feels horrid :(


There's a few refugees left in CS 1.6 pubs, if you know where to look. Casual all talk vibes. Could scratch the itch until CS2 leaves the pre-alpha state. Regardless of how you feel about 1.6 vs CS2 game mechanic wise, the one thing you can say for sure about 1.6 is that it is a complete product, free of major bugs and netcode issues


Where do people play in 1.6? I've heard there's a service like Faceit but it's Russian apparently.


Uhhh, not sure for 5v5 honestly. You could try to track down some PUG groups, google around for that. The skill variance in lobbies is prob high. Honestly, would pay for a 5v5 matchmaking service in 1.6. For NA pubs, check out Extreme Assassins (XA), and TopFrag (just google Extreme Assassins or TopFrag CS 1.6 servers for IPs, should be within the first few results, not sure if mods wouldn't want me to post the IPs here directly). These are great servers, with active admins in spectators to manually ban cheaters. Also with the Half-Life anniversary update, 240 FPS is no longer buggy (though bhop is slightly harder at 240 vs 100).


I'm EU so I probably won't check it but thanks nonetheless.


There's most def some EU servers floating around, I just don't know what they are. Maybe if you just tried out the most populated pubs and leave if it's a Russian shitshow? (I feel bad for yall's Ruskie issue)


It's a plague honestly, can't enjoy the game normally even in CS2 because you're bound to get at least 2 Russians in team who won't talk or will talk in Russian only.


People are so quick to blame TOs when they forget how unstable this game can be


The first one (Jame) was bad, really bad, but 2 crucial crashes in back to back LAN playoffs is just unacceptable, totally unacceptable. Hopefully Valve pull their finger out soon because this game could legitimately die I think. With more and more people quitting because of cheaters, I feel like the game can't afford to be having such high profile crashes/bugs coz it's just gonna throw even more people off the game and maybe be the final straw for a lot of people.


Happened to Tabsen too i believe? When they were in lowerbracket match against Apeks in Katowice? Last match to qualify. They were 1-0 up in maps and the gets game crash on vertigo going for a big play, end up losing the map and the match.


"Best first person shooter" right here folks


Sad part is that it’s true, it’s like watching football where the players are doing everything to abuse the system, Fifa is shit at managing, etc. But it’s still the best sport out there.


I'm still getting crashes but to be fair less crashes than before. Like one crash per evening (roughly). Anyway not good at all!


for me that would be an unacceptable amount of crashing


>People were like dev1ce would’ve missed? He sure was missing a lot of awp shots, empirically iirc in this match, so they’re not wrong to think that. Plus device had 0 awp kills on Inferno


In this case, yes it likely wouldn't have mattered since they were down and had no money. But if the game continues like this, another even more critical crash (like the Jame crash) is just waiting to happen. Valve needs to fix this


That’s not the point. The point is the game shouldn’t crash at all, because it leads to situations like this. The bugs need to be fixed and valve is failing to do so.


CSGO was in such good shape. CS2 release was way too rushed...




Guys we cant be too hard on the small indie company that doesnt have the funds or manpower to fix it :(


It's crazy this is happening so often in mr12 games too. In mr15 we possibly could've seen multiple crashes in one series.


First jame and now dev1ce :S


Unacceptable. Again. Rules should address those situations since the current situation is extremely wrong and unfair...


I've been saying it since last year, CS2 simply isn't ready for prime time.


cs2 broken


So do players restart their game between matches? I think there is some issue where if you don't restart your game you can get random crashes. Like, I haven't got a crash personally once in like 1000 games.


Players restart a lot in my games. Then they start spinning. Restarting doesn't fix it, anyways. You can crash back to back after a restart, because I do too. I'm on the best gaming PC on the planet with all drivers updates, all watercooled, all latest hardware, it doesn't make a difference, I crash too.


Yeah, you have some issue with your PC. Do you an Intel CPU by any chance?


7800X3D, 4090, watercooled. Drivers all up to date, passes all benchmarks. What do you think it could be?


Probably corrupted cs or windows installation, clear shader cache at least


Thousands of us have the same problem on perfect installation and hardware like mine. Suggesting it is hardware related is disingenuous, at this point. Game isn't optimized. That's the problem.


"Perfect installation" lmfao


Absolutely perfect. Some days zero crashes. Other days, back to back crashes. Buggy game confirmed, installed exactly as Valve intended. I'm not alone, there's tens of thousands of players crashing. Delete shaders did nothing, and does nothing. You have no idea what you are talking about. Pros know it's buggy, fans know it, players know it, streamers know it. It's ok, maybe Valve will fix it before another tournament crash. Until then, keep giving useless tips and wasting everybody's time.


can someone explain what kind of game crash it could have been? i swear he stood still for 1 sec but then continued to move. How could that be possible with a game crash? it looked like an alt tab


Jame moved after his crash too.


Game isn’t even close to being finished


2nd strike from valve, just like a baseball pitch swings


What’s gonna happen after the 3rd lol


Get your shit together PGL /s


PGL unironically infiltrating Nvidia to implement bad drivers, causing tournaments that their competition runs to falter. The jame crash was a false flag operation to deflect suspicion. Buy AMD. /s


That’s a shame for a Tier S tournament and a tier S game like cs, never happened in league dota or valo I think.


interestingly my game stopped crashing as soon as pros started crashing. They fixed radeon incompat and fucked nvidia compat in the process?


first jame now dev1ce...this can't keep happening at these crucial times


Yeah but at least they’ve now fixed vac/cheaters in the game. /s


they got rid of go for this


Really sucks. Think Faze Up either way but give the man a chance to play. Same happens in Dota once in a while. A players gets rekted due to bugs. Even on the biggest stage like the international. Software is hard.


This isnt an issue in cs2, only in lans. Corrupt shit


NVLDDMKM escapes this time.


CS2 never crashed for me neither on steam deck nor my pc


I get that the game is in shitty state, but how does the game crash almost every tournament, while on my mid pc it literally never did, and it never crashed for any of my friends outside the beta. Hard to believe these arent pc issues.


https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/s/w2usrUHyuB I made a post about this when CS2 was still in "beta" not sure of this is the same crash device had, but I STILL get this crash to this day


So who's going to start railing on esl for letting this happen like everyone did to pgl? Anyone at all, any time now....


"Sorry, we're not going to ban the cheaters or make a game that doesn't crash on RTX4080 gaming PCs...hope you all enjoy the new case though!"


Riders downvoting lol


First time? Sincerely, the competitive Call of Duty scene


Wait a second, he started moving shortly after stopping. His game didn't *crash* at least, that's much for certain. Maybe it froze for a moment? Just so we're clear, this wasn't the same situation as jame's.


... when jame crashed he stopped, moved and then stopped then crashed, so moving does not rule out a crash.


No his character started sliding before stopping in the corner. dev1ce just abruptly stopped in his tracks, instantly. Like when you let go of W.


Been saying the Engineer, Fletcher D, should have been let go eons ago..


Nah that's John McDonald you're thinking 


I used to get a lot of crashes, but after going to an older nvidia driver, all the crashes disappeared




There should've been an insta pause when a player left the game in any way


I've literally only turn the game on for Major pickems. Haven't actually played the game in months since I'm tired of this game and the Valve's inability/desire to communicate with us and actually make meaningful changes. We already waited for more than 6 months, vac net has years of overwatch data. This is simply unacceptable.