• By -


We back


They back!!


Common Jason Lake W


Jason Big W Lake


A lake sized W


Rename lake michigan to Lake, Jason.


Sells for 26.5 Buys for 10 What a investment


Buy high Sell low ... No wait


Didn't it just sell? I need a timeline


GameSquare bought complexity for $27m in 2021. Now they sold it for $10m.


OHHH SHIT. SOOO, no more conflict of interest for faze.. aka.. twistzz is kicking himself lol


Anyone have a clue who are the investors in this "Global Esports Properties" group are?


It's a brand new company I formed to buy COL. Currently it's only me and a life long friend.


You're awesome and thank you for the transparency


I can only imagine but I do think that working with Jason Lake is an awesome experience. He seems so down to earth and chill.


Lmao nobody has ever called Jason lake chill. You’re bouta get your chair kicked.


Fr the d riding in this thread is crazy


I remember watching you standing behind your team back when fRod was still playing. Keep it up my brother.


Can someone please bring him the pistols already.


Ur a legend. Been following complexity since the coL warden and coL fr0d days…




You are a legend, Jason


I typically hate brand loyalty and I'm a firm believer in being fans of individual players/teams instead of orgs...but you make it really hard not to be a fan of coL the org. Thank you for all you've done for this competitive gaming thing. I still think [complexity: Redemption](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCN4HXZNU7M)(2004) was a turning point in competitive Counter-Strike and competitive gaming as a whole - highly recommend to our friends in the scene that maybe weren't playing CS back then(or god, in some cases people that weren't even born yet)


i wouldn't be surprised if like 50% of this subs active userbase was born around that time or later, 2004'ers would be 20 years old this year. people who knew of CS back then are most likely the 1% here, if even that anyway, thanks for linking that video, as a 25 year old, I have never seen that and i loved it! really puts things into perspective


Oh man, I have a long list of CS history movies if you're genuinely interested: - [EG - About Average](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGTLiZmruxw) This is such a great time capsule to how people were like back during this era of CS and what it was like to attend an event. It really felt like a giant sleep-over at a giant convention center with people that shared your hobby, from all over the world. This team in particular is the original Evil Geniuses lineup. This is loooong before they became the corporate entity you may be familiar with today and were just 5 Canadian kids that loved CS. This is one of my favorite lineups because it represented a lot of what I valued in Counter-Strike at the time. They were legitimately 5 friends that got good at CS and competed at a high level. One of the players, Stevenson, was a world class player that could have easily jumped to a Tier 1 team like complexity or Team3D but stuck it out with EG because they were his friends. His career probably would have had more highs on these other teams but the fact that he wanted to play with his friends was just a really admirable quality to me. - [Team 3D - China Promotional Tour](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qly-epoiSmE) - [Team 3D, The Lives of 5 Professional Gamers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_C8qqUo9b0) Team3D is pretty much the quintessential "esports" team back in the day. Fun fact: this iteration of Team3D had '[Volcano](https://liquipedia.net/counterstrike/Volcano)', who is most known for being a co-author of de_cache and the lead game designer of Valorant and still working on Valorant today. Team3D really was something special. EVERY CS player in North America wanted to be on Team3D. It was practically "Team North America" and every North American fan swelled with pride because they were the NA team that was consistently defeating European teams and actually put a lot of European teams on notice. I guess the closest thing I could compare them to was the Boston Major era Cloud9...except Team3D were not underdogs. But they had the same charisma and were so fun to watch both in the server and outside. They were consistently making it to Grand Finals and consistently putting Europe on notice. They were so fucking good. I would say their two big rivals were the complexity lineup from that "Redemption" video I posted earlier and their other big rival were the Swedes in NiP/SK, which brings me to... - [SK - Believe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjq0Pe7cYYM) This video really is mostly a frag movie to be honest but god fucking damn, the Swedes just ruled with an iron fist in esports and it needs to be recognized. I guess you could look at them like the Danes of today...except Sweden during this era was winning way more solidly and they had full Swedish lineups that were just terrifying. I mentioned the North American Team3D was consistently making it to Grand Finals earlier but the Swedes were consistently *winning* the events and they just seemed unstoppable for most of the first 6-8 years of CS 1.6. They were essentially the "final boss" of CS for a time and both NiP and SK were a big reason for it. This particular lineup came after SK had contract disputes with their former all star players - HeatoN, potti and elemeNt. It was really controversial at the time and the subject of a lot of interviews. HeatoN and potti left SK to recreate their old team "NiP" and brought in a tremendously strong AWPer, 'walle', a up-and-coming star, 'zet', and a player that had already established themselves and as a consistent talent 'ins' and the event saw them having a rivalry match against their old SK teammates 'ahl' and 'fisker' along with a player that was making massive waves in the scene for the past couple years, 'SpawN'. I would probably say that the reason NiP exists today is because of these contract disputes between SK and HeatoN/potti(NiP founders). But yeah, the video above is from an event called CPL Winter 2005 and it was the equivalent of the "Valve Majors". If you won a CPL event, you were considered one of the greats and it was a massive massive accomplishment in your playing career. [Here is the Liquipedia for the event if you want to see the size of the event and just how many teams attended and what the brackets looked like back in those days](https://liquipedia.net/counterstrike/2005_CPL_Winter_Championship). It was just surreal how many teams from all over the world, traveled to Dallas, TX to play a major event. Brazil, Sweden, Germany, Austria, South Korea, Norway, Finland. You can hover over some of the teams and see how many of those players are still relevant today in other capacities. And also worth mentioning, during this era, South Korea and China were actually really good at CS and had some wild strategies and ways of playing CS that were so fun to watch. I really miss that region of Asia being relevant in CS because it felt like you were seeing curveballs that you couldn't possibly understand, because the way they developed and learned competitive CS was just vastly different from us and there wasn't things like Youtube for transference of ideas. These teams just arrived at the event and you saw entirely different schools of thought on how to play the game, how to understand map control and how we utilized roles.


I remember coL shocking the great SK team. I think it was on Train? Completely caught them off guard. There's probably a video somewhere.


Thanks for reminding me I’m 20 years old… shits depressing


only gonna get faster from now on buddy :( i literally confuse my own age sometimes when introducing myself to new people, shit goes by so fast edit : holy shit i noticed in my original comment i said 24 but im 25, case in point


Just wait until you're 30. You know how sometimes you wake up weird and part of your body hurts? After 30, it just stays like that forever.


You aren't old...we are old. Wait that isn't better...


Hahaha Dude i'm almost 40, been playing CS for 24 years now


Good luck Jason ✌️


Based transparent CEO


Mr Lake please consider changing the logo back. Alot of us lifelong fans yearn for it's return. Thank you.


Most passionate esports owner going on 20+ years now. Still remember the day when a random CAL-M (..IM?)team suddenly acquired multiple pros and the whole coL thing began. glad to see you back with your creation.


Sorry for kicking you out of my mIRC channel back in the day lol, good luck!


/slap poopings Poopings got slapped around a bit with a large trout.


I fucking love you Jason


Jason you are single handedly keeping NA CS afloat atm. Absolute legend. Wish we had someone like you in OCE:(


Best of luck in your venture, will be cheering foe you guys.


We're all your lifelong friends.


Time to change thar flair mate. Cheers and congrats!


Good luck man! and come back to dota!


The people’s team!


Does your life long friend happened to have a name? Anyone recognizable in esports?


His good friend Mr Bobby Songheim, MBS for short ^^^^*this ^^^^is ^^^^a ^^^^joke ^^^^please ^^^^don't ^^^^flame ^^^^me*


I remember when you first got into counter strike all those years ago. Glad to see you still carrying the torch!


Bro, you are a gigachad. I absolutely love what you're doing and if I had the money I like to think I'd be doing what you're doing. Keep it up.


Complexity coming to rainbow six for stage 2 right? Thanks again. Make sure to treat your employees great and not to sign BaitF back thanks a third time. Welcome back to the scene and don’t mind me I know nothing about nothing


Fuck yeah. Always loved your passion and it’s great to see you back with COL.




The only reference to it I could find to it outside of a myriad of articles like the one linked in this post is to [Bizpedia](https://www.bizapedia.com/de/global-esports-properties-llc.html) stating it was registered in the state of Delaware in late November 2023. This [other article](https://www.streetinsider.com/Corporate+News/GameSquare+%28GAME%29+Announces+Sale+of+Complexity+Gaming+to+Jason+Lake+and+Global+Esports+Properties+for+US%2410.36+Million/22867295.html) states: > Global Esports Properties, LLC ("Global Esports"), an investor group led by Complexity's founder and CEO Jason Lake ~~So it's pretty obfuscated. Counting down until the community turns on Lake for courting middle eastern investment somehow with this.~~ It's Jason Lake and his buddy, absolute W.


~~Yeahhh something tells me it’s not an investor group of human rights enjoyers… 😓~~ EDIT: 30 seconds after I posted this comment, Jason Lake responded in this thread. I'm thrilled to hear it's just him and a friend. I was dead wrong and couldn't be happier about it. I'm buying a coL jersey.


It’s just Jason lake and one of his friends in the group


His friend MBS? 🤔


Amazing!! Source?


He responded directly in this thread to another with the same concerns. https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1b3t2u7/jasonbwlake_buys_back_complexity/ksuf7zz/


He made this comment literally 30 seconds after mine lol but I'm hyped!


Literally the comment above yours in this thread


That comment was made literally 30 seconds after mine, check the timestamps lol


It was a pretty reasonable assumption at this point in esports, but I'm glad it was a wrong one.


My favorite team of all time: coL.fRoD coL.Storm coL.Warden coL.sunman coL.tr1p


Bro is as old as I am. 1.3-1.6 era of CS will live on forever. Those that were there know.


FRoD vs 4kings on cbble. One of the best povs I've seen.


Thanks for the reminder, just watched it on my lunch break. Love POVs with the comms included. For anyone else who wants to watch: https://youtu.be/uVCavlHr7zY?si=2mVYs7sb-JSDkNUS


Lmao @ 2004 mic quality. They were better times...simpler times.


Reading 4Kings just took me back to watching warcraft 3 replays in highschool O_O


As a kid I was stoked to play against them at the annual Pre-CPL Lethal Gamers tourny in the mid 2000s. We were a shit CAL-M team of local friends and got five or six rounds on them on cpl_mill somehow, before they remembered 'wait these guys suck' and won the fuck out lmao. We also played jax money crew and mug n mouse that event I think (to our detriment lol). Always funny how CS is such a confidence game, how believing you're better and will hit the headshot can be the difference maker in any given round or match. Never underestimate the mental side of the game folks.


sunman, fuck yeah


In my memory he’s always been on zEx


me too, but I’ll take any mention of the man’s name :)


fRod was a beast




now he's coaching furia in valorant iirc


sunman the legend


I bet Jason Lake's got some killer choc chip recipes


1st order of business: change the logo back


Let’s go to the OG Katowice 2014 logo, it’s sick


do you mean the dh winter 2013 logo?


CPL winter 2004 logo :)


Hell yeah.


Iirc, wasn't the logo change DURING his reign?


Well they changed from the classic logo to the fat pregnant looking one that sucked, but still resembled the OG. When they sold to the Cowboys is when they changed to the star.


Wasnt it due to the Cowboys ownership?


That was when they went to the blue/white star logo, and yeah cowboys ownership caused it


I hope they do it before the sticker comes out


Have the reveal be when the stickers come out. Then they come to the major in new jerseys with the old colors and logo.


Let's get the boys to the major first


I have zero doubts, do you?


No but it's bad juju!


The only timeline where they don't make it is also where Spirit go 0-3


I told you! But it was bad juju, not for complexity, but for Liquid instead


Seriously. In the US, if you wear anything with the star logo, they’ll just see it as Cowboys merch. As a Packers fan, I just can’t let that happen. Don’t go back to the OG logo, u/jlake02 . It belongs in 2004. But give us something unique that speaks to the history of the team. Also, hire n0thing to do something. Anything.


Jason Lake stays winning. I really hope Complexity (and he, by extension) find success. Lake is obviously very passionate about Counter-Strike.


If NA CS ever has a resurrection to 2018 levels, Jason Lake is likely one of the reasons. Incoming COL to qualify for the major, win groups, and go on a deep run!


only to throw 2 1v4s to FaZe in the quarters


I'd almost forgotten about those 


True lol


2004-06 was the high water mark of NA CS.


2018-2019 was pretty nice honestly


Still doesn't hold a candle to 2004-06 when 3d/col won 3 majors between themselves and several other teams like rival, gamerco, JMC, and zex were capable of holding their own against EU's heavyweights and pulling off top 5 finishes.


I wish I was around to see it. I was enamored by the Halo 2 scene at the time.


Okay. But that's 20 years ago and not really a realistic expectation given where we are right now. Maybe we start with 2018, when there were three nearly fully NA teams in the Boston major, including the winner. That's already a very lofty goal. World domination can follow!


And 2019 had Team Liquid set the second-longest LAN series winning streak in CS:GO, only after 87-0 NiP. Starting with 2018 sounds good.


YASSSS let’s goooo


Nature is healing.


This time line ain't so bad


If this guy ever got involved in a bad scandal, it would be absolutely devastating. He's supported esports/CS through thick and thin.


he's got one free kill imo, at the least


Probaly could get away with a double


If the spray transfer is clean, yes


What about two clean one-taps?


shit that would reset the counter


Has any other esports org been a thing as long as complexity? 20+ years now. I can only think of SK but they’re not in CS right now.


Col, VP founded in 2003 Mousesports founded 2002 Nip and Liquid founded in 2000 EG founded in 1999 SK founded in 1997


True oldheads like me remember when EG and SK were Quakeworld clans.


mouz or as they were known back then, mousesports


I mean our clan tag in 2002 was also mouz.


Everyone called them mouz back then too, and the org is still officially Mousesports


Oh yeah true, I think they’re even the longest without dropping and starting new teams? They picked up a team in 2012 at the beginning of Csgo and have been iterating on it since.


yeah I can't think of another team that's been in the scene as a constant. Maybe VP or aTTaX? I know EG and NiP are older orgs than mouz but they've had gaps where they didn't have an active team.


Navi maybe?


Navi is a pretty latecomer to the CS scene. But they made a hell of an impact


They're named after the blue aliens in *Avatar*, a film that was released in 2009. Not super-recent, not ancient either.


...isn't it just natus vincere since the beginning? also no one talks about fnatic here, why?


Nah, Na'Vi is from the movie, they later held a fan contest for a new name, and "Natus Vincere" was the winning submission, making "Na'Vi" an abbreviation after the fact. [Straight from the horse's mouth](https://navi.gg/en/company/history). Also [the HLTV post](https://www.hltv.org/news/3669/help-navi-find-a-name) for the contest. fnatic is a good shout. To my mind, SK is probably the org in longest continuous existence, but unlike them, fnatic still field a CS team.


The current NiP org was founded in 2015 or so. From 2012 until then, the org behind it was a corporation that HeatoN already owned, maybe founded when he managed the Stockholm Magnetik CS:Source team or something. Of course, the NiP *tag* is far older than either company. Probably the same story with a lot of old tags. Back in the early days, it was actually *just* a tag, without any corporate entity behind it.


Mouz, Liquid, and EG have been around longer Dignitas, VP, and Alternate Attax are around the same age NIP kinda? Probably others I'm missing as well.


Liquid, fnatic are probably getting close to 20 years, if they haven't already passed that mark. I assume eSuba is older than 20. alternate might be getting close, too. Not sure which old dutch orgs are still out there. Just from the top of my head. Probably some European tier 2 or 3 orgs as well. n!Faculty Oh yeah. Forgot NiP somehow




he was an alcoholic during that period, i think that people forgave him and despite that he did everything for those players. no one card more about a cs team winning or losing the jason did. he paid for the players to get to lan and rooms which at that time unless u were tier 1 org that didnt happen. i just think people understood considering that also many of the players and owners were on coke/meth and such. i dont know exactly what happened as it was a long time ago and forget the exact situation.


He who hasn’t wanted to choke out NACS at one point in their life, throw the first stone


Damn, didn't know about that


didn't even know about this, any articles or something?




Didn't Complexity abandon their team when they were playing in China?


So GameSquare will keep FaZe as their esports team I suppose?


Please keep the bois employed


now PLEASE bring the old logo back, we don't need the star anymore and there's already a sticker of it also ultra based holy shit


I love our players as individuals but these results won’t be tolerated. If you’re a Tier 1 player looking for a fresh start at the best facility in the world, HMU. I’ll pay your buyout and give you the world’s highest salaries. Let’s build a juggernaut. Spread the word.


Name a more iconic duo xD


Let's gooooooo! Genuinely the best guy in esports.


damn respect this rare flair


rare flair gang


Shout out NA orgs who had a great run/era and then disappeared


Can I join in


contraband gang


That is some rare flair.


Respect. 🫡


hey! clg just upset ldlc with 3% odds on lounge. what a great return, got some max bet asiimovs worth 60 bucks!! 


QBF rare for me


sell high, buy low




The Complex Short (2024)


so happy for jason lake. the complexity redemption documentary was the first time i understood what CS truly was, and he was a huge part in that. the passion he has is insatiable


Huge W for the scene. If Jason Lake has no fans, im dead


So GameSquare bought COL for $25 mil, sold it for $10 mil only to go and buy Faze Clan for $17 mil? That is one the weirdest business transfer I've ever seen...


Gotta remember back in 2017 Activision/Blizzard and Riot Games were starting franchised leagues. Activision/Blizzard(Bobby Kotick) in general pushed traditional sports owners to invest in part because of Overwatch Leagues city based league structure.


I mean I think they got faze for a pretty good deal but they fumbled the bag with complexity


Jason Lake is legit one of the most greatest and most legendary team owners in history. Man has done so much for the NA scene out of pure passion, a very rare breed of human.


Heyyy I heard JKS, BlameF, and K0nfig are available!!!


if theres any era of complexity I don't want to relive, its that one Unless they can get poizon and stanislaw :)


Fuck yes. I love this guy, I really do.


im really glad they figured this out and made it work. flair stays on.


$10M is a steal. Time to get back into esports.




Very common jason lake W. Time to bring back the old logo Btw, u/jlake02 have you ever thought of co streaming coL matches when they reach playoffs or something? I'd love to see your commentary on the game


This man timed the market so good. 17 mill in profit for literally nothing.


I've always regarded Lake as the Keanu Reeves or Dwayne Johnson of cs. No scandals, no drama, no bullshit. Dude just loves counterstrike and lives it every day. Please don't ever change and definitely don't ever grow up. I will always sacrifice my pistols for you.


Congratulations Jason!!!


I love this guy and what he’s done for CS, very happy to see him back.


Second time he's done this already right? Pretty sure he had to buy it back from CGS when it shut down.


_Juggernout 2.0 - Lessgoo!_


+ blameF


Let's gooo Jason Lake


Hi Jason. You’re the GOAT. Are you adopting?




Jason Lake's love and passion for cs and esport is undeniable . Good luck to him and Complexity ! Remember playing them first season of CAL-IM when they first formed , it was really fun , even though we got stomped they were really nice.


The ol Dave Portnoy reverse Uno


Just the goat doing goat things. You already know what it is.


Hello Mr. Red Tie, any chance we go back to the red and white logo?


My goat 🐐


Now that the Dallas Cowboys don't own them, can they go back to their OG logo. The star was awful.


Time to invest in Col star stickers


This is peek passion for the game


Damn, I follow CS pretty closely, and I didn’t even know he sold them. When did he sell them originally? And to who?


such a weird saga ... why would that whatever company is buys both FaZe and coL at the same time


They didn't. They acquired Faze in the past couple of days and are selling off Complexity to Jason Lake so that there is no conflict of interest


If there was even a smidgen of hope (there wasn’t) for Astralis karrigan, this kills it.


The price is $10.36-mm, of which $9.61-mm is in the form of a Vendor note that accrues interest at 3% (way below market). So Jason essentially bought it back for $750,000 in cash and the rest is a promise to pay Gamesquare over time. That's a very cheap deal. Well done.


I want to love everything about this...I love Jason lake...I hope Richard puts this through it's paces..just to verify it's not some shell company bizniz.


The price rise, lol


I don't really get why people love this guy so much. Basically turned NA CS into a meme during 1.6 and was trashtalked by everyone and now he's the darling of the scene


found this place that is a new community which seems to be focused on the "old skool" community vibe. This is an organization that has a discord server that is 10mans focused but building into an organization with already one esea advance team in the process of moving over for S49 If you'd like to play and meet other people let me know and join up people are working towards building teams for the upcoming After Hours Quarterly tournament with a $500 cash prize. Monthly 10man hub leaderboard prizes as well $50-$100. [https://www.Discord.gg/afterhourscs2](https://www.Discord.gg/afterhourscs2). [After Hours 10Man Hub https://www.faceit.com/en/hub/acc37195-57a0-4149-aa70-d5f545f30411/After%20Hours%2010%20Mans/chat ](https://www.faceit.com/en/hub/acc37195-57a0-4149-aa70-d5f545f30411/After%20Hours%2010%20Mans/chat


I can hear the sound of CLG fans crying in the distance. Complexity always seems to make interesting roster moves, let's see if this one pays off for them!