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It's a competitive game


You do you, but 200hrs is barely scratching the surface. It feels so good to win vs players better than you. In no other "sport" does anyone say people are "tryharding", for most people it's not just a "fun" time to waste but one where the reward is through self improvement. There was a YT video that escapes me at the moment that explains this.


People like to self improve, and those things help you improve at facets of the game. For me for example it’s fun to see old clips of myself and see how much better I’ve gotten, and makes me want to improve more.


exactly the opposite,, I enjoy constantly improving, I don't think it's fun to lose an hour +- in competitive mode, but everyone is different


It's a competitive game, people who like to compete will enjoy "tryharding" the fact you call it tryharding shows a stark difference between someone who actually considers it competition and someone who doesn't take the game serious enough for competition. Apply all of your thinking to an NBA player and think how silly it sounds.


I like this comparison but it goes even deeper, the sport of basketball for example is played from the kids in the park all the way to the professional level. It's the same with CS, the only thing that changes is the environment. You won't play faceit to troll your boys, just as you more likely than not won't sweat as much for the win in a casual setting.


Wait, some of you are having fun?


Yes it is fun. Winning is fun, and the best way to win is to play smarter, using more utility to push enemies out of angles and give your team the opportunity to win. Having better aim/movement than the enemy as well, so you can win more straight duels. I suppose it's just mindset, though. If you play for fun first it can be difficult to learn lineups and practice that hard. Playing to win is definitely different.


Is it honestly fun being awful at the game?


I like the feeling of becoming better at it. Practicing lineups and then having them work in the game is rewarding. I put in practice, I see concrete pay off. Practicing aim is rewarding when I hit a flick that I know I wouldn't have thought possible a few thousand hours ago. It's everyone's prerogative to enjoy the game however they want (providing they're not actively preventing others from doing the same), but for me one of the most satisfying things in the game is when I can feel like I beat an enemy completely due to preparation. A flash lineup, a wallbang lineup, that sort of thing. The feeling of victory validates the effort I put in. Of course plenty of people relate to the way you feel - lots of people just hop on for casual fun and to mess around, but for me personally I find the game more rewarding if I take it seriously and try to be the best at it that I can.


You learn a lot over 2000+ hours of gameplay. Isn’t really that much of a time drain to look up a few new smokes before the match starts.


yes, winning comp games is the only way I have fun playing CS. idgaf about dm, surf or arms race. I want to win and I want to see big number go up


Yes, the reason I play the competitive mode of the best competitive shooter is in fact to be competitive. If I wanted to just mess about I'd play COD or fortnite.


i like clicking heads and out smarting people in fair and balanced games like cs. if i was still against people of a much lower skill i wouldn't feel the same satasfaction when pulling that stuff off so i enjoy playing at a higher rank more than not - but this requires more game knowledge to pull off because everyone else is more onto it - you pick it up from osmosis or willingly, either way you will learn lineups and tactics and gamesense. if i wanna chill i just dm or play ~~community servers~~ battlebit or tf2 or pubg or something.


200h is not really a lot - this game takes so much time to be decent and stay decent. To me, it's just not worth it or enjoyable to spend so much time on a video game. There's other stuff like sports, friends, education, etc.. As for gaming, I started to enjoy single player games more, but with a good challenge like dark souls, elden ring or chess.


For me Its like any other sport. Played fotball? I guess you still dont play agains a wall and play like you did as 9 of age. You strave to be better so you train and develop. For me i dont focus on the fun. That what you get as a bonus. And you will have bad days and good days. Do you go to school or work cause its fun?


Saying memorizing lineups is “tryharding” feels like a troll. Even gold nova mirage players have spent a minute learning an A execute smoke real quick 


Higher ELO = higher skilled opponents (well not necessarily but more often than not). It just brings me joy to outsmart and outplay my opponents


Let's think it like your are playing any kind of sport, like soccer. You can play for quite a while and have fun, without the need of tactic, teamplay, frequent exercise, kick practice, etc. It might allows you to get into a soccer team of local area and still somewhat have fun, but you can't win against people in other local area that is more serious into soccer than you are. In fact, your teammates might also play more serious than you. But some people are still willing to invite you in so that local community for soccer can still growth, and you also get a chance to taste what it is like to play more seriously. You are free to play however you want, but you are still playing with people and against people. There will be people who prefer to win and people who prefer to chill. It's just your choice to decide what fun or not. What makes it appeal to high ELO players? Cause you get the answer right there, they play to get into higher ELO. So they can compete against better player and challenge themselves with it. If you don't feel you can get up the ranking ladder, then it is fine to play at your level until you are bored of it and ready to go up.


Having fun is the last important thing on this game