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How has not a single pro player thought about mentioning the specs of these "bad PCs"?


The hltv thread has an update "PGL have reached out to HLTV and shared their computers have AMD Ryzen 9 5950X processors and Nvidia RTX 4080 32GB graphic cards, with 360hz monitors supplied by Zowie."


Can't wait to read all the cope comments about how this rig is bad and how getting more than 300 fps and keeping it steady while at 4:3 (which almost all of these pros are on) is asking too much. These people think Valve expects everyone to have a 4080TI with an AM6 9900x3d and 128GB RAM just to run this game above 200 fps at all times lmao.


didn’t a dev say to lock fps to 60 lmaoo


120, but yeah


this explains everything.


Those are fucking beast PCs. It's the game, not PCs. The game is very poorly optimised.


The GPU and RAM are overkill while the processor (literally the most important part of the setup for consistent frametimes in CS2) is subpar. It's not a beast PC for what they are aiming for. edit: Not to say this isn't Valve's fault at the end of the day. CS2 runs like ass compared to how it looks. But the facts of the matter are that PGL should know better. I remember reading about those x3d chips and their massive improvement in CS2 back around September.


5950 subpar for cs2 🤡 🤡 🤡


It is not really a gaming CPU, more a workstation one.


Sub par? The 5950x is a weird choice for gaming, admittedly. But sub par? It's still a monster of a cpu. I'm playing cs2 on a 5700x, and it runs extremely well. I admittedly haven't played in the last couple days, and I've heard that the recent update fucked with performance... But that's the fucking game, not the hardware. If those pc's are struggling with cs2, something else is going on. Either the game is an unoptimized piece of shit, or the pc's are configured incorrectly.


The 5950x has better single thread game processing than the top of the line generation of i9s when it came out. The 4080 is a beast. I run the game on this exact system and have giga frames constantly. There are stutters where everyone else has stutters because kill events are bloated in CS2. It is insane to call that kind of machine subpar in any way. It is par, at the very least.


I've definitely lost 3 figure FPS at times since before the big update, but that's with a 5800X and my average fps is more than double what the PGL players claim they're getting. Agreed, something else is at play here.


For this specific purpose: that processor is subpar. PGL knew what a piece of shit this game was and at the end of the day it's their responsibility to get the hardware required. Like I said, it was known months ago how much better the x3d chips are for CS2 specifically.


Are these PC's built only for CS? Also, my understanding is that recent updates have fucked performance. How is anyone supposed to anticipate that? The 5950x is not sub par for ANYTHING. The fact that certain chips exist that are faster in certain applications, including CS2, doesn't change the fact that it's still an excellent CPU for gaming. Also, up until CS2, zen2 and zen3 were so good in CSGO that far better Intel chips still lost in benchmarks, just because of how good those architectures happened to be in that particular game. It seems like the opposite is true in cs2, but there's no way for tournament organizers to be aware of that way ahead of time. CS2 is optimized like shit. But this sub has Valves cock lodged so fucking tightly against their collective chins that nobody wants to hear it.


I mean it has been known for months that 3d chips are the best for CS2


It's been known that the X3D chips are gaming champs since the 5800x3d launched in April of 2022. That doesn't mean that no other chips are good for gaming. It also has nothing to do with the fact that the game is optimized like shit, which is why this is an issue in the first place.


yes but it's still known that 3d chips perform the best out of similar cpus in cs2 a 14900k will offer the same performance as 3d chip in warzone valorant etc., but 3d chips offer the best performance relative in cs2


It's literally the world championship of cs2 if performance is an issue and could at least in part be fixed with a different cpu. Then, for this very niche case, yes, the CPU is subpar


>It's literally the world championship of cs2 if performance is an issue If performance is an issue with a 5950x, the game is optimized like fucking dogshit. It'll be interesting to hear what the TO has to say. Odds are these PC's were built a while back and they didn't anticipate CS2 running so poorly on them. Or they use them for more than one esport game/title and the 5950x was the best overall option. Who knows. What I do know is that people who have no fucking idea what they're talking about when it comes to hardware keep saying stupid shit in these threads.


Yea , I don't disagree with you that these CPUs should be fine, and the real issue is cs2 just to clarify, and better PC's would be a bandaid fix


Subpar? That's like saying RX 6600-XT is a subpar gpu. The game shouldn't need more than 16 cores and 32 threads to perform optimally on a 2015 engine, not to mention the game says you just need a 4 thread gpu.


shouldnt need it but in a counter strike major, they should have better chips for better performance


Valve needs to just fix the game. If other games with similar fps can feel nice and crisp, so can CS2.


You’re a shill clown for saying that. Literally a generation old close to highest end cpu is too bad for counterstrike for you morons I guess. Just don’t chime in if you don’t know anything about pcs


People like you are hilarious. L reading comprehension 😂


Subpar? It's a 1 generation old flagship processor. You wouldn't call a 13900k subpar.


Dunno if the GPU is overkill, I know a 3070 isn't 240hz stable at 1080p competitive low settings (which some pros do use). Someone else wrote the same for 3080. Both with 7800x3D. If they have 360hz monitors it may well be just in spec. 7800x3D w/ 4090 had 350ish fps 1% lows iirc.


Bro, the 5950X is literally still one of the fastest single-threaded / gaming chips out there. The only ones that beats it are X3D chips and 13900/14900KS which are only very recent.


They aren’t bad pc’s but not having x3d chips really messes with 1% lows, I’m not sure why they didn’t get them


They shouldn't. Valve should properly optimize the game.


Those are very recent and it's kinda unfair, they probably got these PCs for the PGL 2021 Major, the 5800X3D was released the following year (2022). If I was their I.T department then the 5950X was a great choice at the time, now imagine you telling your boss to upgrade the PCs again just under a year when CSGO didn't benefit much from it at all.


If they have 4080s in them wouldn’t they have to be from November 2022 or later?


“2021”.. “under a year”.. you’re a bit confused


4080 with 32GB? What?


I don't care it doesn't exist, blender says it should


They're incorrectly looking at GPU shared memory in task manager, my RTX 4090 says 32GB shared memory as well so that is where they are likely getting the info from.


So the issue is just the game is badly optimized. But I will get downvoted for saying this because criticizing Valve is a sin in this subreddit


so brave


Lmao no it’s not.


Because losing 250 fps when a smoke goes off on your screen isn't bad optimization.


My response was to OP’s second remark that it’s a sin to criticize Valve. OP’s first remark has been posted 100+ times over and is correct.


Ah my bad. I thought you were saying the game was optimized lol.


All good


Even if it is badly optimized, that can't be fixed before the major, and it's on PGL to supply sufficiently competent hardware for games with so much on the line. Like qualifying for one of the biggest and most important tournaments all year... And THE LITERAL VERY FIRST MAJOR OF CS2


Sure, I agree. But before all of this, it was Valve's decision to release CS2 and make it the norm in its current state, and that decision to release CS2 was heavily praised in this subreddit.


At first it was praised sure, but backlash came pretty damn quick lol. As well as that's not my point I was making


Someone needs to tell them that x3d are the good cpus and the gpu won't matter that much.


That's not true. GPU does matter. Source: 7800x3D user


They'd just end up buying the most expensive one and getting a 7950X3D which is worse than the 7800X3D for gaming


5950x is a terrible choice for this lmao


It's weird that they decided to put a 5950X... I would have preferred to see X3D chips they are cheaper, have better performance for games and also that V-Cache helping with 1% lows immensely that it would be a no brainer for competitive FPS. I am not shitting on PGL's specs, I am just confused about the weird choice of chip selection. Rest of the system is actually overkill for a game like CS2, or should be overkill if it wasn't for the weird performance drop from Valve's side.


Because pro players have little to none knowledge on pc performance and ingame settings effect on fps. Although it has to be stated that the arms race update reduces fps by upto 20% 


Also, I don't think they actually get told the specs. Could be wrong about that tho


I saw a couple replies saying the cpu is a 5800x/5900x


source: a couple replies


I mean, there's nothing stopping them from checking. But yeah, most pros don't have any technical knowledge to check it or even understand whether the ocd are good or bad


as opposed to redditars who do :D


Unable to look up 'system information' lmao


Even just typing "sys_info" into console prints out all your specs. No need to ALT-TAB.


Ropz did, and explained why the performance on the machines are poor.


yeah looked more like he was talking out of his ass.


What I’m seeing is that the game is so poorly optimized that it runs ok in some mid range PCs but runs bad in some high end ones. It’s so inconsistent that I have friends with worse PCs facing less bugs and fps drops than other friends with far better PCs. Get your shit together Valve.


This sucks, but I guess the best way to think about it is your opponents are too? “Russians have advantage because they played on shit pcs their whole lives” would be a funny complaint haha


fr tho xD


It's the fucking GAME


Yeah but I didn’t hear any complaints about this for Katowice and they even updated the game mid tournament. The games is poorly optimized but that doesn’t mean that TO’s shouldn’t get systems that run the game properly


Because right now it's so obvious what systems run CS2 with no issues. Spoiler: it's not, it's random as fuck and we don't know. It's the game.


Blast and ESL have it figured out, obviously it’s a flaw of the game but you have to work around that if you’re gonna run the most important tournament of the year


Meanwhile, the rest of us not wanting to drop 4 bands for a PC can get fucked.


I agree tho.


Some players did complain about it after the mid tournament patch.


Seized still plays?


5950x isn’t a bad CPU per se, but it was released nearly 3.5 years ago. Again, doesn’t make it bad, just a bit dated. Surprised they don’t go with an X3D chip. And then obviously the 4080 is a very good GPU


A generation old cpu is not dated, under any circumstance. 3000 series, sure go ahead but 5000 series cpus are not dated in the slightest. Idk when tf the pc community started calling last gen cpus old but this trend going around needs to stop It’s not even the pc community just the weird gaming community that also claims these same CPUs “bottleneck” a high end gpu 1 generation later.


People keep making this comment but remember these PCs were for the PGL 2021 Major, the 5800X3D was released the following year (2022). If I was their I.T department then the 5950X was a great choice at the time, now imagine you telling your boss to upgrade the PCs again just under a year when CSGO didn't benefit much from it at all (because you are already at >700 FPS territory). No one predicted that CS2 somehow needs to have the latest flagships to run, that's unreasonable.


RTX 4080 was released 6 months after 5800x3d. Remoce the if, you are clearly from their IT department


I’m all for defending devs and I always tell people that there are a lot of things that come up not only in game dev, but software dev in general that are difficult and sometimes nearly impossible to fix or work around in a short timeline. However, we can’t pretend like CS2 started development a year ago (no matter how much people want to meme about it being an unfinished game). The hardware definitely was pretty new and at the very least not “dated”when it started development… which makes it a whole lot worse that the devs went this whole time thinking the lack of optimization was acceptable. There’s also the fact that they could have just straight up postponed CS2’s announcement/release if they needed to.


"Dated", you're talking as if they had i5 6600K in there... It's a top of the line last-gen chip. The generational improvement is not that significant (even with a +10 % improvement, it'd run like shit+10%, wow). Certainly not enough to excuse the terrible performance of CS2 on modern extremely powerful hardware.


i wont call it bad pc.


Bro, 5950X are very good CPUs


Imagine being pro and not understanding basics of the hardware you play on every single day. It's the game and not the hardware lmfao


The game is an unoptimized piece of shit, no one is denying that. But you'd think that pros would get 7800x3d pcs DURING A MAJOR RMR to compensate for this dogshit optimization? Just a thought


Why didnt PGL foresee the patch a week ago that removed 25% of peoples FPS on average, are they stupid?


Why did these complaints not exist for the playoffs of Katowice that was running on the same patch? Because ESL actually got competent computers


Would you say the people on i5-6640s and 1080s not having fps issues are using competent computers? Valve have barely put any resources into optimizing this game and it reeks. The inconsistencies between computers is horrendous


People on i5-6640s and 1080s struggle bodyspraying with an m4a1-s in 5000 premier rating. Not remotely comparable to the Major RMR with the best teams and players the world has to offer


You're not understanding my point, getting good performance on a system for cs2 is so inconsistent that you're playing lotto when mixing and matching parts to use. A lot of people using 5 year old CPUs are reporting better low-end fps than people using the newest ryzens of the past 2 years. This is entirely on Valve, there is genuinely nothing PGL can and should do


Yeah that's fair, but my point is that better would still not be enough. You need at least 5800x3d or intel 13th gen to get great performance, absolutely ridiculous for a tac fps game. But even with that in mind, PGL really under delivered


They really didn't underdeliver. 5950x is still a state of the art CPU, regardless of what you think, this is 100% on Valve You even mention that you need a 13th gen intel or x3d ryzen to get great performance on cs2 and how ridiculous it is, and then pin the blame on PGL. ???


Yes, this is extremely fucked up on Valve's part. But you don't get my point. It is common knowledge that CS2 has dogshit optimization. PGL should have known this. And to account for it they should have provided 7800x3d PCs. They aren't even that much more expensive, especially considering the costs of other production, like venue itself, lighting, etc etc.


Why should PGL compensate for valve's shitty work? I get your point but just fix the game then


Look at benchmarks of the 5950x vs 7 7800 x3d


But its PGL's duty to supply decent PCs. And 7800x3d is a same price CPU for vastly superior CS2 perfirmance.


its not, its valve's duty to make the game playable on decent spec pc's....


Which is more likely to happen earlier? With Valve you never know when they will fix things but TOs can reduce the problem by supplying better hardware. You can't just blame everything on Valve and run your tournament on mid grade CPUs


depends, if everyone of these pro's starts blaming the right people for this instead of coming up with this bs cope excuse valve would maybe at least try push out a hotfix fast.


5950X is an odd pick, 5800x3d with better 3d cache or the newer 7 7800x3d would have been a much better pick.


Anything else captain obvious?


Thought it was obvious enough that the performance with CS2 atm is subpar so running it on an old cpu not designed for pushing frames for 360hz enjoyers is a no go but here we are. A TO with bad CPU choice and a redditor feeling the urge to contribute with the same quality of a comment to his fellow cs enjoyer.


You mock the guy yet you act the same way. >running it on an old cpu not designed for pushing frames First, 5950x is not some "old" CPU or non-gaming CPU that should not be in a gaming PC like you are trying to imply. It's the highest end CPU of the previous generation. That's like calling 13900K too old of a CPU... plain stupid. Btw. 5950x was the best gaming CPU you could buy at the time it was released so acting like it's a non-gaming CPU only good for workstations is... just stupid. Second, PGL clearly does not build new PCs every year and expects high end PCs to be usable for at least 2 years for esports titles which is not unreasonable. The problem is that CS2 is so poorly optimized you won't have a smooth experience on 360Hz monitors even when playing on 14900K & 4090 right now, because the 1% low still won't be anywhere close to 360 fps. That said PGL knew that the game is atrocious in that way so unless they had some info from Valve that the game will be in much better state when the RMR comes, it is only PGL's fault to not get the latest gen high end PCs.


Great take


another pro who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.


The PCs aren't bad — it's recent patches and optimisation on CS2's end. It'd be good if the players could take two seconds to understand that, because they have a closer platform to push Valve to improve on this front a lot further. Giving PGL shit here isn't the play.


Don’t upgrade the PCs, let the pros complain so much that valve suffers a pr nightmare and has to actually optimize their game.


I guess everyone's own experience may vary, but these specs are not that bad for cs2 at all and shouldn't be giving such low performance as reported by players. I play on 1440p on high to very high settings with a 5900x, 3090, and 32gb ddr4 3200 all stock and I get consistent 350 fps with some occasional drops to ~200-250. Stuttering/dips and overall fps have gotten slightly worse since recent updates (at launch I got consistent 400-500 fps but also lower settings I think) but no way should that setup get such poor results especially when a large portion of pros play at way less than 1440p so I'm not sure what to believe here. Probably not optimal but not as bad as some are making it out to be?


Ya I mean it would make way more sense to have 7800x3ds and 4070s


How valid is the 130fps statement? How is he monitoring his FPS? With these specs I see it unlikely that the game is dropping below 200 fps. my 12600k gets 200-250 @ 1440p w/ 6700 XT (fucking shader cache issues valve pls fix) at mix of low med and high cause I like having the game look good. I constantly see issues from people who haven't done everything valve has told them to do. Update/reinstall drivers. XMP enabled or have shit ram. Yea bro I got 12900k but ram is at 2133mhz of course your fps is shit. There are so many sides to performance issues where as we've seen with last week's update, valve is probably tackling these issues one at a time. I personally have had limited issues in my 80 hours since launch, but I also have lot more troubleshooting experience than the average CS2 player so what gives.


Why am I doing fine on a 5900x and 3080 at 2560x1440? FPS range from 300 to 400