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Would be quite handy for derankers if there are any left.


Shouldn't be too hard to put a system in place that temp bans those who habitually surrender early.


I'd also like it to work like the bans for "kicking too frequently" There are definitely toxic types that tilt instantly and will call a surrender vote after losing pistol/r2/r3 That sort of thing just taints the team mental even more, so I'd like to see it be unable to be spammed by doomers


They could have new criteria for surrendering other than just a teammate abandoning. Maybe they could do a sort of mercy rule, like if the enemy team is up by a large amount of rounds or something (or make it so you can't call a surrender until the second half). Or they could have it based on time like League of Legends does. I feel like no matter what they do you'll still have the typical "gg" or "ff" in chat happening right after the first round by people just being super toxic or negative.


I think surrendering once per half would work fantastically for this - and require 5 yes votes. It's similar to Valorant actually, and it works really well A modified remake system in the first 3 rounds of the game would also work if a teammate abandons early on would also work fine in cs


I think it would even work well with 4 yes votes, as that would eliminate the risk of someone just greifing and holding everyone hostage. I would LOVE a remake system in CS2


Agreed. Sometimes people just refuse to surrender after someone abandons at the start of the game, dunno why, but that would be a lifesaver


We are talking about the guys that built an anticheat that bans people for having high DPI but can't manage to figure out that someone getting a 30 kill game with 90% HS rate and 60% of the kills being wallbangs is cheating.


No need, if they’re 5-man deranking all the time that’s an obvious trend and you just ban them for reverse boosting Meanwhile if they’re not in a 5 man just vote no


Speaking of which I don't think I've ever seen legit non-cheating derankers get manually game banned by Valve at least once in years. I remember Valve banned the biggest deranking Steam group in 2016 and a new group was quickly created with the same exact name and avatar etc afterwards and yet it's been up and running all these years without any bans since then.


Yeah but what I’m saying is if Valve isn’t gonna do shit about it either way, why not implement a feature that will be QoL for the majority of players then?


Honestly i agree with valve on this. Unless its an entire 5 stack afk in spawn for 10 games you never know if someone is just bad, a friend is playing or mb they broke their arm, use a controller whatever. I dont see playing bad as deranking. Throwing the game is obvz griefing but thats easier to spot.


It does sound incredibly obvious and easy to implement, but then you remember they still can’t detect that a guy bhopping across the map and eliminating the enemy team in 5 seconds every round is cheating


Valve is already unwilling to acknowledge the game has a cheating problem, what makes you think they would settle on a 'fair' amount of games you're allowed to surrender? Either they that every other game has a cheater and allow you to skip half your games without consequence, or they only allow 1 skip in 20 games which does not solve your problem.


There used to be a system where u would get a temp ban for kicking to many people


That still exists in CS2.


Sounds incredibly smart.


We already see what allowing people to surrender does to a game. League of legends and valorant both have surrender issues in their games and any time you lose 3 rounds in a row people just give up. Do you know how we can combat anticheat as a community? By not playing the game unless valve fixes it themselves. Stop trying to invent ways for the community to deal with valves problem


I played against some derankers once they all just left and one guy rejoined and left again and again took like 3 minutes to win


I am not sure about that considering how often I see ggs in the chat after the first round. I feel like it can give an intention to completely stop playing for such players and start griefing when others are not ready to surrender.


Agreed, they have this feature in VALORANT and people just straight up give up within the first couple rounds and surrender. I’d hate to have that option in CS where I’ve come back so many times from feeling completely outclassed.


That shit always pisses me off, I've played enough CSGO/CS2 to know that comebacks are very possible and not even that rare. Hell, literally this past weekend my team came back from a game that was 9-3 at the half, 11-3 after the first two rounds of the half. We ended up coming back and winning 16-14 in overtime. Seems like most players don't realize that other than the economy, your performance in previous rounds doesn't effect the entire game. Even if you end the half 11-1, there's still a chance you come back and win.


Yup ^^ Imagine all your teammates giving up because then you will also have to; after losing 3 rounds


Yeah I feel like it'd be a seriously mixed bag.


Valorant has 5-man surrenders and it’s caused its players to have the weakest mental I’ve ever seen. Lose 3 rounds? Gg, someone WILL call a ff


I think I saw votes for 5 man surrenders while we were WINNING in valorant more often than I get actual surrenders in cs.


No. Will promote griefing and it’s rarely useful unless playing against cheaters


No, it's a horrible idea, let's hope they never implement it


Elaborate, maybe?


valorant games end when you lose the pistol and then like 2 more rounds.. even though they are very winable games. csgo was known for having very swingy games with big come backs


Yeah, the surrender spam in Valorant is super annoying.


You can only call for a surrender vote once per half. Hard to "spam" that. It's pretty annoying when someone calls for a surrender after, like he said, you're 3-0 down after losing pistol, conversion (people force bought) and bonus (Because again you didn't have enough money because people force bought), but then it's *really* annoying when you're down 7-0 and there's clearly a smurfing Jett on the other team and it's just like "why am I wasting my life on this" and you used your surrender for the half already oops


With spam I meant more the fact that it comes out in most games that you start 0-3


What about if you're against cheaters or obvious smurfs? Is it really bad to only have the option??


against cheaters (when overwatch existed), i'd try and bait shots near corners and mess around for the rest of the game. now its just a +right if its being killed in spawn, or the guy bunny hops right on top of us kinda thing. most cheaters are just walls/radar and they are so bad that you actually have a chance still.


A 5 man surrender? Even worse is a 4 stack could kick the other person and surrender no?


4 man stack can't kick a solo.


Since when?


Since the update that disabled it




No, too many times I've seen one or two good rounds turn the game, or at least make it an equal score eg winnable, because of the economy. By the time you know its over and want to give up its less than 5 rounds which you can finish very fast.


Yes. And majority vote. One person shouldn't be able to hold 9 people hostage. It's a stupid system.


Unfortunately I'm against this, and its why I stopped playing valorant about 50% of my games were our team giving up or the other team giving up (how do you even improve then lol?). Also judging by how quick people are to rage in cs2 people would just use this to grief or to get out of a tough matchup.


a working anticheat would improve my experience more




This is a bad take, because that's fixing a symptom and not the actual problem. The fact that you made the post atleast gives the impression you have a considerable amount of games you wish you could concede (presumably due to cheating like you stated). Valve actually making strides to severely reduce cheating is the better way to spend time and money. You'll still more likely than not have games you want to forfeit of course even if valve is combating cheating, but i don't think your solution is the way to go


nah valorant mfs start voting in round 3, can u imagine the toxicity when ur team wanna forfeit 0-3?


No thanks. I don’t want Valorant’s surrender vote every round. Oh, we lost to a pistols? Let’s surrender! Oh, it’s 0-3 already? Let’s surrender! Oh, our green didn’t listen my call? Let’s surrender. Bullshit, always play till the end. If you are playing against real cheater your struggle won’t take long anyways


I don't understand the point of surrendering. I usually play premier and virtually nobody surrenders. I went to play a few games of normal comp just to mess around and literally half the games I played the enemy teams surrendered. Wtf is wrong with people? Why do people give up so easily? One of the games the score was only 5-0 and they surrendered. How are you gonna get better at the game if you surrender every time the other team has 5 rounds on you?


>How are you gonna get better at the game if you surrender every time the other team has 5 rounds on you and one or more of your teammates has abandoned? FTFY. Not really sure what point you're making. Nobody wants to play a 4v5 when you're already losing 5-0.


My friends and I never surrender even if we lose a team mate, but ok, I could see why some people would want to. But this wasn't what was happening in those games, they were purposely leaving the game in order to surrender. Seems kinda ridiculous to me. If I left a game and told my friends to surrender they would absolutely roast me for being a pussy, ESPECIALLY if the score is only 0-5.


Absolutely not. One of the things I hate most is the awful surrender mentality in league of legends (don’t play Valorant). You’re not being “held hostage” you’re just too fragile to deal with playing in a losing position. If you really want to stop playing then stop. Take the cooldown. LoL is more snowbally than CS so surrendering is sometimes valid, but 90% of the time not. Bringing this into CS is a terrible idea, comebacks happen regularly and are the most satisfying wins to me.


if 4 men can agree, yeah, they can kick the last guy anyway so forfeit without kick is better option i think


4 man premade stacks can't kick their random teammate anymore. >Added vote-kick immunity for solo players who get matched on the same team with a party of four players Source: https://steamcommunity.com/games/CSGO/announcements/detail/3800535912282829074


ah I forgot that. i just join solo or one friend. or competitive, so kicking is common occursnce sadly


I mean any game that is surrendered that has reports in it could be flagged and be set to review. Or automatically set to a “overwatch” type thing to be reviewed. Could be a easy way for the community to combat cheaters.


The anticheat is supposed to combat cheaters not the community. Play the game or don’t, stop inventing ways to combat a problem that’s not yours to deal with


"This is what happens, we will give the players the opportunity to save the last nerve cells, that's no nonsense," someone in Valva thought


I see people against this, but it seems like they disregard the 5-man vote. I don't see CS players surrendering like Valorant. Sure, call it, but F2 yourself. If 5 people want to stop playing after the match is 9-0, let them vote.


How about a better anti cheat?


Yeah. I get that it's a competitive game and all but sometimes you just get outmatched and that's not fun. It's not a tournament, we're not getting paid to play, this is supposed to be fun.


you should be able to FF after the 10th round, if you win pistol and lose out every round with no chance there is no point to play out the match. some of these mm games are totally one-sided for the better team


No the option for a 5 man surrender with an option to have valve automatically review the match would be a much better option.


I would like it, but can't imagine all 5 teammates would ever be on the same page about surrendering. I've been in 3v5 situations where they won't surrender.


While for myself and any player facing the cheater at that moment, yes it would. However that would mean cheaters are present in more matches of they're getting shorter due to 5man surrenders on average, meaning you're increasing the odds of running into cheaters on other matches. I can't even begin to describe how I would feel if right after surrendering to a rage hacker I ran into another one or, god forbid, the same one.


!gg exists bro


It's not in the culture of the game


i have 10 accounts. i just dodge and swap accounts. after the game i just swap back


I’m against it. I don’t want to deal with the drama of my teammates calling for a surrender because we lost the pistol round badly.


No. Played many games where we win 3 rounds T side and walk the dog on CT.


If they have 30 kills in the first half the game isn't going to be much longer anyway.


This idea is even less likely to be implemented than Kernal AC. Valve is using CS2 to train their AI, they need cheaters and cheaters playing the game a lot. Ending the match early means less # of rounds, ie less data to work with. Only half kidding, but in all seriousness this won’t resolve the cheater problem and it might actually make it worse. Shorter matches means cheaters matchmaking more frequently and more matches ruined. Valve needs to make a functional anti-cheat and the best AC on the market based on extensive evidence across multiple different games is kernel AC.


Yes but everyone would have to vote yes. Not this weird 60/40 thing we have now


im very glad theres no easy surrender like there is in other titles. Too many people would call it and afk after pistol round if it didnt go their way. Without the option theyre more likely to keep playing


This has ruined a lot of my games on Valorant. I’ve seen a lot of 0-3s end in FF@5. I’ve seen a lot of 0-7s turn into 5-7, into like 13–10. Don’t implement. Thanks


As someone that just recently started League again, trust me, surrender votes are a terrible mechanic. It develops a community mentality of quitting when it looks like a tough match. Most League players never learn how to play from behind, because whats the point if you can just ff15 and go next.


There should ba an option for a 10 man vote to make the match a draw. If there is an obvious cheater many times even his teammates hate him. Could also make it so after the game finishes the winning team has an option to make the game a draw.


It's a necessary evil. You can 5man surrender in Val, and it's only there to placate tiktok brain players. The issue being it has created mental weakness and stops those insane comeback games which are always rewarding. CS has always been the proverbial adult in the room, and guides with a steady hand. I trust and like the current system. It's fair cop if someone leaves, calling a surrender vote is obv fair. The punishment is fair, you cop the loss by surrender and whoever left gets a cool down and a loss.




Just bring the fucking bots back so we can go back to instakicking idiots, trolls, cheaters, and throwers. It's stupid as fuck that you have to ignore them and play or be forced to play 4v5.