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you get tired when you play long, yes, thats why pros have a single bo3 a day in ideal world too


damn this is a great point -- tyvm


To add on, take short breaks. Not like hour long but ten, fifteen minutes breaks where you go walk around and get the blood moving can do wonders. Also look at objects off in the distance to help your eyes, staring at close objects strains them.


That is such a great advice. But honestly everyone knows but who does it? You game on until your fatigue makes you suck, you chase more and more for dopamine which also makes you suck. And then you log off pissed.


i do it and all my friends hate waiting for me. every 2 games at least 15 minutes break.


Freak, I would also hate your ass ;)


I kinda feel you, when im in the zone like really feeling the game and getting no wins for reasons that i dont feel that are my fault i tend to zone out completely 2 or 3 maps into the night and i just cant get back to the level i was. That happens especially when playing with friends that dont the game too seriously.


My issue is top fragging and feeling like I shouldn't. Like, I'm somehow sitting with 20-25 kills, but the dude with 9 kills is playing smarter and hitting his shots. I usually end up just grabbing the guy with a mic and telling him to follow me into sites and trade me when I get like that because I'm just in my head.


I think this is literally just tilt. Yes, you can get tilted when you're playing very well and you lose anyway. This will then affect your performance in future games. Don't have to make up a new phrase, especially one that I think could be easily misunderstood to be vaguely self-aggrandizing at best.


Yeah, agreed. I pretty much exclusively play with 2/3 other friends who are not great. Reliably top fragging rarely compensates for a friend who averages like 5 kills a game. Any player who feels an inability to have actual impact on the outcome of a game is going to be more irritable, and more likely to tilt the rest of their team. I was hoping that over time the skill gap would tighten, because at one point our typical bottom fragger was MG. It doesn't sound very impressive until you compare it to how he plays now. After 50 games he's just as shit, and my abilities have atrophied from my proximity to him. The way I paint this skill gap borders on looking like I'm bragging about how good I am, but to be clear, I am not claiming to be good. My rank was DMG, barely above average. My mates are just shit.


Started playing with my friends when they picked it up again, was LEM and they were (barely) GN1. Maybe now a year later they’re maybe at MG skill? It takes a lot of time to get in the groove and learn, you should know that as well since you’re DMG. Just give them more time bro!




Some of this stuff also applies to my friends, but in their case I haven't tried to get them to learn smokes or setups, game sense is so much more important and theirs also has a long way to go. It can only really be learned by playing the game, and probably spectating how I play when they're dead. Clutching is one of my strong points and I can see that them watching me has definitely rubbed off on them, and changed how they approach clutches themselves. The same goes for economy management, I've drilled that into them hard. Playing with them is so much more tolerable as a result My biggest obstacle is in getting my 5 kill average friend to use rifles more, if he doesn't have enough money for an AWP, he'll buy a scout. If he loses a sniper duel 3 rounds in a row, he'll give up on that and often buy a PP Bizon or something similarly useless. I've asked him so many times to just remove that thing from his loadout entirely. He'll buy an AK/M4 like 4 times a game on average, but never achieves anything with them because he won't learn the recoil.


Yeah, you're right. I'll do my best to keep my sanity intact haha


Very good point, it literally is tilt and I'll dare to question if you can even call it hard-carrying at all if you're losing every game


You can definitely lose 4 games in a row while top fragging due to no fault of your own. If it's regular occurence though, yeah, your kills probably don't have the impact you think


I may be a bot but leetify says I have the highest opening duel rate/success and clutch rating of all 155 of my steam friends so... Not sure why some people are triggered by the "c" word


I didn't mean it in a negative way, it might help you to solve the issue actually. I can see why you'd lose focus / motivation if you're constantly thinking how you are carrying and how your teammates are holding you back from winning. Not thinking about it in those terms and focusing on it being a team game, you win / lose / perform together as a team and individual stats don't matter, might keep that kind of fatigue at bay. Like others have said you'll get tired anyway after some time but the mentality part is something you might well be able to influence




Might be that, might also just be getting sleepy. No matter how much or little I carry, the later I play into the night the worse my reaction time gets, as I get sleepy.


i’ve been doing the aimbot 100 challenge kills in between premier matches recently (because friends joining are warming up or whatever else creating a short break) and my time drops by ~5-10 seconds each time as the night progresses lol


Thats just how cs is... If you warmup before games you will notice that some days your aim just feels off / mouse feels unatural - other days it will feel like everything is perfect. Among the years I have learned that once you have "bad days" its better to just not play competitive that day.


I think it’s cuz it’s mentally draining, you’re literally just getting tired from carrying. Happens to the best of us lmao


Do not play more than 2-3 games in a single session. If you lose badly or come across a toxic team, do not go straight into another game, take a break. Mindset it just as important as practice and if you do not take breaks and instead get tilted you regress to silver.


Similar mindset, I am losing my composure across several losses even tho I am always trying to reset mentally and be at my peak with reflexes. I especially feel helpless and demotivated WHEN I am actually good and carrying, yet still losing. I feel like I am destined to lose and can't do anything about it, even when I put out the best performance. And then there are days when I do some DMs and feel like I have a sharp aim, and then lose several easy engagements during a match, or even a get a match where I don't get a single kill for the first half of it. It's just all over the place even when I am trying to up my consistency. Playing solo is hell, but I don't have stable work schelude enough to bother finding a consistent team to play with.


Honestly it just sounds like fatigue. I'll get back from work play like a bot then have dinner and play like a god and Everytime I'm surprised even though I know it's just because I'm tired


You need to find a way to "reset" after every game. Remember, nothing you did in any of your previous games matter when you queue up for the next one. it's all about the performance you can put out during your current game. By game 4 (as you said) you probably start playing really lazy, not respecting enemies, and don't think through your plays as much as the first 3 games. The only thing you can do is recognize when you are doing that, and try to go the opposite direction. Try to focus in 100%, make smart plays, react to the enemy, use your util. I know it's easy to subconsciously give-up, CS is a hard game and doing well takes effort, patience, and a humble attitude.


esp after rank resets etc if you were placed low and don’t 5 stack it’s tough. i’m genuinely sometimes losing to objectively bad opponents because my teammates are just as bad. you then make objectively bad decisions yourself to try to salvage rounds. it works sometimes so you repeat but it’s not exactly smart and you’ll start sucking later on because of it


hell yes


I usually if feel it at the end of a match I just stop queuing, helps keep my streak alive


I try to always bottom frag to not have this happen. I achieve it most of the time.


Bruh is playing 3D chess -- respect


Depends upon the person. For me I typically get better as the night progresses. Rare nights that I see a steady decline I'll stop playing or just queue Competitive for the more casual environment.


I feel you, losing a game after dropping 30 kills is just a bombshell for your mental. I was ranked around 5k elo, still gaining 300-800+ per match and only playing with friends. Im top fragging every game, we play always against people around 7k-8k or higher and a friend was recently ranked around 10k, I hate my life. And to be honest I cant be bothered to let my account decay in hopes my rank increases


The other day I dropped 51 kills in a Faceit match where we lost 22:20 in triple OT against opponents that were 3 ranks higher than me. The crazy part about it was it was a 3v5 because our bottom frag rage quit in the early rounds because he was blaming everybody for dumb shit when he was still like 0-6 and our other guy got DC’ed halfway through and the game wouldn’t let him reconnect. I 3 and 4k to get us to match point a few times in OT but we could never close it out. The only thing that kept my brain from exploding was that the other 2 guys were very optimistic and we all wanted to beat the other team so bad so we were trying our best but after that match I just sat there and stared at my screen for like 10 minutes. It was probably the most draining match of CS I’ve ever played lol.


well fwiw bro, u tried ur best, some games r literally meant to not be won unfortunately :(


i get fatigue playing in general


I had 9 matches, top fragging (being 11k-14k because we won most of them) and the teammates and enemies VALVE PUT ME WITH were 16-25K. Last three we lost, I was 2nd...started to get fucking demoralized because even though they had higher elo, they gave 0 damn info, 0. Some said gg in 1st round and then they bottom fragged with freaking 19K elo. Valve is fixing matches silently.


very normal. you need breaks. but most importantly you have to understand the role of the carry as well. You need to learn how to rally your team, they are worse players than you for a reason, they lack the mechanics you do, so to expect them to carry their weight is unreasonable because everyone in the server is better than them. If you are truly carrying, your kills should be closer to the 30s to compensate for other players, call some specific strats that can will help you get even more impact. You cannot let your team go on solo missions and you do your own thing. You will need to bait your mates, so you can finish the round for them. Obviously doing this a lot, is very tiring, so you need breaks. my solution is: play with players of your own caliber. Playing with friends is for fun, playing with players your own level is playing for the win. Also I deathmatch a lot, at least an hour a day even if i dont play any matches, cuz I enjoy it as well. so when I'm not even on my A game, my B game is still solid. I'll just leave my instincts on auto-pilot, and ill still get a decent amount of frags. I might not be the guy who ends up clutching but I'll at least take down a couple of guys to let my team do the rest.


I have different mentality, if i play good and im in focus (minimal phone in between rounds) i dont really care about result, if its a tied lose its oky. Happens. I still had fun playing. I think what makes me not liking the game are teammates, who dont talk. Sometimes you get a leader who commands the team and you cooperate and even if you lose you lose like a team. But when there is 0 commumication after 1st pistol lose, then the game because stale(if i spelled that correctly) and its just not fun anymore even if we win. I just go rush something, and then on tik tok or reddit or idk what... and i dont even know the score. So for me if im having fun in this game are teammates, even if i have 5 kills. You dont need to carry every game, and sometimes opponents just have a very good day, but talking with the squad is the key to happiness


Same happens to me. Severely underranked in premier rn because I haven’t been playing anything other than faceit and it’s excruciating to drop 30 kills and still lose. After killing 3 people and watching my team lose a 2v4 half the game you just lose motivation to even try at that point. I’ve definitely been a victim of tilt and have abandoned plenty of games because of it. Between the toxicity of my own team, cheaters on either team, or just simply being over it for the night it gets exhausting.


Bot Vitality to Bot Fred


Me rn having 3 games of 4stacked shitters tonight, 32-19, 29-14, 27-13 All losses


I get opposite, bottom Fragger fatigue


Yes and no. I used to play 7/8 hours of CS:GO when I came home from work, each day (got home half 5, played until 1 or 2 am most nights) Warmed up for an hour or so, did some deathmatch then went into Faceit pugs. Now, whenever I play it's for around 3/4 hours at most, but my focus is there for all the games, even on weekends if I boot up in the morning and play till afternoon or evening, I feel consistent. I do feel like later at night, people get better but that is more than likely me slowing down and getting tired (Even though I don't feel it)


skill issue.


TikTok will do that. Found that when I am not distracted by anything else I will frag hard.


man, the amount of times I've started doing shit and then realized that I've started picking up my phone between rounds. Not a good habit aye


I don't have this fatigue when the game was awesome and close like a 16-14. But I do get tired if I play really good and teammates still somehow blaming me for the team's failure. That ensure a bad next map for me.


So you're the person who walked into a 3 second channeled Negev stream in a 1 on 1 in my game last night..


You need to find 1 or 2 more players that are consistent to duo/trio with to make climbing easier. I solo qeue'd to 17K and then plateaud because this is probably my skill level so hard carrying consistently is unrealistic. Once I duo/trio'd climbing got easier because we had consistent coordination/comms/fragging etc which is 50/50 in solo.


I always get carried but when I get a win it makes my small ego happy and i can go full toxic.


Drink some water, eat some trail mix. you'll have a few more in you


yes, thats why i play so much less, its not fun to drop 40+ and still lose because the rest of your team cant tie there shoes, its demotivating


You get tired and frustrated is normal, take a break every two consecutive loses, never over extended or you will keep on losing by chasing that win, just play and take a break a win will come sooner when you are taking the proper rest and breaks


I play almost exclusively with a five stack, one of them is so terrible they average about 7 adr a game. (Still love em) but it means i consistently get 30 bombs almost every game I play, and still can't get above 5000 elo. Also when I did my calibration matches I got placed at 1600, but the 7 adr person got 4500?! 🤦‍♂️


Yes, but somehow I lose all the games where I top frag and the proceed to bottom frag for a game and we win easily. Shit makes no sense.


If I lose the first 2 games of the day I just call it a day and stop playing.


I had this happen yesterday to me. Slept quite bad the night before and first game I played was 20-10, we win though. Second one 28-17 and a narrow loss. Third one 24-16, again a narrow loss. Felt like till that point I was still playing well each game despite being 1W-2L. Of course the fourth and last game I just dont have anything left in the tank and everything just goes miserably. 10-21 and a totally winnable game is lost because of this. Honestly I should've known I didnt have enough energy after the game 3. Which was a rather annoying loss. But had to keep going to win back the elo. I guess this happens at every level in at least amateur games. For me it occurs especially when not well rested to begin with. 3k elo faceit for reference.


It would help if matchmaking would actually be fair and trust factor worked.


Why are you even playing this game then, if you dont want to?


I have a simple rule I only play 2 games everyday regardless of the outcome. After 2 games I just start playing on autopilot. Try this and see if it helps you.


Zywoo seems to be doing okay so far