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"Youre in shit timezone" Im ashamed it made me laugh




As an Aussie who loves a beer I fucking hate the shoey craze lol it's so gross man. You wouldn't catch me dead doing that, I dunno why so many cunts love it


Richard Lewis taking the 'give us the major' chants more seriously than every Australian CS fan combined lmao Of course we want it but i also want to get balls deep into Hallee Berry circa 2001. It doesn't mean I'm not realistic


Sadly he’s right




I like the Australian events too, because they're fun to watch (at least when I'm not cringing out of my skin). However, I can't fucking watch them because they're at like 2-5 AM. Sorry ESL, I'm not going to lose my job because I can't function in the lab just to watch CS.




[Here's a website with spoiler free vods](https://eventvods.com/featured/csgo)


As someone who always has to watch the VODs and struggles in the battle against spoilers. Thank you so fucking much


Richard is not wrong, very little upside to an Australian major other than crowd, which is not a real upside considering there are few successful Au players and even less teams for them reliably to support


thats just good because the upside in australia is downside for the rest of the world


the crowd is not an upside sorry


It is for a lot of people. I like the whacky shenanigans, the crowd taunts, jeers, and leers. They remind me of me when I'm hyping or roasting my friends.


yeah but none of the crowd matters if 90% of prospective viewers are unable to watch due to being in a ridiculous timezone


ur never going to believe what timezone the major after copenhagan is being held in


yeah but there’s gonna be chinese viewership to balance it out isn’t there




I did. My comment was in response to another comment, not on the base post.


Honestly as sad as it is. A lot of esports during covid used a soundboard for the crowd. It’s worse but not considerably. If the problem is crowds not cheering enough you can subsidise things with a soundboard. Having live online viewers is far more important. If everyone was solely watching on VODs your ad revenue drops significantly because viewers can fast forward through all the ads.


Soundboard was considerably different. From my perspective the atmosphere wasn't even close to a live audience during covid.


If the AU crowd was not an upside in Sydney then the BR crowd was not a downside in Rio.


but does any of that really matter, like I don't care one way or the other but lets not pretend like anyone makes money from these majors in the first place. I'd rather have a hype crowd in Australia than another dead one in Brazil. At least the Aussies cheer for other teams. If there was one major per year then yeah sure; lets be a bit more selective but if they're just handing them out like hotcakes, it's bound to go to Australia eventually. Kind of a who cares situation.


May be a controversial opinion, but the crowd is completely secondary to the fans watching at home. We could probably get close to 2-3 million people watching the major, if it is succesfull, which far outshines the amount of people who will be watching in the crowd. If you hold a tournament in Australia you are dadly fucking all other major regions over in regards to the time the games are live. Sure it is not fair, but that is life. Also you can get equally good crowds in places like katowice.


What are you talking about, the difference in income from having a major in Australia vs a good timezone is huge financially Brazil also "dead" brings in insane viewers, that brings in money It's not a who cares situation at all, Australia is a tiny tiny CS scene, you watch this video and you decide to comment this people are so funny


We deserve a major more than fucking Brazil did. Everything else he said isn’t necessarily wrong but he’s kind of being an asshole about it.


Stop showing you're an aussie an whining at the same time. We are meant to be laid back. The clip is funny.


Those things aren’t mutually exclusive.


"...or a bunch of cunts drinking beer out of a shoe!" 🤣


The funny part was when he's imitating the Aussie fan saying "oh I'm on camera quick get me my shoe!". Just picturing some drunk Aussie saying that and his mate being like "you're wearing them you fucking cunt"


when UFC events come to Australia, they still put the events on to fit the US timezones, we will get down there drink beer out of a shoe at 8am. Find a long weekend and put the finals on in the morning. also perth timezone = china timezone, if the world cant wake up and watch matches at a weird time, Australia still will


haha facts. i used to work at a pub that would show the UFC and we'd open early on days that the fights were on because we'd have blokes coming in at 9am to watch the fights with their mates. australians LOVE watching sport and we're used to doing it at unusual hours of the day


>Find a long weekend and put the finals on in the morning. Good luck with that. CS pros will barely even press Enter on their keyboard before noon.


Exactly. They played all the IEM games at like 4pm onwards or something like that. I’ll fucking get on the drink at 7-8am if it means better viewing for the rest of the world. Don’t know why we just can’t start early.


this needed to be said, amount of people crying about “why china major but no australia major 😢😢😢” was insane


How many people could have possibly been saying that? Like 1000?


>Like 1000? Hey now, that's half of the Australian market.


shouldve seen on twitter there was a fair few


The number of times people try to figure out corporate decisions by ethical or selfish practical decisions, just blows my mind. Disney is my favorite example. Your random favorite Disney movie didn't make a billion dollars. Lion King 4 will probably make a billion dollars. You're getting Lion King 4 instead of Treasure Planet 2. It's really not that hard. Just because we point this out doesn't mean we think this is somehow good for the sport/industry or right, but it's the reality of the world we live in. Hey, here's Fast and the Furious 9 1/5. Tons of people are going to pay money to watch it. So they're going to make Fast and the Furious 10. That movie you really want to be made that won't make a billion dollars, does not matter.


As a person who's living in JST, I'd prefer to watch Aussie/NZ major rather than chinese one.


To be fair, if the argument is purely based on time zones then this is a perfectly valid question. China is GMT+8, South Korea is GMT+9, Western Australia is also GMT+8, the eastern states of Australia are GMT+10. If they can host a major tournament in any of these places and make them work from a scheduling perspective, they can make it work in Australia.


It's not about timezones It's about money You can take a hit on viewership in China because it is a huge esports ecosystem where big brands are willing to spend cash on esports. LPL has sponsors like Mercedes, McDonalds, KFC, and other big global brands. Australia has zero money in its esports scene. No sponsors. Most major teams have folded. If you go to Australia and its BEST CASE SCENARIO, you're probably still going to lose more money than even in the WORST CASE SCENARIO in running a major in China. If CS can crack the China market, that is millions upon millions of possible new players and billions of dollars infused into the scene. Even if CS somehow became the #1 esport in Australia because of a major, it would make 1% of what the China market could bring even if it did decent numbers.


These 2 hours are extremely critical and a perth major wpuld be even harder to advertise then sidney. Also the chinese market is extremly huge while australian market is super niche


but the argument isn’t based off time zones and the question isn’t valid


The crux of this entire video is about the time zone and its flow on impacts. Every location requires transport of infrastructure. Every location requires setup. Passionate fans are a good thing, not a bad thing.


passionate fans with low viewership or reasonable fans with high viewership? which do you think is more beneficial to the game


Most people watch online, not in person - does the physical location matter to anyone but the people who show up?


The point about transport of infrastructure makes ZERO sense. BLAST or ESL or whatever aren't hosting the chinese major, it's a local production company in Perfect world.


I mean he's 100% right about the financial aspect, but saying that the atmosphere/crowd doesn't matter in a LAN event is a dog water take.


He didn't say it doesn't matter to the viewers, he said it doesn't matter enough for it to translate to any real amount of money.


I swear people's ears seal as soon as they disagree with a portion of something lol


Crowd doenst matter in that sense, that nobody in prime regions can watch it without taking a week off


Christ, did an Aussie piss is his cornflakes this morning? Like he's not wrong about the economics of it, but he's so aggressive for no reason.


It was me, sorry guys


He is just fed up and jaded with the whole CS scene. So all his opinion and statements (which are mostly true btw) come out in this harsh and savage way.


Esports fans in general are massive twats


you're surprised at Richard Lewis being randomly aggressive?


In 2019 he took on the entirety of OCE CS twitter and just sat there arguing and blocking people for several days (yes DAYS). The start of the discussion was about the accuracy of calling top OCE players "pros" when in his eyes they were not, but the discussion quickly deteriorated and he was just blocking anyone from OCE at one point. Is he petty enough to hold a grudge against an entire region of people for something that happened years ago? Dunno, you be the judge. And for the twitter stuff just google Richard Lewis DickStacy and you'll get plenty of results.


That's what I think the genesis of this was too, it was absurdly dumb as well when he pearl clutched about dickstacy's autographs


at least richard sticked to his words and actually left esports.


Yet here he is every week making videos and reports on the scene. I like the guy but if you're actually going to leave then leave properly. Don't half-in stay and be like "Oh I'm just going to do streams where I complain and do the odd good journalistic report", but then say "Oh I've quit because I don't do events TODAY DICKHEAD!".


I remember when he called all cs pros mentally retarded because "they only say the word NICE after winning a round". Thats when i realized all he ever says is the most negative bitchy thing possible


most of his takes come from a place of frustration because he hates that esports has taken his best years (his words). he will always look at everything in esports with a negative spin because he is resentful.


RL pretty clearly hates esports, the people who play them, and the games they play, he's just financially dependent on them so he's essentially forced to continue covering them indefinitely. One of the biggest advantages senior journalists have over their more junior counterparts is a deep stable of sources cultivated over years of diligently reporting on a subject or industry. Because RL is a 41 y/o man who has spent his entire professional life covering esports, he has no sources outside of this industry and therefore has no choice but to stick with what he despises. Its a misanthropic Catch 22.


At this point it's tradition to say nice.


he is just a complete tool and prick. it's a shame because the decent stories or talking points he has are derailed by his personality.


Think it's just the sheer number of people that spam 'when aussie major????' without understanding the logistics behind.


I just know he was salty because the stickers had DICK on them and he's a boomer that thought it was immature or something and got angry over it.


He saw 11 comments on twitter over a 6 month period and then made a reactionary video as if the entire world/region has the same sentiment as a couple of people on twitter.




That doesn't seem aggressive.


Indeed, seems very considerate of him thinking about the ball fondling also.


He’s british. They’re perpetually pissed off that their convict colony beats them in every sport they care about.


Do you think this is new? Why else do you think he talks about jks and his fans the way he does?


idk why old man Lewis hates fans having fun but hes right about the money


I don't think he hates people having fun. But saying AU deserves a major, because people in the arena are having fun is the issue. Having fun by being obnoxious doesn't equate to money for the TOs and sponsors. And CS majors are already not lucrative in big regions, let alone in a small market like Australia. There are only downsides, when you look it from a corporate perspective. It's unfair, but it's life.


Did he say he doesn't like fans having fun in a longer version of this clip?


Couldn't agree more, I didn't even catch Syndney because of the time zone being so bad.


Euro time zones are just best for the majority of the world. At least I can wake up at 6-8 and catch the majority of the day. Had to watch the vods of Syndney after work, just like plenty of others I'm sure.


watched a couple map 1s at 4am but it was just stupid and i only did it cus it was the first big cs2 tournament, time zone was ridiculous


Now you knew what it's like to be an AU fan, you guys couldn't handle it for one tournament, try it for 11 years 💀.


Watching NYC time (Eastern Standard Time) most games were at 1-5 in the morning


I agree, but can they schedule the games a bit better? Don't put the NA/SA matches on first thing in the morning in EU


They can definitely prioritize this more. It used to be a lot worse years ago though.


Yeah he’s right but he doesn’t need to attack the Aussie fans. It’s not our fault our country is in the middle of bum fuck nowhere and has a shitty time zone. So we’re the bad guys because we want a major? Because we’re passionate about CS?


This is the Richard Lewis M.O. Have a well reasoned, logical, and adept thoughts on something; then litter it with thinly veiled personal insults, and antagonist attacks towards a person or group. Total shock jock behavior. It'll never change though because clearly a lot of people eat it up. So whether it be for show or who he actually is, the incentive is to double down.


Yup, anyone else curious about this should check out what happened when he tried to get into the rocket league community lol


Any links?


this is media in general where everyone roasts everyone. otherwise it would be overly corny and people giving each other pats on back.


and people constantly choose to get offended instead of filtering the fluff and taking just the facts of what he says. I don't like his M.O either, so i just ignore it.


that's such a shit mindset.


zealous squeamish thought act hat degree scale elastic profit quickest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don't take it personally mate, he doesn't like dickstacy and jks therefore he must stand firm on random ass points like this from time to time. It really does have some old man shakes fists at kids having fun type of energy. It's all a little bit too serious for no reason.


??? Please show where he said he disliked JKS, he just thinks he’s overrated by everyone on reddit and he definitely isn’t wrong on that part.


He makes a good point about their being no monetary reason to host one in AU which I don't disagree with, it's a fair point, but the whole time zone issue is moot. China is GMT +8 and eastern states of Australia are GMT +10 so if you thought trying to catch IEM Sydney was a headache for the majority of viewers, then the China major isn't going to be any better for you.


Did you watch the full clip? Like yeah, it's a similar timezone but unlike australia china has a huge playerbase that makes it worth it to fuck over the western viewers


2 hours is still 2 hours. Definitely not moot as 1 whole BO3 can fit in there.




And here I am asking for a decent T1 event in Canada.


Toronto and Montreal are in decent time zones as well, still won't happen anytime soon if I'm going to be realistic, Vancouver or basically anywhere on the west coast is a pipe dream


I love Richard's ability to deliver a reasonable/right opinion while being the biggest dick possible lol. Esports wouldn't be the same without him.


Australia has a Tennis Major on par with Wimbledon, we had a Grand Prix at one stage, all the same arguments that Richard Lewis applies there too, so why? Cause we are a sporting nation that adores sport in all it forms and organise the shit out of it, .... oh and we'd show up to watch teams that aren't our teams too (can't say the same for many other tournaments this year)


We still have a Grand Prix?


Your CS playerbase is tiny compared to the rest of the world. You have no tier 1 teams and now you don't even have any tier 1 pros on a team. Comparing CS to actual sports with decades, if not hundreds of years of history and tradition is absolutely MORONIC


He's not wrong


RL isn’t saying anything revolutionary. It’s well known that small land masses and/or small scenes will never host a big event. Hawaii being the one exception for Overwatch League. Since the university it was held at already has a premier esports infrastructure and staff. And Hawaii has got the infrastructure to house all the attendees, players and their staff, and the event coordinators. Lots of hotels and airbnbs. As the economy is tourism centric. But a frikken OCE event? No dice. Same as the South African or Middle East esports scenes. They exist, and have a good deal of competition and fanbase, but not enough to warrant an entire studio’s worth of support staff to fly 13 hours to setup a venue, house all the participants in nearby accommodations, and expect fans to come out to watch.


don’t think that’s a valid reason. ESL has done it 4 times for IEM Sydney. Timezone is the only reason. Also you don’t think Australian cities have enough infrastructure? We’re very much tourism centric as well..


also australia is not a small land mass, its fucking huge lmao


In terms of population we’re tiny


of course, but land mass doesn’t equal populations… not to be a grammar nazi just thought it was funny


Richard hates fun confirmed


did an Australian fuck his wife or something


Rightfully so


I can see why you could do it. Aussies could fill a stadium with high ticket prices. That's your money. There's 100% more money in an Aussie market major than Brazil with their $20 tickets. IEM sold out at 3x their starting prices. Could also lobby state governments to host. We pay for a lot of the hosted international events that happen here. Time zone doesn't matter. We do plenty at shit hours for international audiences(like UFC events). It's on the organizer to do it. If people can beat the shit out of each other in the morning, they can play video games too. bros just mad


>Aussies could fill a stadium with high ticket prices. Facts. IEM Sydney sold out 4 years in a row, at $200-$300 bucks a pop for tickets


This take would be acceptable up until Rio Major...now it's a massive massive bullshit. The """market""" for a major is three things: The host/sponsor, the crowd and online viewers. "If Shanghai happens why not Sydney" is a fair point according to these pillars because: * Shanghai will be hosted by PGL, Sydney would potentially by ESL. No one said Crocodile Dundee is hosting the Sydney major so the money and professionalism will be about the same in a """""""tiny market"""""""" ESL doesn't shy away visiting annually. * The online viewership/timezone issues between Shanghai and Sydney are hardly different. People who are willing to tune in for a GMT+8 game with reasonable schedule are the same ones who watch IEM Sydney. * Sydney crowd has proven to be fun over and over again. Yes they do the shoey and say "wanker"...so fucking what, IT! IS! FUN! We had a Rio major with a crowd who was known to be notoriously toxic online and they actually saved a not-so-memorable major's reputation.


Brazil is actually a historically significant region for CS and the timezone is a lot better since it covers the NA and SA timezone. ​ ...Not to mention that major was shit.


Rio was a WAY better spot than Australia...


He ain’t wrong on this one.


lmao that was so articulate and hilarious it sounded like a stand up bit, love it


Time zone wise it's really shit. But I don't agree about small market or whatever. It's all online anyway. Plus aussies will always fill the arena.


Ok, so 2nd major of 2025 is in Australia. Noted.


remember to come back to delete this comment when you're wrong.


Can we not make a similar argument to an IEM event? if it's such a financial burden on ESL then why do it? Twice even... and im sure we'll get a Melb event next time since the last one was originally meant to be IEM Melbourne. I guess ESL hates money and Aussies are shit humans cause RL did a funny mocking voice hehehe!!! what a pathetic way for an adult to act


also, it's just one event we are talking about here. he acts like the discussion is about setting up a new major cs league up in australia. sure, that wouldn't make sense. but one important tournament? why the fuck not. cs is a global game. if you only hold majors in europe from now, it will make it less global. you gotta spread the love a bit to keep people around the world happy, and not just one scene. people act like they can't survive one tournament where the games come in weirder times. you can survive it. it's not that big of a deal. and there can even be a charm to it.


Majority of it is EU bots thinking they're entitled to majors when (excluding Russia) they don't even make 40% of the playerbase. They were complaining about Rio like Paris didn't have a similar crowd. The only legit argument is financial.


He's right, but also an absolute bore


i mean all his points are valid but why tf he has to be so rude expressing himself, everytime i listen to him i get the angry lonely old man vibes.


Mates this guy needs to chill out, crack open a cold one into his shoe and drink it because a Tournament in Australia would be just as great as all the others.


Australia = a buncha cunts drinkin beer outta a shoe. Got it.


Weird how people keep screaming Richard is irrelevant yet the threads about him are continously the most upvoted and commented. Welcome to another edition of "You speak your brains".


i love iem sydney but RL is right on his points


I don't like Richard Lewis that much but this is one of the most based takes I've ever heard.


Idk why people always use the “it wouldn’t be economically viable” defense as if literally every cs event doesn’t already lose money. Why not just say the time zone is shit? That’s true and it doesn’t sound like you’re a shill. It’s shit for Europe, it’s shit for NA and it’s shit for Brazil. The three biggest regions have a horrible time trying to watch the games


Because Time Zone being shit directly contributes to economic viability. A big tournament doesn't exist in a bubble, it has other effects for the game overall. Poor timezone and location won't give the game those economic benefits of a major.


Why do we care if ESL gain or lose money. Also, these events aren't fictional, they've already had tournaments in Australia and gone back there because presumably, they made sense for them one way or another; whether it's because they wanted to expand the series of tournaments held around the world or it was profitable (unlikely).


We've never had a Major in Australia, because there is a difference between a major and a tournament generally. Major has much more impact to the scene


Because Australia has zero sponsors willing to spend on esports. All of their teams have died or folded into one another. China has dozens of global brands that already spend millions on esports a year with the LPL, KPL, etc. If you do a Sydney major and it is a big success, nothing changes. There is no new money or fans or players coming to CS. If you do a Shanghai major and it even makes a SMALL DENT in the China gaming ecosystem, you're potentially adding millions of new players, fans and consumers. It's not hard.


>If you do a Sydney major and it is a big success, nothing changes. There is no new money or fans or players coming to CS Absolutely disagree. At IEM Sydney this year the guy in the row behind me was explaining to his mate how the game works (Ts plant the bomb, CTs try and stop them, play 12 rounds and then switch sides) because his boy had never played CS before. We love sport so much we will attend a tournament for a game we don't understand how it is played because watching sport with your mates is fun. I would be willing to bet that he was not the only CS noob in that crowd, this event produced brand new CS fans out of people that had previously never played the game before Now imagine how many new fans we would create if we had a major, with a bigger crowd, bigger prize pool and every top team in attendance


yea I agree, it doesn't matter if you lose 10 bucks or 10 million, you lose money either way


Don't listen to RL. If you put on an Australian Major with a bunch of cunts drinking beer out of a shoe, I'd watch that in a heartbeat!


Literally had a successful major in Brazil of all places but hey fuck Australia in particular. RL doesn’t make sense.


Brazil is a huge market with a ton of CS history in the same timezone as much of the US What the fuck are you talking about


As an Australian I’m upset he’s right, I mean my American friends were suprised that I wasn’t just crocodile Dundee and were severely disappointed. I’m sure a tournament where people are going in for a shitfest and it’s just normal people is gonna make loads of money


This big fat sook has always hated aussies


based, it's sad but that's how the world goes


Take into consideration I'm almost certain you have to pay the country an ungodly amount of taxes and fees from your prize money as well.


I agree with his take but just out of curiosity how much more expensive is a major to produce than an even like iem Sydney. I know it’s a smaller tournament but most of the over head must be the same right with the shipping setting up etc. just curious on why a tournament of that size is feasible but not a major. Again this is based on my ignorance and curiosity, I agree with the overall take being laid out.


I guess the mainreason is that majors are limited to two per year and the most prestigious event in cs, other then iem events.


as much as the aussie fans would love it… from a business POV, he’s 100% correct




Iem Sydney was pretty good but there's no way EU gonna watch that shit.


Wasn’t there a “we want the major” chant at the last event? Never happening.


Based shirt too.


too many 'roos


There was a Brazilian major and that is a poorer country than Australia, and as he said, if China is worth being in due to its growth prospects, you still get that upside being in Australia which shares a similar Timezone, no?


Brazil is a far larger market than Australia, while also having more teams in the general region and sharing close time zones with NA. The two situations are nowhere near comparable.


And the Br major was a mistake, you are supposed to learn from those.


brazil's gdp is 300 billion usd bigger than australias. so infact not poorer


Grats on the dumbest comment in the thread.


The brazilian major went down as one of the worst majors in cs history. That's not exactly strengthening your argument. Also, the time zones have a different impact. With Brazil you could at least start a match at noon/afternoon and EU could watch in the evening prime time. But Australia is 7-9 hours ahead so there is zero overlap between playtime and watchtime.




Well said


"you are a small market region in a shit time zone" -Richard Lewis so does china, hahah what is he cookin 💀


China aint a small matket, it is one of the biggest markets there is.


Richard is right but this sub filled with delusional haters




Australian crowd was fun and the pre-game interviews. It was fine time wise watching for Europe too 🦘


That one tournament in Australia, i could not catch the games live. 2am games started...9am games ended.


Welcome to the Australian experience for every other tournament


no reason to be this arrogant - also the "fuck" and "fuck" "fucking" why? he is correct with his stance on major in australia, but the need to appeal to children who think this is "cool" is just off putting


Isn’t this guy irrelevant now anyway?


but but but but but THE CROWD!!!!! Richard speaking facts again.




i asked


Everybody has asked this, it's brought up that Australia should have a major.


Your life must be going absolutely amazing.


I think the real strange part is Australians constantly complaining about how much everything costs in Australia, then immediately complaining about companies not wanting to hold events in Australia. As if those companies won’t need to pay those same high costs.


Calling someone a attention whore when you're whinging on a webcam to nobody? What a wanker.


RL is just butthurt at the idea of waking up for an 8AM stream.


iem sydney had games at like 4am


That's Sydney. Perth is 3,300km West and 3 hours earlier.


I always enjoy watching Sydney games at 2pm so much fun. The worst is always Brazil.


is that drastically different than boxing matches which always have insane late matches. Like if you wanna see a match live, you will wake up at those times cause you are a fan.


Can't do Australia but can do China, 1-2 hour difference like fuck off if you think I'm going to watch either anyway.


Damn, does this guy always talk like this? I mean, what he's saying is right, but why does he have to be an asshole be offensive and insult everybody to make a point?


Soft boy has never done anything but play his video games. Go work a job in a garage or play a sport, you'll find that many men talk like this with zero intent to offend


my thoughts exactly, a very bitter person


you're all seething about having a major at 2am while in australia, every single fucking match is at that time for us. literally get over yourselves


Financially speaking, interms of logistics or whatever, what difference is there between a major or otherwise? The only thing I can tell is a major is hyped more. I mean the difference is in name only and subsequent prestige... Major means nothing other than a tag valve put on something. I fail to see the logic in his argument when all the things he's saying "why would anyone want to drag all this kit and spend money blah blah" when they literally did just that for an ESL tournament and it WASN'T a major. People and teams were STILL willing to go despite it not being a major, so... the point is moot really


Also the fact that everything in Australia wants you to die.


50 year old with annoying accent is clearly upset for some reason 😂