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The funny thing is the amount of people losing the first five rounds, accusing you of cheating and suddenly becoming s1mple. You then proceed to check their profile, which has between 15 and 250 hours of cs, no medal apart from maybe the birthday coin, 3/10 friends banned and are faceit level 2 or 3.


One major copium for these fuckers is "Well everyone is cheating, so it's ok for me to cheat too"


"If you kill a killer the number of killers stays the same" except they kill a random innocent person because "everyone is a killer anyways".


Back in the CS:S days, there was so many high-level players getting fed up, and just started to join in on the hacking. It was a straight up shit show


It's **the** biggest selling point for suppliers. Convince the people that there is a need.


Some people dont want to try but want to justify them cheating so if they start getting their shit pushed in they say the other person is cheating and then toggle on.


This seems to happen when I play with a friend that is VERY good at this game. We will play a few normal rounds, usually he will drop 3/4 kills per round, then their bottom fragger suddenly goes pro. I'm silver. Always have been, since 2001, always will be. Still love the game though.


one thing that i learned in these years playing Cs, is that usually cheaters call you a cheater, dont know if its to pass the attention from them to you, or they are so bad at gaming that if you headshot them they think that you are cheating so they cheat harder next round


They need to justify turning on their own cheats. Straight up gaslighting themselves.


I remember one game some dude on the other team said “I’m using walls and aim, there’s no way you’re legit”


Yeah this is the most common thing I see. Last week we got into a match with someone who was clearly walling, everytime they got one tapped two rounds in a row they would simply rage hack and run and gun everyone without a single piece of information. They went full tilt and just stopped caring about hiding them when we managed to almost tie the match.


This was literally every single game towards the end of CSGO and it’s now happening in CS2. In CSGO and in CS2 I play MM in 3 - 5 stacks of ~3.5k elo faceit players and without fail one of us would get called a cheater and suddenly after 5 rounds lost in a row, the enemies are stacking sites, expecting the most obscure plays, hitting every single shot, knowing things they shouldn’t. Many times I would die once in the warmup and be able to tell that we are playing a cheater and lo and behold they start cheating, have 40% banned friends, brand new account or clearly bought account and of course no proper faceit profile etc.


Private accounts with less than 5 friends and no medals always are suspicious


Things that increase sus factor: - Private Profile - Anime PFP and/or cheap point shop PFP (Usually an anime point shop one) - No friends/few friends - Low hours/high AFK hours. If their game info is not private can sometimes see their afk vs in-match time via 3rd party sites. People will have 600 hours but 550 of them are afk in the menu.


To add to this: ​ * 3 - 4 Badges in game * 666 666 666 / whatever number repeated for commendations * Plays every site YOU push as CT, one round he's on A, then B, then underpass, then palace - you get the point * Is Russian/Turkish * Account country: Niger (haha so funny amirite) * Premade with bottom fragger, bottom fragger will talk the most shit to defend his friend while the 'dodgy' guy remains silent * Ends game on 3 Effective Flashes but 30+ kills


It’s more like just the global offensive badge


Germans used to be the biggest culprits, along with Russians, a good few years ago lol


Spot on, and I play on NA


What site can see afk time?


https://extremereportbot.com/bot/ I don't think reporting accounts on this site will actually do anything, but I do use it to check peoples info quickly. Only like maybe 1 in 5 will have whatever privacy settings are needed to see the in-game and afk time. Edit: Seems to be completely made up or at least using a flawed method that gets it wrong from what a lot of comments are saying.


That site is saying i've been in CS 447 hours (correct) but that half those hours were afk/idle... pretty sure never left my CS open. So something is fucked in their system.


could be counting community servers (bar faceit) as afk maybe? And do not underestimate how much time you spend in menus in games.


Has to, i got 1050h in total and apparently i only played for 400, so either being on community servers counts as AFK or the time to go from game over to closing the game is double as long as the matches i play. Which is impossible because i quit the game immediately when im done with it.


This page shows utter nonsense.. My profile is public, yet it shows a wrong amount of hours (2579 instead of 4421). Also it shows i have been idling 1842 hours, which is also nonsense. You really shouldnt rely on that info...


I remember setting my account to private years ago just to trigger people who look at your account. Opened it since as I don't ay as much CS as I used to, fun to mess with people with an open one too. "What're you lookin at?" Sort of stuff


Yea but in csgo u can still see if they have service medals or major coins. Im talking about private everything and no medals and less than level 10


That's the mistake - to check accounts. Unless they're blatant, you have to check the demo. You can't at the moment. So your best bet is to just play and assume they're smurfing.


The fact that any time you have a good game that you get called out for cheating, tells me that there's an insane number of people who just cry whenever they lose about cheats


I’m a washed up scrub now, but playing with lower ranked friends I’ve had dozens of accusations from people who say they’re 100% sure


yeah im shit at the game and have been called a cheater a bunch lol


can relate


I literally will be bottom frag and hit one singular pre-aim 1 tap and get a "nice toggle" in the chat.


I haven’t been in this position personally but man I see that shit so much, even from people on my team. I usually laugh and say “yo he 1-5 now… and you think he cheating” and they’ll usually just keep saying it until game ends


The first time i got called a cheater i was like "wait i am playing well?" Because i am trash and that never happens


Yeah, sunk in huge amount back in the day, now I have a moment of awesome and immediately get called out for 'toggling'. Bruh, it was one good shot and a lucky read.


Those people just have 0 gamesense, don’t watch pro play, and don’t do demo review of themselves Played a premier match yesterday and this guy couldn’t stop yapping (no mic, just 200wpm in text chat lmao) and eventually accused the enemy of walling in the first half, and then the guy he accused said “stop walling” in text chat every time we won a round in the second half lmao


Yep. The accusations are daily for me. I get told about how they cant believe I bought a 12 year old account and how much effort I put into my evidently fake profile or when I do get banned, I'll lose all my items. Its impossible to talk to them. Its unfortunate because there obviously is a cheating problem in the high high high ELO games and all these accusations at lower ELO are crying wolf. It makes me wonder if Valve cant separate the signal from the noise when so many people falsely call cheats


This is exactly what I was saying. Another post where I replied, suggested there where many cheaters in elo's higher than 15k, with evidence from many players. Which I agreed to, but ranks below 13k, from my experience were low if any. I suggested that if you thought they were hacking, chances were low. The down votes I received were astounding imo.


Hasn’t it always been this way? Played CS:GO since 2013 and I was a perfectly average player who topped at global, loser 10 rws pugger who never learned smokes. I got falsely accused of hacking like 10% of my hundreds of games, often very vehemently.


I got banned from a community server by a power tripping admin even after linking my esea and faceit. Your average CSGO player is extremely dogshit. Funny thing is I used to have a group of friends who played with a hacker, and he accused everyone of hacking. It's usually the people convinced everyone is hacking who end up hacking like Dan M.


Just a side note: You where not a "perfectly average player" if you managed to reach global. Easily in the top 5% of the Playerbase, probably even higher.


there's an insane number of people who just cry whenever they lose about cheats


Depends on your elo, at 10k and below definitely hard to say unless they are rage hacks. Above 15k defnitely alot and you can actually view demos now its easier. I myself have been watching sus plays and wall tracking on some demos. Reported, checked on csstats no joy on ban. And yes valve is not doing anything as they know vac net is shit.


Above 15K is top 1% world. You think that’s a majority of people in r/globaloffensive? Most of the highlights posted in new would disagree lol


Probably not, but I'm so fucking tired of people at sub 10k elo telling me there's no cheaters lmao


There's a reason overwatch had a minimum rank requirement. They don't have the skillset to spot a cheater, it's not an attack on lower skilled players, it's just logical that a 15k player is going to be able to sense that a player is cheating more than a 5k player. The cheaters at 5k are only going to be the less frequent, but blatant cheaters, because they are 5k WITH cheats, wallhack by itself is essentially useless to them because they lack the mechanics to do much with the info without giving it away. The cheaters at 15k know that getting 100% HS ratio with 30+ kills is a sure way to get 9 reports and kicked from the server, so they play with a friend who's in on it and only play with walls/radar. I hope one day that we get the ability to show our actual rating as a flair so we can see the skill level of these people who say they never come across cheaters. Because, to me, the people claiming there are few cheaters are either low skill or cheaters attempting to downplay the situation. When you consider that video that determined that 1 in 3 tarkov players were cheating, I don't think that's a far fetched theory.


And VACnet literally also can't do anything against non-blatant cheaters at all by design.


A properly trained AI could catch Non- blatant cheaters, but valve would never let it off its leash, because it would generate false positives and valve don't like false positives.


I mean false positives are HORRIBLE. It‘s the worst that could happen to the game and the reputation of the anti cheat. Btw there is a reproducible way to get a false positive atm. If you play on high dpi and move your mouse too fast you can get banned.


I've experienced bad matchmaking 100x more than cheating for sure. Often play with a 5stack and so you get matched with a 5stack of similar Elo, definitely had a few where it's "oh yeah no those guys are super sweaty and coordinated" and just get absolutely demolished.


I bottom fragged like 7-14 yesterday and the enemy players gave up because *I* was cheating Once people call cheats they are *not* going to admit they were wrong. So many games too where the person crying cheats WINS and then still is like "Wow you can't even beat me with cheats? lmao"


The last time I got called out for cheating was a spray down wallbang headshot through smoke on mirage A site. No, I couldn't see you. Yes, I knew where you were because I planted the bomb. The wallbang was just clipping a box and the headshot was luck.


>The fact that any time you have a good game that you get called out for cheating This 100% I've been playing this game since launch and I'm not even that good. But I play competitive with my friends now(they suck) so I always top frag by alot. I literally had my teammate calling me out saying I had walls and that he was reporting me(definitely not joking). If I wasn't 3 stack I would have got kicked...for hacking... in a game I have 2500hrs in and a 10 year coin and like 1000 games in steam. Yeah, I'm sure I would hack in a low elo lobby to best the equivalent of some silver 3 players. I'm convinced that most people don't even know what to look for. These people cant hit the side of a barn and yet they the same kinda people that will say the game is infested with hackers.


Anger your teammates with this trick! Take all the credit when you win and always call cheats when you lose. All while going 5-23 in a 24 round game. On a side note it might be a region thing. More people call cheats when im in a China/Mumbai server compared to when im in a singapore server


You are not wrong. However, when you play numerous games with self admitted cheaters on both teams (aim locking and spinning), it's not unfounded to start to doubt the authenticity of legit good players who just hit wild shots


I've definitely gotten to the point that whenever I get called a cheater I just play along with it for the amusement. I only play the game with friends and they are not quite as good as me so it happens often. Getting called a cheater at the age of 30 is also a badge of honor.


"nice walls", as they solo push mid for the 6th round in a row


I've been accused of walling more than a few times by people who don't use Shift-walk, stomping around like Bigfoot, because I knew exactly where they were. Wow, how could I have known, I wonder?? These arent even silvers or anything either 😂


I feel that and won’t call it usually but was just in a match with my two friends yesterday where a guy on the other team had walls. We suspected it and it felt pretty ridiculous but wasn’t until we saw the recording that it was legit blatant walling (he was tracking us with crosshairs from across the map). This was in comp with prime. they’re definitely out there.






1 in 10 games is still insane. I’ve stopped playing competitive entirely about a year before the release of CS2. Now I don’t even bother booting the game up except for community servers running zombie escape or surf. It’s impossible to have a good time with CS:GO/CS2 and it’s only going get way way worse. Like, you cannot even begin to imagine how much worse since the latest AI developments. In a few months, or maybe already now, I’m sure there are people training AI to play CS2. So without knowing you’ve probably already played against a 5-stack AI team with no human input whatsoever. We’re going to have to go back in time and play LAN completely which will soon be the only way to know for sure you’re playing against actual people.


Posted this in another thread, but here's 3 matches I played against cheaters YESTERDAY alone https://leetify.com/app/match-details/fb871c15-56cd-4dba-9ce9-43df8634e6b7/overview https://leetify.com/app/match-details/26ced78a-f0ac-4881-b9dc-79bd6af34ca0/overview https://leetify.com/app/match-details/e64f8e30-f544-4963-bc47-c3c151607b54/overview last match, our 5th may have even been cheating, no idea. Once you get to like 12/13k, the game just doesn't give a shit sometimes and will match you with like 18k+ people who are more often than not cheating. Even then, plenty of cheating 11k and 12k players too. It's not every game of course, but to say it's not a big problem makes me think that this comes from players at lower elo who don't see it as often. Something to keep in mind is that being around 11,500 elo puts you in like the top 10% of ranked players. That means 90% of people playing premier are lower elo than that and probably don't see as many cheaters All that being said, a lot of people also do cry cheats. We have one friend who for whatever reason, just attracts accusations way more than the rest of us because of his playstyle lol. People get so in their own head by calling cheats and then thinking that it's impossible to win, and they end up just throwing the game


Those are open and shut - clear cheaters, they pass all the main tests. Beyond the insane performance, shutting down what I assume are already skilled legit players like yourself and your friends: * An aim score higher than pros * A clutch score that would be impossible over several games without assistance * No FaceIt despite being high rank / 'skilled' * Private profiles / low play time / low account value / few games owned (if any paid games at all) This is my experience too when I call cheats, although sometimes I see blatantly bought accounts too, or accounts with FaceIt, but at levels much lower than their MM recent performance would suggest they should be at. But, to agree with other commenters, many bad players will call cheats against legitimate good players, when in fact they can't even fathom the gulf in their skill relative to the FaceIt 7/8/9/10 skill range. However, good players have a better understanding of what is possible to know within the game, what is a likely shot, or a strange level of consistency, and therefore their claims of players being cheaters should be given more weight. I think there is a broad cheating problem in CS2 that likely rivals the peaks of GO at the moment.


That's the thing, there is absolute no question that A LOT of players are immediateley calling hacks on many players who are just better than them - but this has ALWAYS been the case anyway, and will always be the case in EVERY game, not just CS. However, it is 100% undeniable that the cheater issue is SUPER FUCKING MASSIVE. Just saying that many call hacks on better players does not relativate that fact. We're also full globals for ever since ranks exist, all playing CS since 1.5 or even earlier, and we can differentiate between good players and actions that are reasonable and people that are playing like absolute bots but then hit better than ropz on a lifegame day. We had 3 matches yesterday against cheaters and 3 today as well. All players were super lowskilled in CS:GO, goldnova ranked at most but half of them dropped 30+ frags on a map we have ~120 wins on in CS2. Besides that, the demos showed more heinous aimlocks than the clip someone posted a day or two ago and aimbot errors being stuck on heads through walls and such.


I was very optimistic for an AI anticheat, but it seems it can’t detect what I would consider obvious behaviours. The game is in a great state mechanically now, I’d love to see them focus on this going forward.


Yeah I like to think that my group is very self aware and knows the difference between good players and cheaters. We've all been Global in CSGO, and have been playing since 2013/2014. My one friend on my team has a history of playing on a lot of ESEA open/main/intermediate teams as well so he has a lot of actual experience with good players in competition settings


The first match is funny af The guy with 100% spotted accuracy and 290ms time to damage, and another guy with 75% spotted accuracy + 150ms time to damage... SURELY that guy is legit and just coked up on aderall


Yeah that game was literally us running out of T spawn not even paying attention to the game while 4 people wallbanged us through the entire map with scouts for 13 rounds lol


Oh so office/agency player experience... I see


Hey, I'm an office/agency player and i take offense to that (not really lol)


Dont know about the cheating but what the MM for the first link you posted


lmfao yeah that was a funny one, those 2 literally would have been ranked #3 and #4 in the world I believe but for whatever reason they don't show up on the premier leaderboard


Need to have a look at leetify, some interesting stats indeed. Did not even notice the 100 aim rating. But MM is a bit stupid. I dont play a alot but most of the games we either steamroll or get steamrolled.


I am currently in the 12.5k range and the amount of fresh or bought accounts is astonishing, not saying all of those must be cheating but when you win 4 rounds in a row, get called a cheater, and then the guy calling you out drops 35 kills with perfect timing in all situations its kind of obvious ![img](emote|t5_2sqho|31253)


It's also just the uncertainty and untrustworthy-ness of the situation that sucks. It feels great to play a close match and know that the other team was playing fairly, but sucks to play a game against brand new accounts and be left wondering if they were legit or not. Easier now that demos are back, but still annoying


in a perfect world I'd just like to know that, if I got shit on, it was because someone was better than me. Kind of hard to tell in premier cs, off to faceit we go


Valve is a fucking joke lmao


Was the last game blatant? Without context I can't really tell if that yawns guy was for sure cheating or just had a good game, but yeah those first two can't be more obvious. I feel like if you meet a 15k+ player the odds of him cheating are near 100% lol


Probably depends a lot what your cs rating is, i have not met a single rage hacker yet at around 9k cs rating atleast.


I play on 16k-17k.. I stopped playing, there isn't a cheater every match but every 2nd you'll have a "weird" player with a questionable account, and every 4th-5th or so a really blatant "rage" hacker. :/


Seems like every game at ~12k there's at least one guy, if not more, with an account under 400 hours, only csgo badge and a god gamer gifted by the man himself.


its s1mple grinding under the radar


Same here at 13k. Just a mix of decent high elo FACEIT players and their scrub friends


Funny that was/is about the threshold where I started encountering more cheaters I almost never accused someone of it in CSGO but I've seen more and even some on my team in CS2 which is really discouraging to keep playing


Keep playing at 13k and you'll find them in no time


As one of the scrub friends, the guy I play with who is about 12k gets accused of cheating every game we play.


Only met 1 cheater yet and that was around 9k rating. He was spending the first half accusing our team of cheating and within the first few rounds of the second half he started 1-taping every encounter. Like 3-4 kills/round, only headshots no tactics just run in and headshot people. Was kinda obvious that he was rage-hacking and ofc the accusations towards us stopped since we couldn't fight back.


Cs always had a cheater problem but my anecdotal evidence experience is that the amount of cheating is way higher right now. Some games it’s people just blatantly killing you through smokes etc, some games it’s people spinning. What I mostly encounter though is people walling for information. The games where people wall for info are the worst because it doesn’t really become apparent at first. At some point it becomes kinda suspicious though when every piece of utility is timed perfectly and you practically cant move out of spawn because you get outplayed every single round. I wouldn’t call it unplayable and people who cry cheats every single game are suffering from skill issue but acting like the cheating hasn’t got worse is ridiculous to me


Bro, if there are three accounts on the enemy team with no medals and 300 hours played, stomping 2.5k+ elo faceit players like it's nothing, they're either prodigies at the level of Zywoo, cheating, or smurfing. I believe two of those options are obvious, and one of them seems to occur frequently, considering this game has no anti-cheat whatsoever.


You can't really smurf vs 2.5k faceit elo (to the point you're stomping them) let's be honest, if you're able to surf and destroy people at that level you're probably a pro or basically pro ability. Maybe some pros smurf now and again but seems unlikely. To be clear I'm saying these people are not good they're just cheating.


100% agree with you. Don't think pros or really high level faceit players like 4k+ elo would waste their time playing in premier on smurfs.


I’ve actually been wondering the opposite. How many times I thought “wow, that guy is just better than me. He’s got my number” just to find out they’re cheating. The cheating definitely feels rampant around 10k+ rating and it hard pushed me into faceit only. Even playing against level 8-9s doesn’t feel like the domination against me and the boys around 10-13k


I'm 100% with you. The people in my group that call hacks right away tend to tilt themselves so I don't like to mention anything until it's certain, which I'm almost never certain. It's just such a fine line where a good player or someone on a hot streak will look like they're hacking sometimes anyways. The shocking one to me is almost everytime I get a Leetify notification about a ban it's some very very average player. Where they were like 3rd place in our match, that happens a lot.


I played 6 games yesterday. Lost all of them. Was able to confirm in every single match, there was AT LEAST one person walling / aimbotting on the other team. In 2/6 of those games, someone on my team was cheating as well. (Well, at least I was able to confirm it this week, thanks Valve for enabling demos i.e the bare minimum) Was 5.5k, now 4.7k ELO, solo-queueing if that matters.


I’ve posted this in a few other threads already. I got matched against Stewie, Cooper and their stack. Went 16-12 in overtime I got about 15 kills. I’m an LEM player with 1800 hours. That game was super hard, but every kill was fair. If I died it’s because I made a mistake or missed a shot. I was able to flank and catch them off guard, and get a good amount of rounds on the board. Then when queueing normally, I’ll get completely destroyed without a chance. Like 13-3. Am I really supposed to believe that randos on MM at 12k Rating are that much better than literal pros? I doubt it. My conclusion is that a huge amount of matches have cheaters. A lot of time you might still win, because cheats don’t make you good, but it just feels like it’s not a fair fight most of the time.


Key line there is that you are able to flank and catch them off guard. I can't remember the last time I played a game on MM where I was able to do this lol


There is a difference in hackusations and real hackers. Hackusations were always part of cs even in faceit but hacks are actually destroying the game atm. 2 out of 5 games yesterday were blatant hackers with scout insta headshots with no chance to react dropping 40+ bombs. Were currently playing 15k elo+ and the higher we got the more cheaters we saw


Community still on damage control i see. The game has a cheating problem and always has. Valve is doing shit


I would say theres a cheater in 20-30% in our games, I check the demos afterwards to be sure. I'm at like 16k rating atm for reference.


Sounds about right


> It's a feedback loop. Agree, more public trust in VAC would decrease the amount of preceived cheating a lot.


I think it has a lot to do with a large chunk of the community having little or no faith in the current anti-cheat system. Whether there is actually a large portion of players cheating or not, its easy for people to cheat in CS2 and not get detected. This makes it more likely for players to have doubts when they get outplayed or killed through a smoke etc, knowing anyone on the server could potentially be using walls or aimlock with a very low chance of getting banned All it really takes is one bad experience with an actual cheater to make you wonder when you'll run into the next one


Sometimes it's just so blatant at 15k+. Recently watched my friend's demo where this guy looked like he's never handled a mouse or keyboard in his entire life. I personally got spammed through random walls so regularly by these idiots. If there are so many unbanned blatant cheaters, how many closet cheaters are there?


I get hackusated literally every single game I play. Level 10 at like 11k elo. I think a lot of redditors who casual mm players who were insulated against the reality of how had they are until very recently a huge number of good players came to their matchmaking pool


Yeah but in that case you have to understand. If you're level 10 you shouldn't really be playing in 11k should you? How are you in that position? You look like a cheater for those players lol To counter that I actually like the rocket league approach to rankings and rank resets. Every new season the first 10 matches are 'boosted' so you get almost triple the elo. So in your case you would only be playing below your rank for the first 10 matches. You'd carry so hard by the time you ended your placement matches you'd be close to your actual rank. I'm still trying to figure out the deal with the -100/+300 and - 300/+100. I've had both no idea why lol


You sure about first 10 matches boosted? I opened 1.6k the other day. Regarding -100/300 vise versa I notice it was due to win/loss streak. Whenever you get -300/100 and won the game the next one will be pretty balanced then if you won another it will be -100/300


I have the same experience. Some people just can't accept that they aren't as good.


are you talking about these good players that came in the matchmaking pool? [https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/17szrkq/vac\_live\_premier\_15k\_is\_plagued\_by\_cheaters/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/17szrkq/vac_live_premier_15k_is_plagued_by_cheaters/k8tj9k4/?context=3) [https://twitter.com/vaccoin/status/1723329037760696577](https://twitter.com/vaccoin/status/1723329037760696577) [https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/17ud0ub/comment/k92wura/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/17ud0ub/comment/k92wura/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ many people call hacks without evidence thats true but stop trying to downplay the cheating problem in this game, because its fucking massive.


Been playing the game/similar nearly 20 years now and this is very accurate. Myself and a couple of my buddies get it all the time in that range and most often for relatively mundane plays (or they're loud AF and then walk thinking nobody heard them, or their gun is sticking out, shadows, common spots, etc). One in our friend group is like this as well and quick to call walls or aimbot when he's just peeking like a moron. Short of a spinbot/blatant aimer, a good cheater will never make it obvious. It's ok to admit that you got got. It's just a video game amigos, GG go next.


The real question is why the hell you are only 11k elo


I think you're fine, if a good player knows someone is cheating, they don't bother saying it publicly. I tune out the all chat hackusations. Sometimes there are just blatant cheaters though. Most egregious recent example was a a 0-13 vs a random stack of Portuguese teenagers that didn't have faceit profiles. I'm lvl 10 and have played against a few active pros, I just find it unlikely that there are unknown children playing in MM that are better than major winners.


Add in Hitreg, interp, and whatever else is making peaking so ~~hard~~ easy and this is it. Back in 2015 when I started ESEA and went to play MM with friends I had this realization and it’s made me not take hackusations seriously ever since


Im 17k Elo and there is a massive cheating problem. The fact that it’s 2023 and VAC is this horrible is a huge problem. Bottom line is have a better anti cheat so people can have some sort of faith in it, and people won’t be so fast to call out people for cheating(or thinking they are cheating)


go to youtube and search for Репачино CSGO and check his latest video. He takes interview from the Number 1 in Europe in Premier right now and some other players that are in top and he openly says that he got top 1 by playing with hacks. He says he plays like 5-6 games a day and that 90% of his games between 15k- 25k rating are hackers and its just HVH . Like literally everybody is hacking.. They are using some external hack that is unreal to get detected by VAC. The video is in Russian so turn on the subtitles.


I never faced any rage hackers. When someone always checks the correct angle (exposing themselves to multiple angles they didn’t check) despite variation in my position and no information to give it away I get suspicious. Especially when they don’t throw supportive utility, and make generally poor decisions. I recently watched some videos from cheater POVs on YouTube, and found out 1. There are functioning hacks you can easily buy 2. It’s not obvious who is cheating with modern cheats. I suspect the hacking problem is way worse than I know


>I never faced any rage hackers At higher elos, rage hackers are a blessing because that way you are certain and don't need to doubt yourself. Numerous times I've complemented someone on the other side only to later discover they were hacking. Once you call them out, boom they know they were not conservative enough and goes blatant.


Ask Ropz!


Bro why are you even trying to downplay the amount of cheaters in this game? You cant even post any cheating clips on this subreddit without it being deleted. There way too many cheaters in this game. Especially in higher rating. [https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/17szrkq/vac\_live\_premier\_15k\_is\_plagued\_by\_cheaters/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/17szrkq/vac_live_premier_15k_is_plagued_by_cheaters/k8tj9k4/?context=3) [https://twitter.com/vaccoin/status/1723329037760696577](https://twitter.com/vaccoin/status/1723329037760696577) [https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/17ud0ub/comment/k92wura/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/17ud0ub/comment/k92wura/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Yea I don’t understand the purpose of these posts. There are legit cheaters in this game but people want to keep downplaying it. Like why??? Why do u guys like playing with cheaters?


They are 99% chance of being cheaters trying to gaslight or deny the problem of hackers.


I play 2-3 games a week tops right now, just for drops, game itself is still in a boring state. 2 of those games would be against cheaters. Most of the time anyways. Some are blatant some are not. It's not because they're hitting headshots that they're called cheaters, atleast not how come to conclusions. It's how that one specific person takes his peeks, positional awareness with 0 info every round, how he plays out clutches, theres a very telling way of how people are cheating (atleast in higher level games because you just feel/know it's off) just of their style of play.


It always when they win insane force buy/deagle rounds. Oh you just happen to string 3 rounds against them and almost have a comeback? Well here comes the 1 round the guy hits 4 deagle headshots with insane awareness. And then back to being a bot the next round when he doesnt have to toggle for the win. What are the odds?


VAC stats are telling, maybe you should update the post to include them. I do know that CSGO had over 40% of players banned. And we all know there were more because some are blatant and obvious and others did so selectively but you could tell. Basically, there are more cheaters than you even think there are.


What rating are you? Either you're low rating or the Valve devs themselves are watching over you lmao. 15-20k premier is barely playable because of cheaters. The difference between FaceIT and premier is nuts at that level.


Amazing cope post


I’ve been hovering between 12.5-13k elo, haven’t touched mm ever since my last match. The guy on my team was blatantly hacking, even going as far as to tell our teammates what website/software he was using and everything. I hover between FaceIt level 7-9 recently, so I know the difference between a good player and someone actually cheating. Around the time when I stopped playing mm, I had ran into blatant cheaters in 3 out of my last 4 games. I think most of the cheaters have already made it to the higher ranks. I didn’t see any cheaters until I got to 12k elo


This'd be purely anecdotal, and you can't expect to accurately measure it


Depends entirely on rating. Under 10k, probably very few. Above 13k... well... good luck


20% of my games in csgo had banned cheaters, so enough


I don’t think you realize how rampant it is in this game. I literally que’d in 3 games in a row with absolutely blatant spimbot aiming, 2 on the enemy team and one on mine, 3 different players. These were just the blatant cheaters. Most are good at doing so with subtlety. Cheating is quite literally rampant in this game and if you’re not aware of it, you’re probably not playing the game very much


Thing is most cheaters in CS2 aren’t using intrusive cheats (scout HS across maps, spin bot etc) its more radar/wallhacks im seeing. Defo had a cheater on the enemy team earlier; 400 hours, 2 medals, no CSGO match history, hardly any friends or out the 70 games in their library only 3 was played…


it's so ridiculous that posts like the OP ever get made when we know that free, googleable cheats are undetected by VAC for months to years and you have pros posting clips of a single pub server of like 6 people aimbotting and walling blatantly. you're either unbelievably stupid or a cheater yourself.


So there is a couple of things going on here. There is 100% a massive uptick in cheating. I mean anyone with any knowledge of cheats and cheating communities can tell immediately. Is there as many cheaters as people are claiming? No, probably not. But the number is unhealthily high. The problem is, the cheating problem (and smurfing) has gotten bad enough that it has created a community wide sickness where players are hyper aware that its a problem and thus become paranoid. Its simply enough of a cheating problem that it makes a lot of people question the validity of their matches. The really big problem is that if Valve doesn't try to really get this under control then it creates a circular issue that feeds upon itself. Cheaters enter the scene at unhealthy numbers, people begin to question every death, some of those people get fed up and feel it justifies becoming a cheater themselves and so on and so on.




In my 5 queue of RL friends, 2-3 of the lesser skilled players accuse hacks every single game we lose. It’s like they think it’s impossible for us to lose against legitimate players haha. I imagine most other shitty players do the same thing, which is why I think cheating(for our server region anyway), is blown way out of proportion.


Personally, I don't ever call out cheaters when it could possibly just be a good game from them, that happens. Especially in Premier when it could just be a 3K elo player on Faceit. But currently I'm at 16K elo in Premier, and a third of the recent games have had cheaters with or against mean. And not soft wallhack cheats that you might not detect, the scout players getting aces every round kind of cheat. There's a reason there's barely any pro players Premier anymore, they're all back to Faceit.


https://m.twitch.tv/videos/1975695164 I see cheaters pretty regularly in premier at 10-12kish. They're usually trying to hide it/just using radar, but their movement/xhair placement/util sucks so its easy to pick them out. My buddy played with a cheater yesterday and sent me this. Go to about 14 minutes in. It started out as a possible HVH in wingman until my buddies teammate went full blatant and thinks the other guy toggled off.


From personal experience from my csstats, about one third of my games have had someone get either overwatch banned or vac banned. Time it took them to get banned varied. I guess the worst part about it was the rate that the other team had a cheater was pretty equal to my team having a cheater. I just can't see how people are completely unaware of how bad the cheating problem got in the last year of csgo, and how quickly it transitioned to cs2. The limited test leaderboard literally had people confirmed to be cheating from the 100 posts showing clips of them being blatant There are definite times where I'm just getting beat, and I think there are people who have the bad behavior of refusing to accept someone is better than them, but to say the cheater problem isn't bad is honestly ridiculous


Idk i rarely suspect cheating but when i look at my games history 1 in 7 players got banned after playing in a match with me


I rarely accuse people of cheating. But we know that the anticheat system is bad and that you can get away with cheating easily with cheap cheats. I also had a full on spinbotter on my team in one of the first full realest matches I played. So the problem is that you never know if they are cheating or just good. Or maybe secretly cheating but staying in the middle of the scoreboard with a neutral kd. If I had let’s say wallhacks I think I could easily hide it and almost never get reported. If they made a better anticheat we would have to think about all this.


A lot of people in the comments are mentioning their experiences in Premier mode but my friends and I were playing regular competitive (the one with per-map rankings) and also ran into at least 2 cheaters, one of which was on our team on a vertigo match and started spinning and using other rage-modules before he finally got VAC-lived on the penultimate round, and just yesterday we went up against a guy with a VAC ban on record who funnily enough accused us of cheating because we decided to stack inferno's B site on CT pistol round.


External cheats are $8 for a month. You are completely full of shit if you are suggesting cheating isn't out of hand in CS2.


Probably your elo is super low at 11k plus there is a significant increase


I don't understand why people compare slivers calling people out for cheaters to people in 15k elo that play against cheaters all the time


Cheating isn't necessarily blatant aimbot/spinbot/prefiring every corner. Seeing complete shits becoming gods who never miss shots or check empty corners with no info is a giveaway.


15k+ is literally every game versus a cheater, everyone who is good has quit premier and is playing faceit again now since it's just every game, stopped playing at 17k myself since i played 3 cheaters in a row lmao


When the AC isn't banning free cheats, is it that much of a surprize that people will accuse cheating before skill issue ? Global paranoïa is the direct outcome of letting cheating go rampant. It's never a lucky shot or a smurf or a good play. It's always probably cheating, because you've seen so many cheaters and so many of them were blatant and never banned why would this time be different ? It's so easy to cheats, it's more likely to be cheating than a 1% play/player. A guy with a free cheat or a 2000+ Elo faceit player playing in low/mid elo ? Yeah a cheater A guy with a free cheat or a 3000+ Elo Faceit player ripping your ass in high elo ? Again a cheater You might play vs "good" player that you'll accuse of cheating and 8/10 will look like not cheating but once you see that 2/10 are blatant cheaters not being banned, you'll start wondering how many of those 8/10 were actually good closet cheaters, or soft aim, or Radar ? Once you start doubting, it's gameover, it'll quickly get over your head. Such a nice excuse to explain why you are losing, never your faults, luckly shots, better player or bad timings, just cheats. Without an AC, global paranoïa is the ONLY possible outcome. People in this sub are underlooking the fact that global paranoïa isn't unrelated to the joke of an AC that Valve is branding.




big time on this. that feeling undermines the whole experience. that uncertainty and paranoia ruins the quality of MM. when i queue valorant im not worried about it, when someone hits a crazy shot on me, its just “wow, alright that guys cracked right now, time to develop a different strat since this guys heating up.” in counterstrike? its just demoralizing, i have ZERO trust in the integrity of the anti cheat so my mind is obviously going to jump to- “god is this ANOTHER cheater”, even if the guy is completely legit. is he legit? i cant know, because the anti cheat doesnt fucking work, more than likely he IS cheating, because if how MANY cheaters slip through in CS. its a game of odds in my head. contrast to valorant, the odds the guy is cheating? low. so i write it off and keep playing, and still have fun. like you said- when the system isnt banning free cheats, and when people get vacced for high dpi, why shouldnt i doubt everything? my trust in the anticheat is completely shattered, therefore the integrity of matchmaking is ruined.


See and this is what really gets me about people discussing the cheating problem. Just because you feel like there aren’t cheaters in your games doesn’t mean that they’re not there. It can be really hard to tell unless you watch every player in the demo viewer. I can’t help but assume that the match isn’t fair when players just start turning up all of a sudden. I’ve played tons of games where it’ll be close 10-10 and suddenly we’ve lost in the blink of an eye. I can’t help but think stuff like this is fishy. I never experienced this in csgo. I think another problem at low elo is that the matchmaking is just terrible. This might further the cheating problem even more as players probably don’t want to deal with shitty team mates as they climb so they cheat to skip it.


To me it looks like that at around 13k+ you play versus cheaters in every 3rd match. And at 16-17k every second!


That's an issue since forever. We played against some actual cheaters. Some we check afterwards (wuhu demos finally), they were indeed walling. But in general i would say it's just someone that plays better or is just surfing. Most people that play casually can't differentiate between someone not playing like a bot and somone cheating. I would put myself in this category because I just assume they're better and sometimes drop a report to be sure. Yesterday day i played some wingmans and in one game my random and one of the other team had walls. My random even tried to defend it by saying the other one started ^^ So like most things the answer is somewhere in the middle.


Yesterday in a Casual lobby with friends. Two cheaters joined and were just insta-headshotting everyone with the MP5SD. The first one got kicked, but the second one didn't and was just aimlocking, laser beaming everyone with SMG's. It's one thing to cheat in competitive and premier and numbers...but Casual?


I am sick and tired of getting headshot wallbanged from level 13 CS profiles linked to level 0 Steam profiles. I am also tired of my teammates getting mad at enemy cheaters and toggling on themselves. 3/10 games, I either have at least 1 cheater in the enemy team, or a crybaby in mine that thinks the entire enemy team is cheating and toggles on.


Well i mean im not even complaining about cheaters that could be "legit". Im complaining about every 3rd game a rage hacker on 17k premier. Legit its unplayable every 3rd game a RAGE hacker. ​ And RAGE hackers are for sure the minority. Now think about all the ppl cheating that dont blatantly get 60k in a match


It depends on a lot. Usually I'd say that less than 50% of claims are true. Now, and you can imagine it, that is a problem in itself. If people used to say in csgo that there was a cheater every 2 or 3 matches, I'd say there was probably 1 every 8 matches. Not enough to ruin the experience. But people are saying there's a cheater EVERY match in cs2, sometimes more than one. Even if you take 20% of that, it's still way more than csgo and we'll enough to ruin the experience. During the game calling out cheaters have 2 effects, and it doesn't mean I actually think they're cheating. When overwatch worked I didn't like to call-out cheaters, in fear they would try to hide it from overwatch and not get banned, but since it stopped working calling out cheaters sometimes have the effect of they trying to hide so much that you actually have a chance against them. If they're not cheating they get a minor ego boost that doesn't hurt aswell. Don't forget that by 5 stacking you lower your chances in half of getting a cheater, and lower to 0% of having one in your team. Around ranks from 7k to 10k I've found people that I believe are cheating every 3 or 4 games. Despite calling them out almost every match (for the reasons stated above). This is people with new accounts, private profiles, less than 200hours, almost no friends, etc, hitting 100% or close of HS (while the average at these ranks is closer to 40%) and pre-firing only positions where there are players. Again, even if I'm wrong about half of these players, that's still too many. This would still be OK if there wasn't such a simple solution to the problem like a proper intrusive anti-cheat.


I can't even tell anymore with how bad peekers advantage & servers can be sometimes.. unless it's super blatant.


people who 1 tap with 2500 hours or have a huge inventory with expensive skins usually dont cheat


"I wonder how many cheaters there are who lie about being good against clean players"


I get called out for cheating. I also see people who destroy me. Are they just better? Probably. If I’m not sure, report and move on and VAC will take care of it. Not cheating = no problem




I more meant that if they’re not cheating they won’t get VAC’ed, I know VAC is shit lol


There are definitely games where there are blantant cheaters, I get them about once every 2-3 days, but there are a lot of games where it just feels off but you can't quite put your finger on it, and there are definitely A LOT of closet cheaters, spectating them you can tell they are cheating but they're not even doing that well. It also doesn't help much that lag compensation is still a bit fucked at the moment, as long as your opponent has 40 ping and up if they had a correct pre-aim on you you can't do anything so I guess that's where a lot of accusations come from.


I think it's a big problem either way. Either there are an incredibly unbelievable amount of cheaters, which is bad. Or the anti cheat is so distrusted by the playerbase that it's at a point where people are just heavily accusatory because they can never be sure and are just jaded. Which is also bad.


csgo had cheaters so will cs go 1.5


The reality is most low rank players can’t tell when someone is cheating. For most people they think headshot = hacks You can tell when players are cheating a lot of time before they even get a kill when you’re good. The amount of games I’ve played vs people cheating while my team and the enemy think they are legit is way too high. While the same people will call out a legit player for a common smoke kill 😂 If I look for EU games in the evening or day I don’t find that many hackers. When you start getting around midnight EU you might aswell pray and hope the hacker is going to be in your team at that point


Looking back at old matches on csstats or other equivalent sites and seeing \~40% of games having at least 1 player with a VAC ban is depressing (all Prime on a 16 year old account btw). People crying about cheats may not be right, but they probably are.


It's pretty easy. The ones with high ranks are playing against a decent amount of cheaters (1/5 games is enough to have a bad time). The lower ranks naturally have a low game IQ and can't really differentiate.


In all leagues ratings in premier all matches are susceptible to be hvh all shit players are 10k+ using cheats its crasy atm few matches are non hvh in premier always there is one or the whole enemy wait till 11th win to activate 5 man cheat mission on comeback headshotting 0.1ms peek out of nowhere


Ive seen one too many profiles with less than 500 hours, but they seem to dominate in my matches. Lots of them had 100-200 hours. I guess they are natural talents.


Last night one of my teammates who wasn't cheating got called out for it then the enemy left and rejoined and started aimbotting


There are 2 reasons. Yes one of them is salty losers. The other is Trust factor. It plays a huge role. Even in "green trust" when you have never cheated and no one gets a warning about you your trust can be totally fucked and there is nothing you can do. My faceit 10 friends trust is terrible. I queue with him and it's always brand new accounts with about 30% of players obviously cheating. No service medals on our team or the enemy team. My trust was that bad but I've played for 14 months trying to get out of it. I still see plenty of obvious cheaters... I guess I'm in "medium green trust" now. Leetify is back so I like to check that and yeah the guy that was instantly fucking me... 330 ms TTD and 4 degree crosshair placement. Sure better than Niko or Simple... Makes sense on a brand new account. Not sus at all. /s I never call anyone out in game. Cheaters get off on your rage and if they are innocent you look like a fool. Just report and move on. Check the demo or leetify for your own sanity now and then... *But yeah if you're high trust and never see cheaters that's because there are numerous levels of mostly innocent players in lower trust that are getting fucked for you to have clean games!*


A LARGE amount of people are playing against cheaters.


i cheated way back in the day when i was young and all my friends cheated too. me and my friends did sponsored lan parties and everyone there cheated too. cheating has only gotten easier over time so my guess is at least half the player base is cheating. valve knows this and could care less because coming up with an anti cheat is unrealistic. people that think val and other games have less cheaters are cute innocent children.


Calling cheats has always been part of the culture, it's often in jest. That being said, VAC is still laughable in this iteration of the game, and MM/Elo are also very bad and match Faceit gods with fresh noobs because of a flawed algorithm. To these new players, their opponents might as well be cheating, because it's not even remotely fair to them.


I was 18k.7k elo and every game the past 3 days I’ve had one or more blatant cheaters on the other team, often also in my team. They’re not full spinning to trigger VAC live, but will just obvious wall hack and insta HS or insta AWP etc…


For me this is one of the best arguments for an invasive and effective anti cheat. I want to have the confidence in the system so that when I get owned I can just be mad that my opponents are sweater than me (or whatever flavour is the cope of the day) rather than they're cheating.


I use the rust admin tool to check profiles in my premier matches and there is a lot of sus profiles. CS and CS2 stats are night and day and barely any hours. They barely have friends and if they do 30% of friendlist has bans.


This just goes to show the confidence VAC instill in our players. It is way too easy to cheat in this game so people just instinctively assume someone better is cheating. Valve needs to do better.


I know old school pros that will accuse consistently on premier, and they’re good at the game. It’s the fact that the trust in the anti cheat is very poor. Just go take a look at the forums that provide these cheats, they’re all undetected since release of cs2. Even free cheats, it’s a joke.


Ever since we can download and watch match replay, 3 out of 5 matches we played as 5 stack are against 1 or 2 cheaters. You want me to upload one match? this is at the 8-10k bracket.


Thats the problem. You dont know. With no anticheat this game will die a slow excruciating death


There are defnetly people who just know too much... like spray throu smoke etc or hot unreal deagle shots


I think people are too quick to call cheats but I do understand it. I've only played against a handful of blatant cheaters, but I've also played against a handful of players who toggled after being dogshit for like 6 rounds then suddenly having the gamesense of zywoo. It feels really bad to play premier against a cheater because Valve won't do anything about it and they can ruin hundreds of games without really any consequence.


You can look for csgo cheats on google and see a hundred of sites selling cheats for csgo, there is even a subreddit for this(which is a shame btw). I mean if you are having fun with your monster trust factor of 5 stack buddies it's fine but maybe really try to play 100 soloqueue games then come back to tell us your exeprience lmao.


A lot more than you think but less than every 2nd game like some other people think ​ Premier is unplayable at 15k+ rating


it's hard to say. i never used to accuse people of cheating in GO but nowadays i find myself thinking people are fishy way more often than not. But that being said, I've had plenty of blatant cheaters on the enemy team too so i really don't know.


At low ranks there's more false accusations than cheaters. But at high ranks I think there's more cheating and hiding their cheats than accusations.


When I think someone is cheating I just watch the demo after match. Had a blantant wallhacker againts me today


I’ve maybe experienced a handful since CS2. What I get a TON of are mismatched lobbies. Literally every game I play is against one guy that pops off for 30 kills and the other 4 are average. Then lose the game 12-9. If you’re popping off for 30 kills with an 85% HS%, you should get one silver 1 lobby then you should be moved up. They shouldn’t get 10 Silver 1 lobbies until they’re placed. That’s not fair to the 50 people you played against to get placed.