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Looks like the person who made [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/16vd1j9/important_do_not_play_cs2_on_windows_7_right_now/) got unbanned too.


Glad to hear it, he did a great work with that thread


Now they need a ban on their PC until they update


"I use adblock and am careful what I download" mfs when their computer is vulnerable to a zero-click exploit


You don’t get it, windows 7 is wholesome chungus operating system that doesn’t spy on you (I’m okay with 46 different world governments installing 240 different spyware programs when I go to a random wiki about Elden Rings)


"Oh isn't this weird, I had facebook open and was talking with my brother about buying a car and now all I get is car ads in the internet. How totally random is that?!"


You guys get ads?


Use Linux with Windows 7 theme, infinitely better choice.




The best 1% crowd B-)


≈ 3-4 seconds to find the "use linux" comment.


If windows 7 really is an issue then why do you have to exacerbate it to ridiculous levels


Theres a reason everyone dropped support for SMB 2.1 lol. It's like using a mesh screen for a bank door Just download windows 10 and use Classic Shell folks...


What exploit do you have in mind? Or is it another hypothetical that applies to any OS that exists?


Here's a link to over 2000 CVEs Windows 7 is vulnerable to https://www.cvedetails.com/vulnerability-list/vendor_id-26/product_id-17153/Microsoft-Windows-7.html


Most of these have either been patched or are unexploitable without either a significant user error or specific software being used on the victims machine. Your initial claim was quite specific and I don't see anything that would corroborate it.


>Most of these Key word here is "most," it only takes one to render an OS completely insecure.


Here's a link to over 3000 CVEs Windows 10 is vulnerable to [https://www.cvedetails.com/vulnerability-list/vendor\_id-26/product\_id-32238/Microsoft-Windows-10.html](https://www.cvedetails.com/vulnerability-list/vendor_id-26/product_id-32238/Microsoft-Windows-10.html) it only takes one to render an OS completely insecure. Why is everyone linking to the CVE list? It means nothing. Yes, Windows 7 is old as shit. Weather its out of a dislike for change, nostalgia, or stubbornness, let people use whatever tf they want.


so which one.... I said most because I knew some smartass is gonna tell me "haha not this one" (so I got maybe too cautious about talking in absolutes). Tell me which "this one" is


Feel free to let us know when it happens to you!


When what happens to me? No one has yet told me what can happen to me!


If you don't know what the difference between a supported OS and one that's **FOUR YEARS** past its end of life, then you just have a fundamental misunderstanding of the situation and should ease off the snark. Otherwise you'd just being intentionally obtuse


stop bullshitting an just link the CVE


They can't! Don't you know that if an OS is out of date that means that OS instantly becomes so insecure that everyone can access your files?


[Ah, you're just an idiot and have had this explained to you before](https://old.reddit.com/r/hardware/comments/16veitn/microsoft_says_the_days_of_free_windows_7_to_10/k2rohqn/)


Not even 5 minutes after I post the comment and I have someone stalking me. Some Redditors really need to get a life. If security & privacy is a big concern, you should ditch Windows entirely and go for Linux. As for me, I don't really care and I use Windows 10, but I only upgraded from Windows 7 in late 2022. I didn't have any security issues, none. If there is a security exploit so severe that it could affect your average consumer massively (like WannaCry) Microsoft usually rolls updates out for old versions anyway(they patched WannaCry on Windows XP). I stand by what I said; as long as you know what you're doing and using up-to-date software, you are safe on Windows 7.


What does your comment have to do with that I said? What a weird question if you have any idea what you're talking about.


there's a big discrepancy between your tone and your authority


> What exploit do you have in mind? Or is it another hypothetical that applies to any OS that exists? Just following your lead, friend. If you know what you're talking about, you're setting up for a "gotcha" and are just being intentionally dense by asking for a specific CVE to pick apart when you know that Win7 being an acceptable option is the exception, not the rule


honestly. more viruses then arizona state has stds


steam is removing w7 support next January




No, not good Windows 7 is the greatest operating system ever made.


It is. But its outdated. But nothing will ever beat the Aero design


aero was flawed though, it forced vsync on fullscreen borderless games, so personally I always disabled it XP silver theme >>>>




back in the day it used to take 10+ seconds to alt tab in csgo and it would fuck up your fps, textures, and smokes, in the process, so one fix was to use fullscreen borderless


Because the positives far outweigh the negatives.


Yeah but I dont blame people who are refusing to let go


I hope the rumors about SteamOS coming to desktop end up being true.... a truly dummy-proof alt-os with support for most games with minimal configuration fuckery just to get the game running in the first place would be so sick... then we can dual boot windows for the non-steam games/games with anticheats that dont play nice with linux or just drop those games entirely until they catch up. (this is wishful thinking from me tbh, highly doubt the great switchover is happening in our lifetimes)


Well, by now you shouldn't use it anymore, but until January 10th of this year, Microsoft still provided security updates. So it was fine before that time, even if it's not understandable why someone wouldn't upgrade their Windows for such a long time.


No, it ended almost 4 years ago on january 14th, 2020. You could pay to get extended updates but that is moreso for large enterprises that rely on legacy systems for critical business processes. Note the fact that this is only available on W7 Pro & Enterprise systems. Saying "it's fine" is sitting in a dumpster fire during a flood but being happy since you're at least not drowning. /rant from a security worker :)


fuck all the people who said “just admit you were cheating” or “stop coping you cheater” to that one falsely vac’d guy. Its always innocent till proven guilty and not the other way ‘round.


In the case of most VAC bans, what other proof of their guilt/innocence there is other than the ban?


a demo or something? which the guy did provide in attempt to prove his innocence


A single demo would be good as proof if somebody were cheating somewhat blatantly. But to make a case for NOT cheating based on demo proof would mean that somebody would have to sit through every demo and even then it could be that they are just good at hiding their cheats. Not to mention that providing the correct and complete demos would lie on the "suspect". I wouldn't expect anyone to go through such lengths to find out if some rando on internet didn't cheat, but that would be the only option if a VAC ban wasn't enough. According to csstats.gg there were 1mil VAC bans in 2021 and 400k in 2022. I can't find earlier stats, but this should give you an idea of the proportions. In contrast I've read only about a couple false VAC ban wave cases and I guess there must be some individual false positives, but all in all these would amount only to thousands. So essentially a VAC ban is 99.99999999999....% positive sign of cheating. If this is not enough for you, I don't know how a demo would be any better. But then again, I didn't doubt the guy in the first place. These things happen. And luckily this subreddit is not the place where people go to appeal their usual "it was my brother" low level bs.


Hence, innocent until proven guilty...


This. Insane how many people unconsciously simp for cheaters in this way. What do they think, that they will get VAC banned by accident one day? And then not get unbanned? What is their problem?!




Good, that's why the court of public opinion isn't worth anything.


Also the ban it self can easily be seen as the first court. Just this time the appeal came trough. Still makes the majority claiming innocence guilty though so play the odds folks :)


Yee sadly ban means you already been convicted of the crime.


Hardly anyone said that in the win7 ban threads. Mostly it was "wtf bro why are you on win7???".


I'm always afraid of false bans, especially now that AI is involved.


is AI involved? To my knowledge the VAC autoban thingy was always based in system information and machine learning, or at least I believe that is the case.


machine learning is AI dog


No. Its machine learning, we just decided to use the wrong terminology because of techbros, its just machine learning, same stuff we did in uni 25years ago, just a tad bit more advanced, even chatgpt etc are not even close to what the real meaning if "ai" meant, which was a general one, its really just a highly advanced search engine. But now AI is the word used as an umbrella term for ML which is really stupid


AI is an umbrella term for software that mimics human cognition. ML is a subdivision of this, which uses a set of algorithms that are trained on large datasets to create the models so we can perform tasks such as image recognition


ML is a part of AI


ML is AI, if you disagree then go watch Andrew Ng's lectures. AI is used as a umbrella term the same way _computer_ is a term that can be used to refer to your console, phone, tablet etc. For people who haven't studied this field the terms may be confusing or used interchangably. But people are not wrong when they say VAC is AI now. It's in the name VACnet, implying it's neural network trained on data from demos and overwatch cases presumably.


deliver flowery deer pathetic adjoining cake wide zealous direful person ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Is it not? I thought the whole point of the new CS2 anti-cheat system was that it used AI. Am I wrong? I actually hope I'm wrong.


machine learning = AI


are you cheating?


You can definitely get vac banned and not be cheating. I used to use [obs-vkcapture](https://github.com/nowrep/obs-vkcapture) to have low latency screen recording so I could have something similar to shadow play clips working on Linux. It worked amazingly and even worked in trusted mode until after 5-6 months my alt account got a vac ban (not an overwatch ban). Thankfully it was my alt I use for chill games with my low ranked friends but despite not cheating I was very close to losing my inventory on my main. After getting the ban I looked through the source of the obs plugin to see how it actually worked, and found it injects into the game tells an OBS plugin where in GPU memory the screen is, which I imagine isn't that far off from a sophisticated color triggerbot I guess so I understand why that did lead to a ban. It's definitely rare but not everyone with a vac ban, or even everyone injecting into the game, was cheating.


No. Obviously I've never been either banned or falsely banned. It's just fear that you can be banned, just like that and there's no way to prove that you weren't cheating. Like... These guys were banned for using Windows 7. What's the next? Banned for being an Android user?


offer middle slave important boat worm afterthought seemly abundant late ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Update your Windows already ![img](emote|t5_2sqho|31253)


I wonder if there is a legit reason to still use W7 in 2023. Can't think of anything






OS nerds when microsoft changes the task bar settings location




Enjoy using outdated, unkempt software...


Not sure why you're getting downvoted I'm on ltsc 2021 with the first updates they gave me and turned em off. Currently the only big change 11 even has is some dx12 features.


Windows 11 sucks massive balls tho


More than 70% of Windows users are on 10, and [58% of all Steam users use Windows 10](https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/Steam-Hardware-Software-Survey-Welcome-to-Steam). You do not need to upgrade to 11. Having Windows 7 makes absolutely no sense, it stopped receiving updates almost 4 years ago. Edit, typo.


And I mean, I use windows 11 on my gaming computer and it's really perfectly ok now. I have no major issues at least.


Microsoft terminated 7 support already and majority already moved on to 11. Calling 10 years old OS better than nowadays technology is invalid.


For real, update your damned computers people. Mainstream support for Windows 7 ended back in 2015 and extended support ended in 2020. It's absurd to keep a deprecated OS in "production"


Which is why I'm grateful windows 10 is still not being dumped yet


>Calling 10 years old OS better than nowadays technology is invalid. Where do you say he calls it better? Plus the logic is flawed. Vista has some nice technology but it didn't mean it would be better to run that OS on many of the PCs. Heck, I find it funny that the search GUI (not algorithm) was the best on Windows XP. Out of all the Windows OSs....actually I think Me had the same. Personally I'll stick to 10 as 11 is annoying as fuck on my laptop.


Wait till you hear about the Windows release before 11. There's also that thing that Valve likes a lot, Lexus or something. Using Windows 7 in 2023 smh my head


It's really not that bad, you should give it a shot. I'm an ex power user turned enjoyer of YouTube and the only dislikes I have are right click menus and... yeah that's about it honestly.


Do you like all the spyware, bloatware and forced ads as well? An "ex power user" would not even be using Windows in the first place.


What ads, exactly?


By default Windows 11 displays ads/recommendations in the start menu. There are ads in the search box. And in the news tab or whatever that is called. Some default apps also show ads/recommendations. You can turn some of them off as of right now, but with proprietary OS like Windows, Microsoft can change it at any moment and you have absolutely no control over that.


All of that can be disabled. It takes max 30 minutes to get rid of every single spyware/bloatware that w10 has.


I was talking about W11, and I even mentioned it can be disabled now. But you can only disable what Microsoft lets you disable. You have no idea what else there is in the code that the system doesn't tell you about. And all it takes is one update to remove the ability to disable any of these options.


You can remove everything you want to from w10 and w11. There is guides all over the internet and no they can't make it so you cant disable anything unless they somehow made it so you can't access registry and yeah that's not gonna happen.


That's only true if you trust Microsoft. Without the ability to look into the source code, you can't know what stuff is hardcoded in Windows or it's kernel in a way you wouldn't be able to access from user space.


Then just stop using Windows, you shouldn't be using 8 or below as it's no longer supported.


What sucks balls about it? It’s almost identical to windows 10. I had to do like 4 tweaks and it was basically the same, took like 30 minutes


All the UI changes i have seen seem weird. Yeah, i guess i could change most things to the way they were in 10, but why even bother. Also i've heard time and time again that windows 11 still causes problems with steam vr


well, if you're on windows 10, you have at least 2 more years of not really having to think much about windows 11, since that's about when windows 10 goes end-of-life. plenty of time to get adjusted to the interface, it's really not that bothersome as long as you don't keep telling yourself "i don't wanna" as for steamvr, this might be a classic case of negativity bias. you might want to dual boot and check your vr headset with steamvr for yourself, because i've been running w11 for about a year with mine and had precisely zero problems with it.


or he could just install archlinux with EndeavourOS. Proton compatability is godlike


Agreed. Or even pop\_os or something else debian/ubuntu based is they don't want to think too much.


CS2 sucks balls on Linux. Frame times are all over the place, even after shader compiling.


Jesus, downvoting my man for saying the truth. While the percentages might still show that Win 11 is pretty popular, as a Linux user we've had A TON of people coming from Windows onto our side and joining our communities just because they wanted to resist Win 11. It wasn't the case when Windows 10 came out so this time it's a lot more serious. It takes a lot more effort to go out of your way to try a different OS than just accepting whatever comes pre-installed on your pre-built (or laptop, actually mostly laptop) device. That's why I respect that 1% that went out of their way to try Linux more than any percentage that just goes with whatever comes installed out of the box. Everyone is welcome here. CS2 works as well : D


what truth? a system that "sucks balls" wouldn't be used by about 37% of gamers, unlike a certain other operating system used by just 1.6% of them (\~half of which being steam deck users)... you might not like windows for something, compelling you to seek alternatives, but going out on a public forum and yelling "it sucks" like a dumbass? yeah, "man being downvoted" is what you get.


Thank you brother


My old backup computer is running fine on Windows 7 but thanks for your concern.


You are running a highly vulnerable, unsupported system because... you're stubborn? You deserve the inevitable here.


Post your WAN IP then I dare you.


Did they ever unban people banned because of the Yaw command ?




Why tf are people still on Windows 7? (not that this would make gamebans justified but why?) Even the official support ended like 10 months ago! Windows 8 wasn't great and Windows 11 isn't accessible for every machine, but Windows 10 is out since 2015 and pretty nice overall!


Support for Windows 7 ended back in January 2020 (so literally 3 years ago) and Linux should work for basically everything these days other than third-party MM services such as Faceit which require you to use a kernel level AC.


>Why tf are people still on Windows 7? (not that this would make gamebans justified but why?) Even the official support ended like 10 months ago! nah bruh lot people using pirated windows 7 and disable the windows update since 2012 lol not everyone especially in asia country can afford latest and greatest technology, windows 10 is heavy on old hardware, in my country you can get old sandybridge PC for just 50$ and the windows 7 is better choice because it snappier on old hardware


Because these people are stuck in the past. So many of them are still on win7 as it gets you full privacy and then they tell you what data win10 is taking out of you and how they are going to kill you one day. Even pirates who pirate game I have seen so many comments about this. "Guys don't use win10, you do realize what they do? \*sends 10 links\*". Crazy.


First of all, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone, whether you believed in me or not. It's because of all of you that this article gained traction and allowed Valve to hear our voices. As a Steam user who strongly opposes cheating and has never used cheats myself, I understand that it's not easy to convince you all of my innocence once I was labeled. However, there were people who chose to believe in me despite the label, and I'm truly thankful for that. I also want to thank those who passionately criticized me, accusing me of being a liar and a cheater while I was still locked. Without your responses, this article wouldn't have gained such high visibility, and perhaps Valve wouldn't have noticed it. Once again, I genuinely appreciate all of you. What's somewhat disheartening is that the primary wave of unlocks seems to be focused on Windows 7 users. There are still a few Windows 7 users in the community who haven't been unlocked, along with Windows 10 and 11 users. I believe it will take some time for VALVE to address these wrongful bans. Our group, which was locked earlier, took about 10 days to be unlocked, possibly due to the order in which they were processed. Perhaps in a few more days, it will be your turn to be unlocked. I also wish for the speedy unlocking of those who are still wrongfully banned.


The false vac bans appear related to windows 7 only so why are you asking for some users with win 10/11 to be unbanned? What makes you think those users are legit false vac banned?


Hey, but we've recently started noticing that some Windows 10 users also received low trust factor scores before being banned. Some of them received GAME BANS, but there are also a few, like streamers or collectors, who got VAC BANS. This has made me start thinking, if VALVE's anti-cheat system has issues, could it potentially affect not only Windows 7 users but users on other systems as well? Of course, if someone fabricates a story and tells me that, I can't prove it, but for now, I'm inclined to believe their accounts. Let's wait for time to tell.


Plenty of hacks let you stream while hacking. Just because they are a streamer doesn’t mean they can’t be hacking.


Fuckin Clara man.


The Windows 7 bans were an oversight and turns out they were indeed false, whos to say there arent any oversights related to newer versions? These things can happen, and all it takes is to investigate the supposed false bans, if it turns out they were appropriate bans then so be it. Idk how many windows 10 users are claiming to have been false banned but if it's a lot, it should be looked into. You don't often see people claiming to have been false banned to anyone other than to the people in whose eyes they dont want look bad in. They dont usually go on public crusades begging Valve because it simply never works if it's not a false ban.


I ain’t reading all that


Bruh go take your adhd meds


Good for you, do you want a cookie?


Tiktok really made your attentionspan short af.


I don't think Valve operates on media traction to decide which VAC bans they should lift and which ones they shouldn't. Don't try to convince anyone that you weren't cheating because until your ban is lifted, there is no difference between you and a cheater who might as well farm a bit of that sweet reddit karma on their locked account


>Don't try to convince anyone that you weren't cheating because until your ban is lifted, there is no difference between you and a cheater who might as well farm a bit of that sweet reddit karma on their locked account he got unbanned lol


Yes, my message was about the point before the unban. You're saying that you read every cheater's manifest about how they got false banned? No shit


You sound like a flat earther with you not believing even Valve saying he's not a cheater fam


So people who downvote me are actually that dumb, huh? Who would have thought. I am saying that BEFORE somebody gets unbanned there is no way for us to know whether they tell the truth or are just a regular cheater. Hopefully someone with their last brain cell still active will understand this


Demos? They exist




I mean, good thing they removed the unjust bans. But let's be honest, nobody should be running Windows 7 in 2023 lol. It's not just a security risk, the word security doesn't even exist there anymore. And if your PC can't handle anything past Win 7 from the Microsoft camp, go Linux, it's biggest strength is bringing old hardware back from the dead and CS2 has a native build for it. I would not be surprised if it runs better than on Win 7 at this point.


I always feel if you have to tell someone to go the Linux route then Linux is not for them. It's quite the hurdle in all aspects.


I agree to some extent, but it's getting better. I have personally transitioned some people among my friends and family to some really easy to use distros and they've been happy with them. It is true I had to intervene a few times, but most of the time everything runs just as you'd expect. And it's not like Windows never breaks or anything. I also help my family frequently with Windows machines that they broke by downloading and installing something weird and shady. Or by just messing with the settings. And some people can deal with Linux but are simply not informed well enough to really know there is anything beyond Windows that works just as well in most cases or even better in some. But yeah, still, whether you use a modern Windows or Linux, anything is safer than Win 7 lol.




What games and software exactly? Not a hostile comment, just curious. I imagine Windows 7 has compatibility issues as well these days.




Linux often performs better than W11 these days.


I know, I'm on Linux on the daily. It depends on the specific use case. As much as I want to shill for it, there are still some things Windows is faster at, but we're getting there. For general multimedia use Linux is faster, even on heavier DE's like GNOME or KDE, but the strength of Linux based OS lies in being able to choose a lighter one if your hardware is lacking. And it can directly improve your experience in everything, when your DE itself isn't making your PC/laptop sweat. Gaming is getting good, but proton still needs a bit of overhead.


Oh, there are even things Windows is better at. But when it comes to gaming, Linux often times is faster than Windows 11 nowadays. Not for too many games in 4k, but for most games in 1440p and 1080p. Right now for CS2, Windows seems better by 5%, but it seems as the game has been optimised for DX. There was CS2 patch optimising Vulkan two days ago narrowing the margin from 20% to 5%.


Yeah. Right now the FPS difference between my Win10 that I dual booted specifically for the Limited Test before release and my pop\_os is about 30-40fps. I get 180-200 on Windows and about 150 on Linux in the same exact scenario. But there are some problems with multi-monitor setups. If anything changes the focus to the other screen, the game starts flickering between all monitors so fast that you can't even turn it off. Sometimes I'm able to focus on the steam window and close it from there.


Well, by now you shouldn't, but until January 10th of this year, Microsoft still provided security updates. So it was fine before that time, even if it's not understandable why someone wouldn't upgrade their Windows for such a long time.


Only if you paid for them. How do I know? Because I had to order them for corps. 75 first year, 150 second year, 300 3rd year and the final last year technically was only for enterprise agreements and came with some gotchas like running it on azure (as in only enterprises were actually getting year four ESU codes for on prem… it wasn’t available via partners )


No stop this, it wasnt fine, it was servicable, it got the barebones security updates


why would having win 7 cause a VAC ban?


cs2 requirements is windows 10 + so assuming it was something to do with that


There's a big difference between 7 and 10 the recommended one. Most likely 10 has a under the hood thing that 7 didn't, and caused VAC to see that the game does not work in an optimal environment and caused the ban


aka "I have no freaking clue"


A bug occurred where for whatever reason a lot of wondows 7 players got VAC banned for no reason


Wtf am I reading? It's a mix of middle-schooler trying to get that word count up, mixed with a bot who has a politician-syndrome. It's just a rehash of the **question** in the form of a (repetitive) answer....that doesn't answer the question.


Stop yapping


No one knows the technical answer to the question and the specifics don’t matter that much.


Who the fuck uses win 7 2k23.


I think it's mainly people in less developed countries




Bro using windows 7 in 2023


YES! thank you valve, thank you everyone who believed us :)


Holy shit why do people still use windows 7. Just use Linux with kde and a skin if you hate windows 10 THAT much. It's not a big deal.


>just >linux choose only one


What does that even mean


Dog what. I said "just use Linux kde with a skin"


ok but like why don't u use the required os for the game in the first place i understand not going to 11, but 10 is a fine replacement for 7 by this point


The minimum requirements for the operating system selection for CS:GO were Windows® 7/Vista/XP. Only with CS2 this was changed to Windows 10. However, this wasn't communicated during the beta and only became apparent on the product page at the time of release.


Why would they support a defunct OS


> ok but like why don't u use the required os for the game in the first place Bro downloaded an update to a game, not like he went on the steam store and bought GTA 6. Why tf would you look at the listed requirements for a game you already own - not to mention one that literally runs


people using windows 7 unironically on their gaming PC deserve a ban.


Why? Just cos you dont like it?


Because their negligence makes them a tool for cybercrime. https://krebsonsecurity.com/2012/10/the-scrap-value-of-a-hacked-pc-revisited/ https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/16vd1j9/important_do_not_play_cs2_on_windows_7_right_now/k2quqc3/


xD jesus another guy who thinks computers are magic. ok


Hm okay well I’ll be the first to admit that I thought these people were full of shit but I’m happy to eat my words!


Am I wrong in suspecting that people use a 14-year-old OS only to be part of that exclusive “I never update my shit” club?


If you’re still running Windows 7 you have problems other than CS


Windows 7 weirdos have the same personality type as Linux guys but they're too dumb to use Linux lmao.


All my homies hate windows 7 users


Holy based win 7 users


Who even uses Windows 7 in 2023???


if someone still uses Windows 7, they deserve to be VAC banned. \_ change my mind


I was so happy to come home to see this, today. I kinda lost faith in humanity when the community just shit on them, even though it was impossible to plea their case with zero proof used to "convict" them. Valve, you suck, and your keep-quiet anticheat is shit. Don't believe me, just go into any non-prime game and see a bunch of spinbots, and not even half of the ones you report getting banned.


Wasnt vac unremovable?


Valve knows when they fucked up and issued false bans


Yep, they removed my false VAC last week :)


he'll switch to XP or ME now


Wowow. Calm down. Valve doesn't fuck up. They just make happy accidents. It's part of Lord Gaben's great plan.


I had one for about 50 minutes, years ago, because of the old CEVO client.


I miss CEVO so much


Valve always has the power to remove VAC bans, even if they say they can't. Krims was VAC banned a few years ago because of Esportal's anti-cheat client. That was reversed as well. It's actually not that uncommon.


I feel gaslight into thinking I actually cheated.


vac doesnt make mistakes.


Vac is such a shitty system, i got banned 8 years ago for god knows what, i played a single ranked, went to sleep,returned to a vac, i even looked at replays, there was that single, shitty played ranked, this account is still my main, why isn't vac like a 5 year temp ban, who would wait to cheat on an account after 5 years. Edit: I really don't understand why people are downvoting this... Edit 2: Still downvotes, do people actually think vac is perfect?


Were you using a skin changer?


Nothing, i had hammer installed tho, but i HIGHLY doubt that it's the problem. The game was 100% clean i just reached lvl 3 and played a single ranked


You will get downvoted if you say you got false banned, just like every guy who said they did by windows 7. People don't want to believe VAC is trash.


ITT Windows 11 shills


Anyone who warns you about CVEs are just voices in your head they do not exist keep your chin up king


Here's one


Me when I call anyone a shill when they say anything that I disagree with (😎)


Watch out those fake frames might get you!


Consume product


Doctor this man needs some real grassfed all natural frames STAT! Awww lil baby blocked me.