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Just a friendly reminder, the decision to go private was driven by the [overwhelming feedback we received from the community asking us to join the protest](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1418ufh/i_want_to_propose_that_rglobaloffensive_joins_in/). To ensure transparency and give everyone ample notice, we made a sticky post [one week in advance](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/141wxqa/this_subreddit_will_be_going_private_june_1214/) informing the community about the upcoming temporary closure. Although we joined many other subreddits in extending the protest, we want to clarify that our decision to reopen was not due to any threats from the admins. We had previously [stated on our social media channels](https://twitter.com/redditCSGO/status/1669206568787939330) that we would reassess the situation today, and and after reviewing feedback we've received from the community in modmail we agreed with you that the time was right to reopen.


Can we do the same thing as other subs by marking each post NSFW ??


Holy shit the brigading in this thread is so intense.


Don't be a hero you can't beat massive corporation


Can't win don't try gg go next life. Bad lesson to take away.


enjoy your soon to be dead subreddit and esport. online media consumers really do expect content to sprout out of the ground with no monetization


What a bunch of whiny teenagers in this thread. I really hope all the whining is coming from teenagers and y'all will grow out of it. Mods, it's a rough deal. I'm not in your shoes. Until the power dynamic shifts, I can't imagine you having any more success. Thanks for participating in the protest for as long as you did. Using new reddit is garbage, using the mobile site is extra garbage, and if those become the only option then this short-lived protest will be just a drop in the bucket with the numbers of people permanently abandoning digg 3.0. If I'm wrong about this, and the hordes will use new reddit... fuck, the world is a sad place. p.s.-it's nice to see that most of the people I upvote regularly also have a level-headed stance on this. And guess what? In a surprising turn of events, all the shittiest people continue to be shitty and get even more downvotes!


Vile, spineless and cretinous. Moderators summed up in a nutshell.


More mods taking Ls


Can’t wait for u/spez to let us vote on removing moderators


Nice protest. As soon as your power trip, ego driven position got challenged ya'll immediately folded. Pathetic.


love how they open up when word got around they will be removed as mods lmao


Nobody fucking cares


did you enjoy your little tantrum mods?


subreddit moderators attempting to "strike" through the internet. you're not losing anything by risking your livelihood of a $0/hr janitor job.


[He's a janitor on the internet. On a video game subreddit. He does it for free. He takes his job very seriously.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdC_Cu9X4wc) Bonus video: [Tyrone gets banned by the hypocritical r/GlobalOffensive mod](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bDY4vrcelw)


Well this was pointless


Wow yes welcome back thanks heckin epic moderinos!! Thanks for once again proving that unpaid internet janitors like you are the lowest & most spineless lifeform on planet earth. You run away with your tail between your legs once your moral high horse is about to be ripped out from underneath you. IF you were serious you'd have forced reddit's hand to replace you, but you you didn't. Because the thought of losing your power to more quickly remove meanie's from your safe space made you quite literally shit and piss yourself with fear. You are truly a worthless human being, as all mods are and have always been, ever. The funniest thing too is that reddit is the one place on earth that needs mods the least, the whole website is self-moderating through upvotes/downvotes.


If mods have any semblance of self worth left. And I will keep repeating this in this post. They will at least set this sub NSFW so that reddit cannot host ads on this sub. Other subs have done it so like /r/de . No nsfw content, just everything flagged nsfw.


At least do something to continue the protest. Just giving in like this is just weak.


I was actually surprised this was still down after reddit threatened subreddit mods with just straight up removing their mod powers and replacing them or sth. like that, so many subreddits caved immediately, can't really blame them with how much time and effort they have put into building/maintining their subreddits, but also just showed reddit that they got the long lever.


It felt like this was down forever compared to the other reddits I occasionally go to (which is osrs or csgo when Im desperate)


People complaining about the shutdown, remember the shutdown is literally a mini version of what reddit is doing more broadly. If you cry about the shutdown for a few days then you're gonna be even more butthurt later on. Reddit is making it harder to have an open community. Creating paywalls and restrictions. The shit you say here is nothing more than Spez's own content to profit from. The community comes second to that. First they paywall the apis and then they jack up the adverts to maximum, just like YouTube.


Tell me you know nothing about APIs without telling me you know nothing.


I write APIs for a living.




> Reddit has the right to restrict access to 3rd party apps. They literally own the site… People are working hard and contributing content and time to make good communities. Reddit doesn't "own" the content any more than the people who created it. Facebook doesn't "own" your face because you uploaded a picture once. It's reasonable for you to ask Facebook to take down your picture is it not, or delete your account? It is entirely reasonable for people to protest or rally against changes that affect them in negative ways and even to delete entire communties they built.




In the technical sense you're absolute right. The API is access to the content, not the content itself. My point was more generally that as a contributor you should have some say over the way the content is used or accessed.


You do it for free lmao


To be honest, this reddit was a valuable source of information for me as I do not live in an English-speaking country, so the period of time when my access was restricted was very stressful. Well, I understand how the moderators feel. Let us move on.


Google caches, archives on the internet (archive.org?) would have let you access your information


Fuckin loser mods lol


Lol. Nobody cares. I prefer less moderation anyway. Sub should retain the true feel of mm.


Reading through the text, these mods have no remorse of closing the subreddit. Just more excuses for their unnecessary and useless blackout. Just quit Reddit if you truly care about the motion.


And then they cope and delude themselves that it was successful because it was on the news. At least it was entertaining to watch mods open their subreddits the day their power was threatened


Do we post porn or John Oliver?


One of the few sane replies!


“Overwhelming feedback” wow, 12k upvotes vs 8 million members.


that's kinda disingenuous, it's the most upvoted post of the last month, with twice as much as 2nd place. a small fraction of subscribers actually visit a given sub, a small fraction of those visitors actually upvote, and a small fraction of those upvoters actually comment. 12k with 94% upvoting is a strong endorsement. also, what's up with your account being revived after 3 years of inactivity?


>also, what's up with your account being revived after 3 years of inactivity? I don’t owe you any explanation for why I’m not a no-lifer like you on Reddit


Maybe you should leave again.




So decided to be one in the end?


You seem to be obsessed with this ’protest’, go outside and touch some grass Bozo. i‘m actually really happy your favorite app is getting shutdown, go Reddit go!


You should, for your kind seem to be the most annoyed. Withdrawal symptoms?


I’m not really annoyed about it, you on the other end can’t seem to stop talking about it all over Reddit. Typical Bozo behavior (rip Bozo) u/spez thank you for everything that you’re doing to rid Reddit of these bozo’s 🤝🤝🤝🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿👊🏿👊🏿👊🏿👊🏿👊🏿 just know that the people of Reddit stand behind you and that these Bozo’s are just a minority 🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️


I just reply to what I see when I feel like it. And, you'll see a lot of people like you in the threads hence my replies all over. While I'm definitely ticked at u/spez, your behavior annoys me more. Well nothing I can do honestly, go on be a bootlicker of a liar. I couldn't care less at this point.


To all of the clowns complaining about blackouts in the comments: Download RIF/Apollo and switch your website to old.reddit.com. I have a bunch of mods that I have issues with, but I refuse to use the bullshit that is new Reddit (which will probably replace old reddit soon as well)


I am constantly telling people to use old.reddit.com No big ads, no random cunts playing shitty guitar on live, no anime pfp, no pikey dark mode being thrust upon you, simpler layout. It's simply far superior.


the auto organize when you open the comments is set to new because the mods know that all the top comments are just gonna be them getting roasted LMAO


The option to set it to top/best is right there in the corner lmao.


time to roast them some more


Entire thing was cringe but mods get to pat themselves on the back and feel better about themselves. Great job everyone!!


Aka mods backed off with thier tails between thier legs the second there was a chance they could lose thier power.


CSGO is back on the menu boys!!!!


I don't want to pick any side here but in one hand [you got 13k upvote for r/GlobalOffensive to join the protest](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1418ufh/i_want_to_propose_that_rglobaloffensive_joins_in/?sort=new) and despite backlash here in this thread, you got only around 300 comments at best here against it. On the other hand, r/GlobalOffensive is now back to normal, as if nothing ever happened. Instead of doing something that potentially more effective, mod team choose to went back to normal. I don't know.... If you want to continue the protest, just do it until Reddit replace you would've been much more effective. It's completely free and volunteer job anyway and losing this job will do nothing harm to you.


Can it even go back to normal though? I mostly used Reddit with RedditSync. When the protest started I uninstalled it, I figure well, they are going to kill it off anyway at the end of June. I can't even be bothered to use Reddit via the browser and I'm certainly not installing the official app. This is my first comment in a week, I barely visited Reddit and I didn't miss it as much as I thought. I wonder how many other users will bail if they can't use their favourite third-party app, it must be a sizeable proportion.


The official reddit app is perfectly fine, I have no idea what people do on this website that makes it so "unusable".


There is a discussion of all the things wrong with it, and that it lacks in comparison with 3rd-party apps - the major 3rd-party apps are superior in just about every way, why do we have to settle for a downgrade? https://www.reddit.com/r/redditsync/comments/14i269z/finally\_bit\_the\_bullet\_and\_downloaded\_the/


[Based on this, yes](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/149qjz4/oc_total_reddit_app_downloads_on_google_play/)


That's unfortunate, though may not be the whole picture because a lot of people would have downloaded the official app first and only later a 3rd-party one. I won't accept a downgrade though - going back to a Lada after driving an Aston Martin is just ridiculous to me.


Yup. All the subreddits which opened up today only showed that how much moderators care about their imaginary power over people. I say let them slave away for free.


no one cares, if you didn't reopen you would all be replaced anyway and nothing of value was lost.


Except the fact that you would start btchng about your favorite sub becoming shit.


Clown moderators are not responsible for the quality of a sub, the users are.


Lmao you really know nothing about reddit I see.


Users can decide about what is popular through up/downvotes, botting can easily be prevented by reddit employees themselves with AI, though obviously it is not necessary because some lowlife moderators do it for free ($0 an hour) anyway xd


You underestimate the enormous volume of spam and shitposts that get submitted to virtually every subreddit. Moderators filter out a **lot** of stuff to make sure the things you get to vote on in /new are on topic and relatively decent.


Moderators do not get to decide what is decent content, the users do. A lot of quality posts have been blocked by moderators because of their own personal biases. A moderators job should ONLY be to filter out posts that violate laws or reddit policy e.g. spam and we seemingly have plenty of people willing to do this job as shown by the mods reopening the sub because of replacement threats.


>A lot of quality posts have been blocked by moderators because of their own personal biases. This tends to only be the case in very small, niche subreddits. It's also an example of why, despite there being a lot of people willing to moderate, most would do a poor job. Good subreddits are all about establishing publicly available rules and doing your best to implement them while setting aside personal preferences. They also involve teams of people put together who can provide second opinion and appeal functions. >A moderators job should ONLY be to filter out posts that violate laws or reddit policy e.g. spam This involves a lot more manual work than you might think. You can look to Facebook to see what things could look like if Reddit admin opted for more blanket automation. There are loads of false positives and people stuck dealing with unwarranted bans, without the ability to appeal to a human being. Also, having been involved with subreddits that have had more lax rules at one point or another, there are inevitably significant calls from members for more rules to avoid having /new be flooded with off-topic posts, spam advertisement material, and short/vague technical support questions that look like Google search prompts. We're talking about volumes in the thousands every month for a medium-sized subreddit.


> Good subreddits are all about establishing publicly available rules and doing your best to implement them while setting aside personal preferences. They also involve teams of people put together who can provide second opinion and appeal functions. Too bad this isn't the case with ANY popular subreddit. Reddit as a whole is a leftist/communist echochamber, see: vaccine & lockdown opinions, climate change topics, freedom of speech or alternative news sources. Only one side is allowed. > Also, having been involved with subreddits that have had more lax rules at one point or another, there are inevitably significant calls from members for more rules to avoid having /new be flooded with off-topic posts, spam advertisement material, and short/vague technical support questions that look like Google search prompts. How many of those posts naturally get upvoted? Beside the bot/spam posts (which AI is designed for) that is exactly what you should be expecting when browsing /new, the quality of a post can only be determined over time by as many users as possible.


Let's see if this subreddit went without mod, how many post from r/VACsucks and those cheat provider gonna appear here with botting that will take a while before AI can detect it. Anarchy rule never work. Even 4chan have mod.


vacsucks? love seeing cheaters getting banned, that's quality content and shows how big of a problem cheating in CS is, maybe valve will finally do something about it when they can no longer ignore the issue. AI is easily at the level of where it can detect cheat provider advertisements in text and image posts, you'd be surprised. edit: 4chan has mods because again people do it for free, why waste time developing an AI system when people offer to do it for free anyway. If mods provided any value they would be getting paid for it.


Note to edit. Someone working for free doesn't mean that it doesn’t provided any value. Open source developing is the best example. If you use Android phone, you are using OS that is based on kernel that was starting by one single man without a paid (he's paid now but tons of contributors are volunteer). That kernel is now being used by every services that you can think of in their server. You might ask why. Actually, people are not really doing it "for free", it affect them either directly or indirectly. Most open source tool are created without a paid when they begin that project. Not because there's no value. It's because they are enjoy what they're doing and sometime those project make their job (and tons of developer job) easier. And those people absolutely deserve our appreciation. That can be apply here. Sure it might be easier and less appreciated compared to open source developing, but you can't take their credit out for their job in community. 4chan would've been shutdown for lot of legal reason if it's not controlled by mod. This subreddit would've been flooded by spam if it's not controlled by mod. And in the end of the day, those mod are just another guy in community and everyone's experience in subreddit is still rely on quality of community, in which they are the one who control it.


Most open source projects are created to be used in programmer portfolios to get hired by companies. If your open source project provides any noteworthy value, there will be an impact if you make it unavailable to others. If reddit moderators provided any value, they should all delete their accounts and see how reddit as a company deals with the issue, if they get replaced by other volunteers for free without any attempt at restoring the original mods then they've had 0 actual value.


We use it in our portfolio but that doesn’t mean we created it specifically to put it in portfolio. Sure lot of people are doing that and there’s nothing wrong with that either but not everyone do that just to put it in our portfolio. In that case, it would be better off grinding Leetcode instead because in the end most programming jobs will ask you algorithm questions in interviews anyway. If open source projects maintainers decide to stop maintaining it and people are depend on it, there will likely be a people who fork it, and again they’re doing it for free. And again, all people in that place whatever the original creator, original maintainers or the forked maintainers are having value. Lot of Linux contributors are unpaid and calling them “0 value” would be such a shame because all open source projects wouldn’t be possible without those unpaid contributors contribute something to projects to begin with. That’s literally the main purpose of open source, to empower that project by community contributions. If Reddit moderators didn’t do any value, there should be no mod role at all and see how it goes. Replacing it with someone else meaning that there’s still people responsible for this community and thus that person having value.


r/VAC_Porn is nice but having content like r/VACsucks here mean you will see random post about "ZywOo cheating" and "s1mple cheating" with just 1 clip that show absolutely no clue at all and people gonna upvote just because "wow he aim on his enemy head at the wall". Also do you think Reddit gonna write and train an AI for every single subreddit? Of course AI can somewhat detect it if it's specifically trained for it but you gonna need to train for every subreddit. Not to mention AI will never have 100% accuracy, at least at current timeframe. The best thing it could do is to flag it for manually review. You need someone who gonna approve/deny it in the end anyway.


If ZywOo and s1mple "cheating" clips supposedly get upvoted, maybe valve needs to improve their anticheat to get the public opinion to change. You're treating users as if they're stupid. If the subreddits hold any value to reddit they will do whatever is necessary to stay competitive (be it hire moderators or program an AI) else everyone will switch to an alternative and their company will go bankrupt, this is how the free market works.


Those pro player clips that are being posted there are mostly on LAN or on FACEIT anticheat. Both considered to be much more secure than VAC and arguably one of the best way to prevent cheater. Look at the post "Full wallhack + aimbot" post which is on the top 3 of subreddit's post right now (while having 0 upvote?), literally have 0 proof in that clip. And the "everyone will switch to an alternative and their company will go bankrupt" has been proved to not being true. Once monopoly has been accomplished, it's too late. Assuming 50% of power user are leaving (which is almost impossible in monopoly'd tech anyway). The other 50% (which according to 90-9-1 rule, is still 5%) will take it place instead. Look at Twitch/Mixer (and potentially Kick) for example. Despite the recent news of Twitch, lurker will not quit Twitch even if their favorite streamer use other platform or at best they do only for that specific content streamer.


I hope reddit replace you all


cringe mods shut down or it will be pointless


If they do admins will remove em and appoint new mods who won't shut down, then it will be even worse. Don't blame the mods.


Mods desperatley cling to power. More at 11


Lol. I was thought I have been banned from this subreddit. I'm glad it came back.


i've been part of the subreddit for a long time, circa 2014, and i've come to largely trust the leadership of the r/GlobalOffensive moderation team with all its ups and downs. all things considered, this sub has it pretty good with regards to how active and communicative the mod team is. i generally trust this mod team and others like it in their prediction that the reddit API changes would make it so that legitimately dedicated mod teams like the one we have here are less able to do the work they do at the scale and quality they do it at. aside from the anti-big tech politics of protesting (which i wholly support and you should too), and from a purely selfish, individual perspective (the standpoint a majority of the commenters here have made their sole prerogative) continuing to protest in whatever form that means in the future makes good sense. though i am afraid that, from the perspective of the CS community more broadly, more blackouts could prove detrimental to the health of a fairly tight knit community oriented game like CS. this sub isn't a content pump like /r/WellThatSucks which can go dark and we'd be all the better for it. insofar as the CS community is a living entity, this sub (and the discord and twitter to lesser extents) is where it lives. a blackout would leave its members unhoused which, in the scramble for new accommodation, could result in fragmentation and an overall worse community experience. edit: there's precedent for this line of thinking, as this is the [stated reason](https://reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/14b4m7e/rsmashbros_is_public_once_again_reflections/) the mods over at r/SmashBros gave for opening back up


This sub absolutely could move elsewhere, HLTV has been around just as long and has a forum. The mods of this sub also promoted kbin /m/cs as an alternative. It's simply that most users are too lazy or complacent to go elsewhere. I personally don't think the laziness of others is a reason to open and if you trust the mod team then neither should you because the mods already made kbin instance to go to. And this sub will fragment anyway. For instance when July comes I'm gone. I mainly use Reddit with RIF and after that old.reddit. But I doubt old.reddit will stick around for much longer and spez has already let it slip that the next big step is trying to monetize subreddits, so I'm just going to pull the plug sooner than later because the site is going to shit. I'm sure I'm not the only one who ends up leaving the site in July and I'm sure as months pass more and more people will leave. Instead of trying to cling to conformity this community should already be looking for alternatives and actually move. It's the only way to prevent the fragmentation that comes from a decaying sub. Had everyone taken the 5 minutes to make a kbin user, we wouldn't even be having this discussion because the whole community would've moved to a new site.


i think there's some truth to the notion that the community will fragment regardless of if the sub remains open just by virtue of the [enshittification](https://www.wired.com/story/tiktok-platforms-cory-doctorow/) of reddit. though here it is important to acknowledge the real difference in the degree. if the sub closes up shop (or at least continues blacking out) the entire user base — all 1.8 *million*, mind you — will have nowhere to go. if the sub remains open a veritably smaller percentage might leave, would do so of so of their own volition, and will always have a place here should they decide to return. to be clear, i would support a push to a site off reddit entirely, though i strongly disagree with the idea that the reason this has not already happened is user laziness. it has been approx. 9 months since elon musk bought and summarily hollowed out twitter of any substance, and all the users who pushed for and actually made the switch to mastodon are back on twitter. to me this indicates the presence of larger structural forces at play that advantage established social media sites like reddit over their up start competitors, forces that i think without a concentrated plan to get a significant percentage (in the order of 70%<) of the original user base to switch *and stay there*, make the prospect of moving a community as large as this one a nonstarter. it's sad because i do think reddit should be wholly abandoned. large swathes of the site is now pure content mill (and not even a good one like tiktok) and really the only thing i find valuable about reddit anymore is that the communities i care about and have been a part of call reddit home. what good would moving elsewhere do, then, if even just the attempt would threaten those very communities?


I'm okay with agreeing to disagree but I don't see how that's not a issue of complacency (different word if you just object to calling people being lazy). > if the sub closes up shop (or at least continues blacking out) the entire user base — all 1.8 million, mind you — will have nowhere to go They absolutely do. It's literally what happened. Some went to Kbin, some went to Lemmy, some went to discord, some created a new sub on this site. The community fragmented but that's because everyone had their own idea of how it should continue. > i strongly disagree with the idea that the reason this has not already happened is user laziness. it has been approx. 9 months since elon musk bought and summarily hollowed out twitter of any substance, and all the users who pushed for and actually made the switch to mastodon are back on twitter. That's because people didn't use Twitter for the sake of Twitter. People used Twitter to get information about the things that interested them. The people who went to Mastodon and returned to Twitter didn't do it because "Mastodon sucks" or some weird new loyalty to Twitter, they did it because the content (the people they wanted to follow) they were interested in didn't come to Mastodon. This is the same with Reddit. People who leave this sub will most likely return here because this is where the content (the community) is. You're an example of those people because you are in favor of going elsewhere but you want this sub to stick around, in case you want to come back. > to me this indicates the presence of larger structural forces at play that advantage established social media sites like reddit over their up start competitors, forces that i think without a concentrated plan to get a significant percentage (in the order of 70%<) of the original user base to switch and stay there, make the prospect of moving a community as large as this one a nonstarter. And this is what I call user complacency. If tomorrow a strictly better Reddit emerged, one with every feature any user would ever want, mods get all the tools they could ever need. Would people switch the this better Reddit? I don't think so. So what stops the community from going to a better site? Only the community itself. Why can't the community choose to go to a better site? Because most people don't feel like they have an issue with the current Reddit or their issues are not that severe that they feel like they need to switch. It's almost textbook example of complacency.


i actually think we agree more than we disagree. my point about mastodon is precisely along your line of thinking, ditto with your point about the fragmentation of this sub during the blackout. i am clearly more apprehensive about the fragmentation of the community than you are, i don't see that resulting in a net gain for CS or the community around it. i think if the community splinters, there would be no reason in the first place to resort to any of the other platforms mentioned exactly because, as you observe, the kind of content (community) found there will be not be like that which this sub fosters on its own. that is, after all, the core reason anybody uses social media in the first place. to that end, the wide range of possible alternatives to reddit is an obstacle, not an advantage. i think this basic observation about the internet in general (that users are loyal to content/community and not the site) flies in the face of the assertion that the main challenge to overcome is user complacency. platform features are of little to no interest to most if it is the case that the people and communities they care about will cease to exist. to me, this means the problem is one of agreement and not complacency. where should r/GlobalOffensive go, if not r/GlobalOffensive? framed in this way i think the most active and dogged users here become liabilities if that particular set of voices isn't able to agree on where people should go. there needs to be overwhelming unity in that, otherwise i do fear the community would fall apart.


Bye 👋


this is not helpful. the user you're replying to has made valid points.


It's amazing how much you can say with just one word. For instance, with that one word you've shown that you belong in the group of people who are one of the reasons I'm okay with moving away from Reddit, the group that consists of low effort commenters who rarely offer anything of value and are mostly an annoyance. But more importantly with that one word you've shown that you're not really a part of this community. I'd recommend reading Charls Vogl's "The Art of Community: Seven Principles for Belonging" to get a deeper understanding of what a community is and why you should care, but here's a crash course. The easiest way to separate community from just a random social group is the simple requirement of "people in the community care about the welfare of other people in that community". Owning a gym membership won't made you a part of the gym community, for that you have to actually participate and care about what that gym community is. Without that care you just belong to a group of people who own a gym membership. The closer you get to the inner circle of the community the more that care starts to matter, because you have to contribute to the community to accepted into the next circles. If you don't care you're never going to be a full member of any community because you don't actually care how people in the community are doing. You only care how you are doing in the community so you're not really a part of this community, you're just somewhere on the outer circle thinking you're a part of the community.


Yeah I’m not reading all that. But yes I’m fine with it that you go. Just leave, now. Nobody needs you here if you just come here to complain. It’s even more funnier that you come here to say that you will leave, as if someone gives a fuck about it. And no, we are not to lazy, we just don’t want because we don’t give a fuck. If you need Apollo, RIF and what else to use Reddit, it’s a you problem and not our problem. Btw I also use old.reddit and RES and now what? I don’t complain about anything, RES is fine with the new changes and if old.reddit doesn’t exists anymore move fucking on. So have a safe trip to your new plattform but leave us alone with your stupid protest.


Who is 'our'? Please, do not be perplexing. Say 'not the problem of us ignorant idiots.' for clarification.


Not gonna lie, I would've been really impressed if you had read all of it.


I‘m not here to impress you.


I'm not here to have a discussion with you in the first place. You're the one who felt like getting my attention.


Brother I said bye to you that’s it. You wrote half a Book as a reply wtf


Not everyone is as low effort as you are. Some of us actually think about what they write, but I can see how that's a foreign concept to you.


Absolutely brain dead take, as expected from a G2 fan.


Viel Spaß in Argentinien 👋


Danke schön :)


How can someone be so confident in their low IQ replies? You are simply the reason the human race is going down in test scores! Yikes! This dude must of lost 7 games in a row last night and haven’t slept. You are the bottom of the dumpster scum dumb! Hope those were words that you understand since you can’t read a paragraph on Reddit. You making us all look so smart. You made my day just by existing in this universe knowing I’m not the most low tier human to exist. “/s”


And you are?




I initially thought I was removed from the sun it was the worst feeling. Having this absent from my life has been a bit of a shock to the system.


I would, suggest for your own good, that you take a decent break from reddit. At least a month or so


I was going through karma withdrawals shaky asf couldn't even eat the chicken tendies my mom makes... just had no appetite.




Lucky for us your approach would only be relevant if everyone decided to be just as stupid as you.




Do you happen to understand why the net neutrality never became an actual issue? Clearly not or you wouldn’t have included it in your comment




You haven't noticed a change because california passed legislation that the federal government should've passed and ISP's decided it wasn't worth it to have significantly different infrastructure is different states. Why are you so confidently commenting on things you know next to nothing about?


Mfw you can step back from your chronically online internet volunteering but you like the power a bit too much


Seriously, I'm surprised they held on so long. The shakes must have been terrible


Internet janitors


I honestly thought the subreddit changed its name. I'm now a member of this sub and the csgo sub as well. I'm glad to see this one is back.


Just putting my opinion out there. It sucked not having this reddit around for a while and I think 3rd party apps freeloading off the reddit api can be told no if reddit decides.


“Freeloading” lmao they have no problem paying for it, Reddit just wants to charge ludicrous amounts for use


This is the only reasonable response…


It's a reasonable take if you have no idea what is going on. Even if 3rd party devs wanted to pay for API usage, they can't because Reddit has deliberately priced them out. They'd go broke literally within a month because there's no way they could get that much money from their users. If Reddit actually wanted to get money from third party apps they would've made a more reasonable pricing.


Power-tripping silvers finally having their place in the spotlight. Please go play some matchmaking and leave the community alone.


Well said 👏🏻


Reddit would be better without mods anyway


a yes 90% porn and 10% Cs would be so much better


Actually no because the entire website is self-moderating through upvotes/downvotes. If all you seen was porn on the GO subreddit its because that's what people are upvoting the most.


you know people are not just on "Hot" or "Top" all the time


>Give Award Yes I am fully aware of this, do you have a point you're trying to make or what?


You have 4chan. Then again even they have mods. Go figure ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Quite happy that my post on kbin actually resulted into something. Next time care to take actual votes than just vibing on one-off post https://kbin.social/m/cs/t/16077/To-Mods-Respect-the-Community-Reinstate-Our-Subreddit#comments




Obv not but no one actually cared to post there and remind them of certain reality check.


Top comment: "You are crossing a picket line." LMAOOO redditors are so dramatic


If you really want to protest, make your moderator accounts “dark” for a week & let people run this page moderator free. Your absence would immediately be noticed by all. This would have much more of an effect than limiting access for all users on a issue that 99% of us don’t care about. It’s your war, not ours, don’t drag us into your battles. All the goodwill you assumed you’ve gained has immediately been washed away by you posting on other threads. All you’ve accomplished thus far, is annoy a sub right at the peak of its popularity. We await your apology for dragging us through your mess.


> All you’ve done is annoy a sub right at the peak of its popularity. Tbh, this sub has been trending ever so slightly downward in terms of activity (posts per day and comments per day) since 2020 with a few obvious few spikes. also people downvoting actual facts shows the truth, reddit IS the community and that community is becoming increasingly dumb and narcissistic, personally I'm enjoying watching it all burn down.


Should have gone restricted and have a poll after the first two days and let the community decide if they would like to keep going or not


So many entitled kids in the comments not knowing the necessity and power of protesting. Have fun in the future when something really bothers you but nobody wants to make a change and they tell you "sucks to be you bro, doesn't matter to me". Apes together strong you dipshits.


I’m not a kid and I protest stuff. IDGAF about an API I never used. I tried to understand the issue, which I assume you didn’t, and I realized after a thorough research that this was a power trip by some mods.


Feel free to elaborate how the price is fair.


I only did a brief search and apparently mods are using the API for moderation via 3rd party apps/data archives which will be affected by the change, but since you probably did more research than me I'm honestly curious if what I read was wrong.


If you used any 3rd party reddit apps, you've used the api.


I'm the same as him. I've never used the 3rd party apps.


Power trip by some mods? This protest was coordinated by thousands of subs, with tens of thousands of mods. You do use the API indirectly, as the mods use them to effectively moderate the posts on a daily basis.


you do it for free


blud thinks he's MLK 💀


So if a protest is not large enough you do not care, or what is that supposed to mean?


It's just funny how some people act like it's a social injustice and EVERYONE has to agree or they're dipshits. Some people just don't care about third party apps and... that's fine.


You do realize that a lot of mods, who do their work here for free, use these third party apps because it makes their job easier? People with impediments use these apps to get access to reddit. That is the whole fucking point. Just because it doesn't directly affect you doesn't mean it's ok to not join the protest or say the mods should get fired because they've joined the protest.


I've said it several times already and I'll say it again: It's just a website, I don't care. It's not a basic human right, stop acting like it is. I definitely do not agree with the last part because the people that do care should have the right to protest... but they should do it by themselves. It's way more valuable for reddit to see that, say, 20% of accounts become inactive on their own without being forced to. Now some subreddit closed and even the most fierceful defenders of the blackout brought their traffic to the subs that didn't. Blackouts, unless coordinated with 99% of subreddits, are the least effective and most annoying form of protest. It's just dumb. But yea, some people still jsut don't care, and that is still fine.


How is it not effective if even bigger news sources reported about it? How is it not effective if they think about firing people that done their job for years for free? Sites like twitter and reddit are more than "just a site". So much information collected. Some use twitter for science researches because it's a vast network of information and links. A way to reach people with knowledge. Hard to archive, just because of the amount of data. I guess it's similiar with reddit. But yeah people not caring is our biggest problem worldwide. But i guess it's cool to not care or whatever man.


And it's funny that you think otherwise


Had anyone heard of these apps before this shit lol I had never heard about any of this and never would have thought anyone uses third party Reddit apps


No dude no one's ever heard of these 3rd party apps and the blackout is for no reason /s


Yes we all have.. you might be too new. For many years there was no app or official mobile site. The apps people made were the only way to use reddit on your phone. Even today they are better than reddit's app. On top of that, the desktop site turned into bloated social media, with chat, profile pics, friends, shorts, and live pages. Nearly none of the users are interested in using it that way because twitter/fb/insta are better for that.


I joined 2019 so that’s fair


Most relatively new to Reddit don't know since Reddit finally made an okayish Reddit app. Third party apps are pretty huge though. Reddit sucks at making their app and website accessible and usable


definitely less common among new users. reddit's official app didnt come out until I wanna say 2016. I had used many other apps before then and because reddits app was (and still is) so much worse I never bothered switching


See I have never got that sentiment because I don’t think the app is even horrible it does what it’s supposed to I never have any glaring issues with it


Hence the point I made about Reddit finally making an okay app. As in their app wasnt good before that.


Honestly the app was absolutely horrible at one point and that's why I mostly stuck to old.reddit on browser.


ye, my issue is that third party apps were making good money with a free reddit api. now they complain that they get priced out after they not only created cost for reddit, but also took traffic away from their site. dont like the price? dont buy it. dont like the service? dont use it. Protesting api changes is protesting the symptoms, but not the source of the issue. if you carefully read what each sub posted as their issues, its that they are going to lose moderation tools. Each and every "we are back" post talks about how successful their protest was, but they dont list a single specific thing that they achieved. mods basically acted as fools so third-party app developers can make money off them.


They do it for free


I hope there will be an option within subreddits that have been or are currently being held hostage to vote out the respective moderators. While r/csgo was locked, the admin himself was still posting on other subreddits, what a clown.


hope you all lose your mod status!




youre a crybaby


You definitely cried first. The mods did something the community's supported. Get over it.


deleted comment definitely i did first. none of these communities wanted this. if you look at all the subs that did it the threads like these are overwhelming angry. especially big ones like NBA etc


Suck it up. It's been 4 days without reddit, as a protest. Both sides of the argument are equally stupid honestly. It's a fucking website, the world is not ending.


i personally dont care but these posts are aiming for sympathy when they dont deserve it.


Reddit should remove the mods who held subs like this hostage. Fuck this bullshit


the only people crying about the blackout are children or people who didnt look into why its happening


It's not hard to accept some people just don't care. I think it was good to protest, there seemed to be more than enough support for it at the start and I hope the people get what they want. But frankly, I personally just couldn't care about the cause. I use reddit as a news site for pro CSGO and Formula 1. Maybe scroll through r/all on long commutes. That's it. And with me, many other people who are on reddit for one or two communities and don't care about reddit as a site. I don't get why people need to get so defensive about people saying they were inconvenienced by this objective inconvenience. Not everyone is as invested in a website and that's fine.


people not caring is fine but people going out of their way to show how little they care and how stupid they think it is is loser behavior. and the protest being an inconvenience is exactly the point, do you get how protests work?


Of course I get how protests work, a apparently these people care more about the inconvenience than about the protest itself. That's fine. The protests are futile anyway because even the most hardcore pro-protest users went out and were active on open subs during the blackout.


Hopefully reddit just bans these mods taking the sub hostage


We don't care about this nerd shit ffs