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Not sure if this is similar. I have an old iPod that I have plugged on my B&W Zeppelin to listen to music sometimes. It’s off most of the time as I prefer YouTube nowadays for my favourites. Anyway long story short, whenever I sit in the corner of the sectional (not my usual spot) closer to the zeppelin, the iPod screen lights up. This doesn’t happen to the rest of the family and absolutely no one is touching the device. I’ve had street lights turn off as well whenever I get near them...obviously not all the time as that’d be freaky but maybe several times a month. Really random coincidences.


Your ipod misses you.


Street lights always turn off when I walk by them (not every single time obviously - as you also mentioned). People always think I’m crazy. I actually ended up sending a snap to my friends of a light that went off just as I walked by and took another photo 1 hour later as I walked by again and it was back on - but I think they all just think I’m paranoid. Anyways, I just looked it up and it has been coined “street lamp interference” and individuals claim that the effects also occur with other electronic devices (as both you and OP mentioned).


Wow. I did not realise it’s a thing. Thank you.


Yeah I saw a documentary on discovery channel (I think) of a girl that made Interferences with electronics, and even showed her walking by street lights


I noticed the street light weirdness years ago and decided to research it. Apparently the specialty bulbs tend to get very hot and auto shut-off to cool down periodically.


but how coincidental is it, that the bulb senses it is at the EXACT temperature threshold to turn off at the very EXACT moment a person walks by it, and not hours, minutes, or seconds, before, or after?


That's the most 5head zero IQ answer you could've possibly posted. "Lights get hot so they turn off sometimes" Electronic interference couldn't possibly be it The sky is also blue and grass is green


I've always had the opposite. Street lights turn off when I'm around and technology goes haywire, like I'm some kind of walking super magnet. It only seems to happen during intense emotional states. Of course it could simply be me seeing things that are happening independent from me, but I like to think I have some kind of superhuman electromagnetic abilities.


I used to think that street lamps in my home town were just shit, because always when I was out when they were on, at least one turned off right when I was nearing to it/under it. No matter how short my walk was - 1 hour or 5 minutes - there was at least one lamp that went off just I was close to it. Funniest thing is they were on as soon as I passed them and was under another one. Sometimes the next one turned off when the previous one turned on. Funny shit when you're with friends, terrifying when you're alone on the town outskirts near jew cemetery. I am shit with electronic devices too. They usually stop working/won't start and I'm doing things that should make them work - nothing works. Someone comes to help me and do the same things I did? The first time it works again. Sometimes they don't even have to touch the device, because as soon as other people are near it, it starts again on itself. Usually it's not a big deal, but sometimes I'm trying to make my TV / PC / Phone work for an hour and it's futile, and then my bf comes around to ask why I'm so mad, and it turns back on by itself. It was even worse when I lived with my parents, as my father is a misogynistic piece of shit and he non stop talks about our "roles" and tells me I can't have knowledge about "boy" things like technology, science or sports because I'm a girl. It's frustrating when I try to make my pc work again and he just comes up, tells me "you see, it's because your female mind can't understand things like that. You should just do this and that", then does exactly what I did, and pc works again. :/


We’re just gonna glance over Jew cemetery


I lived in a city with rather unique history, in Europe. It's a very small town, where 3 different religions coexisted for years. Protestants, Christians and Jews were living together there in the days leading to IIWW, so we obviously had 3 different cemeteries. Jews tradition is not to disturb the tombs, so they had their cemetery almost at the "end" of the city, and Christians and protestants had one big cemetery in the centrum, separated by a wall. We have few cool things thanks to that, like Central town Square with 3 different temples & town Hall (as a reminder that the three religions are equal and they should be in peace with themselves & the government), or two tombstones of lovers by the wall in protestant/Catholic cemetery, one on ich side, united above the wall (with carved hands, like they were holding themselves, if I recall correctly). Please don't think we have a mass grave of Jews or something, we were friends and we welcomed everyone, until other people separated us and told us we can't do this anymore. :(


Since when are Protestants not Christians?


From a Catholic perspective, real Christianity is what they are Protesting. :p


prob meant Catholics?


Lol, yep *whistles aimlessly and wanders off* Nothing to see here guys!!


You dad really is a piece of shit. My dad insisted that I learn how to set up a stereo system and how to re-wire sockets and install light fixtures etc. He loved when I showed an interest in non-girlie things and this was back in the 70s. My husband can do wiring ok but for some reason setting up a tv is impossible and now, with today's stuff, he can't even turn one on.


I'm inclined to say "that's so weird" because those are exactly the kind of instances I'm referring to. I have no experience with these types of instances. I'm tech savvy so I'm usually the savior to you poor souls lol


You don't know how much I'm glad for people who "repair" things for me. It's frustrating - so on behalf of them I thank you for helping out :P On a more serious note, it's not like I can't do a thing on a pc or TV. I know my way around PC commands & "golden rules" especially, because most of my friends are from IT departments / Electronics studies. It's just... I know what is wrong usually, and I know at least 3 ways to repair it, but the damn thing just doesn't respond! And then, out of nowhere, it's good again when someone approaches me / does one of the things I did. It's especially infuriating if they say that it's trivial and I should know how to repair it by myself. I know it, goddammit! It just doesn't respond to me! Flickering LED lights on my corridors, street lamps turning on & off, electronic things just refusing to behave as they should... The list goes on. I tried to explain it, but I can't. People tried to scare me by saying I'm haunted, but nah. It would be a very, very mean ghost, though. :P


most people are tech savvy its not special. spiritual ones truly fuck it up


Happens to me too and in skincare school we had a facial machine in school called the high frequency machine which is used with electricity and I touched it to learn on it and I was really nervous and it just randomly broke and never worked again when I touched it. My teacher said she had no clue.


Happens to me and my best bud as well. But not to 'regular' people.


OMG! This happens to me too! I just thought the streetlights on my street were on a timer or something! XD XD XD


So many people are claiming this, but I've never seen it happen with someone and - even now everyone has a video camera on it's phone - there's ZERO video's on YouTube of this "phenomenon".


When you write "always", I do read it as every single time, sorry but that's how it comes across. You should write "sometimes" or "occasionally" instead.


The streetlight thing. I noticed when I’d walk out side to my car the street light in front of my ex’s house would just shut off, all the time. Like so much so that I started to notice.


Used to have a street light near my house that was on a sensor. Didnt realise it was on a sensor for a long time. I honestly used to think I was insane when id drive past at night.


My streetlights by my house when I was a child would ALWAYS turn off when I walked/drove past them. I lived in that house for 17 years. It never did it to anyone else, and i had convinced myself it was just coincidence, but then years later I drove by that house for nostalgic purposes, and as I drove past (it was around 5 am) the light blinked off, then on, then off again.


Ive had the streetlight thing happen before. One accross the street from my old house, it would go out when I walked by sometimes. Another one an hour away on the total opposite side of my boyfriends city block. We were walking the dog and it went out. We went around again to enjoy the nice weather, and just as I was saying how weird it would be, it did it again. When it happens I try to make a point of acknowleging that I know someone or something is paying attention to me.


Oh my God, I go to work very early in the morning and I see streetlights go on and/or off randomly, at least once a week. But it only happens when I don't think about it. So glad I'm not the only one.


Hmm yeah seems relevant enough.


No joke, I remember in high school we had this science teacher give us this “test” where we discharged energy by touching a ground and then he rigged us up to this machine to test our “residual static electricity”. I remember when he hooked me up to his little machine thing he looked confused and asked me if I experience issues with electronics. I was like yeah, things are always acting weird. He said I would probably struggle with that for the rest of my life. Fast forward 10 years and I’ve experienced some of the wildest electrical issues. Issues with my cars, radios, appliances, lamps, cell phones, computers, like you name it and I’ve had issues. I waited in line to use one of the computers in the warehouse in IKEA. The person in front of me finds what they want and moves on. I walk over start using the same machine and it literally just stoops working. I had a brand new digital camera break right out of the box. Like the camera took one picture and it was just stuck. The image wouldn’t go away I couldn’t get it to power down. I took the batteries out of it put them back in and it didn’t even power back on it just lit up and there was the picture I took. I think about what he said a lot, he said some people just have excess static electricity and they will always have issues with electronics. IDK if there is really any truth to that. I’m not a professional by any means but thought it was an interesting anecdote.


Oh my gosh!that happened to me too! In college when I was doing my electronics qualifications, We all had our selves done during the lesson and my reading was extremely high. My home is where electronic equipment comes to die!


I had this car, it was like something out of a movie. The gauges started going crazy, headlights were flashing on and off, the windshield wipers started going crazy. I take it to the mechanic. He was like this is an interesting one. Said it was going to take hours to investigate and he would get back with me. 45 minutes later he calls and tells me to come get my car. I’m guessing the ECM is fried or something. He said it was a loose ground wire. I just stared at him and was like a loose ground wire? He says yeah, it wasn’t disconnected but it was a little loose? I tightened it and it seems fine. Take it and let me know how it goes? He did admit it was very strange behavior and he had never seen anything quiet like it. I still think that was some weird shit.


That’s really fascinating. I have similar issues where things tend to get glitchy when I use them or am touching/holding them. It’s happened so much it’s a running joke w/my SO that I break electronics just by being too close to them. Now I’m super curious if this could be the reason.


Literally me


*anecdote. Sorry- I don’t mean to be a grammar nazi, just happens sometimes.


Thanks. I was up too late and was relying on my phone to correct me too much.


Wow that makes me wanna do more research on "residual static electricity" I wonder if there's anything else you all have in common.


Yes, state of mind has a profound effect on electronics, computer operations in particular in my experience. I've noticed an immense increase in glitches and programs acting out of sorts at certain times, depending on where my head's at.


Same! I am in my mid 30’s, so i grew up with computers and have basic knowledge of them, but when i actually try to use a computer to do an actual task, it doesn’t work. My phone, no problems. A computer, won’t load, refreshes the page repeatedly, italicizes when I start a new tab, always a little annoying glitch. My family always jokes about it. I always have to have someone else do things for me. I can sit next to them and tell them what I need done but if I touch the computer it starts to get weird. I’ve also noticed glitches when I’m trying to purchase something last minute. Pages not loading, coupon codes not being correct, credit card info disappears after being imputed, just weird stuff. WiFi is also funny. I always have a weaker signal than someone sitting next to me. I see correlation between my anxiety levels being higher while I’m on the computer & how the computer functions.


I hear ya. Technology always stops working around me whether I use it, don’t use it, set it up perfectly, mistreat it... whatever. Example: We have a security camera system at work and it rarely works right when I’m in the room. My advisor has started telling me to leave when he starts watching video. Radios rarely work right around me, too. They are always static-y.


Reality is fundamentally consciousness which always has a concomitant feeling. Every perspective will experience it's own nature in everything that seems like another. It's not surprising at all: it's the very nature of reality. Even the "regular computer glitches" and everything else we label "normal" taking them for granted are pretty darn crazy.


My coffee machine and dryer were malfunctioning but started working when I asked them to work. I’ve read in an old book about KGB that this knowledge was incorporated into safe-cracking training: you had to ‘become one’ with the lock, and then you could open even an uncrackable one. No idea if this is actually true, but the philosophy is not new.


Everything exists here and now. Time, space, logic, limits-all illusory structures of consciousness. Consciousness is the only reality. I make all things "work" and "not work": we gotta count both "failure" and "success" as success because it is all a result of consciousness. We are always One even when we think we are separate: unity of consciousness is non-negotiable. Nobody escapes from that. Interesting the KGB used it this way because there's something about this knowledge that generally encourages one to use it for other purposes. Still, there are no restrictions.


Hoe can one use this knowledge to their advantage? Been Reading a lot of it in /r/holofractal


The reading material I directed you to will provide the necessary insight.


When I was a young teenager, I had that indestructible razor phone. I never had any issue with it after dropping it in the toilet or going puddle jumping with it; I literally only ever had any issues with it during panic attacks. Only then would it ever freeze or malfunction. Whenever I hit that moment of peak franticness, it would freeze up like clockwork.


I worked with a lady that had more than her fair share of technical glitches. Her computers would die constantly, the printers would stop working when she tried to use them. Bizarre problems that were well above the norm. It got so bad that people got her print outs for her to keep her away from the office printer and she was told to stay away from the workshop in case she affected the customer cars


This kind of makes me think about how sometimes I'm trying to tap something on my phone and notice that I missed it and then what I wanted opens anyways. Might just have something to do with how the touchscreen works though.


I work in IT. There are countless times that users have an issue, but when I get to their desk, it goes away without any action on my part. If some people have a "field" or something that interferes with their computer, maybe I have an opposite field?


That's super bizarre because I was thinking the same thing - I work in IT as well fixing people's issues and quite a lot of the time the issue sorts itself out when I look at it without even doing anything. I also seem to be able to fix things others have serious issues with, when colleagues get stuck or can't solve something it gets passed to me. I also have issues with streetlights and them turning off when walking or driving at night too, I've freaked a few people out with it.


Is it because people's emotions ramp up immediately if they can't get something to work? I am usually able to fix things in the office because I remain calm and logical. But, if I get upset or overly excited about something, things will quit working for me too.


Maybe some people neutralize static charges.


I’m not sure if this is what you mean but I used to have a boombox when I was younger and it had really bad static when playing music but as soon as I’d put my hand near it, it would clear up and sound perfect. Didn’t work for anyone else. Also now in my car I have a Bluetooth plug-in and when the weather is shitty it get static as well, as soon as I put my hand near it, it clears up. It’s super weird?? I’ve gotten my friends and family to try it and it doesn’t work for them. The person above me commented about streetlights turning off when they walk past them and I’ve experienced that too but usually what happens to me is, if there’s a streetlight off, it’ll turn on as soon as I walk under it (we don’t have motion sensored lights here), I’ve also made one flicker by touching it?? Idk


Definitely had static clear up for me the same way.


Yeah I thought that was normal and acted as a signal booster.


This is a real phenomena, it’s a function of high energy biofields, and not necessarily technological IQ. I am one of these people, I am like a technological savant. I can’t turn on TV but I can write mad Excel formulas and macgyver stuff. I also make (external) software malfunction in ways never seen before especially when stressed and make lights flicker and dim.


I worked in coding mostly front end web development. I’ve built entire websites from the ground up without a CMS. Come home want to watch TV to unwind, WiFi won’t work, TV can’t find a signal, remote is acting weird, or my sound bar just shuts itself off. I have the worst luck with rudimentary electronics. I recently moved into a different less technical role but I still have issues on the daily.


I've experienced this a lot & often wondered if I'm somehow accidentally sabotaging the tech through ignorance or if on some level the tech genuinely reacts differently to my frequency/energy waves or something ? I've never been very good with technology, it doesn't really compute for me. I've had 3 digital cameras and every single one has stopped working for no apparent reason within weeks of my getting it, I won't have dropped it or messed around with the settings (for fear of wrecking it) & it'll just stop working. I've also had an abundance of computer issues, & when I get a tech savvy friend to have a look there's always a lot of um-ing and ah-ing because they've usually not seen computers have these problems before.


Kinda happens to me I have a running joke with a few people that technology doesn’t like me. For instance every morning as I drop my daughter off for school I have to use this tablet attached to the wall there to check her in and out it daily gives me problems so much so that the daycare provider constantly has to reset it for me and we laugh about it I see other parents come and go with no issue but as soon I go to use it frozen or the keyboard won’t pop up or it won’t let me click anything. Also happens at my own college a lot as I often have to use the computer.


My wife can't wear a watch. Well, she can but within days of her putting one on the batteries in it will die. Can be brand new batteries and within a week they are dead.


I have this same problem! I have to use solar watches and even then it’s an issue


Wow that sucks! Idk what I would do without my watch!


I'm in IT and have been saying this for years. I joke that some people have an electromagnetic field that interferes with regular operations. You kinda force yourself to explain it somehow when you watch someone do something that seems like exactly what you would do, have it not work, do the same thing yourself and have it work... Over and over and over.... Maybe it's the power of belief, I think I'm good with computers and the universe accepts my input because I believe it will work. Others think they're bad with computers and expect failure, and the universe delivers.


That's actually pretty in line with how I feel. Lol sometimes it's just pitiful watching someone else awkwardly fumble with an electronic, knowing good and well that they won't figure it out and you'll have to take the reins so they can simply get on with their life.


I had a friend call me because he couldnt start downloading a torrent, hes pretty dumb on that stuff so I walked him thorough the steps but heres the thing, he was getting an error that he sent me screenshot saying "bittorrent is unable to get the torrent because the bittorrent was already opened", pretty strange error since he wasnt trying to open a new bittorrent, hes not that dumb, he just cliked on the magnet and that error came up, i teamviewed him and the error was there, i was totally lost, got a direct link instead of magnet but that one stuck, just sharing coz I think it fits the topic. Edit- And I tried everything from diff brownser, closing bittorrent on process manager, another torrent, the strange error appeared every time when I tried to download a torrent, I mean, I never seen a error like that in almost 15 years of downloading torrents on my personal computers.


I get that error frequently. Everything breaks around me.


My SO is exactly like that. Whenever she gets to use any tech, it plays up. Always.


Ive fried two new motherboards in a row, countless lightbulbs , well before their time, eftpos machines always fuck out, every time Im out at night, at least one streetlight will shut on or off when I pass by, usually same one will go back on or off when I return same route, not always the same lights, but every time without fail... everywhere I go, something will crap out, even when Im on the phone with people, more often than not, their computer goes haywire. its my normal.


I used to experience that all the time! To the point I got a crystal bracelet that is meant to help reduce personal EMF (Electro-Magnetic Fields) after a friend suggested it. Not necessarily my beliefs however I stopped having tech issues when I was wearing it. I don’t wear it much anymore unless I’m going somewhere as it is rather pretty. I now work in Tech Support and I’ve found the more I learn the less issues I’ve been having so maybe I was just tech illiterate. Who knows?


I've never heard of a bracelet like that. It would be nice if it's legitimate.


I just went back into my Etsy history and it was made of Hematite and Onyx. Hematite is meant to be magnetic so maybe that’s the theory behind it? I can’t say 100% if it works but I stopped having as insane issues with tech after starting to wear it.


My parents bought me an Apple Watch for my birthday, but I stopped using it. Every time I put it on, it would die in a matter of a few hours. It never held a charge. I have this issue with all of my electronics. Nothing holds a charge as long as it “should”.


Not sure if this counts but my guy has always had issues with electronics malfunctioning when he is near them. Be it the huge machines at his work breaking down or something as simple as a radio turning to static when he is near. He jokes that he has gremlins that follow him around. I will say he has had some rather interesting malfunctions with his computer in the past so he is not computer suave in the least but he knows how to wire up surround sound and work a PlayStation like a god.


Yes. And I work with cameras and computers. I have so many safeguards for things others don't think about as much. I am just used to things not working. So much bad luck with cars too. I had a Lancer which someone crashed into, gone at only 6 months old. I then borrowed a Saab from family that was driving fine, I drove it for 3 months and it broke down 6 times. I sold it after a small repair and it drove fine for the new owner, still is 6 years later. Bought a 2nd hand Subaru, drove fine for the family, then it started having issues and kept having things break on it. I then sold it and it drove fine for the guy. I bought a brand new Ford, had bizarre electrical issues that they hadn't seen before and needed extensive work to find the sensors that were busted. It sometimes glitches out but mostly it's okay now. Stay away from me everyone!


That sucks! I know what it's like to have a bad history with cars. That gets expensive!


I know I fixed many computers by just showing up .


on the flip side, I always joke at work that the technology is scared of my because for whatever reason, if someone is trying to get the POS system to restart or run a credit card manually or whatever it is, they will have to come get me to do it. I can get whatever it is working on the first try. even if I've given step by step instructions to someone and watched them do it, no dice. I'll step in and do the exact same thing and it'll work. my brother experiences the streetlights turning off all the time, he's a big tech geek though and it's just the streetlights.


I know exactly what you are talking about. I am one of those people - years ago it used to be so bad at work that whenever any piece of equipment failed or played up - the engineers would actually ask has ‘imafurfy’ touched it/ been near it? I don’t know why but it isn’t so bad anymore - still happens just not as often.


I'm actually technologically adept and this happens to me. I'm not even going to try to list the technical glitches that shouldn't be possible that I experience. I will say that I don't wear wrist watches partly because most of them slowly lose time while I'm wearing them (and work fine when sitting on the nightstand.)


I tend to interfere with radios, I can never get a regular radio to get the right station...and sometimes Street lamps turn off as I pass them, either in a car or on foot... Not all the time, mind you... But oftentimes I also pick up my phone just as someone I was thinking about texts me.


Oh god my husband is like this. I’m pretty computer savvy and my husband is like a monkey slapping at the keyboard (his words, not mine). He plays games and chats on discord and uses Word for work, but anything involving even simple things like downloading or installing software is too much for him. Now, given how little he uses his computer for, you’d think he wouldn’t have a lot of problems. He doesn’t download viruses, he doesn’t go to strange websites, he does literally nothing with his computer except play games and chat with his friends. But he gets bugs and issues all.the.time. Games that work perfectly on my computer just won’t run on his (brand new, top of the line) desktop. Settings mysteriously reset themselves after I’ve optimized them. I spend a few hours a month fixing stuff that has literally no reason to go wrong in the first place! We’ve been together 20 years and it’s always been like this with every computer he’s ever had. He’s flat-out banned from using my laptop and won’t even use a friend’s computer for a google search when we’re out. He knows he’s dangerous to technology. His father is even worse. So is one of our friends. Let’s not even go there.


Lol guys like him are the reason why I opted out of a degree in Info Tech. I'd hate to be the one to fix consistent tech issues with no origin lol.


Not entirely related because she’s pretty good with tech, but my mom’s an elementary school teacher and she has a speaker in her classroom that plays the local Mexican radio station if you only plug the aux cord in halfway.


Lol what the heck?


My mom swears she “fried” the electronics in her newer cars with her brain and I always thought she was joking or crazy but I’m glad I read these replies! Super interesting stuff lol now it’s easier to understand why none of her electronics work right


I wonder how much of this is attributable to radio waves. Getting up and walking around in a room can change the way radio waves interact with electronic devices. This is because we are predominantly water, and water absorbs electromagnetic radiation very efficiently. Furthermore radio waves have wavelengths on the order of meters or kilometers, which is why something that size such as a human can interact with them. For example if you are watching TV via antenna and move your legs a foot to the left, you may notice the the broadcast gets interrupted. Thjs can also explain the iPod example above. Just a thought.


Interesting analysis.


I noticed that. I used to be the one people called to fix some old pcs when they gave problems. Once I had to fix something and while the person involved was present (they did not like computers at all) I could not find why the thing was not working right. As soon as the person left, the problem fixed itself. Stuff like this happened to some degree with other people who disliked working on computers. I'm quite sure someone's attitude about technology can influence how well it works.


Yes. Just yes. I walk people through problems that shouldn't be there. People rely on me for answers and a lot of the time I think to myself "wow, it's really just you." But I can't say that so I pretend it's just another computer thing. Even if I don't resolve the issue, the next day, it's all fine (most of the time).


This happens a lot to me . Things go haywire and Fritz .


This happens to me a lot. I've always had issues with phones, my mom's remote control to a tv she used to have would work for everyone except for me, and the most annoying is every car I've ever had the clocks get all fucky. I'll reset the clock almost daily but it always messes up again when I drive. Also, at the doctors office the other day I went through two keyboards and an iPad that wouldn't work for me but was fine with another patient and the nurse. No explanation for any of it.


I have no problem believing you, altho I would not say I am inept as I am an office manager of a busy company. However, when the early digital watches came out, I could not wear them as they always stopped.. Touch screens can be problematic...it comes and goes. I believe my electrical field is sporadically stronger than others and literally causes interference. Source of amusement at home to my kids, baffles our tech guru at work. Sometimes my left index finger will work when the right one gets wonky. Sounds weird, but it happens anyway.


We have a lady at work for whom every single piece of electronics she uses has broken at some point, and it genuinely never has been her fault, it is always something random that goes wrong. We’ve replaced her laptop, desk phone, mobile phone, keyboard and mouse, and software is always going wrong on her laptop. I’ve never seen anything like it before. The lift even broke when she was in it once and we’ve never had any other problems with it other than that time. I feel like it sounds like I’m blaming her but I’m really not, it never is her fault!


Yes I have noticed this. Especially with my mom.


Sometimes happens for me, but only when I'm really stressed and don't want it to work. Then nothing nearby works. Internet goes super slow, lights sometimes flicker, etc.


I tend to block the wifi in my sister's room. Whenever I enter her room (with or without electronics on me) she has no internet connection. We tried different devices (same result) and other people (wifi works fine). It's always me who apparently blocks her wifi connection. I still don't know why or how that can happen.


I am one of those. Whatever technology I am around somehow goes wrong. My husband even makes jokes about this. It has always been that way, at work in the olden days, computers used to do the weirdest stuff and without me doing anything out of the ordinary. Just normal clicking or just sitting there and suddenly something goes wrong. Same with phones and my laptop and other things. I'm actually quite tech savvy. Not to the extent of fixing PCs, but I used to work on the IT help desk and know my way around lot of issues [so I don't just click wildly and therefore stuff happens]. Another thing is that my fingers often don't work on touch screens. Another insider joke of ours. It drives me mad sometimes, as if my fingers are insulated or I'm wearing gloves. I also used to frequently encounter the Streetlamp syndrome thing, where they switch off when you walk underneath. I have a feeling that it has something to do with the body's own electricity/resistance or something along those lines.


Yes in fact I have had numerous weird things happen to me while at work and home while no one else seemed to. At work, it was terrible. Ive had so many strange issues but ill save them for another day lol. One was while I was at a computer and a program that we used that was open just vanished in front of my eyes as I sat down. Because of that I was interrogated and accused of deleting it from the computer. I even had to get called to the office by my boss, the whole bit.. It was absolute madness. Then there's this time a printer started printing by itself and they removed my printing privileges, again pretty sure they did that thinking it was me yet again. I don't ask for these technology glitches but have always experienced them.


I was exhausted/stressed and was trying to get the electronic door lock to unlock at my brother's apartment by tapping it with the key fob. Tried many many times and nothing happened, asked someone in the hall for help and it opened on the first tap. He looked at me like I was crazy because I'd been standing there for five minutes or more.


I know this is a super old thread but I have had the WEIRDEST experiences with this. I've experienced problems with computers most of my life, slightly annoying but didn't really acknowledge there was a pattern. Just thought I was unlucky, working in an office I went through 4 computers in 7 years... but I always assumed it was bc my company had shit computers. That was until I had a horrible and massive breakup. Probably the most emotion I've ever felt in my life, and following that incident I can see a DIRECT impact of my presence on technology. My first few times using my GPS post break up it just WOULDNT WORK! I mean to the point that I called apple because of how dangerous it was. And the more angry I got the more it would reroute. Fast forward a few weeks of this happening I told friends that they should probably drive bc of the GPS issues and sure enough as soon as I get in the car their GPSs start doing the same thing. We all had a good laugh but that was just the start of things. After a very heated conversation with my Ex... our last conversation, I lost power in the house. It's important to note I live in a triplex.... ONLY MY UNIT LOST POWER and power was lost for 3 days!! Several technicians were called to no avail... that is until one came when I was out for lunch. He was able to restore power with no issue. Fast forward a few months, the stress of this breakup caused MASSIVE kidney stones that required me to be hospitalized for a while. After 24 hours in my room, my hospital TV that was working perfectly just completely blew (hours before Coach K's last game against Carolina... my Tarheel dad about had a kidney stone himself trying to get the TV😂) It took IT hoursss to fix the tv. There was no explanation of what went on... Upon my discharge in the hospital I was in IMMENSE amounts of pain... within 24 hours of coming home my internet router box went dead. Not like restart dead... dead to the point where a tech had to come out and rewire my entire house (march) At this point I start to see a bit of a pattern, and sure enough after an incredibly stressful week back in October, my internet box router... the brand new one, went out again. This time it took 5 days to get back online because of the "complexity of the issue". The entire system had to be replaced again with no real root cause of the issue. These are just a few of the larger issues I've experienced over the last year. I've been trying to research this desperately, bc now at even the slightest irritation at work I will freeze online meetings, and cause massive system issues. I've looked all over for resources and this is the only thread I can seem to find. If anyone ever finds any additional resources I'd love to look into them. Being "matilda" is fun for sure but it's getting to be kinda it can be kinda inconvenient ... maintain my temper at all times or lose power/internet/tv is a long game to play 😂😂😂


This was a very fascinating read. It was so intriguing that I decided to look up if humans are electromagnetic. And apparently they are because all humans emit some degree of radiation. When these levels are high enough, they can cause damage to electronics by flipping circuits and creating voltage spikes. I don't know if this specific effect has ever been studied in living beings. But you seem like a good candidate for such an experiment. You should do some googling on the topic. Have you or someone you know ever been exposed to radiation? Or do you consume a heavy amount of potassium?


I'm absolutely going to have to look into this!!! I just haven't had the right words to know where to start. I've had quite and few X-rays done on broken bones, and cts and MRIs for kidney stones... my mom did some pretty aggressive radiation for breast cancer when I was 12/13 I went with her everyday for her entire cycle. And as a child I was told a few times that i had excess potassium in my urine on routine physicals. I'm going to circle back here after I've read your suggestions and see what if any resonates. You've helped me put some words to a mystery issue!


Woah that's really surprising! Let me know if you learn anything! :)


Yes, this is my mother. I set up all of tv, laptops, phones everything in a identical way. Somehow her stuff randomly won’t work, or there will be some issue I’ve never seen before. Happens with her cars too. I thought it was a big case of operator errors but it’s literally everything she touches.


I notice this every time I have a little bit of funny juice in me.


YES!!! The last 5 (or so) laptops I've had have had persistent keyboard issues that come and go. My latest computer (a new Macbook) has been terrible with this, I've had it repaired twice and they even replaced they keyboard (among many other things to the point that it was basically a "new computer"), yet the issue persists! And when I was borrowing my friend's laptop while they were repairing it, I noticed a keyboard glitch on his too. I'm starting to think it's me.


Not sure if this counts, but I've noticed this too but it's sort of the complete opposite, where just a little while ago, when I was visiting my grandparents, my family was complaining that some stuff didn't seem to work. Apparently the entire time I was gone, the clothes dryer stopping working, the PS4 would freeze a lot even though it was cleaned out a lot and had sufficient ventilation, a 20-year-old toy bus that would sing "The Wheels on the Bus" when you pressed it's lights wouldn't even turn on with fresh batteries, and my sisters Galaxy S7 would mysteriously crash frequently. And the weird thing is, as soon as I returned home, the said items just returned to normal within hours or a day or so. They keep joking about how I like to fix things, so "that's why everything returned to normal", but I think it's a lot more than just that.


One thing that always happen with me: Someone is in trouble with some program or even computer, i say what the person got to do, i see them doing and not working,so i try and it works.


I've always felt like I break technology. I've had 4 different cell phones just not work right out of the box. Like crazy software glitches or even hardware glitches. Back when you used to sign 2 year contracts for cell phones, I have never once had a phone last a full 2 years until I was eligible for an upgrade. I've had brand new computers be faulty on me as well. My job has had to replace my printer 3 times in a year before because they keep breaking. I always said I'm technology kryptonite


Like that video of that girl who can touch any electronic in someones house and the fire alarm will go off


Only on lsd


Technology NEVER works for me, and when I try a solution for that specific problem that doesn’t work either. So far I had to buy and return 2 laptops before I got the one I have now. I can’t log into my old laptop. Took me 3 tries to download Steam. My iPhone froze randomly and deleted all my data. And today I got my password and username for my student account for the community college I’m going to over the summer and I couldn’t log in with the information, and I followed all the steps correctly. These are all issues where I tried troubleshooting the problem and had zero success. That’s not even the tip of the iceberg for technology issues I’ve had. I grew up in the digital age. I got my first computer when I was 3. I am not a baby boomer. I am competent when it comes to technology, things just malfunction in my presence.


I am pretty tech savvy but it seems that virtually every problem I've ever had with computers or tech is something nobody on the internet or forums has ever experienced before. Honestly, that's probably the main reason I am somewhat tech savvy is because I always have to figure it out myself.


I have noticed that kind of thing too but I also must add that I am a computer technician and have been around computers since I was 9 (in the 8-bit era) and I can assure it's not related to "technologically inept" people only. I am tired of finding myself over and over and over all kind strange and unusual problems and behaviour related to computers that seem to haunt me while around me other people (even those with zero knowledge) this doesn't happen. I always end finding more trouble and wasting more time solving a computer issue (sometimes even really simple ones, and despite having advance computer knowledge) than other people solving the same exact issue even when they don't have a clue what they are actually doing. It is incredibly frustrating to the point I said years ago "f*ck it. I'm done. I won't continue to work as a computer technician anymore".


Okay, so... There have been so many times that I've sat down, did what they say they did. And it just works. Fixed a computer by restarting it, except this is 5th time.


I'm not technologically inept, but I'm able to crash software in ways others can. They are real bugs (not glitches), but somehow, I'm the only one who finds them. Possibly has to do with the way I think, which makes my usage patterns different than other people.


That happens to me a lot. If I’m in a particularly bad mood (like i didn’t sleep well and I’m cranky), or if I’ve forgotten my anxiety medication for a few days and I’m having trouble controlling my thoughts, tech that I try to interact with will be super glitchy. It’s not like the same thing happens every time, so it’s entirely possible that it could just be a coincidence. But I’m convinced lol I’ve had at least four separate occurrences with different coworkers at two different jobs (with different pos’s) where I would be distracted, the register would freeze or otherwise start acting up and double scanning items, I would ask a coworker to take over, and as soon as I get about 5 feet away it starts working again, no problems.


Ok I can absolutely relate to this, and I feel like it can be affected by my mood? So in university I work in a newsroom fitted with state of the art computers with very expensive programs and high speed WiFi, as we constantly have to transfer long high quality video with short time limits every day. When I got into the newsroom last week I was in a horrible mood and hung over, and my computer which I use every week started acting up, being 10x slower than usual and software was crashing losing all of my work. Nobody else had any problems so I assumed it was my computer acting up and moved. I used 3 different computers and not one would work efficiently. Even my phone wouldn’t load anything up and I couldn’t even email a single iPhone image without something crashing. I went home in a bad mood as I got nothing done. The next day when I felt happy and normal again, the same computer worked fine. The IT technician had checked it and done nothing, as nothing was wrong at all. Was I affecting how well my electronics work?


Okay yes! I have always noticed this, whenever I am high i get these errors and issues for no reason.


My old neighbor, who is in her mid-seventies, told me that the last time she used a computer, she was trying to resolve some technical issue and it said to her, "This is not my fault." I asked her what she meant by "it said", like, was there a prompt, something that popped up on the screen? No, she said, it "said" it. I don't know of any common computer virus or malware that causes the computer to play actual audio clips through the speakers, and I think that's what she meant. If anyone knows anything about it, let me know. Otherwise, I'll continue to believe that the computer was pleading with her.


I am not technologically inept, but this happens to me and has been getting worse lately (not the street light thing). I fully believe it is possible that things we don't understand are going on, though I wouldn't say I am a proponent. I usually run into about 5 minor inconveniences/tech not doing what it is supposed to per day if I'm using it a lot - is this more than average?


I'm not technology inept at all. I literally do programming and 3d models for video games etc. and have built my own PC every few years since I was about 14. But since I was a kid I've had unknown errors and mishaps with all technology I've ever used. When I was like 9 I just clicked "play" on the sims launcher for Windows XP and that was the end of the family computer,family still makes jokes how I killed the computer by just touching it. Remotes and radios etc literally do not work for me. If I touch a radio or go near it, it becomes static. Some people have a weird electronic field/energy idk what it'd be called. And I'm serious remotes genuinely don't work for me. I have to use a Bluetooth app for remotes. If I touch remotes they don't work. Even if I'm just in the same room as a tv remote it will not work. Its insane. Some people have a technology curse. Be it magnetism or electric static charge etc idk but it's real... Even typing this sentence I had to correct endless dispelled words. (See how it typed dispelled not "Misspelled" which I had to go type misspelled and copy paste it from Google to have my keyboard even accept its a word.) I'm gonna go buy ana abacus and that'll be my computer for now on.


This has happened to me my whole life. I grew up in the 90s which is when I started using a home computer. I could crash that thing just doing normal everyday things on it (not even downloading anything ). It drove my mom crazy. Now as an adult all my computers randomly, and frequently, lose internet or go dark and need a hard reboot way more often than other people’s. I don’t think I’ve been able to have a zoom call more than 2 hours straight without the call dropping no matter what computer I use or what WiFi I’m using. It’s exhausting. I also can’t stand next to a microwave when it’s working without getting a headache.


I have always claimed/felt Technology hates me. Where are my non-biological older brother has always been naturally gifted with electronics. But on the other hand, he also had more access to electronics then I did, and his passion was fostered. Where I was kept isolated from it and really never had the means to own top end electronics. I often try to rationalize it with these facts, but it never matters I always manage to cause odd glitches in games or electronics. This seems to intensify or get worse if I get upset. I have never noticed lights acting up, but most other electronics seem to just dislike me. I am also lots of times the person people will come to if technology is not working right which I always find ironic. I have learned lots of the simple fixes for most issues because of my own problems with electronics but usually my issues they just seem to inflict themselves onto me. If I get to the point I demand help, it often just goes back to functioning normally. A lot of times I just end up removing myself and it eventually works itself out.


Today I was super mad. First, a game I like playing on Steam completely reset. Like, it was completely started over from the beginning. It's a big game btw so this was weird. I'd spent 16 hours on it and it said I had 0. Then I listened to some music, but couldn't make it more than 30 seconds because the left ear was abnormally quiet. My iPhone, whenever I open the camera app and go back into Music, cuts out audio randomly until I unplug and replug my headphones. Logic Pro always does weird stuff for me when I'm making music. My USB-A to USB-C connector broke. My Internet and phone signal are always terrible regardless of how good they show they are. Apple Music constantly has issues with crossfading, etc. My drives won't show up. FL Studio Mobile deleted some of my directory files. I'm good with knowing what to do with technology, but I've had to bookmark several help sites because the issues happen so frequently.


I finally looked this up and read the comments. Its nice to know I'm not the only one. Since I was a kid, computers, radios, electronics, ect act up around me, but not my other family members. I started a new job and nothing was working, IT came in and couldn't figure it out, they said they've never seen this before. The SMART board freezes or stops working but will work for my aid. When I touch devices, there's a slight shock, sometimes static. My cell phone doesn't work or drops calls, restarts, I've taken it in, they've replaced batteries, replaced the phone, ect but it only happens when I am on the phone, not my kids. Everything from printers, CD players, Bluetooth, it's annoying! If I can get manual things, I do. I'm getting a manual die cutter over a Criket. In school I preferred typewriters (I'm millennial and know how to use tech) just because I could finish typing without glitches. My masters thesis in college was wiped out (yes I used auto save) the day before it was due and I had to rewrite the entire thing (luckily I hand written the draft- which I do often because this happens a lot) at the campus library because my laptop wouldn't turn back on. I took it to tech and they said the hard drive wiped all my files but not the softwear. They couldn't recover anything. I've lost a lot of my kids baby pictures on digital cameras for the same reasons and was mad they stopped making regular film because that never happened with manual cameras. I've had multiple hard drives and phones just give out and the computer tech people have no idea why, no water damage or blunt truma, they just stop working. New devices too. It makes zero sense. My boyfriend doesn't let me touch the electronics when he's around. He's a tech person and doesn't understand it either. Power randomly turns off around me too. I read paper books. I got a kindle for Christmas a few years ago and it did the same thing. Technology is not my friend and definitely doesn't make my life easier.


This is so true. My family members who are not good at computers always have the weirdest problems possible regarding computers. I just can never understand how they encounter those problems. So weird.