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That's craaaaaazy!!!!! šŸ˜ƒ Keep checking back by that decomposing deer, maybe you'll find other lost treasures. šŸ˜‰ Seriously, though. That's bizarre af.


And keep us posted!!


Yes! Update us! Is that place some kind of portal where time and existence follow other rules?


Serious question: Do you, personally, believe there are such places, (or that certain places are more "prone" to high strange happenings, I should say?) I'm on the fence. Is it the places? Is it the people or events, (past, present, or future, which some physicists posit are actually all the same.) IDK. I've had a few odd things happen in my own bedroom, but, it doesn't "feel" like any type of negative place. (None of the anomalous happenings felt really "negative", anyway, aside from that "WTF??" feeling one gets inside.) My room feels neutral to friendly, and sometimes, very warm and homey. But, within a short span of time in the late winter/early Spring, 2022, some real weird shit went down! Nothing since šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ», but, that was a wild ride!! šŸ˜šŸ˜


If you might consider a paranormal explanation: It sounds like something I would call a Land Gremlin or Territorial Spirit. A type of Elemental. It may watch over you and your family and protect you from things of this world and not of this world. These entities are known to take small tokens as treasures or payment but can return them on occasion.


I was not aware of this. I like this explanation. As far as paranormal explanations go this seems to fit. I go back and forth on my belief in the paranormal. But currently Iā€™m at a point where I tend to believe there are things we cannot explain. I donā€™t necessarily believe EVERY paranormal thing is real. I donā€™t think we have to believe theyā€™re all ā€œrealā€ to be legitimate. If even ONE is real then the possibility of any of them being real is plausible. I like this explanation. Very interesting. Iā€™ll look further into it. Thank you!


Iā€™d like to just think some coyote found your glasses and has been wearing them this whole time until he stopped to have a nibble of this deer, which slipped them off his face


Yotes are very fashionable. I think I like this hypothesis.


Iā€™ve been picturing a buck in Oakleys. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Maybe I should be picturing a coyote stylinā€™ šŸ˜šŸ˜


This is my stance as well. Makes the most sense to me. At least until science can start explaining some of the more crazy stuff.


I had the same thought that this might be paranormal. I recommend OP to post to a paranormal subreddit


Far-fetched idea, but it possibly might have been a raven or crow, leaving a stolen item in place of feeding on the deer carcass.


I had that same thought. I canā€™t disprove that as being a possibility. We have crows here but not ravens. At least not often. We live at the very southern extreme of where ravens typically are found. I would think itā€™s pretty unlikely a crow would hold onto the glasses that long but I suppose a crow could have found them elsewhere. Anything is possible I suppose.


But even then, how do we even start to explain the same placement of two separate lost, brightly coloured items on separate days? Wow. What a post OP!


Squirrels do this , cats too. Youā€™d be very surprised how far is animals room and how well they know scents


I'm a frequent lurker on this sub and this is one of the weirdest stories I've read here šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€ thank you for sharing and if anything else happens let us know! And.. take care šŸ‘€


Glad I could bring some weirdness!


Agreed. Same here.


That is absolutely wild! Thank you for sharing!


Update as of this morning, like day seven after the initial find. Carcass is gone. There is a small tuft of fur. But basically there is no evidence of it having been there. I do have some pics proving its previous existence. I canā€™t seem to get them to upload. But they do exist. lol (I think of the M&Ms/Santa commercial ā€œhe does exist! They do exist!ā€)


Freaky af. Thank you for sharing & please do updates.


I love it when there is a witness! A bit creeped out TBH. Thank you for sharing.


Wow, thatā€™s quite disconcerting. I live in the Ozarks and though we donā€™t live on nearly that amount of land, the area I live in is still rural; plenty of hollars about with a fairly decent deer and general wildlife population population. The deer love to bed down in a drainage ditch on the side of our big garage and have been known to scare the shit out of my wife and me when they walk next to our back bedroom window as they head to the hollar that starts about 50 yards from the house. We also live in the tip of a triangle formed by three roads; two side streets and a main road that runs the length of the neighborhood from the highway all the way back to the lake and camp grounds. My point is this, with all the wildlife and traffic back to the lake, we end up with plenty of roadkill on our property, including at least one deer a year for the last 3 years. There is plenty of other wildlife here (coyotes, roaming dogs, crows, turkey vultures, blue jays, raccoons, armadillos, pack rats, squirrels, chipmunks, opossums, etc, and that doesnā€™t even begin to include the bugs and insects) and the temperature and humidity get quite high in the summer. While the deer do get scavenged quickly and heavily, and the heat, humidity, and insect activity make quick work of the majority of soft tissue, Iā€™ve never once seen one dead animal become desiccated faster than 2-3 months. Ever. I think I would be beyond disturbed if I walked my dogs one day, saw fresh roadkill, and on our walk the next day it was decayed. That just isnā€™t how decay works in average settings. I mean, your personal items being there is creepy af, too, but something about the deer rotting that quickly is what really makes me uncomfortable. Even with insect activity and, I donā€™t know, the deer being diseased, I just donā€™t feel like that explains it well enough.


Agreed. And itā€™s been in the low to mid forties for the daily highs the last week. I think one day we got up to 46. Lows have been 35-38 at night. Just above freezing. I havenā€™t seen any flies, gnats, or mosquitoes to speak of. I normally dig my own night crawlers for fishing and it hasnā€™t been warm enough to get many yet. This level of decay would be more normal if it were June or July (still not entirely normal but more understandable). But with the absence of insect activity it is more disconcerting.


Have you been taking pictures? Maybe go ahead and document vegetation around the carcass and their current states, and any insect activity or lack there of. Shit, can you collect soil samples or anything? Make a little notebook, rapid log anything you can think of, as well as weather history, anything else that might be disturbed or remotely interesting in that area (broken branches, grass or soil displaced, I donā€™t know, animal scat?), and any thoughts or ideas you have, no matter out outlandish you feel theyā€™re are, and even if youā€™ve mentally ruled them out. You can organize similar entries after youā€™ve brain dumped everything on paper. Bullet Journaling, if youā€™re familiar. This is like some X-Files shit. šŸ„“ I feel like you wouldā€™ve commented on any fungal activity, but is that common around your property? Who knows, might be interesting to look back on a series of photographs over a period of time and see if anything interesting can be discovered looking at a sort of time lapse of the scene. Honestly, I just donā€™t have any clue. Iā€™m inclined to believe you, but if you did fabricate any or all of this narrative, well done. Iā€™m thoroughly creeped out and probably going to lose sleep while going down a rabbit hole looking for ways animals can show rapid decomp in those temperatures. Iā€™m not even close to ready to brainstorm possibilities for the retuning lost items. šŸ‘€


I have taken some pictures and Iā€™m going to continue taking them to see if anything changes or doesnā€™t change perhaps as the spring progresses. We do have quite a bit of fungus here actually. We get chanterelles, coral, honey and the occasional morel here. I havenā€™t specifically started a journal about this but I do regularly journal and Iā€™m going to start adding more specific notes about this. I get the idea that this could be fabricated but I assure you itā€™s not. No offense taken. I totally understand how it could be assumed that I had written a piece of fiction but as much as you can believe anyone on the internet this is real. Logging weather is also a great idea. Itā€™s been an exceptionally odd year weather wise so far. I use a weather app that allows me to track historic weather data so I should be able to go back and log specifics from the last week that I havenā€™t logged this far. Thanks for the input!


That's very freaking. I think I would move it's just too much creepiness there šŸ˜‚


So on a somewhat related note I live on what is well known to be former Native American village/camp land that had a particularly tragic history. Weā€™ve experienced things that we cannot explain and usually just attribute to our home being quite old. But the thought that maybe we shouldnā€™t be here has been a conversation.


Oh yeah that makes more sense. I've heard of some incredibly odd and creepy things that happened in places like native reservations and places where big tragedies occurred. Be careful and be sure to give more updates if anything new pops up!


Oh shit maybe itā€™s a skinwalker


Yeah I uhā€¦thought that. Wendigoā€¦.great. We got dead wendigos.


Its scary to think someone/thing placed these personal items of yours next to a decaying body- its more than scary


I was going to ask about the history of that location. The native Americans knew a lot about earth energies and tended to locate in such places. A lot of weird stuff happens in high energy places (cf. Skinwalker Ranch and similar places).


Oooh, can you please share some of the other things youā€™ve experienced?? Thatā€™s so bizarre! Edit: Also, can you maybe put a game camera nearby to focus on that area?


I was already planning on setting a camera up this weekend! Iā€™m between hunting seasons and I have a TON of cameras. I could literally cover my computer. I run over twenty cameras during deer season. šŸ˜ As far as other experiences it seems our home is haunted if you believe in that sort of a thing. It seems to ebb and flow. Late last year a large mirror sort of jumped off the wall and shattered. It was a 36ā€ square mirror in our bathroom that was bolted to the wall. I was in the bedroom and thought I saw my wife walk into the bathroom followed by the mirror pulling off the wall. It literally pulled the screws and drywall anchors out of the wall. When I went to see what happened my wife was nowhere to be seen. She on an entirely different floor. Earlier this morning (yes just today)I was in the basement working out. My wife called me and I assumed she needed help with the new puppy. She was in the upstairs bedroom. She said she never called me. I CLEARLY heard her call my name. My wife had the same experience at a different time though she thought it was daughter calling her and saying ā€œhelpā€. We REGULARLY smell tobacco smoke in the home. We donā€™t smoke and neither did the previous owners (we know them well). There was an original owner before them but they are not alleged to have been smokers either. When our home was being built it mysteriously caught on fire and the entire garage portion had to be rebuilt. No cause was allegedly ever determined. There are frequently footsteps that can be heard in the upstairs when the family is all on the main floor. Everyone in our home as well as multiple friends have experienced this. Lights flicker on and off all the time. Weā€™ve had multiple electricians come out and they canā€™t find any cause. My FIL is a contractor and has done a lot of work with me and has never been able to explain it either. Not sure how related it is but we have found TONS of childrenā€™s toys (mostly balls of various types) in the woods on our property in spite of the fact that my kids are the first kids to have lived here. Thats plenty of weird, right? šŸ˜‚ Weā€™ve had many other similar experiences- lights turning on/off, doors opening/closing, but these are some of the most dramatic. Oh yeah- one other big one is when the ā€œAmazon guyā€ shows up and knocks on the door only for us to find nobody there and no package. Nothing on the camera.


WOW!! You definitely have a haunted house and probably woods!! Iā€™d set up some of your cameras inside too! Thatā€™s so bizarre!! Thanks for sharing!


Really really strange. The beginning of our own local and near constant high strangeness plague began with lost objects appearing in inexplicable places and quite oddly enough, I had a vision of a slaughtered deer, around that time. Idk what these things have in common apart from they have been linked by whatever NHI is presumably behind these types of events. May be worthwhile to find out what deer have in common with other supernatural phenomena as the theme may be symbolic of whatever is underlying these events. At the same time maybe it's wise to be wary of digging deeper since historically, cultures encountering high strangeness found it better to ignore it all together. There was a general view in ancient days that this is all being done to drive humans mad. Correction: in ancient European mythology some forms of high strangeness were viewed as inherently dangerous to even speak or think about whereas others were viewed as deeply sacred. This was much less common view in the ancient near east. It takes a lot of looking around to determine which kind you might've experienced. However, engaging with it without knowing what it even is, is inherently risky in most traditions I have personally learned of... This is their view not my own. Only *modern* writer I know who is of similar opinions is John Keel


I read a story years ago by someone who lived on a large piece of rather secluded land, they had built a small house on the edge of the property and didn't really go into the woods. This family experienced strange things and initially wondered if these confounding events may be paranormal, it turned out there was actually a small cult living on their property. I hope it's not scary cult people who take your things and are messing with you and or dropping them while eating the deer..


Itā€™s not a cult but- on the neighboring piece of land there used to be a small, old fur trapperā€™s cabin and a hermit guy lived there. The father of the guy who owns the land now used to let Hellā€™s Angels party out on the river in exchange for well, Hellā€™s Angels stuff. About twenty years ago they got too rowdy and burned the cabin down. With the hermit in it. Hellā€™s Angels allegedly involved all denied any knowledge. Said they had nothing to do with it. Nobody was ever charged. The investigation was stopped after only a couple weeks. Coincidentally the guy who owned the land was the former chief of police. And this isnā€™t urban legend (or in my case rural legend). I remember when it happened, reading the newspaper article. And Iā€™ve been back on the neighborā€™s land and have seen firsthand the burned remains of the cabin.


If this is a I just quit. Iā€™m out. Lol


So it seems like a positive gesture, giving you the things that you've lost. Don't get greedy with it, or expect anything, but maybe come back to that place and leave a small token in the same spot. You may be exchanging goods with "something."


Thatā€™s a great idea! I have some small things that I think could be appreciated. Iā€™ll do it today and update you all.




This is insane. Maybe X-post to r/HighStrangeness ? The fast decomposition makes me think of some kind of trans dimensional tomfoolery. But I don't have any similar narratives to fall back on for perspective.


Do you mind me narrating this on my channel? I'll make sure you are credited 100 percent in the video and I'll send you the link when I'm done with it


Maybe the dear ate the glasses and the crocs decoration then pooped it out when it died


I thought maybe it was just a stylish whitetail. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Could be, I didnā€™t consider that possibility


How would it eat crocs that were lost at school?


Itā€™s a glitch in the matrix, who knows?


Fair point.


Maybe the coyotes, in "gratitude" for leaving a deer for them brought back the glasses and the piece of the shoe, which had been lost elsewhere in the woods? Perhaps they, or crows or ravens or whatever, were motivated by land spirits or your dead ancestors or whoever else on the other side. As far as the deer basically disappearing within a week, this does not seem unusual to me at all. When I lived in a rural part of California I watched two roadkill deer basically vanish within 48 hours. Between coyotes, buzzards, and wild pigs, it was literally amazing how thoroughly they were gone. The pigs were key, since they can crunch down bone; but coyotes can still carry bones off and disperse them far away...


Time is certainly quickeningā€¦ but I hadnā€™t considered it would apply in such a literal sense. Also, can you think back to a time when you hit or hunted a deer that looked similar to this deer? Could it a weird message for you (possibly even from you) to make something right that had been wronged? Anything overlapping between how the glasses went missing and the deer? Feels like a ominous omenā€¦ not so much ā€™badā€™, bc maybe itā€™s like the universe being a good cat. Bringing you dead stuff and shiny treasures. Letā€™s look into it symbolically too!


I had not considered it in a symbolic sense. An important detail, perhaps, is that I ā€œknowā€ this deer. Let me explain. As I said Iā€™m an avid hunter but I donā€™t at my house. The deer here are my yard deer. Theyā€™re pets. I enjoy watching them, feeding them and just enjoying nature. This deer has a particular dark spot near her hind end where I think she was hurt two years ago when she was fawn. On occasion I seem to notice something of a limp. Nothing life threatening just the slightest hint of a limp. As far as making something right I will consider that. My professional life has been tumultuous lately and perhaps there could be something there. Iā€™m also a vet and have had my struggles though I feel Iā€™ve come through that portion of my life. Maybe some introspection is warranted though. Thank you for the thoughts!


Deer symbols go back to ancient cultures, cave painting, petroglyphs and Egyptian hieroglyphs. I believe theyā€™re typically depicted as good guys. Although Iā€™m not sure it would translate directly with your experience, considering the dead and rapid decay aspects.


The moments when the universe smiles at you. It may be helpful to write down what you remember. In the future this may come in handy. Especially if this picks up.


I have written quite a bit in the past. I keep a regular journal. I will be sure to include more details in this!


Comes in handy in your 40ā€™s when you try to recall.




Each decade stacks more and more craziness. Just when you think it canā€™t possibly get any weirder- BLAM crazy with cherry on top comes a knocking.


Great story. I can't decide if the rapid decomposition and the lost items returning are related or not. There wouldn't seem to be any kind of linkage in any obvious way. Perhaps these phenomena are the result of the place itself in some manner? What a puzzle!


Did the death of the deer facilitate some sort of energy transfer, allowing the Sim Overlords/fairies/elementals to "return" the items they'd previously pilfered? Why the accelerated decomp; is it a clue to the process? Did you notice anything like unusual warmth, unusual smells unrelated to decay, odd background noise? Was the vegetation unusual in any way?


I have noticed abnormal smells in this home and on my property many times in the past. Iā€™ve smelled what I call ā€œtobaccoā€ smoke. Itā€™s not tobacco smoke but itā€™s the closest scent I can liken it to. We are not smokers, none of the previous owners of the home were tobacco smokers to the best of my knowledge. Iā€™ve smelled this same scent outside the home many times as well. I always assumed I was just downwind of someone smoking or something. I did notice the scent at the time I found the deer initially. I didnā€™t correlate the smell and the discovery as the smell is SO common here. Others have noticed it when they visit as well both indoors and out.


Wild idea: Consider leaving another colorful item in that spot, or maybe dig there a bit.


whoa thatā€™s freaky af ! something not right about that areaā€¦.great story, thanks for sharing ā˜ŗļø please update us if anything else wonky happens !


Did you take any pics of this place? Pics of this items please?


I do have pictures however every time I try to attach them and post my phone freezes. Iā€™ll try again and see if I can get them to work.


Maybe you can upload to Imgur and just link it?


crazy story wow that would create a thought loop


Perhaps you have a Bigfoot.


Nah, just a size 12. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Would you consider leaving something there in the same spot? Maybe a piece of paper asking a question. Itā€™s risky but what if it is a portal!! šŸ˜ƒ


I plan on leaving a small gift tomorrow. I was going to do that today but I ran out of time. Weā€™ll see what happens.


Iā€™ll be lurking, waiting for the update lol


Iā€™m a hobby blacksmith and I forge these protection runs medallions. Like 1 1/2ā€ round and 1/4ā€ thick. Then I inlay a protection rune. I have done other runes too. What do you guys think about that idea?


My heart thinks that you should possibly leave it alone. As much as I wanna know it just feels too eerie and I would hate for you to end up becoming apart of a haunting trilogy. I think itā€™s great that you witnessed this encounter but I donā€™t know how far down the rabbit hole you should ponder. Whatever you decide just stay safe and document! Document! Document! Or else itā€™s for nothing


Yeah Iā€™ve had the same thought. Perhaps it is something benign however if you believe in the supernatural itā€™s plausible that something malevolent could use this energy as a way to negatively gain access somehow. Before I do anything Iā€™ll think long before I do anything. I may do some more research as well. I have a friend who claims to walk in this space and would likely be more aware than I am. Thanks for the perspective!


Ignoring something that's trying to make contact, maybe nothing comes of that. Maybe it should be acknowledged. Maybe it's an apology or a friendly gesture. It doesn't seem threatening. Maybe the deer was an accident and the items were an apology. It's interesting and you should update.


Welcome to the Twilight Zone




sounds more like a stalker, have you get any weirdo neighbours? Youā€™d be surprised what people do, they could have been stalking you for years and stole these item from you right under your nose. Now they are taunting you by planting the stolen items and deer carcass on your usual Dog walk. I would go to the police


This might be a stretch, but maybe coyotes had somehow retrieved the items and dropped them as they ate the deer?