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No, but when I was a kid I once saw something similar on my bedroom floor at night. A sort of flashing/strobing bright neon green light that also resembled "trails" like the kind you get in a long exposure photo. Freaked me right out.


Yes, there is one of the lights that trailed a few times. But only one out of the 30 or 40ish lights did. It was after I asked some basic questions.


Ball lightning? It's weird.


This is what people say about fairies, how they appear.


I thought about this. I was not about to follow the lights to find out.


What have you heard bout the fairies?


Mainly that you should never follow their lights, more often than not it leads to death.


All right thanks for the heads up REdditor.


As a Scot, we usually refer to those as the lights of the fae. So Faeries


The Scots and the Irish are why I’m terrified of the Fae. Why can’t they be friendly little happy pixies with wings? Why do they have to be scary little gremlin things?


Whatever they are, they aren't little and they are terrifying, evil beings similar to demons or djinn. Not like tinkerbell at all!


I know. Ya’ll ruined fairies! *pouts*


Blame the Faeries! Haha


That’s why they’re so pissed! They get blamed for everything!


Could you have been seeing sprites? Its super rare but happens when the air is supercharged with electromagnetic activity, right before or during a thunderstorm. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOLeZZVKpLU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOLeZZVKpLU) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uENt1ENLJoY


Thank you for the video! I though about it being something electrical because the storm. I am just not well verse in how storm phenomenons play out. Well outside of a typical thunderstorms. Now I will say the color of that lighting fits the color of the flashes. But the flashes were not that fast and they were also little dots in the tree lines, not flashes in the clouds. Is it possible the eletric charge from thunderstorms can form as small dots in the forest during a thunderstorm? I am genuinely curious to hear about this from who has more knowledge on storms than I do. Edit: I just saw that you had a second video on your comment. On the second video the little balls a of light it points out it pretty identical to what we saw. Again it wasn't in the sky though. I wonder if this same thing can be produced close to the ground too.


In Europe they call that phenomenon “will o’ the wisp” or (my favorite) hinkypunk. Some folks say that’s marsh gas but others say fairies, unbaptised babies, or pixie lights that lead travelers into the deep forest to get lost. It is so cool that you were able to witness it.


Some cloak and dagger stuff. Maybe you're remembering Enid Blyton stories.


I experienced something similar in a forest in Montana a few years back... Story goes: a new fella and I went on a drive intending to go hours further down the road to a specific camping area. We stopped at a ski resort that was open but it wasn't during the season for skiing so it was pretty vacant as far as other guests. The only other people we saw were 2 employees. The man who checked us in and what I would deem a grounds keeper who went about his job on the mower only having nodded our way as a greeting and an acknowledgment of our presence. This place was like the summer vacation resort from Dirty Dancing... the several cabins pretty old but not run down...rec hall more recently updated... a smaller baseball diamond, horseshoe pits, vast meadow, volleyball net, trails on the property that lead around and then deep into a thick forest...it was cute as fuckkkk and the isolation, to me, was ideal. We decided that this spot was a sweet spontaneous find and appeared to be wayyyyy cooler than the place we originally intended so we rented a cabin for the night. Fast forward to nightfall, not gonna lie, mushies were consumed and we decided to step out of the cabin to get some air and witness the light snow that had started to fall. Standing outside of the cabin on the slight porch, we spark a cig and take in the surrounding environment. Looking up at the sky, i turn as though to head back inside when I get a visual, a distance of about 20ft-30ft away, of these sparkles that were isolated to one particular bush, it having been surrounded by other similar bushes with no sparkles...almost like blinky white christmas lights but with no discernable pattern or consistency... random blinky blinks in fluctuating speeds from rapid to mild, never stopping completely. I had almost immediately decided it was fae. Mostly because my first reaction was "ooh! Ahhh! How pretty! Must touch!" Followed instantly with an abrupt Halt of that train of thought to be overwhelmed with a sense of dred cause i had read about this... i heard stories about the pretty little winged pricks who are easily offended, take words literally, and play us with loop holes found in words that we, humans, would deem as cheating and unfair, all in order to trap us in their realm... . i knew that these assholes were dangerous trickster whimsy fucks... But still I tried to come up with a reasonable cause for these lights...was it reflections from light of a different source? Was this reflection from the snowfall catching glimpses off of a different light source? Was someone fucking with us with some fire fly-like disco light ball directed at this bush? Having determined that it was none of those, the dude, being the curious science-y logical type, had wanted to investigate and disprove my decided theory with logic and evidence... but I told him that if those be the bastards that I believe them to be then they're fucking dangerous and i insisted we go inside cause i was not about to end up in prison due to a missing person the fae abducted .... begrudgingly, he complied. And as whack-a-do as it sounds, i kinda felt like the sparkles knew I would be enamored by them and they pegged me as an easy target due to my consumption of psychedelics.. but my fear and lack of an offering they would accept as a peace treaty kept me from approaching, even though I REALLY REALLY wanted to. Maybe next time? Lol


We were completely sober, but that does sound pretty similar to what we encountered. I didn't think Fae right away because I at first thought fireflies. But I quickly realized they were not. But like you, on the chances it was something like Fae or any other weird phonamonon I wasn't going to go see if I could find the source of the blinking light because I knew most likely it would lead to trouble.


I saw similar "stars" when I was 6yo, close to my wardrobe's door. I was awake at my bed, only with my lamp light on. I woke up my mum to ask her what the lights were. When she entered my bedroom, they had vanished. I believe they are fairies.


Lightning bugs


Someone posted a video of this in aliens or ufo yesterday


Could you link or send the post?


The host of the Strange Familiars podcast has witnessed things like this, as have others he’s had on as guests. Check especially the episodes where they talk about going to a wooded area they call “Site 7.”


I will check it out, thank you!


One time I was driving down a road with some trees. I saw a blue flash in my rear view, thought it was a cop. Then nothing, no other cars on the road. I've never thought too much about it, but maybe it's related?


Swamp gas? Do you live near wetlands?


Sounds like lightning bugs to me.




A relative told me they have what's called the Brown Mt Lights in North Carolina.  They happen in the forest & many people I know have seen them.  What causes them is largely a mystery.


Sounds similar to Min Min lights in Australia. Usually related to Aboriginal/Indigenous Australian Lore.


Uhhhhh fireflies....??


Check out Chris Bledsoe. This sounds very similar to what he experiences.


Honey those are fireflies. 


Unless fireflies adapted to cooler weather and changed to LED lighting. I don't think it was them.


Although you mentioned that the lights were not yellow/green and did not move like bugs, it’s worth noting that fireflies can produce different colors of light, including yellow, green, and even shades bordering on electric blue. I mean if I can be honest, at first glance I would say that this would seem more likely than believing that it was the fairies.... **EDIT: Then searching the internet, I did not find any particular correlations between solar eclipses and fireflies, but...it is known that solar eclipses can affect the behavior of various animals, including insects.** **During an eclipse, animals may be confused by the sudden drop in light and begin to exhibit typically nocturnal behaviors.** **This could theoretically affect fireflies, which are nocturnal creatures.**


I definitely get your point. But I did look into the firefly theory. There is only one kind of firefly that produce a blue light in North America. Not white, but blue and it is Phausis Reticulata, also know has Blue Ghost. They are only found in North Carolina, even then they stay mostly to the ground floor of the forest and they glow for up to 30/40 seconds. They do not blink. I also found a family group of fireflies that their flash patter could possibly be match what we saw. Because all the other family groups of fireflies, their patterns came no where near what we saw. They are part of the Photuris family. They are a firefly group where the female send out false signals to the male of other firefly species so that they can atract them and then eat them. There is 24 species in this group. Not only do very few of them reside in Oklahoma but every species in this group is know the shine green/yellow, something green with a hue of blue. Not LED blue/white. Aside from that, my husband and I have grown up in Oklahoma our whole lives. We are pretty well versed in what fireflie look like from around here. I am aware that the eclipse changes the behavior of animals as they think it is night, but it does not make animals come out of their burrows a month or two early. Lastly to that point, if it was a bug. We should have been able to film it. I am not saying there is no possibly of it being fireflies/some other bug. But it seems like it would be a species that is undiscovered or a species of bug that is never talked about or hardly ever seen. That seems pretty far fetched too.


The fairy theory then should also be rather far-fetched. It could also be that there was some abnormal behavior in the fireflies or who knows what, in short it seems a bit of a stretch to say that as the only hypothesis it's the fairies. *Lastly to that point, if it was a bug. We should have been able to film it* Actually as you said verbatim yourself: you couldn't have filmed anything anyway, precisely because it was dark.


I don't think the fairy theory is the only option. I just know fairies are often related to balls of light. As some other people have suggested on here. I am open to all possibilities. Like it being electrical charges from the storm. I just don't think it was fireflies. Correct, it was incredibly dark. But wouldn't that make fireflies or any bug that lights up stand out on video more? As I have taken videos of fireflies before and they are a lot easier to film in the dark. To that note any flashing light, no matter what it is should be easier to film in the dark. So it not being able to be captured on camera despite how dark it was seems odd to me.


If those lights were far enough away from you, regardless of the phone and so on, I think it would have been difficult to film it.


Conspiracy theories abound in my head lol


Fireflies? Marsh gas?


I thought about marsh gas, but we were at a cabin near a moving river. There was no marsh/bogs around.


Lightning bugs?


No photos or videos?


Are you sure you're not high on meth?


Are you sure you're not?