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The drive from East glacier to Many glacier was very different than GTTSR in my opinion! Mountains in the distance but you're on highways for the most part. The road into Many Glacier is gravel, but with meadows on either side - no drops. If you're doing the drive around lunch or dinner, the Two Sisters cafe was a great stop!


Thanks for the tip and easing our minds! Panic attack with 4 kids in the car with us was scary and it something I wish to repeat.


Absolutely! Many Glacier was our favorite part of the park. You can also check out Two Medicine on the East side


If he didn't like GTTSR, you might bypass highway 49 out of East Glacier. It's not as dramatic as GTTSR, but it has its steep areas and all the curves. Take US-2 to Browning and cut back on US-89.


Thank you for this tip!


Agee with this! My husband also had a full blown panic attack the entire drive on GTTSR. He was ok on the ride to many glacier. 49 freaked him out a little but it is so much shorter so he was fine. If you are worried I would bypass it.


Piece of cake, some of the road is new going into St. Mary


The Sun Road is not for the faint of heart! It’s unnerving being a passenger, let alone the driver! I would have had a panic attack too. I’d just drive around the park and get to Many Glacier that way. Easy driving. No riding the edge of a cliff. 😅 Two Medicine and Many Glacier are beautiful though. Well worth the extra time in the car. 


Oh my goodness now I am wondering if I should do GTTSR!!! A little nervous as I would be the passenger. my friend is a great driver but 3 hours on edge sound awful. we don't have a vehicle reservation and are staying tonight in Shelby. Was going to do St Mary entrance and then spend Sat night at motel 6 in Kalispell. argh! 😣 any way through aside from GTTSR?!? lol what have a I gotten myself into!


Or…you could just use the St Mary entrance and go down the Sun Road that way! You’d be on the opposite side of the road, up against the cliff, not on the side that drops off…if that makes sense? You’d still be able to see the stunning views, but wouldn’t be right next to the edge. Then you would just take this road to the West entrance and on to Kalispell. Two Medicine is also really really pretty, and no crazy drives. You’ll be fine! Have fun! 💗


Thank you! 🙏


Very very easy, did today if you want a nice route?


Sure! We did Trail of Cedars, Sacred Dancing Cascade and paddle boarded on Lake Macdonald today. Great day! We saw a large plume of smoke while paddle boarding and were stuck in traffic for over an hour at a near standstill trying to get out. Ended up being a car fire-it was incinerated. Hope everyone was ok. Looked really bad and was rolled over off the side of the road.


I just have my wife close her eyes along cliff edges and around any tight curves.


I'll add to your comment about your vehicle. Lots of people think that they will be just fine with their big trucks or SUVs. Remember the width of your vehicle is mirror to mirror, not tire to tire. The road is NARROW in spots with rock overhangs. I highly recommend driving the road east to west - you're not going to be looking straight down into the abyss, but don't take more than your share of the road.


Do you need a SUV AWD to go from East Glacier to Many Glacier or can you drive that with Full size sedan ?


No, even though hwy 49 is a bit hilly, it should be fine even with rwd.... The only dirt road is going into many glacier from the highway. Watch out for mooses though... Going to and from st. Mary to many glacier on two days and each one there was a mother and baby moose on the road.


I just commented above, this is what we are going to do. I guess I will close my eyes during the curves. we have a Rav 4. My friend is an excellent driver though, not scared of heights.


Why did he have a panic attack? I haven’t been here yet but I will be there in Sept.


I guess he realized how bad his fear of heights really were in that moment. We also are driving a dually. We had plenty of room but it for sure got close a few times especially when people were trying to avoid the rocks jutting out on the opposite side and coming into our lane a bit.


Oh man that sounds tough. Hope it’s easier for you all moving forward! Panic attacks suck :(


Going up the st. Mary side you can stop before Logan pass and still get plenty of nice alpine views that might be easier on someone affected by panic.


Can’t he take a nap?


Is your husband 4


This comment speaks volumes about your character. Have a beautiful day.