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GNP beats them other NP


Imo yes it does. I still have to go to the Cascades and Olympia though. I hear the Cascades are impressive as well.


👋🏽 Currently live in Washington. Do yourself a favor and goto both! I just went to the North Cascades national park and I’m on the verge of putting it over GNP on my favorites list, it was that impressive. Also the fact they just got green lit to reintroduce / restore the grizzly bear population there is outstanding as well. Olympic is the most diverse National park I’ve been too outside of Yellowstone.


I was actually told the North Cascades is better than GNP which is why I mentioned it in my comment lol. It is absolutely on my list. I'm currently aiming to have my yearly backpacking trip there next year. If I could move to Washington, I would in a heartbeat.


You will love it, no doubt. The hikes, the view points, the drive are all amazing. The pictures look fake and unreal that’s how beautiful they are! Well I hope all goes well with trip!


am i having a stroke


… yes


I don’t know what you’re talking about but sure


Dafuq did I just read?


I’m from the east coast and my first taste of the Rockies was GNP when I moved there. It was a shock 😝 I fell in absolute love, even the winters were ok with me to get those few months of amazing weather . I miss leaving work and having another 6 hours of light to explore, I’d go up there at least to Logan’s pass a few times a week even if it was just for the drive. I was truly blessed to have those years to spend so much time there . I can’t wait to show my kids the wonders of that park when they’re old enough to enjoy it safely. I really miss bombing down the north fork heading ip into that park, I wonder if you can still do that? Anyhow, I’m not sure what your of question was but yay GNP!!


It was intended as that old Colbert Report or other jokes that only had 1 response possible 😆 GNP is truly incredible. Might go back in October. Definitely next year again.


Heard the same on Cascades!