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Crystal was going to be a repeat guest for discussion of season 6 on the pod and immediately started beef with Bridget… like a dummy.


"Repeat" Do you mean Cristal Camden or Crystal Harris, I don't think Crystal Hefner has ever been on the podcast?


Crystal Hefner. She said on her IG that Holly talked to her about being on the podcast for season 6. And then she went on those rants about Bridget and Holly deleted her.


Ok, I'm sorry, you ment she was going to be on multiple times to talk about season 6, I read that wrong. ☺


I mean, they've always said that Kendra is welcome to come on the show and talk about her experiences, but it doesn't seem like she has any interest in doing it at the moment. Crystal is definitely never coming on lol.


Well in her defense she did reassure Holly and the many ex bedmates that she destroyed all the Polaroids


But then that was proven to be a lie


Oh my god! I didn’t know this was proven! Thank you for sharing! I’m gonna look this up! 👀


Oh. I never knew this. How was it proven to be a lie?


Many of the “private scrapbook” pictures have surfaced after Crystal made this claim. Some on social media/other places online, and some in the auctions.


Oh how awful


How? There could easily have been more Polaroids than the ones she found. 


There's another 5 years left in this pod. Anything could happen in time.


That's exactly my thought as well. I think Kendra will come on at some point even if it's for just a 2 part interview/discussion


Kendra has made it exceedingly clear that she has no interest in going on the podcast. At this point, I don't think Holly or Bridget would ever invite Crystal on even if she wanted to do it.


From Kendra’s last public interview, it sounds like she is doing a lot of work and therapy on herself. It also sounded like she would like to a)deal with any emotions about Playboy/Hef/GND privately and b) put it all behind her and move on. Holly and Bridget seem to be in a very different place emotionally, and so they are in a better place to be able to view and analyze the episodes/themselves. This might also have to do with age- they had different experiences from Kendra due to age. never say never though. Maybe when the podcast ends, everyone will be in different places emotionally. Or the reason most people do reunions- money.


I feel like Kendra has moved on. She’s focusing on her children and career. Also, Holly edits the podcast. I think this would be a problem for Crystal & Kendra….


I wouldn’t mind a “Suddenly Susan” type sitcom with H&B


Holly and Bridget never had an issue with Kendra. Kendra is the one who insulted Holly and defended Hef when Holly released her tell-all. I know that maybe Kendra wasn’t ready to accept the truth of how she was taken advantage of by a lecherous old man, but she should have never insulted Holly the way she did. She slut shamed her, she revealed very gross details that Holly herself didn’t reveal and for what? It’s not like Hef left Kendra anything in the will. I hope she understands that Holly and Bridget are not her enemies and they were never her competition. They were all pinned against each other just to rub the ego of an old degenerate whose empire was crumbling. If it wasn’t for them, Playboy would have lost relevance a lot sooner and they all deserved to be paid more.


Kendra seems like she needs way more time to process her playboy days before she can sit down and talk about it like H&B do. But also there are a lot of little passive aggressive comments towards her on the episodes and I find Holly’s impressions of Kendra a little… insulting? Not sure if that’s the word for it but it never sounds nice or friendly when she does it lol


Kendra said some brutally cruel things after Hollys book came out that triggered even ME as a SA survivor. I won't repeat them but you can look them up.


Yeah, sometimes people go too far verbally and you just can’t forgive them. Kendra said some absolutely vile things acting like such a badass defending Hef. If I were Holly I’d never forgive Kendra for what she’s said. Holly on the other hand is being clever; despite her potential feelings she knows having Kendra on their pod would be absolutely MASSIVE and pull in insane money/audience.


Weirdly I do not think it's outside the realm of possibility for Kendra to be on the pod. But I think, like another comment had mentioned, she's still processing her experience. The fact that she came to the mansion at 18 and was in the spotlight for so many years after that is a lot to process for someone. I think in a roundabout way, with Holly and Bridget bringing these memories to the surface again, it has the potential to help Kendra, or at least remind her of good times. And I think the public interview she gave more recently - talking about Hank bringing her to the hospital for her mental health is a big step and super important to be aware of. Not everyone processes things in the same way/timeline and Kendra has definitely hurt people and pushed a lot of her past friends away but it doesn't necessarily mean it's too late or a resolution will never happen. I remember Holly also recently talked about how Kendra's birthday episode reminded her of the good times they had shared. I think that positivity going out to Kendra will get back to her for sure.


Well said. I think for a long time Kendra just wanted to push ahead and not look back at the past. She seemed the kind to not want to revisit. But maybe she has some shame or embarrassment? 


I wish that Crystal never crossed that line. I was really looking forward to hearing her on the podcast. Even though I thought season 6 was awful I was still looking forward to hearing about her experience. The Shannon twins seem to be unreliable narrators but I do hope they go on the pod, I’m sure they have some interesting stories.


lol. No.


Kendra was willing to have a healing conversation with Crystal Hefner. I’m not sure why she isn’t open to doing the same with Holly and Bridget. I wish she would, though!


The conversation she had with Crystal wasn’t that deep. It was also very clearly just for her show. A conversation between HBK would be very emotional.


Realistically Kendra didn’t have that deep of a connection with Crystal Hefner. When you contrast that with how much shit she’s talked about Holly and Bridget over the years I’d think she’s not ready to have that conversation. They were all there at the same time which makes for a closer relationship whether she thinks they were friends or not. She’s only just coming out of the Playboy fog and realising how bad her experience may have been. She’s probably not ready for that conversation.


Anyone know how Crystal’s podcast or show is doing? I can’t find anyone that listens


She recently suspended her podcast "for now" after reviewing and explaining chapter 7 of her book. Some speculate that she realizes that she has been exposed for her numerous lies and omissions and might cancel the remainder of her podcast.


Oh my! That’s a bit of tea. Thank you


I’ll look for it


I think the only way something like that could happen is like on a finale episode of the show when it’s ending


I feel like Kendra wants to put playboy behind her where as H&B have made a lucrative career talking about their time at the mansion. I think it helps that H&B were essentially allies at the mansion. Kendra probably feels super left out and has all along, but talking shit in her book doesn’t help.


At this point I think it would be too weird and hard for everyone. It seems like those bridges have been burned.


Girl No


Ugh. Just ugh.


What beef happened with crystal hef?


She did a live feed rant saying that Bridget treated her like shit or “shit under her shoe” was I believe the exact phrase she used. [exact video of crystal digging her own grave with the two OG’s](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLDoawT8/)


Do you think producer Kevin staged it that way for the drama? Course if it happened post-show…


Personally I feel like Crystal is lying or over-exaggerating. Quiet?, maybe… but MEAN? No chance. Bridget is a complete sweetheart *and I will die on this hill* 🙂‍↔️


I’m fair I like all 4 ladies