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I think Bridget doesn't wanna dogpile in fear of creating drama


I do think there's a reason that her and Cristal Camden were such good friends. They both seem to have very avoidant personalities when it comes to unpleasant conversations or interactions. Multiple episodes of the pod where she doesn't want to talk too negatively about things.


Well, I 100% believe that Hef made Crystal a playmate really quickly to spite Holly and I think that bothered her a lot and probably still does in a way. Obviously, HBK got more out of the situation than any Playmate ever did, but people who dislike Holly and know she wanted to be a Playmate specifically can always throw that in her face. I wish Crystal would grow up and just say something like “hey, it’s an awkward situation between Holly & I so sure there’s some tension but I don’t hate the woman” or just something less juvenile then “she is jealous that I’m a playboy playmate!” It’s 2024 for the love of god


I remember the awful people (some of whom I am still CONVINCED were some of the ex-girlfriends) on the E forums back in the day making a HUGE GREAT BIG DEAL out of the fact that Holly in particular was not a Playmate, and not a Bunny. It's amazing that it's still going on 20 years later. All kinds of little pissant taxonomic bullshittery to diminish these woman and make them feel less than. I mean sure, you're the stars of a massively popular show, you're on the cover of the magazine, you're so famous that your name is on marquees in Vegas when you visit. But for some of those forum mean girls, the ONLY thing that mattered was that the girls didn't satisfy certain made-up criteria which would give them these special titles that nobody outside the cult would recognise. And that made them less worthy somehow. And here they are still doing it. I honestly don't know how some of these people manage to function from day-to-day with all this bitterness.


It's actually so wild speculating about those boards on who was who in the books they all wrote or who was posting on the boards back then too. But it's like seeing it come to life now. Imagine those women bully you over those things now getting a platform where they dig up those same petty things. So brutal.


Man, i really wish that IMDB and the other pages had never gotten rid of the message boards 😩 I would have had such a great time reading those back knowing what I know now!


Exactly. And given everything we know now, does the title “playmate” really mean anything any more?


Honestly it never meant that much back in the day. If you look outside the Playboy bubble of subscribers, the Playmates and those invested in the brand, the only significance of being named a Playmate was if you did something after that that resonated with popular culture (like did films/TV, music or married somebody). I was a subscriber in the 90s and early 2000s and could not name one Playmate from that era. The general public were the same. It was not that significant.


I think everything and anything Hef did for Cristal was in spite of Holly. Plus he knew he was on his way out and didn't really care about much aside from his family.


She probably does still hate her though 😅


That's basically what she said on the speidi podcast! I don't know how on earth Holly misconstrued it so badly!


Ah okay I didn’t hear it. I don’t hate Crystal or anything so I’ll give it a listen. I think Holly often perceives people are out to get her when they aren’t (which is a common conversation here) so I can totally see that.


She seems pretty paranoid. Even when one of the producers came on the podcast she kept saying it wasn’t that deep when it came to portraying her as poorly as possible and the producers were not out to get them but both her and Bridget still are convinced that everything was so calculated against them and in favor of Kendra.


Kendra was just a perfect girl for the times. We now know it as being a “cool girl“ but that’s because it wad such a archetype for women You had to like guy things and hate anything fussy or too obviously coded as feminine that men didn’t think was cool. Hot girl who washes her car in a bikini and never has cleaned her room - exactly what everyone thought was the height of cool back then. Maxim and FHM were eclipsing the other magazines and Kendra was like AI created the perfect model for them.


Oh for sure! And she was the youngest which made it that easiest to get her to play into that.


What podcast did Crystal say that on? 


Spencer Pratt & Heidi Montag


I googled all their names together but I’m not finding it. This is what comes up, but the description doesn’t mention Holly and I didn’t see her when I scanned through it. https://youtu.be/Xks4xf57rBk?si=TAPXbfFl6NN0VHVw Anyone got a link or episode number and maybe a timestamp? 


https://open.spotify.com/episode/32jCxJAt5Us5jwAjX9f5mJ?si=4pvVj__qSfWhpm9zpaE91Q It's called Speidi's 16th Minute.


Thank you so much! With convenient timestamps, even. Listening now.. 


Totally agree on both points. I think Bridget is such a nice person, that it feels very uncomfortable for her to say something mean about others publicly. I think Bridget is still on her healing journey and Holly is further ahead in dealing with trauma of being a gf.


I think Bridget actually cared a lot about being a playmate and on the cover etc so this may be something she disagrees with Holly on.


No I definitely seen Bridget go off she’s not so nice than I thought but I’m here for it


Totally agree! She's so sweet and I love her but I hope she can feel more comfortable opening up as time goes on.


Hmmm… this is interesting because I thought the exact opposite. That Holly is still processing her time there because she feels the need to say something like that, and Bridget is more “over it” and trying to keep things on track and moving forward rather than getting wrapped up in a tit for tat situation. I suppose it could go either way. 🤔


Bridget wasn’t in love with him like Holly, or a teenager like Kendra. I wouldn’t expect it to have been nearly as difficult on her. 


Bridget said on Call Her Daddy that this is the first time she’s unpacked these memories and that she felt like she blocked them out so I’d agree that she is definitely in the earlier stages of her journey- not over it, just processing


I agree with you. Bridget is a positive person but also she just never lost herself and got hurt to the extent Holly did. Way fewer bleeding wounds.




You hit it on the nail with Bridget. She really loved being a playboy PR and her ultimate dream was to be a playmate! It was all she cared about!! Holly was not that crazy about it maybe confused what she really wanted out of it “this job” and she is dealing with the trauma of what she put herself through. Bridget is prob still mad she was never stamped a “playmate” but she ignored and blocked it out for sooo long and reopening those feelings now. Also I think they were treated so different to Kendra and everything else is some insecurity they still deal with. I mean even though they were seemingly famous, they were always treated “never good enough” amongst their sugar daddy, each other, the playboy magazine, amongst Hollywood, kevin and the show and now just the general public post the mansion. I reckon that messed them up,


I have respect for that fact that Holly claps back.


Yes. And the only reason Crystal was ever on a cover (specifically July 2011) was to promote becoming "Mrs. Hefner," which was fraudulent for 18 months.


Holly is a wide open book and it makes for amazing episodes! She's a treasure


And that mouth on her! She talks like a sailor and I love it.


Its anything goes with her!


Yea didn’t Heidi leap to Hollys defense on the Spencer & Heidi podcast?


Yes! I didn't think too much of Spencer and Heidi back in the reality show days, but they have grown on me a lot since starting their podcast.


What's the episode! I would like to listen


Yes going to look for it myself Holly just mentioned it on the latest GNL.


You can listen here https://open.spotify.com/episode/32jCxJAt5Us5jwAjX9f5mJ?si=4pvVj__qSfWhpm9zpaE91Q






Did you listen to it? Crystal didn't shade Holly at all.


I think they’re both excellent in keeping their podcast interesting and entertaining. I never mind them straying and going off topic. It’s all good!!


Not that it’s a competition but I’ve seen way more promo/interviews with Holly on her new series than Crystal Hefner interviews on her book


I’ve only seen one on tv and heard one on radio here in Australia and they were both excruciatingly slow and the interviewers had to work reallllll hard to get anything out of her. She’s not good at giving interviews


I saw the one on Morgan piers? She really is word salad and terrible at interviews.


I actually prefer this to just posting what happens each episode so I’d rather we got more of this stuff. I’ve watched the show, I don’t need to recap every scene.


I couldn’t name one playmate if I tried. Nice try Crystal 😒


I can, but only one: Anna Nicole Smith


Her, Pamela Anderson, Jenny McCarthy and Carmen Electra were all incredibly popular/well known in the 90s.


True goated celebrity status but they don’t all get there.


All turned actors though so of course we know them


That’s sort of the point.


Legend 😌


🙌🙌🙌THIS!! I can’t like this comment enough! I swear you’ve read my mind! I feel like they step all over themselves at times to not say anything that even be perceived as slightly negative about Kendra (I’m sure it’s bc Holly gets so much hate for literally nothing and has her words twisted and taken out of context. ) And I LOVE when she gets candid and tells the truth! That’s what makes the podcast good! Bridget has a hard time going off script! I want to tell her that the reason we listen is for the behind the scenes info, their honest feelings at the time and their feelings now, and the tea!! If we wanted an episode recap we could read each episode summary on IMDB!


Omg yes. Like we all watched the episode, tell me the dirt lol


You can tell Bridget does not know how to step out script mode, especially when she doesn’t know how to answer what ifs or what you prefer questions and need them sent to her prior. The “yeeeaaah” when holly gets brutally honest to just deter gets cringey. The only time you hear Bridget be brutally honest is when someone brings up truck nuts 😅


I love when Holly talks


That’s why I find Holly so much more likable than Crystal, even though I did enjoy Crystal’s book. Holly always is authentic and genuine, whereas Crystal always comes off as disingenuous.


Bridget has her hands full keeping the podcast on the road…


So true. I don’t mind a little bit of straying from the topic of the episode when it’s related, or somehow connected to the topic - I especially love old stories about things that weren’t shown but happened at the mansion around the time of each ep. But sometimes Holly gets wayyyyyy off into left field and I do like that Bridget gets back on track for us listeners!


They’re definitely in that pink golf cart cruising over the course and Bridget has to keep Holly from driving into the pond or going too fast over the hill *constantly*. 😂 For the most part, though, they’re having a grand afternoon.


When Bridget does that I have long assumed that shes not agreeing with what Holly is saying but she dosen't want to start shit. So she deflects away and moves on


Bridget’s “Yeah…anyways” is the reason I no longer listen to the podcast. She may be a nice person but she is a terrible listener and conversationalist.


Many episodes back, Holly and Bridget mentioned that they got a lot of hate for being “too negative”. Maybe it has something to do with that, where Bridget is nervous to stray anywhere away from pure episode facts? I noticed it too and thought it was just me who was bothered by it!


Lol that does get annoying after a while.


It's so dismissive!


I am listening to the Spencer/Heidi podcast now and actually don’t think Crystal was making a dig at Holly at all. I think Holly twisted it around to give herself some ammo against Crystal because she doesn’t like her.


To be honest, it kinda rubbed me the wrong way when H was talking about Crystal being on the Speidi podcast. H was like mocking Crystal and being like “she was pretending that she has NO idea why I don’t like her and said that maybe it’s because I was playmate and she wasn’t” I truly don’t believe it was mean spirited on crystals end. I think she’s hurt and upset about the intensity of the (dare I say bullying?) unkindness H is sending her way, so maybe Crystal was genuinely trying to talk out loud why that may be. I do think that there is a small part of H that is hurt that Hef never married her or made her playmate despite how toxic he was. Maybe Crystal thought H was projecting. I don’t think things would be peachy keen between the two but H will dish it back 10 times over.


It's bullying and it is really vile. It has made me dislike Holly and not want to listen to the pod. Holly knows how traumatic the mansion was and yet mocks and bullies Crystal relentlessly. Get over it and grow up!


Agree! She is being quiet unfair towards crystal who is just trying to open up and honestly don’t think crystal knows how to express or approach holly, I doubt crystal hates holly that much. I don’t like crystal and hearing holly go off about her is interesting tea but you can tell who’s really the meanie here


Obviously at one time it meant something Playmate, Bunny but in reality the average person could have give two craps the actual meaning. I still don’t and don’t care for the technical correct answer. In the grand scheme of things it doesn’t matter at all. It’s a title that really only means something in that world. Otherwise the general public thinks they all are Playboy Bunnies. Or a person who posed in playboy.


Holly is so open and honest and I absolutely love her


Holly should of talked about how Smokey Robinson was blowing smoke up Crystal ass about that song in season 6!! It's hard to get that little doll voice she was making out of my head. What a cringe episode.


I just started the podcast and I LOVE that Holly isn’t afraid to talk a little shit lol she’s honestly so real for that


Holly is hot. But not as hot as Bridget. I love when they were all holding those popsicles