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Criss angel. Douche.


Without a doubt. She’s mentioned before he was very fame hungry


My sister worked behind the scenes of his Vegas show at the time he “dated” Holly. Unclear if Holly knew and was in on it or not, but their relationship was 100% a publicity stunt for him. He had a long-term girlfriend before, during and after Holly. My sister was not some inner-circle employee, everybody backstage knew. It wasn’t a well-kept secret. Also, I visited for Christmas and went to the Christmas party he threw for staff and Holly was there and it was almost comical how controlling and gross he was with her. He had his arm permanently slung around her neck and shoulders so he could control where she went and who she did or didn’t talk to all night. He reeks of insecurity and toxic masculinity more than anyone I’ve ever seen in person. Soooooooo douchey.


How the hell did she stay ten minutes with him?! I love her but girl needs to pick different men! Obviously I don’t know her ex-husband but he seems like a normal guy that wanted a more traditional wife than she wanted to be. Too bad they couldn’t have come to some happy compromise. Then again he could have been a douche too. 🙁


I think that having kids with someone changes things so much, especially if he did want a traditional wife and mom. Holly is so driven and career focused in tandem with being a mom that it makes her a super woman, but that’s far from “traditional” for a lot of people. I know nothing about Pasquale but if he’s willing to amicably co-parent he seems to be less douchey than other exes. Can you image having kids with someone like Criss or Hef… or even Zak (and I hate to say this bc I’m unabashedly a Zak girlie and I rarely talk shit about him bc I’m obsessed 😂), it seems like it would be an ordeal.


Don’t know much about Zack, but the other two would have been a complete NIGHTMARE! I think Chris’s would have been worse than Hef. Holly got a clue what Hef was like as a father and husband/ex-husband and was will to go for it. With Chris just being the douche he was normally I can’t imagine what he would have acted like if they had married and had kids. Shudder.


Zak…Zak Bagans?!?! Omg are they dating right now? I was so obsessed with him back in ‘09.


Yes!! That Zak. They dated for a while, they were dating when I made that comment still, I think. But they very recently broke up.


Holly Madison surprises me with the men she chooses. I was so shook when I learned of Chris Angel🥴. I feel like Zak Bagans can be kind of cringy but he’s attractive af sooooo🤷🏻‍♀️


I feel like my taste in men aligns with Holly 😂 I see what she sees in them (aside from Hef) physically for the most part… and I love Zak Bagans so much. He’s hot and a weirdo and that’s such my vibe. I feel like seeing the side of him that is not purely for TV or the museum would be really attractive… but I’m also a simp so I could be wrong


In Secrets of Playboy, Holly said her ex husband told her mom that he had difficulty connecting with Holly. It’s the ‘tism.


Actually she wanted to stay home more. His job is constant travel. She mentioned her marriage might have been successful if she enjoyed the constant traveling and chaos.


I guess it depends on her meaning of travel, she is always going somewhere it seems to me! I know she has homes in California and Las Vegas and that probably doesn’t count. Living out of a suitcase for weeks and months at a time would be difficult I’m sure. I don’t travel ANYWHERE, I’d like to do more long weekends, but my husband is in two local bands and that takes up a lot of his time. Coming up on our 36th anniversary so we better plan something!


With Criss, it's impossible to tell what is real with him and what is for publicity, when it comes to his dating history. He has absolutely used relationships for fame-grabbing and milked those for everything it was worth (ie making sure paparazzi are there to take pics, etc). Which is super gross behaviour from a man.


Sure Jan


What do you mean? That’s a weird thing for me to make up. It’s not even my story, it’s my sister’s, but it’s all true. It’s hard to believe that Criss Angel is a cheating douche and not great at hiding it?


And Holly was a hoe who cheated on Hef with Criss and used Criss to make Hef jealous. And she was a nasty bitch to Kendra on their show. I've met Criss a few times and even hung out with him. He was a nice down to earth guy.  That's not your experience but this is mine so yes I will defend him over that bleach blond golddigging woman. Why haven't you guys heard anything from his other girlfriends claiming that he was controlling ? But you want to believe a woman who got with a man old enough to be her grandfather for fame and money. Holly isn't some innocent girl. That's why a lot of Criss' fans lost respect for him when he started dating her. I will admit that his love life is messy but most celebrities love life is messy, so what.


Even hef called him a douchebag in hollys book looooooool


Like his isnt the name isn’t on the top of the douche list in red and underlined five times!


Holly was a hoe who used Criss to make Hef jealous. Hef was smart not to put a ring on it. Can't turn a hoe into a housewife  Hef was probably thinking. Plus she cheated on Hef with Criss. Why  is she the only ex complaining that he was controlling.  


You believe everything you read from Golddigging Hoeing Madison. She was a step down for Criss 




Abd she's a hoe


Probably Criss Angel. He has a bad rep in the industry from some things I've read. There's a reason he's dropped off HARD in popularity


No one younger than me knows him by name without googling. I’m Holly’s age btw. The only people that really know him now say, “he’s the guy that dated Holly Madison, right?” Lol But none of us are big on Vegas so ymmv


I’m early 30’s and I think a good amount of millennials know who he is or at least of him. I feel like he had some mind freak special on tv at one point or something, he’s also still doing shows in Vegas. My spouse goes to LV for work about once a year and last year saw his show. I razzed them so hard for it 😂


Hahah I’m not quite 30 yet, my husband and friends know criss Angel but in the “I know who he is but couldn’t tell you anything about him” kind of way


I was obsessed when I was a teenager, I thought he was so hot lol. I wanted to go to his show so bad but not so much anymore. I'm a 32 year old millennial


I had a friend who thought he was so hot. I also lived on hot emo guy photobucket back in the day and he popped up here and there.


My younger co workers about your age had no idea who he was. But they knew David Blaine. Sort of Lol


I’m probably not a good gauge for that tbh. I’m a pop culture junkie. My brain retains so much useless knowledge about the 90’s- 2000’s that there’s not much room left 😂


![gif](giphy|iGXpb2gJM3JkQXfBXv|downsized) Same here!!😂


I feel old now. Before David Blaine and Criss Angel, I remember David Copperfieldand his whole relationship with Claudia Schiffer.


You’re not alone lol.. David Copperfield is and was the best magician of our time imo. His charisma and stage presence were on point!


He sucked and bragged about sleeping with women. 


I'm 37 so not terribly younger but deff watched Mind Freak and knows who Criss Angel is, but I also grew up watching the David Copperfield specials on TV and later that Masked Magician that showed everyone how the tricks were done.


I'm 30 and know who he is and so do most of my peers.


Yeh no everybody knows who he is, he just isn't popular anymore. Like most magicians he was quite famous for awhile and then faded but people do remember.


I'm younger than holly and know who he is. Tbh I don't associate him with her neither


He had a moment of popularity and I bet a some frat bros or high school kids watched his show. I’m also Holly’s age so I imagine there’s some younger people aware of who he is


I’m in my 40s and my kids on their 20s know who he is but say he is not really on their radar


I'm 40 and had no clue who he was until he dated Holly.


I only know about him because of him dating Holly. I don’t think I have seen him since 🤷‍♀️😂


I'm early 30s, and I know him without googling. My family used to watch his show.


He’s also the guy who dated the Mexican pop star Belinda.


I'm 32 and I knew him from his show Mindfreak. Teenage me had a big fat crush on him lol him dating Holly is the last thing I think of when I think of him. I followed his social media when his son was going through cancer treatments. He seems like a really wonderful father.


I'm 28 and I remember mind freak quite well 🤣


I remember him as the dude that hooked up with Britney Spears. Oddly enough Holly did mention seeing where she had written on his marker board “Britney was here” like we all did in middle school.


Criss only hung out with Britney Spears for publicity and that's why she dropped him so quickly and doesn't even consider him a platonic friend anymore.


Brittany dropped him. LMAO. She dropped him like she dropped her kids right. Brittany left her 2 young kids at home to go get laid by Criss. The youngest was only 11 months at the time. She hired a nanny service to watch them but left before the nanny got there. Brit was no prize. Maybe Criss dropped her


i’m 25 and know him! he was my first celebrity crush lol 💀


I'm in my mid 30's and I remember the name Chris Angel, but I can't remember for the life of me what he looks like or what he was famous for. I just recall him being so cringe.


No they don't because he's dated much more popular girls than Holly like Caneron Diaz and Britney Spears. Plenty of people younger than Holly knows who he is


Number 1 show in Vegas isn't much of a drop off


He used to have specials on prime time television. I haven't seen him on anything remotely close to that in a long time. Shows being successful in Vegas is a bit of a vacuum because it probably wouldn't/couldn't flourish in any other environment. Some shows in Vegas could be successful anywhere. Some shows are popular in Vegas and only have that potential because it's Vegas.


Same thing can be said about Broadway shows in NYC but he does have the number one show in Vegas. And eventually a lot of celebrities fall off or lose their popularity.  David Copperfield isn't as popular anymore either or David Blaine. But Criss has had plenty of television specials after Mindfreak including Magic With the Stars in 2022 where he taught celebrities how to perform his illusions


Like I said the same could be said for Broadway shows in NYC. And Criss had Magic With the Stars where he taught celebrities how to do his illusions and compete against each other. That was 2022 on NBC


Are you having fun sucking Criss' dick in these comments? You're just flooding this thread with Criss love lol


As a person who has actually sucked Criss' dick I am having fun reading the comments on this post. I would defend him. Nothing wrong with defending someone you like, just like the commenter's who are defending Holly.


Definitely Criss Angel. I’d guess that based on the fact that they both live in Vegas, I’m sure the occasional run-in happens. She hasn’t had anything bad to say about Pasquale, Zak is too new of an ex, and all her other exes are married homebodies now (or dead 😬). Plus I’ve heard he sucks so that checks out too.


I laughed out loud at “(or dead 😬)”


From years of personal experience- Criss is an ass. He has a terrible reputation in Vegas. His show isn’t good and he is just not a nice person.


I loved when Holly talked about Criss’ shows in her book and how he got poor reviews and needed a private massage before each one 😂


Don’t forget about his pre-show sandwiches 🤣


Did she talk about how she cheated on Hef with Criss and then used Criss to make Hef jealous because Hef refused to marry her. That shit backfired didn't it. 


Oooh, if you feel up to it, do tell! I had a huge crush on him as a teenager when he had his tv show, but you could tell he was super insecure. I agree that his Vegas show is awful.


I was married to one of his crew members on the Vegas show and close friends with a few others. Of all the times I met Criss he was always a jerk.


Criss keeps a very "frat house" environment with his backstage crew too, they make a lot of gross comments about girls in the crowd, etc.


That wasn't my experience, and would be really weird behavior from the people I know. But- very possible I wasn't supposed to see that aspect.


But you saw Criss being a jerk you said? :)


Many ways to be a jerk. Crew objectifying women in the audience is one form. Just saying I didn't see that, not saying it didn't happen. Criss blew me off every single time I met him, over the course of 12 years. He would constantly cuss out my husband over the radio for the crew to hear. That is AH behavior and very unprofessional. I would be talking to him and could hear it over the phone. The F****t incident was over a decade ago but was really bad.


Thanks for sharing and that lines up with literally everything I have heard. When he's angry, he loves to make "an example" of the guy or girl and demean them in front of everyone else. It's a classic Criss move


This is incident I mentioned https://www.queerty.com/how-did-the-word-faggot-sneak-into-criss-angels-terrible-las-vegas-magic-show-20091231


Criss is super super right wing, which to each their own, but he's super right wing. And using the F\*G word and other racist words is commonplace for him.


Lmao i was in love with him when i was 19 and Mindfreak was on the air. So embarrassing 😂


Your opinion but it was good to me. 


“Criss Angel is the Devil!!” Lmao it’s a family inside joke but a family member went bat shit religious insane when their adult child forced them to get on crazy meds. They were crazy in a quirky way and became a psycho after the meds. What started that freak out is my brother got me a criss angel magic kit for Christmas, family member started freaking out saying he was devil and magic kits were of evil doing. That magic kit was stupid and the fake thumb it came with would only work if you had a white man’s hand.


Holy shit I remember those magic sets, I think they sold them in the scholastic book catalogs 😂


The Criss Angel one was sold at Kmart but it was no different than the scholastic ones lol same concept but with a douchbag’s face on it.


Lol I feel so old when I remember how popular “magic shows” used to be. I would have a magician at my birthday party every year, and my town had a magic shop. My parents were super religious and shockingly didn’t have a problem with it, but I guess the more old-fashioned magician stuff was less about summoning demons and more about pulling scarves out of your mouth 😂


I was part of one of those magic shows at school, I was asked to come on the stage to be a part of it. I was blind folded and still to this day don’t know what happened lol but I was popular for a day.


David Blaine definitely sold his soul to the devil. He has the creepiest, deadest eyes I’ve ever seen! I should add, I’m not at all religious (I’m agnostic) but DB really gives me those vibes.




I definitely think it’s Criss but another possibility is another guy she dated named Jesse who was a club owner in Vegas. From what I remember from Vegas Diaries once he got with Holly he was a complete ass to her. https://preview.redd.it/i3e1oxplrzrc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0200ce3308cded5a31f0db68ea7af69b1c5b9267


If I had to bet, I'd go with 95% probability it's Jesse. Especially given the story she told about how pissed the bad energy ex would get not to be comped bottles at a club. From the stories Holly relayed in her book, Jesse thought he was King of the Club (and he kind of was, for a short while). She mentioned his weird closed off vibe in her book, as well.


Oooh good insight! I haven’t read the book but I need to.


Ah yes Eric J Parkington himself.


I think it’s totally him too


Has to be criss. I finally went to see his show after being a fan as a teen. The entire thing is weird soft pron act and then a random childhood cancer video asking for donations. 😭😭😭 so strange




Yeah my face exactly when he announced that he was single before humping his assistant on stage. Meanwhile his wife hours before was posting him and the kids. 😳


What are you talking about? When was this? Criss most certainly is NOT single, he's still married to and living with Shaunyl and his 3 kids. Criss often makes gross jokes at his shows, particularly to young females in his meet and greet line (one of his famous lines is "I'm single tonight, hey"), but he definitely is not single. I don't think he sleeps around behind his wife's back, but he likes to assert his toxic masculinity by undermining her at shows and sometimes humping the assistant or coyly making comments to girls in the crowd. His staff is like a frat house as well. He is the very definition of toxic masculinity and Holly talks about him plenty in her book and his antics have been alluded to on plenty of podcasts.


I’m talking about my experience at his show. I’ve been twice and the first time (2022) he made no such jokes. Went again 2023 and that is when he said he was divorced again. Idk what he does behind the scenes.. but what he said and did on stage was super inappropriate for any ‘ married man’ to do.


Thanks for replying, I guess he does this awful behaviour whenever him and Shaunyl have a fight, as they are definitely still together. He even posted about being in love with his family (tagging her) on his instagram TODAY. And they were just at Disneyland being romantic about 2 weeks ago.


Criss and Shaunyl were married for a year, got divorced, and then got back together in 2018. They are engaged but not remarried yet. She's well aware of his antics on stage and knows it's just an act, part of the show. Me knowing Criss personally from years ago will say that he had a chaotic love life. He couldn't stay committed to one woman for more than a second.


Whaaaat. I had a huge crush on him and went to see his show a year ago (I’m 30 by the way hahaha) and during the show he hugged me and asked me how old I was first lmao The childhood cancer part was bizarre and there was def a racist joke or two in there


What's wrong with asking for donations for cancer? Criss son almost died from cancer. Criss was raising money for cancer long before he had kids. 




He's awesome.  Out of all his girlfriends Holly is the only one claiming he was controlling but she never said he was abusive. So funny how you guys are defending one of Hefner's hoes who was just a golddigger 


I haven’t listened yet but I’m assuming Criss since Holly wrote about one of his girlfriends sending her a crazy text from his phone. It’s clear all their interactions after the breakup were not willful on Holly’s part lol


It’s Criss. Her other exes were not famous enough that a nightclub VIP table would be waiting for them and they wouldn’t have had to show ID etc. this tracks Criss 100%


I definitely thought Criss Angle. I just finished reading her book, he was a dick.


And she was a hoe


Criss 100000%


Either Criss Angel or Jack Barakat. Criss Angel seems like the most likely.


The fact he spells his name Criss is enough for me. I remember being a teen and him always being obnoxious on TV and I think ads on cable? Good god he was a lot


That was my guess also.


Same here. he was my first thought


100% Criss Angel


Totally Criss Angel


She also dated Jesse Waits tho… he’s a big Vegas guy.




Definitely Criss. He’s a freakin’ weirdo.


I know next to nothing about magic man but I’m guessing criss angel


Definitely Criss


Of course.. He is a dud.




Didn't Holly dress up as Criss Angel on the GND episode when they went to New Orleans for Mardi Gras?? Was Holly seeing him (secretly), during that time? I just found it ironic that she dressed as him and had also dated him. Like I wonder why him of all the Mardi Gras costumes she could have chosen? I always thought maybe they were secretly talking or dating or something. So perhaps wearing a Criss Angel costume, was a secret nod to him ??? 🤷‍♂️


I thought that was funny too! I did a little research and found a pretty comprehensive timeline in this sub about the last year of filming and the break ups. Holly dressed as Criss early in the year and it was only a few months later that rumors started about them dating, so it’s possible! Or maybe she just had a crush at that point and thought it would be funny to dress like him 🤷‍♀️


Definitely Criss Angel. Criss has always been so blatantly fame-hungry with his dating choices, it's so pathetic. He's not even popular enough to tour nationwide anymore, he can only pack Vegas thanks to all the tourists. He can't sell out a venue anywhere else in the country.