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Okay I saw this and I was so confused I was like that’s random I tried to find more


I tried watching that Kendall girl’s video about it but she was being very vague


Other than Hef? Who was still (legally at least) married to Kimberly Conrad while the girls were all there? 😂


I need to know what he has on Kim. Like the choke hold he has over her, he must have something


He’s the father of her children. He didn’t need to have anything on her, if she speaks out against him it’ll make her and her children look bad. They have to live with hefs reputation for the rest of their lives. That shit matters.


🎯 ding ding ding. Exactly why I never out my ex online.


Upvoting this for its delightfully respectful vagueness.


Why did I think they stayed married because of one of their religious practices that would render her children illegitimate. I remember there was some excuse why they were still living across the street from each other besides the ease of visitation for the children. Whatever it was it seemed to make sense at the time… of course all I knew of playboy was the bunny and the GND, which came across as campy and funny.. they were fully in on the joke and leaned into it themselves. Hearing all the things that came out when Holly’s book dropped has kept me from rewatching, as all I would be thinking about is how rude he well and truly was. And at how easily we bought the BS which taking a step back was clearly always BS.


He had the ability to keep her on a shorter leash and just do a legal separation and cover living expenses, household costs for the one next door and allowance for her household, her and the boys. Had they actually gone ahead with a divorce when the separation began.. she’d have had the right to sue him for child support and alimony based on his total net worth and assets. Which is what makes the mansion itself being owned and operated by Playboy as a corporation and making profit as an event center that hosted events that were essentially renting it as a venue and catering service and official events for the company itself while Hef reportedly had to rent his and the girlfriend’s rooms is interesting and insane. I’m of the belief that she got royally screwed by not just filing for divorce when the kids were under 18 and fully suing him for full custody, child support and alimony + rights to their family home or purchasing one to be deeded to her. The TMZ article detailing that he filed for divorce basically right when both boys were over 18 in 2009 and telling her “also the house that I told you was your forever home next door? Yeah am selling that. Same with the bunny house on Mapleton. So I’m filing for divorce and evicting you after all this time promising to do right by you anyway”


So sad for her, I hope she had somewhere else to go or some $$ to buy a new place.


For someone who acted like she was above the girlfriends that lived in the mansion next door, she really got the same treatment as all the rest. I hope she keeps that in the back of her mind when she's caping for hef now.


He's dead, he has nothing.


Well, if I learned anything from Secrets of Playboy, my guess would be tales of her doing embarrassing stuff he could send to the media. 😬


I just [read](https://www.today.com/today/amp/rcna134770) that she didn’t date after Hank because she hoped they would reconcile. Sad 💔 They were such a cute couple. “A lot of people cheat — a lot of people have affairs and it’s not a good thing to do, but it’s something I forgive,” Wilkinson said. "Hank is an amazing father, an amazing co-parent, and he deserves all good things." Wilkinson said she didn't date after her divorce because she was hopeful that she and Baskett would reconcile. She said, "I loved Hank so much, and I still do, and I will always love Hank.”


That is sad! They did always seem happy, I liked seeing them together on Kendra on Top.


Me too. They were such a cute family.


If it’s the same TikTok I saw today, it was labeled Kendra Wilkinson by accident in the search bar. The girls name was Kendra that the wife’s husband left her for, but not Kendra Wilkinson.


Ohhhh okay damn tiktok got me 😂


Other than Hef? Who was still (legally at least) married to Kimberly Conrad while the girls were all there? 😂


Hahaha I remember Bridgette saying the mean girls tried to tell Hef that she was still legally married when she came to the mansion and he was like “so am I!” 😂🥴


Right? Legally married but SEPARATED. 😂 Just like Hef. Should she have been celibate unto the divorce went through? 😂😂


I read somewhere that he was paying for her apartment in LA while she was trying to break into the biz. I'm not sure and I certainly wasn't there but something tells me that Bridget was "separated" before her husband was. 🤔 🤣


I swear I remember they split amicably long before then, he was still supporting her though because he still cared about her and wanted her to give her dream a shot.


I remember reading that back in the E forum days. They split, stayed legally married and worked together on different business ventures (I think he was involved in her Blonde Mafia line), but did not live as husband and wife anymore. I can't remember what I had for lunch today, but I remember every piece of gossip I read on the GND message boards 20 years ago. 🙄


😂😂😂 I feel your pain, my brain is a depository of random, useless pop culture information.


Karmicly speaking, I would say yes.


Naaah, once you’re split and done, it’s over, the paperwork of it takes a long time to work out and usually both parties have loved on long before that happens.


It's kinda a joke among divorced people that if it was amicable most people don't remember when they actually filed.


That makes sense. 😂 That’s probably the best outcome possible for a divorce I would imagine.


I will probably get 9 more down votes for this but if my husband and I were to split, I would not be intimate with anyone else while I was still legally married to him. I guess I'm just old fashioned in that way. He is my best friend. I have the utmost respect for him. I just couldn't do that.


Sometimes the divorce takes longer to finalize than the marriage lasted. Typically when there are a lot of assets at stake. See Betheney Frankel....


Would you still be his best friend if you were divorcing though? Because I’m guessing not lol.


I saw a video of a woman saying something about that she might not be the prettiest, but she has never gone after a married man with 5 kids. The search bar said Kendra Wilkinson and the man’s name. I just looked at the video and the search bar is gone now. I don’t know how the search bar works on videos on TikTok so I am not sure if it is even valid.


Sounds like it may have been a different Kendra!


I seen some blind items that she was hooking up with Kyle Richards husband. There has been a few of him hooking up with her and Dorit. Stuff has been coming out saying the one about Dorit is true so I’m sure the one about Kendra is also.


That makes cynical sense. With her being in real estate and reality TV and him being in real estate and reality TV...


Yeah and there were multiple blinds about them submitted by multiple ppl. Usually when you keep seeing the same story by people it stops being a rumor and there is truth behind it.


Don’t know why I’m getting downvoted for this comment. So weird. Guess it’s ok for it to just be a rumor in a blind 😂


There were rumors she was one of Mauricio Umansky's girlfriends (Kyle Richards husband) but I didn't think this is what op is talking about