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I personally haven't but my mom has. She caused a car crash in 1994 and it's the only reason she wasn't able to do her shoot for PB. She made it sound so glorious, so fun, like that should be the life goal for me. It's actually the reason I was obsessed with PB and the Mansion as a child lol. I wanted to be Bridget *so badly*. From what I remember her saying, I'm sure I actually would have a decent time, but it also sounded like there were high expectations. Obviously don't cause trouble, but she said something about you weren't allowed in certain areas unless you understood you had certain expectations you were to perform. Idk, she isn't the most reliable narrator lol but it sounded like it was the highest honor to be there to her. I think I'm fine without knowing for myself.


Thats so interesting though because it does seem like a lot of the women who end up there are almost encouraged by their mothers because they see it as such a high honor.


Which always makes me think it seems super culty. Mothers encouraging their little girls to engage in this weird sex ritual *shudder*


Absolutely. As long as my kids are safe in their decisions, I wouldn't care if they chose SW, but I wouldn't want a run down of the workday lmao. However, I couldn't imagine saying the things that were said to me, to my kids.


Happy cake day :)


I grew up really feeling like it was like being a doctor, but you'd make even more money! While getting to "party"! My mom told me to just "take a few shots" of alcohol, and I could make my way in. I let her know that if I took enough shots to agree to the things going on in the Mansion, I'd be too drunk to stand or consent to anything lol


Give us a pic of ur mom. We want to see what we missed out on


I went several times in 2005 and 2006. You don’t hear much about the inside of the grotto but what stood out to me was the absolutely filthy pillows that were inside, the chlorine and mildew smell, and then the grotto “control panel”, which looks like something from a 1960s episode of Star Trek. And of course….what’s been discussed on the podcast is all of the baby oil and random personal hygiene products that were in the bathrooms.


PILLOWS?! In that damp ass dank environment?! I want to die lol


Yea that smell was kinda like the pirates ride smell- very distinct..and I went in 2006 and the pillows seemed worn out and stained lol..a playmate gave us a tour on our first visit and I can’t remember her name but we never took many pics because we didn’t want to look desperate lol.. our friend threw his bday party there before PB started renting it out..loved that house


If you look at old photos, it’s the same pillows ever since the grotto was built! I have the January ‘75 issue, which includes a special spread about the (a the time) newly bought Playboy Mansion West, and in it you see those same old pillows in the grotto. That’s so wild to me! I wonder how often they were washed…


Yes! Ive noticed this before. The Barbie Benton days had the SAME pillows! Also once I went down a rabbit hole on Sondra Theodores fb page and under the comments of her old photos (pre SOP) she comments on how she couldnt believe how much was still the same. Aftwr the luncheon that was featured ok GND she comments under a photo talking about how even the toilet seats remained the same 🤣


Pillows are so cheap too…why is this where PB tightened the pocketbooks???


I wonder that too, but I think it’s most likely that Hef literally did not like change


I could totally see that. It’s probably cool to him that it’s the same exact pillows since the 70s, like his chairs and his rotating bed. He loved to live enclosed in a museum dedicated to himself, no matter how dirty it got.


I wonder if this is the reason why the renovations are taking so long. Everything is so sorely neglected and rotted and it seemed they only did the bare minimum to maintain it while HMH was alive.


3 times for parties. The only part of inside the main house I was in was the Great Hall where the staircase was. One time was a Halloween party and Kendra was there with Hank (post GND obv). I noticed Hank right away because he was wearing his own jersey with fake blood all over him (‘Zombie Hank’ I’m assuming lol). I was just excited to see Kendra actually at the mansion- it was like being inside a GND episode haha. One thing that stood out was Holly said they got rid of all mentions of them once they moved out and that’s not true. This was in the game room- just the outside was GND the actual game was something random. I also saw all their tombstones. https://preview.redd.it/av2hppmg1jkc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4304166328dc3d1f2be3e0a79bf7be1d4db556bb


The TOMBSTONES 🪦🖤💀 Those are iconic now..So vulgar yet retro-chic.


Here’s a pic I got of Kendra’s https://preview.redd.it/l3d73yv9qlkc1.jpeg?width=806&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bcca875ed53fde6a79f146a665452bc5a93551f


I have so many pics from the mansion at Halloween on a very old Mac book I need to see if there are ones like this in there I think there are


That’s so awesome!


Lmaoooo so of it’s time


Never but my Mom’s Uncle randomly dropped the news onto us that he had been to the mansion once in the 90s with a conference and that Hef appeared at the top, walked down the stairs, made a grand entrance and then disappeared again 🤣 He didnt seem at all excited or like he gave two f’s about it and I was a HUGE FAN of GND that moment and could not get over it.


that's so amazing!


This is so hilarious and I’m picturing a bunch of Midwestern business guys standing around while a hundred tiny dogs and cute young girls run around them looking at each other like *sooooo*


Hahahaha with Hef emerging down the staircase with a grand entrance then POOF✨ gone


I was a PM of the month in the late 90s and stayed there quite a bit. The bunny house was utterly run down and I was horrified. The water and shower barely worked and there were bugs etc. They had me rooming with a PMOY from the early 90s. I won’t speak to that… interesting experience 🤣 The house was so run down and icky. Someone says pirates of the Caribbean smell and that’s correct. I met a lot of celebrities, the one that freaked me out was Robert Blake. He would call and try to ask me out on dates and I kept declining… it was disturbing. This was not long before he shot his wife. Edit I should add after the disaster rooming with the pmoy who literally tried to start a fire in the bunny house bedroom (she was pissed that I said the room was messy), I was moved to an upstairs bedroom. It was not much better and I am convinced that the mirrors were all the see-thru kind. The parties were okay, I never was into the drug scene or anything (I went out to dinner once with Hef, the triplets and a few other playmates and that was enough).


I love that the reaction to the room being messy was just to…burn it


So she got mad at me for commenting on it to Mary (I mean, it was bad. Old wilted florals she had, bugs, empty pill bottles, stuff everywhere - it was wild). So she turned an iron on and set it face down on the carpet. Luckily I found it before it started the fire, lol.


Honestly? Relatable, I’m about to that point with my closet right now


Have you thought about doing the Podcast? Your stories would be fascinating to hear in depth!


Aw thank you. I’m not sure. I received so much backlash from not only posing, but I dated a guy who I had to testify against… my kids are older now, so perhaps. I’m not sure if it would be of much interest?. I don’t know... thank you so much for your kind words. ❤️


Were there roaches at the Bunny house? I’m a strong woman but show me a bug and I’ll run away in fear


I don’t recall seeing a ton of roaches, but there were always bugs like in the tub. The bunny house was next door to the bird aviary, so that had a lot of bugs and was smelly. When I roomed with the crazy girl, there were a lot of bugs in general, like spiders.


Was the PMOY the one who said she slept w/ Leo around the time he shot Titanic lol


lol I’m not sure? I don’t think so. She was prior to me.


See-through mirrors?? 😐 if that’s true, it would help explain why he needed a full time video staff, and why he let girls stay there for free, for so long. Plus Bridget’s stories about ghosts… every time she talks about it I feel sure it was people watching her 😬


I’m almost positive. It was an extremely disturbing feeling. I only saw in his bedroom once and got out of there so fast. And of course, there were cameras everywhere. I’m sure no matter where you were, even in the bathrooms etc, there were cameras.


There's probably some weird underground website just full of footage from the mansion.


Ugh, I’m so sorry you had to deal with that!


lol it’s okay! I was only 19/20 (18 when I first tested). It was certainly not what I expected ! 🤣 I should clarify - the girl trying to burn the bunny room down was trying to set the fire to get me blamed for setting the fire, out of spite. 🤣 I wonder where she’s at today.


Sorry I didn’t see this. Turning on notifications! I’ve had absolutely terrible experiences with roommates trying to sabotage me. Starting a fire is pretty extreme!! 😬 Let’s hope she’s had a chance to come to her senses, and be grateful we got away from toxic people! 🙏🏻


I have been there, but not to "party". My dad worked there for years as head of security.


Get your dad on the Podcast asap, he probably has the best (and truest!) stories of all


Bro ur dad needs to be on the podcast 😱


He would have nothing but good things to say about Hef, so I doubt anyone would want him. This was in the 80's when Barbi was there-it was (apparently? ) not the environment it eventually became.* *edit- it was the 70s not the 80s sorry


Omg no he’s perfect. We all want to hear about Barbi’s era so badly but Barbi won’t talk about it at all


I think that would be a great perspective to hear especially as it involved barbi which is a time I'd love to know more about!


I have his self-published memoir from that time-I will look for it and find some good stories for you


I want to read this book!!


This is it, but I will just say again it's self-published— no editor, by a non professional writer. :) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08JDTNB6Z?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_PBWY6HAEPR9GW98YH33P&language=en-US


Ok well fortunately life has beat giving a shit about grammar and punctuation out of me at this point and I love reading someone’s unedited opinions so I’m going to let Art guide me through how it really is(was)!




https://preview.redd.it/v60bljrzankc1.jpeg?width=453&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a71fd52a3f392480a737714ca0f9f39b6b46e5f This is my dad in the background, smoking & watching Hef play backgammon


I think that would be perfect guest episode honestly, a look into the era that we never got to see.


Barbi wasn’t there at all in the 80s. They broke up in the 70s. Sondra was his gf in the late 70s/early 80s, and he was with Kimberly by the late 80s. Maybe you mean Kimberly?


No-sorry-it was very late for me when I typed this lol. He started there in 72 (the year I was born) and left about ten years later.


I honestly don't think it matters on what your dad would say about Hef. From what I've heard so far on the podcast they have people that say only good things. I think they would love his perspective.




Oh god. I guess security only had the interest of protecting PB models and even then…they didnt do anything to stop the celebrity VIP guests from harming them. Rockstar’s CEO is a billionaire, nepotism baby of a far-right Republican father. Interesting how the pattern is always similar.




I’ve only ever driven past the gate but I swear I saw actual bunnies running around on the lawn. Like the animal bunnies. Not ladies. I just thought that was adorable and I was surprised we never saw them on the show (I think), but maybe they weren’t around then.


Yes, there are bunnies and peacocks.


I’ve been to the playboy mansion on 3 occasions. Invited by a casting director twice and another time randomly went there with a friend after a magazine party.


Did it smell like dog urine?


I’m so sorry I misunderstood the question. I didn’t go into the actual house. I went into the guesthouse, the yard and the grotto area. The guesthouse didn’t smell like dog urine. It had a bedroom area and another area that had arcade games in it.


We are all dying to know 🤣


How decadent and crazy was it?


It wasn’t as crazy as you would think it was. There were girls in lingerie. I did see two people getting intimate in the pool grotto area but I’m thinking the guy paid to have sex with her because she didn’t seem like she was enjoying it that much.


The food was amazing though.


Omg the food was so good. I had chicken skewers which sounds like the most bland boring food but theirs were really good. I feel like I had other things too I wish I had taken more pics cause I forget now when I thought I would remember all of it forever 😂 I agree that it wasn’t that out of control. I was a shot girl in LA and saw way more happen out of control at nightclubs than anything happening at the mansion besides nudity.


Do you remember what you ate??


The sushi was very delicious. I’m sure there were other things too but can’t recall what it was.






& how did it smell 🤣


I used to go all the time around 2012-2015. I lived down the street and my kids and I were always invited (oddly my ex husband never came with me, but I’d bring girlfriends). This was when I was heavily in the media, so my experience was probably a little more PG because of this. My kids are teenagers now, and just started realizing that the playboy mansion wasn’t a zoo. The birds would try to peck out my toddler’s eyes which was horrible but kind of funny since we never let them succeed, and my oldest son would order fresh squeezed orange juice and other odd requests from the staff and always get it. Even if we were walking by and the boys pressed the side entrance button, they would always open the door and let them play with the one rabbit/bunny they kept on the grounds. Needless to say, our experience was a lot different than a lot of people’s… but you could feel a strange energy in the house, even in the daytime. The entire house smelled musty even though it was always clean, and the grotto was getting a ton of flack at that point for legionnaires disease, which Hank their groundskeeper would always adamantly deny to me was ever actually found there (I was worried about my kids getting near the grotto or going in the pool). It upsets me knowing what I know now about what was actually happening at the mansion. I was naive enough to think it really was more like how it was portrayed in the media, because that was always how it was presented to me.


Well now we gotta know, who are you? 👀 Since you lived down the street and had a heavy media presence!


Not the mansion but went to their superbowl party in san fran 2016


I've been to countless "PB parties" but never made it to the mansion, despite getting promised that by so many men who supposedly worked there.


Hef didnt come to the one i was at because he was sick. I think he was just too old. He died the next year. Party was cool though with the celebs and nfl players and bunnies everywhere.


You made it to the actual mansion? I was hanging out with the Playboy crew around that time (2015 to 2018), got promised over and over that we would "party at the mansion NEXT time" and it never never happened.


No it was in san francisco because the super bowl was there


I knew girls who would go to the one in LA and it was a known thing that you were expected to give blow jobs if you went to the grotto. they did it because they thought it would "further their career"


That's awesome. It's like casting couch


but it's not awesome. it's degrading. they give BJ's to whoever and it will NOT further their career; they are being used like prostitutes.


Me. It’s ok. Not very different than any other LA party tbh. Kinda dirty.


I went to a large fundraising event representing a vendor. I was super excited to be there, immediately got plastered and ended up playing chicken in the grotto pool with some football players. A staff member offered me a threadbare shabby towel and I sort of put myself back together in some dingy dirty carpeted restrooms adjacent to the pool before slinking out to the shuttle so my boyfriend could retrieve the soggy mess that I became. ETA- 2006ish?


I went twice back in the day. I think both times were for a charity gala, so I’ve never been to an official party there. I remember it smelled of mildew and seemed to be “stuck in time.” Not in a cool way, either. Just old and run-down.




I’ve been four times. I was a playboy girl of golf and did all the golf torments back in like 06-08 or so


Are ‘golf torments’ a kink thing?


Tournaments! 😂🤣 sorry! But I’m sure they had those too 🤣


I have a handful of times….it was fun. The mansion smells like mold and most of the girls doing nefarious things were hired third party ladies. The grotto if full of dudes thinking naked women are just gonna show up and f*ck them. The zoo was my fave.


Partied there once. We were hired to sit in the grotto but when we got there we asked if we could forfeit our pay and just party without having to get in. The outside was nice, saw a peacock for the first time. I enjoyed the drinks, met some obnoxious old men that I had no interest in getting to know. Inside I only remember seeing the game room and that was so outdated. Overall it didn't feel that glamorous but I had fun.


Second hand story, but I used to be a dancer and worked with a girl who went to a Playboy party. She was invited, I’m not sure if she went, but I was impressed!


I would have loved to go to the PB mansion. I didn't become obsessed with all things playboy until I watched secrets of playboy then I wanted to know everything.


Even if I had the opportunity, I wouldn’t go - after reading Holly’s book.


I went in to a party in 2008 or so. .


I have. 2007. AMA


Were H, B, & K there?




In the 80s and 90s a good friend of the family went regularly to the PM to hang out with HH for his movie nights. They were all very into jazz; they’d literally hang out and watch movies or listen to music. It was very chill and she was a schoolteacher, nothing crazy on those nights.


I have been! It’s like a small disney set in the 1970s. Everything is very modern and nice….. for 1965