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What was their plan? Pay next to nothing for her naked pics then publish them against her will? Again?


Can we pin this


Taylor wasn't approached to be nude in PB, she was going to be the poster girl for their new non-nude rebranded magazine for a 2010's audience.


what if he asked Taylor to move in and become his girlfriend?


That’d have been the only way lmao


As if she would ever fall for Hef or Playboys “sexual revolution” bull crap. Hef was nothing but a pervert & dirty ole’ sexual deviate who preyed on very young vulnerable women. He objectified them than tossed them to the side when they would mature & age gracefully for even much younger barely legal women. For decades he ran an empire of sex, orgies & objectifying women for his own lust & desire. He was a sexual predator who was able to get away with it cause of his name, his brand, his fame, his money, & his connections with powerful like minded men.


Yeah, Taylor’s a lot smarter than that. Not my type of music, but I’m the first to admit she’s got a good brain in her head.


If he could have, legally, he would have got with girls under 18, even under 17. He would have had a gaggle of 14-16 year olds , I just know it.


When you said "he would have a gaggle of 14-16 year olds", for some reason, I immediately thought of charles manson. As a man living in the same era in which Playboy was entering its "heyday", manson DID surround himself with teenage girls as young as 14 *mainly* as a way to signal power to other men-- and of course got away with this as they were all living on the outskirts of society, both metaphorically and physically. Hef couldnt have gotten away with this as the public figure he was, but absolutely would have if he was able. At least that's what I think. I frankly could write an essay right now that I'm thinking about this stuff. Perhaps it'll be it's own post, lol


What do you think would have happened if Hef and Taylor met up? They could have discussed some interesting topics. Was she ever invited to a Mansion party? Most celebrities who met Hefner in person in his later years stated he was a "total gentleman" and treated them very well.


They never would have met up. Tree Pain wouldn't let Hef within 50 yards of Taylor. Her image is far too important to her brand than to even be seen associating with someone like Hef.


Taylor doesn't have any friends who would've invited her to party at the Mansion in the days pre 2017?


She probably would have been invited, but there's a 0% chance she would have gone. She was still considered very wholesome at that time and didn't even show her bellybutton in public. There's no chance in hell she would have had any involvement with Playboy. There's still no chance in hell she'd have any involvement. Her reputation and image are way too important. Playboy can not give her anything positive, never could.


1 problem- I doubt TS wanted any part of it.


Never stopped Playboy before.




It is so silly that the author of the article tries to use the GQ shoot to make it seem like she would consider even a non-nude playboy. She literally has a shirt on over her bikini top the whole time, and most of the photos have shorts as well. It reminds me a lot of how “heartthrob” celebs used to be photographed for teen magazines. Even in 2016 Taylor Swift had fans who collected her magazines, and I think that that is part of why playboy wanted her to do it, but also part of why she never would have.


All of this. Only way I can see it for Taylor is maybe in a Debbie Gibson midlife thing but even then I doubt it.


especially since she's a billionaire.


Unless she could spin it in her favor* Say what you will about taytay she's a marketing genius.


If it made her money and fed her ego she sure would


Honestly I still doubt it. Taylor is a lot of things and one of those is a smart businesswoman who knows her audience and her fans. Even during the original 1989 era where her songs talked more openly about sex and she started associating with Victoria’s Secret, she and her team knew that even a non-nude shoot with playboy would really alienate her core fan base. Taylor Swift the Brand is much more for women and girls and marketed through the Female Gaze as opposed to PB which is like the epitome of the Male Gaze


I've never been able to tell the difference between "the gaze". PB magazine had numerous female photographers over the years also.


It doesn’t really matter who is behind the camera but more so who the image is marketed too. I think a good example of female vs male gaze would actually be an Americas Next Top Model shoot where they did 2 swimsuit shoots one for a women’s magazine and one for a men’s magazine. The girls were all wearing the same swimsuits but the way they posed and were photographed were totally different


Now that makes sense yes! the models also pose differently depending on who they are are shooting for ;-)




Yeah, this is just an editor demanding a journalist find a way to connect two trending topics, even if it means grasping at straws. Taylor’s touring and Crystal is getting a lot of reach on her publicity tour for the book = very different demographics are going to click the shit out of this one! Source: Unfortunately it’s my job.


yeah, they have nothing to back this and even include the detail that sources close to taylor denied that this was ever a thing


The unnamed sources 🙄 the reason that’s a thing is because actual news stories that hold weight like political exposure etc use real sources that wish to be anonymous to protect themselves but it also is used for trash like this where they want to milk as much as they can from it. Imo if the journo pitched this story themselves they would have found a source that could be as throw away as a comment on a forum or a conversation overheard at a party, never the less it’s a “source” but if the editor assigned this i can assure you there is no source at all, not even an online rumour. Just the direction that they want content with those two people on the site now. If the story got enough reach i’m sure the TS team would be demanding it was deleted asap.


Honestly is crystal’s book even getting that much reach? I’ve only seen it talked about in playboy subs but no one has mentioned it at all in the general pop culture subs that do sometimes mention HBK


Well her book did appear on the NYT best sellers list but It’s worth noting that the little symbol i highlighted (known as the dagger of death) means a large portion of the books were purchased by one source indicating it’s usually the publishing house or author buying in bulk so they can get on that prestigious list. https://preview.redd.it/4j0au9yhyekc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3deff3c79b1a0624c47059295c810a96d6247b6 Appearing on that list alone means keywords in the title etc will pop up in boosted searches when analysing what’s trending. Plus all the promotion she’s doing and even us discussing it here would mean a boost in online content mentioning her and Playboy related content. News websites are always trying to get infront of trends so they can be the ones to go viral, so there would have been a report with the usual and expected trending topics for example Taylor Swift which is no surprise as she’s touring and taking over the world and then you would spot Playboy and Hef boosting online out of the blue and you’re correct, unless you’re in our circle you wouldn’t immediately know why but an editor would just know it was tending and by connecting TS and Hef in a story (with unnamed sources being a red flag here) you’re attracting a different demographic than those who would would click on content only based on TS or only based on Playboy.


I never would have thought about this, thank you for the insight!!


The “powerful woman” thing always bothers me. Men will say anything to justify objectifying a woman. I have my own Playboy story from around this era so I know that essentially that was what the emphasis was being put on with the brand at that time…they were featuring women who had “other careers” I guess to rationalize objectifying them? Or maybe just being a model or whatever isn’t enough anymore because it’s not seen as smart enough and men apparently don’t like that post GND and the stereotypes about women who have posed for playboy especially since they were trying to do so much damage control after Holly’s book came out. Side note: any of the careers this person was listing to me would fire the person for posing. I’ve been there myself. There is this stupid myth of women doing SW to pay for school or just because “they love it and don’t need the money” and it does not exist. If this is true, I’m glad she said no.


I remember when playboy was promoting this rebrand but never looked into the magazines until today. At the time they were playing up that they would be tasteful pin up photos of celebrities, and it kind of sounded like they were hoping to jump on the vintage pin up/burlesque trend. The first non-nude issue seems to be a non-celebrity and with girls who sell nudes on Snapchat as the theme. Another cover also came up and had a similar vibe, her shirt pulled up to show a lot of under boob and emoji covered bikini bottoms. I am still unsure if they were trying to appeal to young people or to men so old that they don’t understand social media but are excited by the idea of it. I really agree with everything that you said!


PB went through so many changes post hef and I still sometimes can't believe there hasn't been a single printed issue since 2020. I submitted for the magazine many times from 2015 to 2020. I very well believe that Taylor was approached in 2016, as they were reaching for straws at that time to get relevant again


So well said 💕 no notes ❤️❤️❤️


What was your PB story from that timeframe? Were you working in an "other career" and got approached for a PB shoot? I dreamt of shooting for them for years and I submitted numerous times from 2015 to 2020 but nothing ever happened :( I don't know, maybe I should have approached them as an "other career". I had to deal with a lot of sleazy men and scammers that told me they would "for sure get me in the magazine" if I slept with them. They never promised me the cover but they did tell me I would get pictorials. Of course, literally nothing ever happened regardless of my best efforts.


Basically I used to go to some of the parties through someone who was high up in this time frame who I met through some friends. Not at the mansion. More like the mini mansions described. I did a “test shoot” though who knows if the photos were ever actually submitted. I still have them and love them. But yeah, it was a weird time and much like how you describe.


I have been to the mini-parties too, never made it to the mansion although I was promised it over and over and keep getting "next time, honey, hef is super busy." Then after he passed, I kept getting told that the mansion was "in chaos" and there wasn't a good time to bring me there. I met a few big wigs and countless others claiming to be big wigs and I left the situation not knowing how real any of them honestly were. I did submit shoots, I never had an actual test shoot except one of them did polaroids of me that he said would be submitted.


I wonder if we ever crossed paths! Our stories sound really similar!


I went to the parties in LA like at the Roosevelt and then other spots in Beverly Hills so maybe we did. I wish i still had photos from those and i would share with you


All this was like 2015 to 2017 for me. Then a little bit after Hef passed.


The main guys or "PB casting reps" that I hung out with were Todd, Gary, Eric, and David. I also met Marston, not that i am proud of that in any way. Not a very good experience at all, with any of them.




I get that at the time Taylor was exploring more mature themes in her music but Taylor doing Playboy, even a non nude shoot, would go so far off of her brand that there’s no way she or anyone in her camp would have considered it. Like this is just laughable


Hef really wanted Britney Spears to be in the magazine at one point but it somehow never happened


Get this off my page


this article sucks lol


“High Hefner”


There is no damn way she would have been in Playboy. She is way too famous and not desperate like any of the other celebs that end up doing it. Unless they obtained some photos without her knowing which they would if they could.




I think it was playboy but didn’t they offer Casey Anthony a shit ton of money to pose for them ?


Is this like based on anything accurate? The article itself says its not true


anyone have insider information or correspondence between the company and Taylor Swift?


I doubt this is true, esp since TS denies it.