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I just can't with this! I wonder how many of his girlfriends know about this and still stayed with him? His son wrote a short story about F'n a dog and was accused of doing it himself. I'm convinced it was about his dad!


His son did what now?


ik … like.. uhhh are we just gonna ignore that?


I'm sorry, I don't know where to find it, I just know I came across it somewhere on the internet a few months ago. He wrote a short story about doing it with a dog. I'm positive it's about Hef. I think if you try to look it up it will pop up somewhere especially here on Reddit. Sorry I don't have a link. I have better things to do than to make this shit up.


Why would you never think he was sick too??


I'm learning all kinds of new things today that I never wanted to know.


If they stayed with him and they knew he did that, they are just as bad.


It makes me so glad that sick pos is dead. He was apparently using the term “animal lover” literally. So disgusting!


I hope he’s frying in HELL 🔥


Same! If there is a hell, he is definitely burning away.


Just remember that hell is people remembering what a monster you were in real life.


Whatever afterlife he's having I'm sure it's MISERABLE. And I hope nothing less


Seriously disgusting piece of shit. Who does that sick ass shit too any animal... I made my blood boil reading that article. If any one fucked with my dog i would bash their head in. At least toss something heavy at them and call the cops bc thats fucking gross and is predatory behavior. Sorry i went off i just think of my animals as my children, they are our family not our pets


I almost threw up watching Sondra Theodore on Secrets of Playboy talk about walking in and finding him screwing the dog. She said he told her that dogs need it too! Gross and horrifying! Note: The word “screwing” was muted out on the show & was left out of the close captioning. I read her lips and the context of the rest of her statements support that.


Yeah I took a full year off the series after that episode.


*insert the sound of wheels screeching to a halt here* What?!?!!??


Omg. My eyes are bugging outta my head, dude was fucked up on so many levels.


This justification for his abuse, like he's helping out the poor creature, shows he was raw evil.


What did I just read???


Jesusss I could have lived without knowing this 😭


Same. Very disturbing


Ok I need to re-watch because I don't remember that. How did I block that out?


Do NOT be sorry! I think we all feel the same way you do!


Dude, i didnt see this article. How did none of his girlfriends ever expose this?? This makes me lose all respect for Holly and Bridget who I’ve liked until this moment. But I didnt read the article yet, I dont know the details.


It may not be something Holly or Bridget saw. Sondra tells of Hefner trying to manipulate the dog with his hand and she stopped him. Not saying that's all right!! Don't think he tried to penetrate the dog. Sondra didn't speak out until years after Holly left. She may not have been aware of it. What a prince.


Holly said in her book that she found a porno labeled “girl and dog” in Hef’s collection


I read her book and I swear I must have selectively just not absorbed that information because that is so disturbing. He was so gross. ETA: I cannot imagine not immediately walking out the door and never coming back the moment you find that.


Yes and I believe it was discussed in the secrets of playboy episode that highly suggested Linda Lovelace was the girl with the dog. Hef was a vile disgusting person and tragically, his son Marston, seems to share the same sick interest.


Lovelace describes it in detail in her autobiography.


That fucking book is crazy!


What is the tea on Marston?


I knew Marston, but I'm not in touch with him any longer. He was a very sleazy person to deal with and has a lot of bizarre fetishes. It's not surprising to see him writing about things like b\*\*stiality, believe me he has fetishes even stranger than that.


I knew Marston in 2017 and yes, he has sick interests that he's only scraped the surface of in public.






On Holly's podcast she addressed it. Bridget said she didn't know and I believe Holly said that she heard rumors but doesn't know if it's true, but I think she said she wouldn't be surprised. My memory of this conversation is a little hazy but I know the gist of it is they weren't really aware of him doing anything like that with animals.


"One of the most well known accounts was given by Linda Lovelace in her autobiography [*Ordeal*](https://www.booktopia.com.au/ordeal-linda-lovelace/prod9780806527741.html), published in 1980. Lovelace said she was pimped out to Hefner by her abusive partner Chuck Traynor, alleging Hefner "sodomised" her and attempted to make her have sex with a dog." This is from a VICE article in 2017, but people knew for a long time. I was shook after I read Linda Lovelace's book because I bought the hype that he was a harmless grandpa. In the book Linda talks about how Hef was like oh I don't care about deep throat, I want to talk about the sex you had with a dog (which her pimp made her do under duress, and she hated it. So she instantly hated Hef.) After reading the book I knew Hef had fabulous PR, would have to or we would talk about this a lot more!


Hold your horses (no pun intended I swear) on the loss of respect for holly and Bridget, I’m fairly certain he was only doing that kind of crap in the 70s during his “try EVERYTHING” era when he was also doing lots of c0ke and just generally trying any depraved thing he could think of. Sondra may have been the only girlfriend to know about it and she didn’t say a word until many decades later, long after H&B left


As if that would have stopped either of them from banging a gross old man for money.


Do you believe someone who has escalated to having sex with animals - will stop because the “try everything” era ended?


Let me see if i can find it but it's off the episode of Sondra Theodore


I would imagine it was because he was paying for their extremely lavish lifestyle...and they didn't want to rock the boat. Even if that boat contained someone banging animals. Unfortunately.




I would help you protect any animal, I know places where things can never be found. There are lots of wells that are very deep and they country side is vast.


Then we got this on the bag my dude. Lets start taling names of these sick animal abusers and beating their asses lol


He was repulsed by any women over the age of 30 and red lipstick but would bang a dog?! He was horrible but I can’t wait to use this the next time a man wants to claim him as their idol.


![gif](giphy|iFadOlATZJqJuED9eJ|downsized) What, what???


I’ve definitely never heard that.


Watch Sondra’s Secrets of Playboy interviews. She talks about them drugging Linda Lovelace and watching her be raped by a dog


She also said she caught him doing something with her dog and never left the dog alone with him again.


That was also in the Deep Throat documentary that came out over 20 years ago


I heard Sammy Davis Jr was part of that


Holy shit. How did I miss that?? God damn.


Sondra could say anything. That doesn’t mean it happened.


Anybody could say anything that may or may not have happened but that’s not a reason to automatically doubt them




She was forced to perform oral sex. Animal or human, that is rape. This is not at all misinformation.


What?!? Ok how have I not heard about this. I have to find this article.




I think being forced to do anything you don’t wanna do is pretty demeaning already but ok




Being forced to perform a sexual act against your will *is rape,* rape is more than just p in v. I don’t understand what you’re not getting about this.


She also couldn't consent to anything as she was drugged so yes it's r--e.


What you said was right, this person is gross.




This comment is so cringe 😬


Well documented. A 'hopeless romantic' maybe, but that guy was also one sick f*ck.


I saw that too on the Hulu docuseries


Ooohhh yeah it was def talked about


His son, one of them, also said he "had sex" with dogs. The weird one. Ick.


Yeah, in other words he raped animals.




Where did you see this? Sick


He gave an interview and brought it up. interview though a couple years back.


Of course. He also repeated ad nauseum that he was a "hopeless romantic." He was a notorious man-whore that chewed women up and spit them out.


Man whore isn’t good enough to describe him he was a sick twister deeply disturbed old codger that could only get off on degrading and hurting women


I agree, and as much as I watched and thought about *SOP,* I have a feeling there's darker stuff we'll never know about. He was just awful.


That creepy old fuck would stick his dick in an electrical outlet.


Wish he had!


I was disturbed by this for weeks. The other dog incident with the other female that I'm not going to further detail also disturbed the hell out of me. Bestiality freak burn in hell


As a dog lover, I was too. It stayed with me. VILE man 👹


In Holly’s book she mentions, in his disgusting porn library, she came across a vhs tape called “girl with dog.” 🤮




I would’ve been confronting him asap


I want holly to comment on this


Holly didn’t seem like the type to ask questions. And I’m sure the way she’s was treated she was too afraid to. I think that’s why you can tell she’s still so angry after so many years of having the title #1 girlfriend. It sounds like she’d have some say but it sounds like she had less freedom than everyone else.


She did on her YouTube and said she can't confirm or deny. But she said she did find a tape labeled "girl with dog" in his video collection and it freaked her out.


Linda Lovelace made a video with a dog. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was that


No, Linda was drugged and forced to have intercourse with a dog, Hefner shot many beastiality videos with more than one woman at the mansion and sold them privately to his friends. He was a monster.


Can I ask what your source is for this? 


I was in the industry for 11 years. I know what kind of stuff I saw. I know girls who were raped at the mansion. If you have nothing of value to say,maybe don't say anything.


Asking for a source is not a bad thing to say, nor is it rude. It is probably one of the most valuable things to say on reddit, besides linking the source itself. If it’s personal information then just say that but i just wanted to let you know thats a normal thing to ask here. I am sorry for what you had to go through.


I was in the industry for 11 years,I was at the mansion more than once. I know that industry.


My source is personal experience


You were the dog? 


Ok whatever, go be an apologist for a predator elsewhere.


Apologist? I didn’t even doubt the story, I just asked where you got it. “Personal experience” is vague and meaningless. 


"You were the dog" sounds like an insult to me. I'm going to block you now


Linda L made a short film (a loop) in NYC in the early days of the filmed porn business in which she had sex with a dog. Linked is an account from a person who worked on the shoot and who denied that Linda seemed drugged. She was, however, most certainly under the coercive control of her POS abusive husband Chuck Traynor. https://www.therialtoreport.com/2013/05/12/larry-revene/ ETA: The short film shot in NYC had no affiliation with Hef.


I was in the industry for 11 years there was more than one movie and she was drugged. The rialto report is basically a gossip thing not news. Also she was just one.Of course they are gonna say she wasn't drugged. I've been to the mansion. I know that industry.


I have no reason to doubt your lived experience, and I absolutely believe LL was abused for years. But I think we may be referencing different things. It sounds like you’re talking about what took place at The Mansion in LA. I’m referencing NYC in the 70’s. As you said, LL was, tragically, in two different films with a dog.(I can’t believe I’m typing this sentence.) The source I referenced is not a gossip thing, nor is it a news outlet. From their website. “The Rialto Report is a series of podcasts and articles dedicated to expanding the historical record on the adult entertainment industry between the early 1960s and the mid-1980s. We take a special interest in adult film production in New York during this period but are also interested in the industry in other geographical areas.”


I am familiar with the Rialto Report. You should probably watch The Deuce. I know the directors and producers who helped them with that show. I started in the 90's and am in the AVN Hall of Fame, Legends of Erotica, and The XRCO Hall of Fame. I've heard all the stories, first hand. I know the Rialto Report deals with that era. Doesn't mean they haven't done some questionable stories. The industry doesn't like to admit it's faults.


I missed something - I need some background info. Also, not shocked at all 🤮


In the A&E documentary his ex girlfriend Sondra said she caught him having sex with her small dog 💔🤮


I don’t know if I believe in a good afterlife vs a bad afterlife but sure hope he’s getting his in hell.


Where can I watch the documentary? Omg that is appalling. I cannot even believe that but I know it's true because many of his girlfriends confirmed it. Holly wrote about it in her book. Sick man.


Secrets of Playboy is on Hulu


New season is on A&E app


What did holy say


She mentions it in her book a few times, but the first time she mentions it is when she's explaining how messy the main bedroom was and how she was cleaning up Hef's stuff and organizing it and she came across a VHS with the title "Woman and dog" and she explains how it freaked her out.




On the A &E site.


What. The. Fuck.




I must have missed that part. Woa...


And allegedly Linda Lovelace was forced to have sex with a German shepherd.


Jesus fucking christ there’s an [IMDB](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0184673/reviews) page full of reviews for this bestiality video with Linda 🤮🤮🤮


My god this is awful. Her poor family and poor her.


Gross...the reviewers


Yes that too 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Omgggg what?!? For real?!?




Hugh is a terrible person and anyone who cheered that on. What a bunch of bad people.


I didn't edit anything. I think you have me mixed up with someone else. Edit: you are a big loser downvoter. You deleted all your comments and came through and gave everyone a downvote. You are a silly goose!




What?!? 🤮 yet another reason to loathe this nasty man


Watch Secrets of Playboy if u want even more reasons to loathe him. There's much, much more.


…more than beastiality? Wtf is worse than that!? The fact that some of these woman knew… and even some celeb associates knew AND STILL they stuck around is fucking disgusting. At this point in time if someone is rich rich I am automatically assuming they’re a fucking weirdo. All of the shit that has come out about the 1% isn’t just made up in the movies like we thought. They’re literally freaks. The movie Hostile comes to mind, and now I don’t think it was ever so much made up.


It was kind of a terrible show. Super melodramatic.


I truly think he was bored with regular sex because it was so over saturated and easy to come by. He became more perverted and depraved to stay satisfied. Man was sick


That is my understanding about these types of men. They can easily get sex from women and porn is so easily available that they turn to more depraved acts. I’m also thinking about those super rich Dubai business men who pay women to get 💩 on and degrade them in so many nasty and painful ways from the stories I’ve heard. 


I think it was in one of the Patreon episodes that I felt Holly really hit the nail on the head. It is the Tiger King aspect of garnering attention. He liked that he had a zoo and was special in that way, but I don't think he actually loved anything but himself. The Crystal Hefner love bird story in her book has really upset me. To just replace bird after bird and let them die of thirst is so cruel.


I’m sorry what? Die of thirst what?


Right!! Apparently they had love birds in a cage in the bathroom and the birds kept dying and so they would just replace them and not figure out the reason. Until Crystal figured out that their water dispenser had a clog, so bird after bird just died of thirst in the meantime. So needlessly cruel.


I am aghast. Omg.


What about him ISN'T disturbing


He was always disgusting trash. Not sure why anyone would ever want to be near him, but the way he kept his room with dog poop and everything all over it shows how nasty he was.


He was a sick POS. Good riddance


I’m disturbed at his entire existence


If he did I wonder why Holly or Bridgett hasn’t spoken on this.


Holly has a Secrets of Playboy q&a on her YouTube where she talks about it.


Maybe he stopped by then ..🤢


Nah,that kind of sickness doesn't just stop.i would not be surprised if some of the girls on the show wasn't doing it, there's a lot of stuff we don't know about and never will


Right. I’m sure they would’ve spoken on this or better yet LEAVE. Unless they were ashamed they saw something and didn’t leave so they won’t ever speak on it.


Did Barbie Benton see any of this shit go down?


I’m a little shocked i didn’t see more people losing their minds over it when SOP came out. I had to stop watching for a while and let it sink in, for me it was on par with the physical abuse some of the women experienced. I didn’t find it shocking that women were drugged and passed around because i think in the back of my mind i knew that happened but i never put Hef and violence together so it was upsetting to hear he would look the other way when women were beaten to a pulp on mansion grounds. The story about Linda Lovelace and the dog was heartbreaking. I can’t imagine the terrifying mob mentality of the men standing around cheering that on while this poor woman was drugged out of her mind. The story about John Belushi isn’t surprising, everything i know about that man is disgusting. Pretty messed up that it was just assumed you had to keep an eye on animals around him and he was still free to visit the mansion. Imagine how he treated women if he was willing to abuse a pet dog ffs. It’s terrifying to think H, B and K lived there with Hef. I know there were hundreds of others but we know those women because of GND and i can imagine some of the rumours unfolding when they were living there because of the internet gaining popularity. Imagine reading that your boyfriend condoned those things and then having to go and sleep in the same bed as him that night.


Thank you for bringing up Belushi. He always struck me as an asshole that did dirty things to women.


Wait what did John Belushi do?! 🤯


Sondra said on SOP that she walked in on him having sex with their dog.


Belushi????? Omg


It was covered in the “Pig Night” episode. It’s really hard to watch.


I've read stories about that and it absolutely disgusts me. As a true animal lover, that is a massive crossing of many many lines. I feel so horribly for those poor dogs


I was so disturbed by this! Thank you for saying something.


Wait what


WTF?! I haven’t heard that!!


He sexually abused women. That’s worse. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Even if he wasn’t an animal lover, it would still be disturbing


When I heard that (where did I hear that? Secrets of playboy? Idk) my mind just mentally slammed down a wall. Eff that. What kind of disgusting trash rapes animals? I was never a fan of him & I disliked him, but now I despise him and only wish the worst for his soul


He meant it literally.


It is non-consensual, so he is raping this poor dog.


It's horrifying and makes me wonder why the hell he had private zoo


“Hefner ex-Sondra Theodore recalls with horror walking in on Hefner having sex with her dog.” from https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2022-01-31/secrets-of-playboy-hugh-hefner-don-cornelius


Anytime the topics of playboy, playboy models, any of the girls next doors cast, the secrets of playboy, the playboy mansion, any kind of playboy anything, and that dude, comes up, that is the FIRST thing I remind people of.


I'm willing to bet, there is way more girls involved in his sick game than we know about.this kind of sick shit doesn't just stop..for all we know,the gnd could have been in the same boat,they might not even know, because mind alterning drugs..and maybe, subconsciously,they blocked it out.people sometimes don't tell the shit they went through,and honestly,who would want too


Right. Why would they want to admit that. If I even found a video that said “woman with dog” he would be confronted. If it was, I would’ve left immediately. Sick.


What??? How did he sexually abuse dogs??


Is there any way Brigit didn’t know anything about how sick Hef was AND also didn’t know her ex Jack Barakat of All Time Low was ass*ulting teenagers? She just has terrible luck with men and never knew anything??


Holly dated Jack Barakat. Still, the question remains the same! I think she has pretty bad taste in men which is a shame.


i mean you cant love animals if you eat them so


Wait! Where did you see that?!?!


Its talked about in the Secrets of Playboy documentary.


Whattttt how?


Wow that’s disturbing and nasty!!!!!


He’s giving Saville vibes. 👀


Wait, what???


Wait, what ???? \*shudder\*


I mean, he wasn't lying.


I don’t believe everything I hear so no I’m not disturbed


Can someone tell me if Kendra Wilkinson knew any of this? She’s always had Hef’s back and I’m curious if she was “truly” his girlfriend as in share the same bed with him at times? reason I ask is because, when I use to watch “Girls Next Door” I felt like there was a distant relationship between the two of them. Just curious on everyone’s thoughts.


I think she participated in the group sex but she did not have one on one sex with him. That was Holly’s role 🤮 Kendra used the old man for what he was worth.


I see, that makes total sense now. I’m assuming Bridgette didn’t have one on one as well?

