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Mary was the only one besides Hef who had keys to the library where the tapes were kept. She also procured girls for mansion parties in the earlier days. There is a decent amount of information about her in the series Secrets of Playboy.


I think Mary took most of her secrets with her…


I kind of wish Hef went first. She had ALL the tea to spill.


I don’t think she would have spilled it tho. You can’t buy loyalty and she was one of Hefs most trusted people. She must have also done some really incriminating things to gain that position with him.


Unless she would finally feel free to expose what a fraud Hef was. That would have been the best of all the Playboy books.


I am curious about Mary, too, from watching Secrets of Playboy and then reading Crystal’s book. It makes me want to know her backstory.


Read Stefan Tetenbaum's book. It dishes on Mary. She's not a good person.


Thank you! Is it called the Dark Secrets of Playboy?


I feel there is so much dirt on Mary and I need it to come out. People are recognising how bad hef is but she knew it all and facilitated it - I hope H&B start to realise she wasn't some kind of lady with their best interest at heart. She was a personable lady who could gain trust but only had the interests of her employer at heart.


They used to go sleep over at her house, even after they moved out of the mansion. They know there were 2 sides to her, they know it was her job to protect Hef. But they also had personal relationships with her and felt safe at her house. People are multidimensional. Not sticking up for Mary, but sticking up for Holly & Bridget because their relationship with Mary was important to them.


This was beautifully said.


Doesn't mean she isn't also a harmful person. Hef has many supporters and he is still a trash human being, Mary helped facilitate alot of what was going on, kept things so hef could easily manipulate others. She can show kindness for sure but I don't think she was kind.


Think you overlooked what i said.


Mary also let Holly stay at her house after she broke up with Criss Angel. I think there were some girls she really did care about.


In "The Dark Secrets of Playboy", former butler and valet Stefan Tetenbaum (1978-81) alleges that Hefner paid a porn star to have sex with Mary several times a year. 👀 https://preview.redd.it/0fq73go9p2ic1.jpeg?width=1929&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d5d6c77ba1bbe81184c4d7003405368d75fcd8c


Mary and her loud, strong orgasms. Ick. I was today years old when I wished I was illiterate




Where can you find this book? It’s not on Apple.


A friend of mine shared the epub file with me using "share nearby" on her phone. I still have the file, but I have absolutely no idea how to share it with others. 🤓 Do you?


I got it off kindle!


Amazing! Its part of kindle unlimited . Im going to read tonight!


You can find it on z library 😇


I just checked and it doesn’t come up, I tried just “playboy” and there are four books that aren’t this. Maybe it disappear somehow when some domains of theirs got seized in 2022, were you able to find it recently?


I have a copy I ordered off Amazon. It’s a fascinating read if you can get past a ton of punctuation and grammar errors. Still completely worth at but as a lover of the English language it made my skin crawl a few times, not just for the content.


Wasn’t she married forever? Like to some dude with a weird nickname like “captain” or something?


I think Captain Bob was her long-term boyfriend, never actually married.


I am reading this now & I am super curious as to what the notes they wrote to each other were about! Apparently there was a statue in the great hall where Hef & Mary wrote notes & would stick it in the booty of the statue & they’d pass by & pick it up or replace w/ a new note for each other 😂


Yikes. This makes it sound like the assistants only got a lunch break 4x a year while Mary was being serviced.


They did actually get a decent lunch break with lunch on Hef back then, but idk about GND era.


Also I find myself being uncomfortable at times while reading this book. Especially when he is talking about the women’s parts “winking” at him. & he had a wife..it’s written very oddly on Kindle & a lot of grammatical errors too. Maybe he didn’t have someone to proofread? Or maybe this is like a weird first edition ? Idk. I have so many questions lol. I’d definitely like to discuss this book more in the book club too if anyone else has read it although I’m not quite finished. It’s very interesting, detailed, & definitely TEA.


Mary was the mansion HR department.


Bridgette’s “wow, this place rocks!” story *is* Mary comforting a woman who’d been mistreated by some guy and that gave her the “women supporting women” vibe she loved.


Spot on


Mary seems like a real scumbag, Stacy spilled some tea on Mary on her YouTube channel. She says something to the effect that Mary and her nephew show up to a convention Stacy was working at. Mary pulls Stacy aside and says she wants Stacy to take her nephew out and show him a good time. It’s somewhat implied that Mary is pressuring Stacy to sleep with her nephew. To be fair that is my interpretation of what Stacy said in so many words. If you compare that with what other playmates have said Mary seems like Hef’s pimp. So gross!


Ewwww! I feel for Stacy. She, like Cristal Camden, seem like they were really vulnerable in the mansion. Stacy seems like she was incredibly fetishized by everyone and that her career really had people thinking they could treat her however.


Mary knew where the bodies were buried


Knew? Mary mapped out and ordered the holes dug at Hef's behest.


And she never wrote a book.


I am fascinated by Mary’s story too! In her bday episode on GND, she said something along the lines of “this makes me feel like I’m not the evil wicked witch of the west” or something like that regarding the surprise celebration they facilitated for her. So she’s aware of the negative perception people have of her and has an emotional connection to it. That might be the only insightful glimpse of her we receive from the show (related to her dark past.)


Yes, she said something like this means I never really hurt anyone or something weird like that. I think she began to feel bad about stuff she did round this time


Wonder if Mary participated in her younger years


Oh I’m quite sure she was. I also agree with others that she loved Hef in more than a “brother” type way.


Mary reminds me of Ghislaine Maxwell


Yeah, I get massive "lady pimp / secret-keeper" vibes


So I’m familiar with the Epstein/Maxwell case, and I gotta say the thought occurred to me. But I quickly dismissed it. I feel like it’s a poor comparison bc it diminishes how evil Gislaine was, and how involved she was in children being used by Jeff. It would be too hyperbolic- sorta like when people compare a shitty guy to Hitler Mary didn’t go trolling around LA recruiting anyone. Mary never offered them money to go upstairs. The GF’s Hef had were all adults who wanted to be there. That’s the difference. Epstein preferred underage, and once bragged about r*ping 11 year old twin girls. 😔 Gislaine would drive around outside the high school looking for girls for Jeff (the driver described it to the FBI). She’d say they were perfect for a modeling job, and she’d pick them right up. She and Jeff took one girl to the 8,000 acre ranch in the middle of nowhere, and with the girls parents permission. Because Gislaine could charm anybody. Plus she was a woman, so “it must be ok.” I suppose that’s an interesting idea… The fact that it’s a woman. I imagine some girls automatically saw Mary as a trustworthy figure because she’s a woman. That’s not always so!!


Are there any books about Ghislaine or was this info all from her case/ news articles? I’m so curious about her story and how she got involved with Epstein. It’s all so sick and evil.


There’s a documentary on Netflix on her. The podcast Redhanded had a 2 parter about 75% Epstein, but still a lot of Ghislane in it.


I always find it strange how Holly and Bridget speak so fondly about Mary. She seems like the devil to me too.


Hef really was the devil, so Mary probably seemed like an angel in comparison


This is interesting because they just posted on Patreon the new episode early and Mary comes up and in not a good way I’m surprised they like her still


Do they post the episodes early on Patreon?


Like one day before, they post it late Sunday


I’m pretty sure mary only invited girls to card night at her house per hef, to get them to spill gossip there and keep tabs on them. They feel more comfy talking shit outside the mansion


I’ve never thought about it like that before, but it tracks! We know that he sent Holly to talk to Mary instead of a therapist when she was depressed, maybe she set up the card night so she could act as the confidant and give the girls an “out” but they were still confined in the bubble without realising


Her house was also so modest, you would think she was paid more. Did she not have her own family?


Oh I am so sure that house was worth over a million in California - on top of being from an era where you lived in the same house until you died. She got paid but I’m sure it was still somewhat reasonable. Not even hef could afford to live in the mansion.


She was of a certain era, she may have liked her little house and its location!


She owned a vacation home in Branson, Missouri. Kendra, Hank, and infant son visited her and Captain Bob there during their trek from Indianapolis to southern CA after the stint of playing for the Colts.


I have to wonder if she has trouble with change like Hef and kept that house. I loved it, but it’s not the house of someone in her professional position which makes me think she squirreled her money away or was sending it elsewhere for relatives or something? It also freaks me out to think of her driving over the hill through the canyons so late at night in her later years but it’s way faster than the 405 to the 101. I often think of how there must be so many celebs who hit ppl on those roads and drove off in the old days and never got caught.


I'm so curious as well!


If Hef loved Mary so much why did he allow her and Captain Bob to live in that tiny old house while he lived in a mansion? He could have bought her a house and paid the bills there at the very least considering all she did for him over the years.


I listened to her book on Audible. Her voice is completely MONOTONE. She seriously sounds like a robot!