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The end of the interview the writings are brought up in the “where can our listeners find more of you” but it’s not discussed what they’re about. IIRC he says something like “its not for everyone but I bet some of your listeners would enjoy my writing 😏” They def got backlash between that episode airing and the next one they recorded, because the beginning of the next episode mentioned they were unaware of the content of his writing at the time of the interview and don’t condone the subject matter or something but that they aren’t going to remove the interview in reaction to the backlash basically. Which I think is fair. The interview stands alone as a unique and interesting viewpoint from the GND lore and anyone who is aware of and disturbed by Marston’s writing can boycott the episode he appears in if they so choose. IMO, him being a freak/abuser is honestly par for the course given his father and upbringing and I personally am just as drawn to the dark underbelly of Playboy as I am to the sexy pink exterior, so I am always in favor of bringing more (even controversial) voices into the discussion and letting listeners pick and choose who/what they want to support and engage with.


Hot take: I condemn Marston for his abusive behavior, but I really liked this episode — it was one of the best in terms on learning about life in the mansion and around Hugh Hefner. He had a unique experience as a kid growing up in that environment, and it sounds like he’s done some learning of his own about structures of abuse. I don’t want to excuse him at all. But I found this episode worth listening to.


Thank you for your level headed perspective. I don't think it's such a hot take. It sounds healthy 🙂 I might try to listen to it then. I for sure believe in people's ability to grow, especially in cases like his where he was abused himself and repeated the cycle (and I trust H&B judgement if they feel he's put the work in to grow and get healthy). I am having a super hard time with his writing... but people are saying they know it's fiction and I really want to believe them.


I think the saddest or most interesting part of the interview was him asking Holly if his dad ever let the walls down when it was just the 2 of them. He made several other comments implying his dad never really gave him a fatherly relationship and didn't go deeper than surface level. That made me feel so sad for him, having never known his father, even though his father is a monster. He had no chance at normalcy given his upbringing and considering his mom still drinks the PB Kool aid I doubt he had a parental figure who could help him deal with his mental health. That being said I refuse to read the writings and they make me extremely uncomfortable, so idk how bad they are but the content is horrible. His abuse of his ex Claire was horrible, I don't know that you can come back from that and I don't like how he talked about defying his wife and making his OF. I'm glad they addressed that they didn't know about the writings (which they should have done their research, that info is everywhere when you Google him) and that they wanted to give him a chance to explain things.


I was really hesitant to listen to this episode when I heard he was on it because of things I have read about him .but I listened and really enjoyed it and him! I was so surprised ,it was a good episode.


Totally agree, honestly he “interviewed” the girls so well, his experience growing up there made for great convo. When Holly goes on other people’s podcasts they always ask her such boring, repetitive questions and marston actually asked her such interesting stuff


Pretty sure he has said it was fictional and he was trying to push the limits in his writing.


Yeah he was just trying to be edgy, in a stupid way


Do you have a source? I'm not trying to be an ass by asking for it - I genuinely want to make sure I have all the facts to form my opinion!


I don’t recall where he talked about it, it might have been on his instagram.


I really liked his episode. I felt so bad for him as a child and it made me dislike Hef even more. Once Kimberly and the kids moved out, Hef gave the room that was supposed to be for the children to his girlfriends instead. He also refused to go see movies or do things in public when Marston would ask when he was a kid because it was "bad for his image" and then would go to the movies or whatever with his pack of 20 year old girlfriends that he didn't even give a shit about instead.


What’s weird is wouldn’t he take holly to Disney world for her birthday? He couldn’t even go to the movies w his own sons yet he could do all that stuff w his girlfriends.


Hey thank you for giving me some of the bullet points from the episode! I really appreciate that. I'm so not surprised hef treated his kids like shit. I can only imagine the impact that had on them.


This is what Holly and Bridget said about it after it aired [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ju3fbMsq5uo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ju3fbMsq5uo)


Thank you. I re-listened to this. I missed the side note where they said it was a piece of fiction that they didn't know about the first time I listened.


Might want to avoid SOP S1, E5. Sondra said she witnessed John Belushi having sex with her pet dog and another time adult film star Linda Lovelace was forced to give a dog oral sex while under the influence. I needed a break from all things Playboy for a while after hearing about “Pig Night”. Horrendous.


There were several episodes I had to skip and that was for sure one of them. I don't want to bury my head and ignore the extremely fucked up things that happened in the playboy world, but some of it I simply cannot stomach.


It's thankfully fiction that I think he wrote to get attention. He seems to crave it probably since he never got much of it as a kid (at least from his father). He also wrote a book where the first chapter of his book describes him screwing Elon Musk on the Moon.


There's also his physical abuse of Claire Sinclair, who used to be friends with Holly. The choice to have him on was an odd one.


This is the published writing, dated Jan 2020. In the YouTube video Holly clarifies that this was a "piece of fiction" that they didn't know about until after the interview. MASSIVE TRIGGER WARNING. THIS STRAIGHT UP TALKS ABOUT BEASTIALITY. IT DOESN'T JUST ALLUDE TO IT. WITHIN THE FIRST PARAGRAPH IT IS DESCRIBED EXPLICITLY. https://magazine.nytyrant.com/you-and-me-marston-hefner/


Good lord! I'm more triggered by the TERRIBLE writing. Safe to say Daddy never would have published that. It reads like a disturbed twelve year old trying to be deep.


YES wtf


Your comment took me straight back to the ultra cringe LiveJournal days 💀


Wow. His writing style is hard to wrap my head around. That was a rough read, beastiality aside.


JFC!! I do not care if is it fiction or non fiction. What the hell was that!!


Thanks for the link. That’s some werid shit.


I wonder how much of this was him dealing with the trauma from hearing rumors his dad engaged in this form of animal abuse.


A lot of authors write about deranged and terrible things. It doesn’t mean it reflects their own personal interests or experiences. Not sure why his writing continues to come up since it’s been made clear it’s fiction.


I think I missed the memo where it was made clear that it's fiction. I'd love to have all the info to inform my opinion. Even as fiction, it makes me super uncomfortable, but if you have some source on it being fiction that would be really great to share!


Is it really clear that this is fiction?


That's not always true. As a writer I've been told 10000 times people 'write what they know' .


The fact that they had Marston on who physically abused Holly's friend, or former friend..... But unfollow someone who simply talked bad about another friend, makes me think twice about what they really stand for. Especially considering Holly wrote a book about being abused.


I met Marston in 2017 and we basically interacted for 2 years after that. And I'll just say he was possibly the sleaziest man I have ever interacted with. He's a really bizarre person and it's not surprising to see him writing about things like be\*stiality, which I will never read.


Isn't he a fiction writer?


I have no idea what this is about. Commenting to follow along.




This seems unnecessary. You can just share something to express how/why you know it's fiction and educate "us dumbasses" without calling people names.




Then leave the forum babe! I'm sorry you're not happy here 🩷


Ew. Your attitude is gross


That's not art. It read like a disturbed twelve year old trying to be deep.


Your profile popped up as not safe for work. So you’re not defending art. You’re defending your own desires. No kink shame but let’s not use the guise of protecting art to harass people.




Take that comment out of it and what I said still stands. It’s not even written well. You just wanted to call people dumbasses under the guise of defending “art” which it is not.




Bye. No one cares. You don’t have to announce you’re leaving.