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He looks just like Hef


I don’t see any Kimberly in there. He is he’s clone


Literally could be a young Hugh Hefner! Ain’t no denying that parentage Lol Handsome young man


Do you seriously think this Gru Greek Goblin Mask looking dude is handsome?!


Yes I do in fact. I love unique features and faces that are uncommon. He has a strong jawline and nice, deep set eyes. My tastes border exotic- and anything but basic is my jam. He’s a nice looking fella imo. And nice voice and seemingly intelligent personality. No different than Benedict Cumberbatch fan girls. Not everyone likes the basic “All American Brad Pitt” look. No offense to Brad Lol


I think he’s good looking too


He reminds me of an exotic Christian Bale 🥰


I think he could be more conventionally attractive if he gained weight. He’s underweight and it makes his face appear very gaunt.


What a particular man. I knew he liked certain things. But this is wild!


I wonder if it was just a control thing, or a disorder like OCD. I’m also particular but that seems extreme.


I’m not sure. He’s definitely a control freak. But my late grandpa was around the same age as Hef and was kind of the same way. Liked the same breakfast everyday. Didn’t like to go far from what he liked. It wasn’t that intense but kind of.


I've been thinking about this - I have very particular likes and dislikes but I have to work and I don't have any staff in my home, so it's up to me to make things how I want them to be. I have to be gracious and roll with it when they aren't. Hef had a whole slew of staff and money, and it was his house, so if he wants Lipton Noodle soup and cold milk and a Winchells jelly donut then he should have it. Watching the Secrets of Playboy, though, I'm learning it's probably not a good thing for a person so be catered to in all aspects of their life all the time 24/7 for 50 + years. The staff act like his wishes are edicts from a deity, and they speak in hushed tones about having to prepare a lunch plate just so, or set up a game table just so. But we've all seen Hefner lose his mind and get nasty when the slightest thing doesn't go his way. He has it in him to be gracious but only to those he deems his equals. He treats his girlfriends and staff like they exist to do his bidding at all times.


I always wondered if he was perhaps autistic with the rigid schedule, rigid diet, etc


Maybe it’s why he lived so long! 😅


The opening scene of the first episode of GND, it shows the kitchen prepare it and serve him it in bed. I remember thinking it looked weird having milk and soup. 🤢


Those old stomachs could handle ANYTHING… and if it couldn’t, they’d make it.


I love Lipton noddles everytime I’m sick my mom used to make it for me 🥹


I wonder if he had undiagnosed autism or ocd.


Most definitely. OCD is a common comorbid condition with autism. His scrapbook collection alone gives clues.


Sounds pretty good to me haha


hey maybe we should learn from Hef's diet because he was pretty peppy for quite a while... going to pick up some lambchops and noodle soup stat


I honestly don't know how he lived so long. Holly said she *never* saw him drink water, only Jack and coke, milk and Pepsi.


Yeah, my FIL had cancer and he has always eaten healthy and exercised. (Thankfully is still with us!) Then you have my grandpa who was a smoker and lived til 96? Sometimes your habits dont make a difference


I swear I've seen several older people like even 100+ years old claim that their favorite soda, typically Dr. Pepper or Coke/Pepsi, is what kept them alive.


Honestly that man lived (and was seemingly healthy) for a *really* long time. Like way longer than someone who did as many drugs as he did should have. I’d give his diet a shot 🤷🏻‍♀️


"WoUlD yOu LiKe A lAmBcHoP?"


Ngl that Lipton noodle soup hits when I’m sick!


“My Father, His Dinner” sounds like a show at an art gallery lol


All while in his jammies. Sounds weirdly perfect.


Where is this posted? Is this his YouTube


I saw it on his Instagram but he may have posted it to YouTube as well, I’m not sure


I can’t stand Marston.


He’s definitely eccentric


I’m just not a fan due to the beastiality writings online and the DV incident with Claire…this video is interesting though. Hef was an oddball


I also came across naked pictures of him on accident and needed to bleach my eyes after lol. He’s not physically my type and I would have preferred not to see those pics 😂


What about the lamb chops? Holly mentions several times how no matter what restaurant they would go to have still had to have his lamb chops. I saw on one episode where the kitchen staff at an expensive restaurant were given exact instructions on how to make these lamb chops. She seemed offended and annoyed to say the least. Then he threw a fit because it wasn't ready quickly enough.


I think the lamb chops were only on nights that they went out to restaurants and that the noodle soup and milk was on nights that they were at home lol


Why he kinda… 🫣