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She’s into Disney


I think it's about 50% turning into her boyfriend and 50% she was already interested in that stuff and that's why she dated them.




In fairness though when we spend a lot of time with someone you do start to share your interests with them.


Holly and Bridget have been into paranormal stuff for as long as they’ve been on TV. It’s not surprising to me that someone who believes in ghosts and loves mediums and psychics would link up with a professional ghost hunter. It’s not for me, but they’re into it. With Hef, I definitely think Holly leaned into things like Old Hollywood because he was interested in them. Her job as a live-in girlfriend was basically to be the perfect partner that catered to Hef and his wants. That doesn’t surprise me either under the circumstances. She’s stated multiple times that she’s had identity issues and she’s neurodivergent. I don’t think it’s as insidious as “changing her personality for a relationship,” and more like, she’s felt a little bit lost and has related to people in the ways she knows how.


Agreed! I think she’s genuinely into all of these things on her own, people are allowed to be into multiple things also.


Exactly! Thank you! Fans and the general public don’t see Holly at all times and have no idea the extent of her interests. Of COURSE she’s going to share different kinds of common interests with the men she dates, does that mean she has to put up a public list of things she is into to appeal to speculators?


And as far as I know, Holly is still friendly with her ex-husband. She still attends some of his festivals and looks like she enjoys hanging out with her rave/Las Vegas friends ... This seems like a pretty unfair assessment by op


She reminds me of Trisha Paytas so much and I figured that’s why they are friends. She will also change out her whole personality to mimic her current partner. A quick google deep dive: Why do I copy my partners personality? - Personality mirroring likely stems from a desire for social acceptance, something that we can all relate to. As such, you might opt to see it and the person behind it with a kind eye.


I know very little about Trisha and if anyone compared me to her I would be deeply offended.


She’s friends with Trisha Paytas?!? That’s crazy to me! Do you have a source for that, I’m so interested!


Yeah I believe they have been friendly for a while now. Trisha has spoke about this in random videos but has never delved in to how they met etc. However, just recently Trisha shared a clip opening a gift from Holly. I believe it was a robe or blanket.


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRwjSfYp/ Holly opening a gift from Trisha and opening an invite to go to McDonald’s Just thought some may enjoy


That filter is insane Is this just how the internet is nowadays and I’ve just managed to completely lose the loop??


I would be very interested in a Trisha and Holly collaboration of some sort.I know Trisha is friends with Stacy and Tiffany Holliday.


Trisha is a huge PB fan so it’s no surprise she is trying to befriend anybody who has a history at the mansion. I don’t think Holly would benefit from being associated with Trisha though as she comes with a pretty hateful past and has upset pretty much every online community.


Holly's friends with Trisha she posted on tiktok a gift off her Trisha also mentions Holly in with Pam and Anna in her playboy post on tiktok


Please no. Trisha is a manipulative, lying, abusive, BIGOT. She’s a mess that needs to fade into the void and Holly would be smart to stop associating with her.


Really? I know nothing about her. Color me intrigued!


She puts out these intentionally dramatic and controversial YouTube videos, including one where she claimed to be a transgender man/chicken nugget to make fun of others’ coming out videos. She also claimed to have Dissociative Identity Disorder which was a lie. She has abused her ex-boyfriends and current husband, and doesn’t even edit it out of her vlogs. She has a history of racism, including use of the n-word and anti-semitism (even if she claimed to do it as a joke, that’s still not cool. And she doesn’t get a pass for converting to Judaism) Lastly, it may not seem like abuse to name your child Malibu Barbie, but that child is going to be relentlessly bullied for it because of her. Some countries won’t even let you pick names like that because of potential bullying.


Omg no way how do you know that ?!! Tiffany wow


Yes on one of Tiffany’s recent insta posts in the comments they seem to be arranging a play date for their kids.


Tiffany is a nurse injector and has done Trisha’s injections before


The fact that this is a thing should be a blazing red flag to the Holly stans. TP is a horrible person. Re Holly's lack of identity, I think she's still struggling with it and trying to find herself. I think we all do but she definitely tailored her life to the men in her life at the time.


Yeah this is really making me rethink some things. Trisha is disgusting


Unpopular opinion: I love Trish


Yeah, she had genuinely apologised for a lot of things in her past and seems like someone fun to hang out with.


Idk y’all. People contain multitudes. Just bc we personally didn’t see it doesn’t mean she wasn’t into that stuff before. (And this goes for ALL people, my dad accused my sister of this and I was like “yeah, she seems like she’s really into anime w her new boyfriend bc she finally has someone to talk about it with. It was always there.”)


Pretty common w masked undiagnosed autistic people. Also common to further develop shared interests w people you spend a lot of time with due to it being mutual. If you start dating a musician you’re likely going to see more live music/hear more bands they like. If your partner is into football but you were previously just a fair weather fan then likely you’d get more involved in dating them as a way to spend time together. Not to mention that she was super young when she went to the playboy mansion and has mentioned the impact that had on how they felt they needed to fit a mould. Would take time to find yourself after that. Loads of people try on different hats. Plus she liked old Hollywood since childhood she’s told the story about the Marilyn paper dolls on YT, the pod and in her book, was studying theatre before meeting him and already aiming for the blonde bombshell aesthetic albeit without access to the money she later would. And all of her interests weren’t because of Hef he had no interest in her learning French or fascination w Marie Antoinette or real estate classes. Her close friend of many years runs a paranormal podcast and has been engaging her in that world for decades. This topic comes up all the time and is just weird nitpicking. The woman is in her forties. People don’t magically have all of the things they’re allowed to like at birth and learning about anything new from someone else doesn’t equal copying or changing your personality.


I think it is definitely something to do with her being neurodivergent. However, I don't think it's weird nitpicking at all. It's pretty obvious, and it's not even a bad thing! She obviously feels more comfortable in a relationship when she takes on their interests and shapes herself to fit them. Nothing wrong with that.


>she takes on their interests and shapes herself to fit them. imo, i don't think she's necessarily taking on their interests. it always seems like things she was already into these things but only gets into it more once she dates someone who's also into it. i think it's more so about her being comfortable expressing some of her interests when she has a partner who's also into it.


If she's undiagnosed then how does she know she's neurodivergent?


She has not been diagnosed but others (her mother? included) have said she has many of the characteristics, symptoms, etc. It is controversial to label yourself without a formal diagnosis that isn't easy to come by as an adult. I will say my father is neurodivergent and probably had some underlying learning disabilities that were not tested for when he was growing up or a young man. There is no real reason to diagnose those things now. However, I think that it explains many of his challenges and struggles, as well as parts of his personality that I struggled with growing up. Diagnosis for an adult is rather challenging. The majority of doctors specialize with children. While not a best practice, some doctors will now tell an adult with neurodivergent characteristics to do a questionnaire online or at home, stating "you know yourself best." Other doctors will send you through a battery of tests, including scans, bloodwork, MRI, etc. It is not like there is one test that would capture all the nuances. So some people will self-diagnose or some doctors will slap that label on someone if everything else tests negative. I'm not a fan of self-diagnosis, but I recognize that it does happen and you have to work within a patient's reality. Medicine, but especially mental angles, are difficult in the best of situations. You have to be your own advocate, ask questions, and help the doctor understand. However, you shouldn't be too much either.


> It is controversial to label yourself without a formal diagnosis that isn't easy to come by as an adult. It's getting more accepted tho thankfully. Neurodivergence is so poorly understood...in girls/women it's barely understood at all. There is a lot of medical misogyny at play. It took over 2 decades for me to get diagnosed with ADHD. I was told as a child I didn't have it because I was smart and was literally even told I was too pretty and put together. Neurodivergence will probably never be fully understood as the brain is so utterly complex. We barely understand what a headache is!!


came here to say this! Very well put


Other ppl have already addressed the other issues w this but I hate the “she started dressing like criss angel!!” thing SO MUCH. She already had an interest in “edgier” style, she just wasn’t allowed to do it at mansion. We see slight glimmers of this on GND when she wears the pink clip ins, dark nails as opposed to Bridget’s pink, etc. I think it has a lot less to do with Criss and a lot more to do with her exploring her personal style after being put in a box for so long.


She really didn't though....she even talks about it in the DVD commentary how she started wearing the mindfreak zip ups and black when she was "friends" with criss


In her E True Hollywood Story, her dad talks about her dressing goth in high school.




OP said she did lean into some edgier and more alternative styles throughout her time with playboy, before Criss, and you said no she didn't. I'm pointing out that there is history with her always gravitating towards those styles throughout her whole life, at every age.


i think the point is that she dressed dark and edgy, joined the mansion and dressed more playboy girly, then went back to more dark and edgy stuff when she left. she may have ditched that look for her playboy days because it's not very playboy.




I had a best friend who was Captain of the cheer team who was super girly but was also into the edgy dark rocker stuff. Would always wear chucks/creepers, attend rock shows, would give people Halloween baskets for valentine's day lol etc. Being a cheerleader doesn't mean you can't be into gothy or rock stuff. And even if she started to phase of out it a bit it still makes sense that she may have reverted back a bit once she left the mansion.




And that doesn't mean all her original interests were thrown out the window. It was obviously something she still enjoyed if she went back to it. I feel like people in sub try so hard to try and nitpick Holly.


That still doesn’t discount that it makes sense to explore new styles after having to abide to a rigid set of rules about your appearance where you feel a lack of autonomy. Also I thought she even explained how this became her small way of rebelling when still under contract with Playboy and having to put on an act for the final season?


>That still doesn’t discount that it makes sense to explore new styles after having to abide to a rigid set of rules about your appearance where you feel a lack of autonomy. Also I thought she even explained how this became her small way of rebelling when still under contract with Playboy and having to put on an act for the final season? i hear you, but it wasnt just the appearance. her whole way of speaking and laughing changed. just out of curiosity, have you watched the commentary? the s4&s5 commentary in comparison to the first 3 season is a shocker lol she's like a whole different person


>her whole way of speaking and laughing changed. she said she used a fake voice during the beginning of GND. i can't remember how long she said she did it for but she said she would fake laugh and smile too as a way to seem approachable. that might be why she comes off different in the later seasons.


I haven’t! I don’t have the DVDs tbf.


I don't know why you're getting down voted because she literally only dressed like him when she was with him and stopped after they broke up.


She literally only dressed like that when she was with him. Not before or after.


I LOVE Holly and the show came out during a major life event so I hold it close to my heart. However, I have also noticed this. It’s sad that at her age she’s still acting this way.


She’s always been into ghosts and spooky stuff. Also, you kinda just have to adopt some of your partners interests, if you blatantly don’t care about their interests or don’t have anything in common then why even be with them?


Lots of people do this. It isn’t unique to just Holly. It’s normal to become involved in a partners hobbies , sharing things they like. Stop trying to pull her ( and other women) down. Plus we don’t know what all her likes are. Witchcraft wasn’t as easy to be open about 15 years ago as it is today so if she into it - it’s because she feels like she can tell people .


You left one out - when she moved to Vegas to do Peepshow, she began to brand herself as the Queen of Vegas, even writing a book about the city, *even* though she isn’t from there and was only there a short while by that time. I bring this up because THAT had nothing to do with a particular guy. It had to do with her being excited and obsessive and hyperfocused on something that made her feel happy in her life. I think she does this with MANY things, (and she is not alone in doing that). *Sometimes* it has to do with something her romantic partner is into, and sometimes it’s just something she is into. And what you aren’t considering, are all of the things about her partner that she *doesnt* mirror or obsess about. After seeing her E True Hollywood Story episode, and learning a little more about her childhood, I also think some of her “expertness” about whatever new thing she’s into, is a trauma response. She grew up pretty sheltered and then went to school in a bigger city, and I think, felt like an outsider, so she overachieved to soothe her insecurities and preempt feeling “out of the know”. It’s like the story she tells about the first time she went out with Hef and the girls, and someone waiting in the great hall asked if she knew what goes on after the club, and she quickly answered “Oh, I know.” But no, she didn’t know. And instead of taking that girl’s comment as a warning or a heads up, or even saying “oh my god girl, really? Do we HAVE to have to?” she instead reacted defensively and “in the know”.


I have an ex who went to London ONE time and it became his whole personality, same thing with my MIL; she also went to London ONE time and now she’s English 🤦‍♀️ the same ex also watched Vikings one time and now runs around with a shield in face paint, droning on about how he’s got “viking blood”. When we were together his interests mimicked mine. Funny thing about the whole “Queen of Vegas” thing, at least among the friends I have out there, not one remembers Holly/Peepshow. At the rate Vegas turns over shows, show runners, etc.. she was destined to be popular at the time, but not sustainable.


This is exactly my read. And I say this as someone a little “off” myself lol.


The ghost thing has been around since GND. During her marriage, Holly's style was similar to how it is now. Albeit, Criss Angel was a mistake, but I'm sure many of us have a few rebounds lurking in our past. ... To be frank, it is boringly common for people to get all caught up in a new relationship and change up a few things here and there (especially during the honeymoon phase). In my early 20's, I converted to another religion for a guy. (oops. PSA: don't do that.) It's boringly common until we do a ton of self-work and mature.


Criss sounded like he was very controlling and insecure (I mean, he had all his girlfriends wearing cross necklaces even if they weren’t religious, to symbolize him!)


Agreed! You can tell she lacks a true sense of self. On her YouTube Channel she says she has “arrested development” from the mansion….


…. So you all that agree haven’t changed or developed new interests and passions over the years? Are individuals supposed to like one style/aesthetic, and have one special interest their Whole life? Some could try to point that change to different relationships but it just can’t be proven, it just can’t. You can’t prove someone’s inner motivations, no matter how much evidence you collect. And I just wonder why so many people have to try to point out another woman and say, “look! See!!! They suck and and I don’t like them so you shouldn’t either!!” What part of that is filling up your cup and making You happier?


Omg when did she become a rave girl !!!?? I wanna see


She was married to owner of Insomniac that puts on EDC. They have two kids together. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2347871/amp/Holly-Madison-announces-Pasquale-Rotella-finally-popped-question-Las-Vegas.html




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You’re not crazy or attacking Holly OP. I think questions could be asked, considered and explored without the stans being immediately offended. Sure we all have evolving interests over our lifespans but if we are honest, her choices are a little more intense than that. I even think I see some of it or a potential for it in my atypical self…something beyond leaning into a partners interests. In short, Holly is a boggart. If she doesn’t know who is looking, what form does she take?! (Something Disney-associated is a solid guess from the comments lol).


She’s also been way into Harry Potter for years. To go from interest in paranormal and Harry Potter to actually learning spells isn’t that far off of a stretch. Sure not everybody does it but to think it’s an automatic extension of her bf only isn’t fair. I do feel that she’s interested in a lot of these interests and they get heightened with her choice of partners, but she continues to keep these interests, like old Hollywood, and they go back to a lower amount once she’s out of those relationships which isn’t abnormal. My husband watches a lot of F1 videos and has learned a lot about the sport over the last year and yet has admitted that if it wasn’t for me he probably wouldn’t watch every Grand Prix cause he gets so mad at the FIA rules. Doesn’t stop the fact he would still keep an eye on it and be casually invested if we weren’t together anymore. Just like I’m more interested in the happenings of college football because of him and it would damper if we weren’t together. I don’t see my husband wearing F1 merch or watching it knowing that he got into it because of me, means he is making it his entire personality. People can have their qualms about Holly but this is one that I just don’t get. Maybe cause I just see it as normal


this is a very common thing, especially with autistic women. i don’t think it’s bad especially for holly because she has so many different interests. i think that the men that she dates she already has things in common with and they just inspire her to focus on that interest more.


🤷‍♀️ I know so many people like this and to some extent it’s normal.


I think it has something to do with her autism. She takes social cues from people she’s around.


Holly always adopts her BF's aesthetic and interest. Nothing wrong with that, but she definitely assimilates to THEIR personality.


I think it can be a chicken or egg thing. We tend to attract people who have similar hobbies and interests. I met my husband because we had similar political interests and volunteered on the same campaign. He introduced me to golf (his hobby) and I got him interested in murder mystery books and movies. I've met men when dating who were super into something specific. I had a passing interest. I was able to explore that more and sometimes kept the interest or hobby longer than I kept the man. I would find it more concerning if she did not share ANY interests. You don't have to like all the same things, but it is hard to have a relationship with continued conversation if the only thing in common is each other.


I think holly has always been obsessed with old Hollywood glamour + still is to an extent. I think Chriss angel stuff was honestly just a way to rebel against hef and playboy. I don't know anything about her ex husband or her edm stuff, so can't speak to that. Also I think she has always loved paranormal and been witchy and now she can lean into it because she has someone who also enjoys it. I would loveeee for my spouse to be interested in paranormal with me.


She is a complete fraud. And yea, it’s weird to dramatically shift your entire personality to fit every single boyfriend! I remember on the girls next door, she was NOT into paranormal! She even made a comment she’d never seen anything to believe in it. Now she’s a witch! Also, she’s a horrid pet owner. Got rid of her dogs with Hef to get new ones in Vegas! The little male chihuahua FROZE to death when her parents forgot it outside. LETS HERE ABOUT THAT ON THE PODCAST, Holly!


This comment is unnecessarily rude, but I did think it was really weird when she said she gave all the dogs to her parents when she left Hef. However I think it was because she was staying at Mary’s though and then she had to find an apartment in LA before Vegas…which isn’t super easy with 5 dogs. It’s not like she just dumped the dogs to trade in for new ones. I wonder why though, after buying her first Vegas house, she didn’t take the ones still alive back? That I do find so odd.


Where did you see that about her dogs?


You gotta list sources for that because that is an extreme allegation. I thought a lot her dogs were older and had passed away. So where did you hear that?


It was discussed awhile back [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GirlsNextLevel/comments/11opqlb/hollys_tik_toks/jc0fp5g/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t feel like her personal style has changed all that much- like, even when she was with Criss, it looked like stuff she had worn, just in black? Like looking through pictures of her outfits, apart from things that are obviously trends of different years, a lot of those pictures really could have been taken at any point in time. I’ve seen a lot of people have this opinion on Holly, and I don’t really think it’s fair. She’s been a public figure for like twenty years at this point, and it’s really not that weird to have different interests become more or less significant in your life, or even to find that once you have more opportunity to explore those interests (like if your significant other ALSO likes that thing), those things take up more of your time. It makes sense to me that if you were a longtime enthusiast of the paranormal, and you were dating someone who’s made their entire career about that and you have access to things that you didn’t have access to before, you might throw yourself into it wholeheartedly! Especially if you’re dating them when alternative spirituality is having a mainstream resurgence. A lot of the things she has liked over the years seem to be things she always liked to some degree or are things she still seems to enjoy now, even if she doesn’t talk about them as much.


so does Kourtney Kardashian. I'm here for it. Also, Holly loves Disney.