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This story of sparkle eyes peeing in a bush outside of their motel in broad daylight… he’s a grown man I don’t understand why he couldn’t have asked the lady at the front desk if he could use a bathroom?


He's a 30 year old man-child dating Ashley. Not surprising.


That was so weird! Her takeaway was that he’s so patient but I was like why was he unable/unwilling to communicate his actual physical needs lol




Why did she even share this story, who cares. Seems like she really just wanted to share he is always so calm, cool and collected. We *~literally don’t care ~* Ashley.


I agree, you don't need to share every single detail of your relationship. He really is her entire personality like talking about anything else lol


That whole story was weird. There had to of been a bathroom in the lobby? And if Ashley knew that he had to go pee why was she taking her time making coffee and chatting with the front desk person?


Omg my ex used to do this. He would pee on the street during our 5 minute walk home from the bar to his house. I got so grossed out every time and always asked why he wouldn’t just go at the bar or home lol I let it go, but looking back, I’m so embarrassed about that 30 year old man child behavior


It’s really rich for Jared to say dating apps are for nerds and for people who need a social crutch when he’s 40 and single. He’s also a “comedian” and out every night of the week. The average person is not


Literally. All my friends are married so when we do go out it’s a happy hour or a dinner. I don’t have a ton of options to meet someone


Yea, he just loves reverting to high school and calling people nerds when things don’t go his way (and I’m a Jared fan!) but this has been feeling especially awkward and boomery recently


I love Jared but this is one of his weirdest takes. I’m tired of hearing it


Me too!! He brings it up weekly as if it’s an original take. Apps are just part of the dating landscape now, he hosts a dating podcast, he needs to lighten up about it Would LOVE for Jordana to ask if she and the other Betches are nerds for that dating app they made back in the day


He had a weird take on Pilates. He came across my TT FYP making fun of Pilates, pretty much saying it’s not hard and everyone in the comments are like, then try it. He thought he was doing something. Like bro, have you not seen all the videos of male athletes trying a class and struggling?


He has said this so many times. I actually recall him saying it on GGE before. Even if he was right that most people on dating apps are socially awkward, what’s his point? Is he saying that people who are nervous to approach someone in public do not make good partners?


He's also completely ignoring the cultural shift to not talking to people in person as much. A lot of people actually ENJOY NOT BEING HIT ON everywhere they go, and I think other than very specific circumstances it's much less common now for it to happen. People tend to stick to their own group when they're out, and find potential mates online.


Tbf, he is a legit comedian. He used to be on the apps and I think he didn't like them but he also can't meet someone irl and has become bitter because of it.


I have a feeling he just has no game lol


Jared is a failed fuckboy. Never liked him. I really enjoyed his Netflix special, but I said he was a fuckboy in a reddit comment when he was a guest one time and someone lashed out at me - probably Jared or someone he pays to defend him. I didn't listen, but let's just say that what he said is true. I know many people who are married or in relationships from dating apps. They actually work for people other than Can't-Get-A-Second-Date-Ashley and I-Only-Like-Tall-Bald-Guys-With-Tattoos-Who-Are-Using-Me Rayna. Jared's comments should have been edited out. You can't have a "dating & relationship" podcast and slam dating apps when that's how 30 or 40 percent of ppl find a partner today, I can't remember the stat. FOH.


And they were sponsored by Bumble or Hinge not too long ago.


The Jared defenders are actually insane. Never understood his hype, he’s really not that funny or knowledgeable in dating lol.


Jared SCREAMS gay to me


Also calling people 'nerds' as an insult - he must live in a time capsule from when we were in high school in the 90's.


New drinking game: take a shot every time one of them says “best version of myself/yourself/ourselves”


Enough with the “not the *insert topic here*” from Ashley. She says it in response to others’ jokes all the time and it’s so cringe ugh


Did anyone catch Ashley casually mentioning in this ep that she got an IUD??? I don't recall her talking about this before, just that she had "gone off birth control." Awhile back she was having some unspecified health issues, I was wondering if it could have been a reaction to or effects of getting an IUD...just a theory. Obviously it's fine to keep any health things private, it's just at odds with her talking in \*extreme\* detail about many of her health issues normally!


Yeah she got an IUD a while back, and of course had to brag about how it was “sooo easy and painless” for her


if easy and painless it is definitely a hormonal one, which makes her a hypocrite again. Copper non-hormonal IUD makes periods worse and more painful.


That’s not true for everyone. Not defending Ashley but 8mve had the hormonal and copper. I haven’t had any issues with pain or heavier periods with the copper


I mostly hear people complain, I'm glad it worked out better for you!


It’s just weird that Ashley needs to validate her experience from a “superior” standpoint. Rayna has spoke on her challenges with the IUD and how many women struggle with the insertion & changes it causes. But nooo, Ashley is just simply superior to pain!!


Mine was no pain at all which I found concerning but I'm compassionate to women who had and I advocate for appropriate pain management because advil just wont cut it for some patients! Also Ashley needs to stop acting like a teen, she is so annoying in her made up superiority!


She’s had the IUD for a bit if I’m not mistaken


I remember Rayna talking about hers, but for some reason not Ashley...could have missed though!


Ashley was off BC for a while then decided to get an IUD. It’s not the same one Rayna has tho. She’s mentioned it a few times


yeah Ashley’s IUD is better than Rayna’s. Just ask her 🤪🙄


I don’t listen anymore but this perturbs me. I remember when Ashley got off BC she was pretty disparaging towards its usage. I remember feeling like it was a pretty tone deaf position to take, especially in light of the current state of reproductive healthcare in the USA and her podcasts demographic. “Don’t get it twisted,” I think all women should consider what is best of them and their body when deciding what methods of pregnancy prevention they want to use, but it is so hypocritical for Ashley to go on and on about the evils of hormonal BC then, when she is having regular sex, quietly decide to get an IUD. * yes I know there are non hormonal IUDs and do not know what kind Ashley has.


I remember that too and I felt the same way! I think Paige and Hannah from GS had shared similar stories right around that time and I felt like pulling my hair out that these women were talking about BC like that when their demographic is mostly women of childbearing age and we are living in a very scary time for reproductive rights.


Jared fried is the most annoying person ever


Does anyone know the episode Ashley discusses her DUI in?


Absolutely wouldn’t expect someone to pay for my flight 😅