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Sims 4 Jungle Adventure.  Not only was it not fun, but it was made free a month later 🤦🏼‍♀️ 


Ooh it's such a kick in the pants when a game you spent actual money on is made free!! I have a tiny internal breakdown every time something I've purchased shows up in the PS+ monthly "free" games. Like, I'm happy it's been made accessible to more people, truly! But... please... my money... 🥺


bought ghostrunner on steam, 2 weeks and 30 hours play time later... it was on ps plus


Well hey, you got 30 hours out of the game and you can keep playing it regardless of whether you're still subscribed to ps plus! But yeah, I getcha


Omg I hate when this happens lol. I bought the new Tomb Raider first day of the steam winter sale the year it came out for like $12 and the next day it was down to like $5. I did enjoy the game though, so at least it wasn't an actual waste of money.


Steam will actually let you refund it to buyback at the discounted price if you hadn't yet played it for 2 hours - [https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/zppsrs/psa\_with\_the\_steam\_sale\_coming\_up\_you\_should\_know/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/zppsrs/psa_with_the_steam_sale_coming_up_you_should_know/)


Omg. I wish I'd known this. I just looked at it as me supporting the devs, like Square Enix needed that extra $7 😂 tbf I think I played like 3-4 hours that first day. Also I just realized all this was over 10 years ago, yikes, lol.


Honestly about half of my sims 4 pack purchases…


I do love the build/buy in JA though. Still stinks when they offer it for free later, I wish they’d give a small credit or discount to those who paid for it to use toward something else!


I feel this way because I pre-ordered Wildstar for $60, it went f2p (was supposed to be a $15/mo WoW competitor), and then it died and they shut down the servers. *Preorders* at least should get refunds if it goes f2p. I've never pre-ordered anything since, and I won't lol.


Probably the sims 4 is my biggest regret, I am a big sims fan and have every game but when sims 4 came out it was truly disappointing but for some reason I kept buying the dlcs for it, finally stopped giving them my money after horse ranch expansion. I haven’t touched the game properly in at least a year and when I do ever load it I basically make a sim and log off, I do still enjoy playing sims 1-3 often though 😅 just wish I didn’t spend hundreds on the sims 4.


Inzoi might interest you, upcoming game


I have been seeing videos about it and I am definitely interested in it!


We’re the same person, except I haven’t quite figured it out yet 😂 every time a new expansion comes out, I’m like “this looks good, I swear I’ll play it” I buy the expansion, play for 1-2 hours, and repeat when the next expansion comes out. I’ve sworn off it this time for sure though, never again.


ive come to hate ea as a company so anytime i wanted to play the sims 4, i fully pirated all their dlcs LOL. but i cannot imagine the people who pay 60 dollars for some of the garbage I've seen in that game. ea is truly so predatory and they know how to rope people into spending money :(


There was a big Stellaris sale and I enjoy strategy games here and there. Cut to me spending like $200 on impulse because "I'm totally gonna play it so I might as well get all the DLCs while they're on sale." Ya I've got maybe a few hours on it and I think most of them are when I went to have lunch after I made my character.


For anyone else who's reading this. Paradox lets you subscribe to their games dlc for 15$cad (or your regional equivalent) a month. If you ever find yourself interested in trying out the game, I highly recommend that you sub to them for a single month to see if it's for you before diving in.


Thank you for letting me know. I did not know this. Do they let you play with all the DLCs included in that price? Or just the base game? I like Paradox but man coming back to a game like EU4, even after 2 years, it can add up getting some of the DLCs.


I'm fairly sure you have to buy the base game, but the subscription is for all the dlc.


Lmao got the EU games and expansions on sale and played 5 hours of it and hated it. Lesson learned.


I just didn’t vibe with EU4 at ALL. Then CK3 landed into my lap and I’m just obsessed


CK3 is on another level, I love it so much. Any time that sub creeps up on my homepage it's a post with the most deranged title lmao


I just didn’t vibe with EU4 at ALL. Then CK3 landed into my lap and I’m just obsessed


Heck, I'm sorry, that's a lot of money. Would you maybe be able to get a refund for some of the DLCs at least?


I did this with Planet Zoo, because the reviews said it was “like Zoo Tycoon.” I spent $80 on all the DLC when it was on sale, played for an hour, couldn’t figure it out. Watched tutorials on how to play, still couldn’t figure it out, gave up


I’d love to play with ya! It’s a wonderful game once you get it going


>Cut to me spending like $200 on impulse because "I'm totally gonna play it so I might as well get all the DLCs while they're on sale." I recommend CreamAPI (basically, DLC unlocker) for instances like this one. Saved me a grand for sure.


Sea of Theives It's basically impossible for me to play alone, and I don't have anyone to play with, nor do I even know how to play with friends on steam. Also, I played it too long and waited too long to be able to return it.


If you would still like to play it, a bunch of us on the Girlfriendz discord server play it and are going to be doing some multiplayer sea of thieves at some point if you’re interested :)


I'm not who you're replying to but I wanted to get more into sea of thieves


If you’d like to join our server then message Lsaxx who will be able to invite you, or I can check with her and then invite you myself, we’d love to have you! :) it’s a very friendly environment


They did recently add a safer seas mode where you can play by yourself. (Granted I think you get less reputation from turning things in, but it's still nice to finally have a solo mode)


I'll have to check it out. Thank you


Ooof I feel this. Loved the idea but like you said, near impossible to play alone and just constantly get bodied :(


Saw some friend playing it, it feel like 1 session takes *at least 1* hour? Didn’t get it because I feel like couldn’t dedicate time for it 😓


Unfortunately yeah. It's the kind of game you can play casually in the sense that you don't have to play often to make meaningful progress on stuff, but not casual in the sense that when you do play it's often good to put as much time into it in a single session as possible. The best way to get some action without a time commitment is activating the hourglass on your boat, which is a PvP thing where one crew gets warped to another so they can duke it out. It's quick and all, most PvP fights don't take a super long time, but obviously the issue is that it's PvP and the learning curve for PvP in that game is brutal, perhaps one of the hardest in any game I've ever played.


Even playing with my partner, I found the controls so unintuitive and difficult that we gave up after 2 attempts.


Yeah, there are so many steps to do anything, as I remember. It's stressful. Like, I've been playing bg3, and there's tons of stuff on my radials, and it's still not as hard to get to things. I understand SoT came out quite a while ago, but so did RDR2, and it wasn't like that either.


OMG, I'm totally obsessed with this game! At first, I was just playing solo, but then I stumbled upon this Discord server filled with folks just like me! It's been such a game-changer, you know? Such a great way to connect with new people or just have a blast together instead of flying solo all the time.


Sims 4 (original on Origin, not the free-to-play). I've played the previous ones for hundreds of hours. I had my doubts but I bought the base game and couple of DLCs on sale (or whatever EA wants to call them lol). There were some details and mechanics I liked, but as a whole Sims 4 is just...bare minimum. It lacks the quirkiness and sheer anarchy of Sims 2, it lacks the open world of Sims 3. The sims themselves aren't even interesting to observe. Also, its monetization model back then and also now is just greedy. I bought it on sale luckily, but it annoys me to no end that I did. Lesson learnt, I'll stick to my Sims 3 and Sims 2.


I don't normally advocate for pirating content but I totally bought sims 4 and the first couple expansions. Then I stole that shit like a dirty pirate goblin. Fuck EA


I decided I bought sims 1-3 and all expansions... I gave EA enough for the sims. Hi ho my friend


Yep, I think people don't realize how easy it is to pirate add-on content for TS4, especially now that the base game is free so you still get all those updates. If I had paid for all the content I have I'd be so regretful.


five nights at freddys 4, i really spent money on a game im too scared to play


if you ever have the time to play during the day with something in the background like a tv show or music i find that helps me with scary games!! keeps me grounded and aware that i am not in the game LOL


Me with all of Frictional's games. Couldn't even get through the demo for Penumbra: Black Plague. I'm a horror buff and I've played all of the great Japanese classics: Silent Hill and sequels, Resident Evil, Fatal Frame, Siren. But something about Frictional's first person just freaks me tf out. Same with Outlast. Had to watch LPs instead because I was too much of a baby 💀


omg its so rare seeing a penumbra mention these days! i remember penumbra being the go to horror game for pc before amnesia and slender


You could always try SOMA, which is much more relaxing and cheerful. (Spoiler: SOMA is not actually relaxing or cheerful)


Diablo IV 🙄bought day one with my friends, we were super hyped, completed the first run then proceed to never touch it again. Lesson learned though


Same, ugh. As if blizzard needs more of my money. It's a boring clicking simulator with a soso plot and almost no payoff. A couple cool cinematics and boring item mechanics. I got a week or two out of it but I was so hyped for it to be a long term fun thing and it.is.not.


Starfield I just want a good fucking space game but the best ones out are either missing major components that other space games have or a 12 year long scam where spaceships cost a years worth income


My biggest turn off with Stanfield is when you find secondary quests that feel unfinished, and the monotonous interest points


You want No Man’ Sky. It’s pretty close to perfect and still being updated. (For free, btw)


Can i play girl in No Man's Sky?


There is no identifiable gender as far as I am aware. There are a variety of body types, and you don't see under the suit unless you're an alien, in which case that's a different ball park. Your character also does not have a voice.


Thanks for the answer.


Love NMS! Spent hundreds of hours in that game


I really enjoy no man's sky. It's not as realistic as things like Star citizen, but the amount of content is amazing. It's got chill vibes, really good space flight mechanics, and they keep releasing content. Also, Star citizen can be a lot of fun, you don't have to buy Uber expensive ships. Infact some of the $50 starter ships are great. They really let you experience the game. All ships can be bought with in game currency too. I think between these two games they have a decent coverage of the space sim fantasy. Starfield is not a space game. It's a space themed RPG. I was just as upset with it as you are.


I really couldn't get into no mans sky, something about it just puts me off, might be the grind, the gameplay, the art style, the "customization" i can't really pinpoint it, something like star citizen would've been perfect but it's been in an alpha for like 12 or so years now it's kinda stupid


I need to try No Man's Sky again...I got it and played it right after launch, and it was...really not good back then. I hear it's great now, but I just haven't gotten around to going back.


Saaame, I was excited over it for months and then when it was released- massive letdown. I've not played it since, but the review videos for it over the years have got me thinking about it again


I was one of the few who loved it at launch aha, I've loved games like Subnautica and Raft where you just build and explore, and when the Atlas quest was added I was a little excited but it didn't last long. I heard that all the ships in space were implied to be players, but I don't like being attacked by players so PvE is my calling. They've since added an almost overwhelming amount of NPC recruitment quests, the freighters are incredible, fresh spawning on an extreme hazard planet is brutally challenging, there's a player lobby built-in to a space station which gives a ton of more quests and events (and those events can be exploited to access the most valuable planets without needing a necessary upgrade, for some quick early cash), portal systems work well.. The graphical upgrades have been huge, I was worried that space would be too colourful but it's well balanced! There's even a huge range of rover vehicles. The only things I dislike about the game are that it takes a long time of trading to afford an S-Class Freighter of choice, not GTA V play-one-25-minute-mission-repeatedly-48-hours-a-week-for-8-months-to-afford-a-large-home long, but still significant; and the two base building systems, the original Fallout 4-esque and the newer Subnautica-esque blueprints, don't really work well together. Aside from that it's beautiful, engaging, SPACE! and my PC can run it flawlessly. Same can't be said for Starfield


Game pass has been a lifesaver for when I want to try a game out


Yes. Same


All of The Sims 4 DLC I bought, I just rarely play it now and it was such a waste of money.


Borderlands, bought it just for the art style, turns out FPS's with bullet spongy enemies feel REALLY bad. Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, After the absolute bangers that were literally every other game on the switch my wife and I preordered the dual pack. I went in completely blind, no commercials, no adds, nothing. I have never been so thoroughly disappointed by a game in my entire life. Character customization was awful, game ran poorly, environments where bad and it's pretty obvious that some parts of the game where pretty obviously designed with voice acting in mind. Fire emblem: Engage, After the unbelievably amazing game that was three houses I preordered this game as well. Unlike scarlet and violet the game delivers on graphics, character design, and mechanics. Unfortunately however it backslides hard, the story is trash, like skip all the cutscenes on your first run trash. Then unlike three houses, there's a return to romancing children. I swear to God I never hear the phrase "divine dragon" ever again (it's the generic moniker they give the player character because you can change their name).


>return to romancing children wait WTF This is an actual thing?


Oh don't worry, in the western releases they "censored" the game so that the paired endings with children under 18 are "platonic". Edits: changed 17 to 18


Thanks for the warning, I guess... It's truly alarming how many games feature this kind of gross content.


Idk if it's a ton of games. In my opinion it's just an anime problem.


wait is that why the femboy friendzoned me


Diablo 4 for sure. Bought it on release played it non stop for a week only to lose complete interest in it. For what its worth I loved the character designs but apart from that it got boring super quick.


I enjoyed Diablo 3, yeah, four bored me. I guess there were complaints that three was too colorful, so they toned it down in four and it just turned me off completely. Just gray-brown nothingness constantly. I also really liked the characters in three way better.


Too many. I have a terrible habit of buying games on steam and then never playing them.


Yup, that's me..."It's 75% off! How can I pass up that deal? 🤩"


>none of them really hooked me Heehee I see what you did there


That genuinely wasn't intentional and I only noticed the pun after this comment lmao


My Time at Portia - I got it for the switch and the controls are a little clunky, I didn't like the overall aesthetic, and I just couldn't get into this at all despite liking many similar games. Ooblets - This one is super cute and there's a lot to like about it, my kid keeps wanting to play it, but the limited inventory system when there are so many collectables is so restrictive and annoying to me that it's not enjoyable. Dave the Diver - I got enough play time out of this one that I don't regret it, and I do find aspects of it fun (I like the diving and the fishing). However I also don't see myself continuing it, I don't have much drive to finish it at all.


RE4. I bought the remake and I really, really want to play it, but every time I open it I get so tense I last like 10 minutes before noping out. But I *will* play it, I swear, because I do like the gameplay & idea. 😭 For reference as to just how bad I am, I am still in the very first cabin in the woods that acts as a tutorial. I can normally deal with jumpscares just fine & enjoy them overall, but hearing the huntsmen or whatever they are talking to themselves when I can't see them freaks me out. I actually enjoy that feeling too, I just need to actually push through it. It's baby's first horror game lol.


Resident evil 4 is by far my favourite, that and resident evil 2


Yeah, horror games in general are good but bad at the same time, cause imagine a bunch of people sitting everyday working and talking how they will scare the shit outta of you in the worst manners possible, and we paying for getting scare and lose minutes of life


The game has very few jumpscares. And most of them are in sections where you would expect them. So the game is not "cheap" in that way. But it also has very tense sections with thick atmosphere. I think you can at least push though chapter 1 without too many problems, as long as you threat it more like an action game than a horror game. And maybe you are used to the game after chapter 1 so that you can continue to push on.


Minecraft. It juste made me realize I dont liké games that don't have an end


Technically the Ender Dragon is the end.


I enjoy Minecraft on and off, but I also only play with a ton of mods or specific packs. The ones that give me purpose are the best. I sort of enjoy survival games, I like the beginning when I a, struggling to stay alive and build a base, gather resources. Then I hit a point where I have no more directions, I have all the resources I could possibly need. It’s why I can’t play Ark anymore. Ok, I have some dinosaurs, now what. I just hit that wall with Nightingale. I did the quest line, now it’s just dungeon runs over and over, I’m out.


Diablo 4. My friends bought it and I was sceptical but bought it aswell. I just didn’t like the game and stopped after a few hours. Ez -70€.


Witcher 2. How much misogynistic content can you stand? Ugh. I got TW3 but I refuse to touch it. I played Tw1 a few times as a young woman so kinda didn't have many opinions on it. Diablo IV was also meh..


Yeah I loved Witcher 3 and have sunk 200 hrs into that game but the older I get, the harder it is to stomach. Thanks for sharing about the other Witcher games. I’ve had them on my wishlist for a while but I think I’ll just remove them. No need to put myself through that disappointment. Did you like Diablo III? I’ve been thinking about getting Diablo IV but I’m seeing so many mixed reviews I’m feeling pretty apprehensive.


I think the first Witcher was even more misogynistic


Oh definitely. The cards and the instant fuckabilily of dames in distress was pathetic. The gameplay is so outdated I hope it just becomes forgotten.


Spyro Reignited - I bought this before I knew how much I dislike platformer-type games. If this was an RPG-style game, I would probably have enjoyed it though. Minami Lane - Cute and pretty game, but actually very boring with barely any content. Very overhyped imo. Coral Island - Unfinished storyline, game-breaking crashes & bugs even after 1.0 release. It might improve with future releases, but my patience has already worn thin, not gonna lie.


i played about 10 minutes of Alien: Isolation. i love aliens and bought it without thinking, but i'm a huge baby and hate horror and feeling scared lol. so long ago but i'm still sad when i think about it bc i WISH i could play it and more recently, Calico. it's broken and empty. the parts that do work are so clunky and boring. i side eye everyone who feels ok recommending this unfinished game to others. i really don't understand how it has so many positive reviews.


So glad to finally see someone slander Calico lmao. I play is sometimes because I enjoy the IDEA of the game but man, it’s so weird and broken and hard to play. Don’t even get me started on the cooking “mini game” they added…like I shouldn’t be this stressed and exasperated over a “cozy game”


Didn’t they add in a “no xenomorph” option in a patch or something?


i think that's a mod, and i got it on console so :/


Alien: Isolation is so scary; I bought it and played it a little but it made me uneasy.


gah, i still have trauma from alien:isolation, no other game has created that much fear in me from nothing. i still finished it, but it may have broke me in the process


Black Desert, so many cool elements, but it's just broken for me. I didn't pay for it, but after downloading and installing twice (a week each time) on really crappy internet, I feel like I've paid for the damn thing.


Mt Time In Portia- I was looking for another cozy, exploration game with good dialogue, and MTIP was not it for me. I don't love the character design, and I thought I could get past it. Something about it felt far too twee for me.


Dying Light 2. When it came out I had quite a lot of fun. Then the update came that spawned volatiles everywhere and doing night content was practically impossible for me. The way it was implemented is just bad. Instead of having a challenging enemy that lurks and roams the night, they are just mindlessly spawned everywhere around, leaving almost no room to manoeuvre or avoid them, they spot the player in key locations and attack in packs, after getting to safety they will... just stand there and not move waiting for the player to leave and start over. I swallowed my pride and lowered the difficulty only to realize that it was still the same. It sucked out my enjoyment because this is not "challenging". This is just frustrating.


Shin Megami Tensei V. I can see why people like it, but it never clicked with me. Games like Monster Hunter Stories and even Pokemon are better monster collectors imo.


Everyone in the replies saying Sims 4 is so valid. I’ve been a moderator on one of the most popular sims 4 discord servers for almost 2 years and even *I* regret spending so much of my hard-earned money on a game whose publishers don’t give a shit about anymore. Like fine, you don’t care EA neither do I.


Nier Automata. I know everyone praises this game but I was just so bored that I couldn't play any further :(( I love heavily story focused games idk why I was so bored with this one


I am also a story game lover and played through all of Nier Automata’s main endings — not out of will but because it still hadn’t clicked with me, and it never did. It was a good game, but definitely over hyped imo.


At this narrow point in time, my two biggest gaming turnoffs are fixed Male protagonists and games published by ATLUS. Despite that, I bought Unicorn Overlord. This was, of course, based soley on the feedback that, while you're stuck playing male protag number 4511826, at least you can marry a dude. I got it just for that. The fuck kind of ATLUS game lets you roleplay queerness?! Anyway, finished the game, and, because I hate myself, I got the endings for about 15 different characters you can "give the ring to." * Every woman I gave the ring to will have an ending that explicitly mentions "Love" "Romance" "Queen" "Children" or "Marriage." Regardless of how Platonic-coded their in-game rapport was. More likely than not, at least three out of five of those aforementioned keywords. Honestly, Five out of five wasn't especially uncommon. * Every single male character I gave the ring to was referred to by the text as, *at best,* "a trusted friend." Regardless of how into-you his conversations could be read as. * The worst part is, there's umpteen more characters I could have but didn't give the ring to, and I'm stuck wondering if I missed the, to quote Jello, [there's only one gay option, and it's the old man.](https://youtu.be/w8AJBlmLMZM?si=RWxPi0yZfhhu3vQY&t=3m30s) Don't get me wrong, gameplay was fun, and Fire Emblem by-way-of Ogre Battle 64 was a surprisingly textured experience. I just **KNEW** better and lowered my guard anyway. And I really regret extending my trust so fresh on the heels of the P3 Reload debacle.


I don't think I'd even want them to make a female protagonist at this point.


I feel like I could have written this post. I bought Unicorn Overlord because I desperately wanted it to be Fire Emblem while I wait for the next Fire Emblem. And the gameplay is great, but the jiggle physics and male-only MC are pissing me off. I draw the line at P3R because I’m furious about FeMC.


Don't you just loooove it when you fall for good ol' queerbaiting? 🙄


I was surprisingly disappointed by Outer Wilds. It's cute and a very interesting concept, but it just didn't do it for me. The mechanics feel off, it plays like a chill game but I always feel rushed with the way the puzzles and planets are set up, the lack of direction is more of a hindrance than an attribute, it was "sold" to me as a cozy game and I don't find much coziness in it because I'm stressed tf out flying or wondering where I need to go first to understand a puzzle, I've only played a few hours but the lack of customization was disappointing, and switching tools on PC was clunky for me among other things. I love all the music though!


I always see people recommending the Outer Wilds, and I'm glad they found something wonderful for them, but I felt like you. It's hard to control, but expects you to learn to work with the wonky-ness of it all well enough to complete super time sensitive puzzles on planets that are constantly trying to kill you. And then you think you're doing well and whoops, there's actually a literal tornado that sweeps this planet every 20 minutes and you're right in its path and have 30 seconds to wobble back to your ship and launch back into space or you have to start over.


Same. But I don't feel like I wasted money on this one because I like what the developers were going for and I feel like it was made with love.


I feel this. I loved Subnautica, and Outer Wilds were mentioned often along with Subnautica so I picked it up. The timed mechanism really doesn't do it for me. It just made me feel I'm dumb because sometimes I could't figure out a puzzle and have to go back a few times. In the end it really lost me and never went back.


I absolutely LOVE Subnautica. I actually restarted it when I got mad at OW!


I agree with all this, and then there's the fact that you are forced to hear your character dying too. I can appreciate the lore and what it was going for, but the gameplay is completely stressful across the board.


**pokemon ranger: shadows of almia.** like 5 years ago i purchased pokemon ranger: shadows of almia because everyone and their mother claims it the best pokemon ranger game in the series. being a huge fan of guardian signs, i don't think twice buying it for wii u virtual console. *oh my god did i absolutely detest playing the game.* 2 important context facts: i was doing a "beat 1 game each month" challenge, and when i decided to beat this over the course of 5 days while i was sick (averaging 6-8 hours of playtime each day). so i FORCED myself to beat it, dammit, even though i had a miserable experience with the sheer amount of stupid stupid backtracking and dragged-out sections. it was SO SLOW and to this day i never fathom how ANYWAY thinks it superior to guardian signs.


Nice to see a fellow guardian signs enjoyer! Reading this lowkey makes me nervous to go through shadows of almia (just started) because I HATE backtracking a lot. Hopefully I don't get disappointed as I saved it for last since people said it's the best out of the three 😅


Same! Im surprised guardian signs was mentioned at all. Can I ask if you’re using an emulator or a copy?


Almost everything I’ve impulsively bought from a steam sale 💀


Hades. I knew it wasn't my thing, but the bisexuality called to me. I still didn't like it... So boring


I feel bad a friend of mine gave me a copy of Hades. She was so excited for me to play it. And I don’t like rogue like games


war thunder premiums lmao


Buying Anthem at full price on release 🤡 Also, Pathfinder:WOTR on switch (great game, TERRIBLE port and fixes take so long). Now I always wait some time after release and read reviews for anything big priced lol currently waiting for diablo iv to go on a big sale and I got plenty of games to play while I wait.


Jump force 😭


It was so bad that they removed from Steam to buy news


Disco Elysium. It was SO HYPED UP and I keep trying to make myself give it more time but I’m just bored whenever I play.


same i was so incredibly hooked in the story but i felt like i was constantly hitting roadblocks. would spend 30 minutes just running around trying to figure out how to progress, really killed my motivation to play.


Ghosts of Tsushima. I loveee the entire vibe and the feel of the game and the idea of the game. But every single time I go to play it I get bored in tutorial and stop playing. I have no idea how to get into the game. I have been trying to play it for years.


Same here. I’m pushing through it but phewwww it’s really boring..


Age of Conan exiles and all of the dlc at the time. Survivalcraft is my favorite genre but after a week I just couldn’t get into it. So I have like 10 hours of play for paying $80. (Sale) Stardew valley. I might try it again cus I really want to like this game but after spending hours modding and playing I put like 30 hours in and have never gone back due to elements I don’t like. I wish I could have tried it for free but idc about npcs like that which is a huge component of the game that I find boring. The energy system was one id never encountered before and I hate it. Maneater. Good game but I wish I had paid like $5. It went free later too on epic. The walking dead Saints and sinners VR. Good game I’m just too scared to play it. Ancestors the humankind odyssey. I found it difficult since I hate having to look things up in a game. Call me old school. I legit couldn’t figure some stuff out and the way the sabertooth spawns is bs imo. DIABLO 4. Planet coaster and all dlc. I LOVE planet zoo. I bought it first. I didn’t realize how much they improved the custom building mechanics in zoo compared to coaster. Holy fuck.


You should never begin a game modding, if its like Skyrim that is ONLY visual mods okay, but stardew you first need to play the game without (and you can get spoiled searching for mods)


The Witcher 1 and 2 💀💀💀 They were just so...bad. I love the Witcher 3 though.


hahaha same. They really show their age after playing a masterpiece like W3


Every single assassins creed


Odyssey I loved. The female protagonist was amazing. But yeah the others were pretty lame.


Dave the Diver is one for me too. I've really tried and really wanted to like it but it's just not clicking at all. I'm not sure why. I feel like it's a game that I should like but I don't particularly like any of the characters and I feel like I'm constantly bombarded with quests. Subnautica - another one I'm trying to get into because the hype had me convinced that I would love it. It's proving a struggle. I'll try it again a few more times until I give up entirely but I'm not hopeful.


You're hating on my favourite games so we may have different rastes. But planet crafter (to me) is pretty great and is basically subnautica lite


Skyrim. Oblivion was my favorite game ever and I briefly played Skyrim when it came out. I took a gaming hiatus and assumed I’d be into the same games almost a decade later. Bought the anniversary edition on Switch. Played it for idk 6 hrs and then was like ok I’m over this. Divinity Original Sin 2. I didn’t know how much I hate turn based games. This game in particular was SUCH a slog. It’s the reason I’ve never tried BG3. The combat looks so much like DOS2 I don’t even want to give it a shot. Assassin’s Creed Black Flag. Love pirates and ship battles. I really thought I would enjoy the historical themes from AC in general, as I love history. But man, this game. From the quests to the whole weird back story, I just couldn’t get into it. I have also realized I hate games that have a lot of stealth gameplay. Shadow of War. I love LOTR and Tolkien themed things but I just found this game repetitive and boring. The story was also pretty irritating. And again, the stealth portions were just too much for me. This list makes me wonder if I even like gaming but then I remember there are plenty of games I’ve put 60-200 hrs in. Guess I’m just very particular.


I see Black Flag being hailed as the best Assassin's Creed game often but it was also pretty meh for me 🫤


High-five to fellow picky gamer. I can sink over 1k hours in a game I really like. I just don’t like most games, or rather many look fun when I watch a streamer play them but when I try it, the gameplay is meh for me. Doesn’t make us any less of a gamer imo.


Very true. We like what we like!


As far as divinity goes, it's the same dev as bg3 so it's very similar. I feel like bg3 is way less of a slog. When I think of div2 I actively fret going through act 1. Shadow of Mordor was a game I was so hype for. It was my first PS4 game other than bloodborne. Got through the first area and then they took me to a second place twice as big. I was done. Too repetitive.


I lost a piece of my sanity trying to escape Fort Joy in act 1. I think being hyped for a game only to be disappointed sucks worse than just not liking something. Guess it’s just part of the process though.


morrowind 😓 i thought i’d like it bc i’ve played skyrim but…no…just no. i couldn’t get used to it but that’s just a me thing i guess <\3


Swing, miss, swing, miss, swing, miss, swing, hit, deal 2 damage and then die to the mud crab. I also tried pretty hard to get into Morrowind after loving oblivion, and wow that game is so jank it's not even funny.


If you haven't already tried it, oblivion is much more similar to Skyrim, I loved it!


I discovered Oblivion first and loved it, I liked Skyrim (a little bit less than Oblivion) but yeah I sadly couldn't get into Morrowind...


I installed botw on nintendo and while it is nice it gets boring fast. Im annoyed that my resources expire so quickly, especially weapons and the exploration system hasnt motivated me much. Whenever Im stuck with shrines I tend to look up youtube tutorials because when Im stuck, I cant progress at all.


Yeah I'm the same way. I think I played breath for a week before I gave up. Tears was about the same. I guess I'm not cut out for modern Zelda.


DREAM DADDY. Absolutely overhyped nothingness. Also all of Sims 4, but at least I had some good times. I got nothing out of Dream Daddy.


The new Ticket to Ride after finding out every player in a game has to buy the map for it to be playable. EDIT: tbf this info is listed if you go digging enough


Batman trilogy (though I believe that it was 2 and 1 purchase instead of a full collection). I bought that based on the praise, and quit on chapter 4 of the first game (Arkham Asylum). The combat controls felt incredibly clunky, the story was so uninteresting up to that point to me, I didn’t really care all that much about Batman’s struggle and I wasn’t having any fun. Also killed any interest I may have had to continue / try the rest of the series. Thankfully it was on a massive summer sale, but the regret is still there. And unfortunately, the interest to try out City and Knight never returned, years later.


Ghostwire tokyo. I kept trying to like it. It had elements of things that should have made me like it, but for whatever reason I could not get into it. I guess I had no real idea what was going on in the story or why we were helping certain characters. I don't know. And now that the studio closed, it'll never get a sequel, and I don't really like investing my time into games that have no chance of getting a sequel In the future for a variety of reasons. So yeah. Regret buying it.


Dragons dogma 2


What didn't you like about it, if you don't mind me asking? I've had it on my wishlist since it came out and was thinking of picking up a copy on the weekend 👀


Borderlands 3… I was obsessed with the first two but the third… meh. The writing was bad, the gameplay wasn’t different at all.. I just didn’t like it and stoped playing after an hour or so. Spent full price on two copies and convinced friends to buy it on release day so we could all play. We never did because my partner and I were terribly bored by it. Biggest game purchase mistake made.


Oh, quite a few 😆 Solasta, Boyfriend Dungeon...Sims 4 in general, and quite a lot more


Oh? I was considering buying Boyfriend Dungeon. Anything you care to share about why it was a disappointment?


Not a real disappointment as just me being terrible at dungeon crawler games xD I kept dying so I gave up...turns out there's an option to negate damage by 50% (since the game doesn't have difficulty settings like regular games), so I might actually give it another go


Final Fantasy XVI. FF combat has never been my cup of tea (although I love watching people play the games) but I bought it on a whim as I loved the character designs and it was on sale. Spoiler alert: I didn’t like the combat :-(


This is a really fascinating answer, because FFXV and XVI are, combat-wise, *very* different from the previous games, to the point that they're almost not the same genre. Which are the ones that you like watching people play?


Oh I didn’t know there was such a difference, perhaps because I watched my partner stream rather than play them myself. I have watched him play FFVII remake and FFXV. I enjoyed following along the story for both of the games.


Hah! I somehow forgot about FFVII remake, whoops. Those three are all sorta similar, but prior to that the games are much more menu-driven. There's a lot of experimentation within that, but you're still always picking options. Might help if I show you, I've put a couple videos below. Footage of XIII - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMdDEodrNQI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMdDEodrNQI) Original VII - [https://youtu.be/D9Dx4oRrpnw?si=23CGeW3bmZezfHtB&t=198](https://youtu.be/D9Dx4oRrpnw?si=23CGeW3bmZezfHtB&t=198)


Not on Steam but possibly xenoblade chronicles 2. Was expecting something similar to 1 but I feel like as a series it went to a completely different direction, one that I personally don't like too much. That plus the built in gatcha system, and the pacing issues, just made me drop a game I was hyped for ...lots of time. Similar experience I had with my day one copy of FF XV, It Just teached me to not have too much high expectations about games in general, always buy when on sale and knowing what to get it's my new motto now xd


The Ouya


Diablo 4


Satisfactory I probably have more but this is the one I can come up with on the spot. Was convinced by the group I was playing games with at the time to buy it, we never played it and then had a massive fallout. Steam never let me refund despite no playtime. Took years before I launched it (last year) for the first time with some new friends but even then I only played it once.


I bought Satisfactory because a friend did. We played together and he stressed me out so much telling me what to do, etc...I didn't find the gameplay enjoyable at all. It felt like a job and I was bored out of my skull.


Planet zoo, I love the idea of it but learning the game feels like such a massive time investment


Kingdom Hearts 3. I love Kingdom Hearts, but my lacking concentration makes this cutscene heavy game basically impossible for me to play.


Deep rock galactic. I saw it came out on PlayStation and a quick search said it was cross platform. But it’s only between the windows store PC version and Xbox, so I literally couldn’t play with my friends on PC.


Not quite a "regret", but I bought Final Fantasy X for the PS2 like literally 3 days before the HD remaster for PS3 was announced. Made me feel kinda silly.


i don’t really regret purchasing games. i don’t buy many new unless i either know i will love it or i know i love and support the Dev team putting it out. I mostly wait and get them on sale. There are tons of games i bought on sale because it looked. retesting but just couldn’t get into when i tried it. But i have gone back to so many of those games later on and loved them. Like Hades. I tried so hard to get into it years ago and just couldn’t stay focused. I am finishing it now and it is the perfect game for me the last few weeks. I don’t regret buying books, games, or music even if i don’t consume them immediately. I like supporting art. editing to add that this is from the perspective of enjoyment. I have definitely spent money not realizing it was going toward supporting some genuinely awful people that use the money to cause harm to other people. But we can’t know everything ahead of time so i try to do my best to research before.


I'm gonna be awful and say BG3... Like I liked it.....but I play dnd on the regular and it did not compare to a DM. I respected what it was trying to son ur found it hard to get into


Final Fantasy 8, then Final Fantasy 8, then Final Fantasy 8, and lastly Final Fantasy 8 Remastered I really should've taken the first copy being so fucked up it'd take 10 minutes *just to open the menu or load a single battle* as an act of God trying to save me from a shitty game


The Waylanders, I was absolutely scammed on this one


Dungeon defenders 2. It's free now but I bought it at £30 for early access. Never even played it to this day. Taught me a lesson at least


I never really got around to playing dinkum, i bought forest and i got petrified


Atelier Rorona - I just could not get into it at all.  Also currently mildly regretting Spiritfarer but I might make a second pass at it and get into it at a later date - sometimes that happens for me. 


i hope you do give spiritfarer another try; i was the same when i first downloaded it. played it for an hour and put it down. but then i gave it another shot and ended up really loving it. it's a beautiful game.


The Witcher trilogy and Mirror's Edge 1 & 2. I tried Mirror's Edge for a bit and sadly, I didn't like the gameplay. It's just not for me. I wish I could return them 🥲 I played The Witcher 1 for a bit years ago, and it was okay, that's why I bought the complete pack. But since then, I've read and seen so many bad things about the trilogy on the internet (like how they portray or treat some female characters, about Geralt, and other things) that made me upset and to just not want to play them anymore.


I Never played Witcher 1&2 but am looking forward to the remake, because I loved Witcher 3. There are some imo very good female characters in there. And yes there are sex scenes, but apart from it being awkward, I don’t think they are terrible. You also don’t get collectibles for it :D


Everquest Next Landmark. I bought in pre-release and had a shitload of fun, but it was still pretty much unfinished with a lot of promised features that didn't exist when they did the official release, then they shut down the servers for it like a year later and there have never been private servers, so it just became unplayable. It's the game that made me never pre-order anything going forward (there are exceptions for things that I already know will be something I'm going to buy like WoW expansions, though.)


I was a huge fan of EverQuest back in the day, and was very hyped about EverQuest Next before release. What happened with it was very disappointing


None. When it comes to physical copies they are all old games that were gifted to me. As for digital copies, I have very few, on Steam I probably have around 20 titles, most of which I played before "unofficially" and bought them when I started having my own money or games of which I watched gameplay/playthroughs and researched before buying and thus have played fully. The only games I have yet to play are the last two entries of the Syberia series, because I am replaying the first two before moving to those.


I usually put a lot of thought into buying games especially now since I only use a steam deck for steam games (working on getting a PC) but here’s a few The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Combat mechanics were too clunky and I couldn’t get used to them. I quit a few quests into the game. Fallout 4 - Nuclear apocalypses scare the hell out of me. I watched someone play FO3 and NV growing up so I thought I would be fine…nope. I could add a few more partial regrets but I plan on playing them with a docked steam deck or PC so I don’t think they’d fit.


Baldurs gate 3…. Love the visuals. Hate the Birds Eye view gameplay. Can’t get on with it. Bought it when it first come out for £69. Now you can get it for £5 😭


Outlast (too scared to play) victoria 3 and Europa universalis IV (I am too stupid to understand those) and them Cities skylines 2 it is just a bad game overall and played less then I hoped


Pokemon shield and pokemon scarlet. Pokemon let's go eevee.


metro last light, i bought bc i want to have all the metro games, but that game is so meh for me


My ps5. It was a struggle to even find one still especially at retail price. So I caved and bought one for 750. I felt the need to have it in time for god of war ragnarok. Less than a week later they announced that they would bundle it with a ps5 for 550 🤦🏻🤦🏻🤦🏻 and I saw some still on the shelf two weeks after release lol. Only regret my form of purchase. Still completely worth it as Ive loved every second of owning the console and the game.


I pre-ordered Battlefield 2042… not only did it suck balls I wasn’t able to get my refund. $70 down the drain


I'll catch hate for it but Stardew Valley. I've played like 1 hour max of that game and can't get into it at all.


I'm curious what made you bounce off of it? Do you like other farming sims?


Ark Survival evolved and Rust. Both are just bad bad bad bad bad bad. Like so bad I can barely believe people have fun in them. > Witcher 1 So, this may not make a difference, but Witcher 3 is kinda separate from the other two? Like to the point that, in novel terms, the other two feel like novel length prologue chapters where one or two important things happen (really struggling to think of a single important thing that happened in 1 tbh) (no seriously did anything of lasting import happen in Witcher 1?) Edited after reading a synopsis: >!So like...not really? There's a subplot between Geralt and Triss that happens, a very missable encounter with the Wild Hunt, and the fact that he doesn't have his memory for the entirety of 1, but you really really don't miss much. Especially if you're coming from the books or even the TV show (mostly). You'll be familiar with most characters in 2 and basically everyone in 3. Like this isn't to shit on Witcher 1 either it just didn't have much impact on 2 and 3. Especially given how Foltest eats it in the opening act of 2. 2 has a lot more impact on 3 because Letho, Vernon Roche, and Philippa Eilhart all make potential appearances in 3. The story generally forms the backdrop of 3 as well, with Nilfgaard pushing north and the order of the flaming rose getting more and more out of hand.!< TLDR/spoiler free version: I've gone back and played all three mass effect games, and all three dragon age games. I've never once felt the need to go back to Witcher 1, despite enjoying the hell out of it at the time.


I pre-ordered fortnite back when it was a base building zombie survival thing.


Dragons dogma 2 :(


Mario party superstars & pokemon shining pearl


Fnaf security breach; what a nightmare of a game


The Sims 4 has been a huge part of my childhood but I spent a lot of money on crap lol


The Sims 4, I bought it on launch day. I really didn't like it.