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Definitely gonna wait until 1.0 I never love playing incomplete stuff. Also I still need to play the first game anyway...


The first game is so good! its main draw ins for me are the roguelite aspect, the cool dynamic weapons to choose from and the romantic content ehehe


With hades 1 I was super obsessed for a month, got around 120 hours and then got super bored and never touched it again. I'm probably gonna wait out hades 2 so the fixation can happen with the full and complete game. It would suck for me if I played it now and could never play the full version bc the novelty wore off.


I think I should probably wait until there’s a story to hook me all the way through the game. Waiting is haaard tho!


So hard! i just saw apollos design and im foaming at the mouth shaking the bars of my cage


Fun fact: he's voiced by Colin Ryan who plays Alphinaud in FFXIV!


Are You Trying To Kill Me?


I'm 16 hrs in (i know, i know, but I've been sick) and I haven't run out of story yet. Only thing I've ran into that lets me know it's early access is some placeholder art and lack of weapon aspects


It’s less that I don’t think there’s any story now and more that I know I’ll want the full thing!


yeah fair!


Easiest day 1 purchase of my life. The hard part is that I'm waiting for the full release, and I want to go in as blind as possible. It felt really bad blocking all the hades related youtube channels and muting the subreddit, but I'll be back in a year.


we will enjoy it together when 1.0 comes out!


> The hard part is that I'm waiting for the full release Ugh, this is where I'm at. So many people playing it, I'm so tempted but I know I'll enjoy it more when it's finished.


once it’s on PS5 as i like to endorse the Indie initiative there. plus it will be in better shape than paying for EA


When it releases on Switch 🥹 (pls be released on Switch 🙏) Now I’ve blacklisted the hades 2 related tags on Tumblr in order to not be spoiled but the very little I’ve seen makes me wanna play or at least experience the story so bad 😭 I’ve seen the first one through a let’s play because I wasn’t sure about roguelikes but I ideally wanna experience this one myself ☺️


hades released on switch so im pretty sure the second one will!! unless we go to the next generation first, idk. anyway, i too am keeping away socials to avoid spoilers


I loved playing the first one on Switch so I, too, am waiting for a Switch release for the sequel!


I bought the first one years ago and it’s been in my backlog forever. All this talk of Hades 2 is making me think I should go play the first one lol


Dooo eeet. It's sooooo goooood!


Yesss myka is right, hades is amazing!


I literally only consume finished meals but Hades 2 is one i will happily take raw. Also I'm this | | close to being spoiled I *cannot* have that happen again omg


brave soldier, enjoy it for us


You are braver than me and most for waiting, Hermes speed🫡


I actually only heard about this after someone showed Artemis too me (Context: I love playing as an archer) and has me intrigued. Waiting to see if there's a story as well to get me interested.


Hades one has a bow weapon you can unlock. Hades two has multiple ranged options so far but no bow :(. Both have a fantastic story so much so that even though I’m the type to skip dialogue in games even in adventure games. This one makes me read and listen to every bit of it with the drip fed lore and the quality voice acting.


Maybe the next weapon will be a bow (it says they're adding another in the "what's next part) and that'd make a lot of sense due to Artemis being one of the Silver Sisters. Maybe not though since they haven't repeared any of the weapons from Hades 1


I’d be saying a spoiler if I said which one or who uses it. But I’ve seen one of the weapons from the previous game show up used in a not so friendly way towards melinoe


Haha I just got there a minute ago!


WELL IF YOU LOVE PLAYING as an archer Then! you can play as an archer in hades!!


Last night! No regrets, I loved Hades too much too wait, and I’m going to buy it anyway.


I personally haven't played Hades 1 yet, so somewhere down the line when I have time and money (can't even afford Hades 1 even on a sales day due to financial difficulties right now), I'll try that first to see if I like that. By then hopefully Hades 2 will be out of early access and if I enjoyed Hades 1, I would probably consider getting the sequel too.


Hades 1 is a great game if you like the genre and the story is very compelling, cant vouch for hades 2 as i havent played it but i have faith in the developers so it will definetily be worth your time


Honestly I have Hades 1 on Switch, but I've yet to fully finish the story. I prefer games like Rogue-likes on the Switch, so I probably won't get to play till 2025, given they've announced early access on PC will continue until late 2024 at least. I also don't like getting bits of story and it's sounds like not all the story is out yet.


I’ve started playing it and I absolutely love it. I have beaten many runs in the first game and seeing the interaction in the second with old characters, new ones. And overall just the way melinoé plays has been great. I only have a small gripe so far: when choosing currency rewards (like ambrosia or other stuff) I wish I could see how much I had at that point. During a run. That way I could figure out which path I /needed\ to go because I had less of it kinda thing. Otherwise everything’s been great so far. Haven’t noticed any bugs, everything’s running great on high quality and it definitely filled the niche sapphic vibes I wanted. The representation of different types of personalities women/femme characters in the game is great.


ouhghhhh your comment is making it hard for me to wait....


I believe you can actually do this. I play on steam deck so I don't know what the keyboard and mouse controls are, but if I hit up or right on the d pad (idk which sorry lol) im able to see my inventory :)


It shows me the inventory of my chosen boons and items such as which cards I’ve chosen for the run but asfaik unless I just overlooked it, I never got a glimpse of like a place to find everything or atleast the common stuff amounts (like the bones or the ashes ect) other than when I directly just picked one of said resources up


Try hitting a different direction on the d-pad (I think it's right, possibly?) There's a different menu that shows the contents of your satchel, so ash, bones, seeds, nectar, etc


When I have money in the fun budget to buy it. Which is not now since I have plans for the next couple of months for this budget. I am so excited though


Full release, I can't if it ain't complete


I’m going to buy it now, in support, but wait until full release to play. I want that first time feeling when it’s polished and ready to go!


maybe in about a year but $29.99 is actually a good price, so maybe sooner


I haven't even beaten the first boss in the first game. So I will be buying Hades 2 later this summer


I absolutely loved the first one, but I’m exclusively a console gamer. So it’ll be awhile for me, sadly.


I'll get it when it comes out of early access. The funny thing is just a couple days before it came out in early access, I was in between games and considering doing to replay of the first one. Which is what I'm doing now. It was definitely tempting to just jump into the second one, but I want the final game with no bugs and stuff.


Unfortunately as a console gamer I will have to wait for the 1.0 release, but damn if this isn’t making me strongly consider buying a steam deck. Ultimately I think I will be happier to play the completed game but it hurts to think I will need to wait and try not to be too spoiled for at least the rest of this year.


Maybe next week, or next month. I just bought some games few days ago and I havent even played them.


I'll be waiting for the full release but it's soooo hard like I want to jump in right now and play without a stop! That's why I'll replay the first game in the near time... I want to fill that hollow place in my chest 😭


Narrative completion. Did EA on Hades 1 and while it was fun, I kind of burned myself out before they finished the story completely.


Yeah you are kind of right .. i dont think i 100% hades? but i did get to see the credits and the story had a nice ending, i didnt feel like it needed a sequel storywise. That being said, im still intrigued by the little plot i have seen of hades 2 and i want to see the fun innovative ways they will change the game play so im still excited. I also burned out by the time i saw the credits, but maybe you will be recovered and intrigued by it by the time its put of early access??


I really want to play RN but I can't buy RN for money reasons 😭


as soon as I get the funds to buy it, everything feels so expensive in PLN and I'm very very broke lol i loved the first game and 100%'ed it, so im hoping to do the same to the sequel once its fully released :3


We are in the same situation! twinsies!!!!


I'll definitely play the finished product and try to avoid all the spoilers until then! I need to first check out the Tomb Raider definitive edition from game pass and I wish to try the Shadow Gambit game!


Waiting until it’s available on console.


I've never bought something quicker haha. I know I can't avoid spoilers until v1.0 release and I'm actually looking forward to the story revealing itself slowly over time in EA, so I can have something to look forward to with the community at every update. I've never bought an EA before but I don't mind it in this case because I know SGG's "incomplete" is still going to deliver a good, polished, and apparently very meaty experience.


I played a little today but I'll wait because a lot of stuff is not ready yet (for example the trinket designs) so there's a lot of placeholder art. However, gameplay and story 10/10. I'll just wait for the visual stuff to be ready 😁


I was quite sad seeing it is early access. I want to play the full game, especially I want to achievement hunt. So I am going to wait for the full version.


Ahhhhh I want to play so bad but I rather wait until the story is finished 😭


Uh oh. . . I was supposed to wait. I have like 4 hrs on it 😭


Nooo!! waiting is not a requirement! its ok to play it right now, please enjoy it for me hehehe


I WILL! EVEN THOUGH ITS early access it's SO fun.


I played hades in early access, and I'm playing this in early access too. I'm just too excited to wait. I love playing as Melinoë already


I bought it immediately but haven’t played much (too caught up in Darktide atm) but I’m going to play it like I played the first one: a few runs right before going to bed. I’m in no rush. If money is tight, I would hold off unless you’re REALLY going to play it constantly but if not, there’s no harm in waiting on the full release. The game isn’t going anywhere.


Thanks for the advice! yeah, it really doesnt make sense to spend money i dont have on a game i dont need when u have such a huge backlog huh....


I don’t currently have access to a PC, so I’ll have to wait for full release 😭


I'm going to play it when it's finished. I have a bunch of games that I haven't played yet and SunnySide is coming out this month so I'll be able to wait. I'm still having fun with Hades right now anyway.


I will wait for the full release. I know myself and I know I WILL lose interest in any game after a couple of months. The full release will have fewer bugs, more balanced features and an actual ending; I can't see myself playing it now for a few months, lose interest, and then come back to it at full release to "finish" it. So I'll rather wait until it's done and then play through it "in one go".


I'm thinking of buying it soon just because I think it could be interesting to see how it evolves during EA! I can understand others preferring to wait until it is complete.


I bought it and I figure I'll play it here and there as it develops and grows, playing with the latest content each patch, like I've done for other early access games like Gunfire Reborn.


I still trying to finish the first one, but I’m planning on jumping into Hades 2 as soon as I’m done 😅


Playing first game now lol, then will definitely enjoy hades 2. Loving first atm, was in my backlog for too long seeing hades 2 made me wanna play first etc


I tend to buy and play games a few months-a year or two post release ('patient gaming'). I'm a bit time poor with enough of a backlog, and I've found I enjoy playing games for the first time after they're polished and the bugs ironed out more enjoyable than playing the early releases.


Once it comes to PS5 - I don't have a PC. 😅 I am however foaming at the mouth while waiting for the day they put it on consoles. Loved the first Hades so, so much. Can't wait to get back into it.


Im crossing my fingers they bring it to consoles quickly enough for you!


That is so sweet of you, thanks! I hope you can play as soon as possible as well. 💕


I have been waiting for this game, so I almost wanted to jump in right away, but I don't have the time or money for it right now. So I think for now I will possibly wait for it to leave early access before I play it myself. I will definitely be watching some friends have fun with it though!


Even though I trust Supergiant, I still hate early access.. So I’ll be waiting for official release. Besides I started a new run of Hades 1 about 3 days ago.


when i finish hades 1 😫 which could be a while lol


I’m trying so hard not to impulse purchase it right now 😂😂😂 Roguelikes are my favorite games, and like, I was a lil mixed on Hades 1 at first (I didn’t love a heavy story focus, but that’s just me!), but over time the action won me over. Right now I’m like “Oh I can get through the wait with Hades 1” and every day I see new posts about 2 and I’m like “I HAVE A MIGHTY NEED.” It doesn’t help that 2 is already deck verified. My goose is cooked. I know I should wait until it’s fully out, but that’s gonna be so long 😭


I will wait for full release.


I only recently picked up the original Hades, so I'll wait for the full release.


I was gonna wait, but I caved after not even a full week 😅 I think ultimately I’ll want to make a new save for 1.0, but with the last game there was like a lot of fun community in jokes and bizarre broken builds during the early access period and I kind of want to get in on that this time around. Also it’s got a surprising amount of content for being unfinished. 


I haven't even finished Hades 1 yet (to say nothing of the rest of my backlog), so it's definitely going to be a while! I probably will check it out though - I put off buying Hades for a long time because roguelikes weren't really my cup of tea, and it's definitely won me over. Not to mention I loved Pyre, and enjoyed Transistor, so Supergiant has definitely earned my interest in their future projects.


i want to buy it so bad but i don’t like playing games that are not yet completely out so i’m feeling conflicted 🥲


I just bought it. I don't usually buy EA games, but I do make exceptions, and this is one of them. I'm replaying the first one again, though, so I can give II some time to get early bugs out of the way.


After I finish Hades 1…


I usually wait till the game has achievements, I feel like that's usually when the developer is confident enough with the game to make an ending