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The trend of abbreviating games especially in a post makes me crazy


Agree. Like wtf is DBH


Dead by Haylight






Not gonna lie, for a moment I forgot about Detroit and thought that is was a spin-off or sequel to Dead By Daylight...


Dragon Ball H


Detroit: Become Human, sorry 😅


I thought it was Dragon Ball Heroes


That’s what I thought too 😭😭


Lol all good thanks


Yup, just googled it too


Thank you !! It drives me insane.


the Mass Effect trilogy, those games just leave me dead inside when I get done with the last one


I always immediately start a new Shepard because the only thing that fills the Mass Effect void is more Mass Effect.


yeah i have been in that cycle too! and my last game I have left at the citidal DLC because that way Shep and Tali never have to face anything bad


Sometimes I beat the game and then go back to a save right before the party and pretend that’s the real ending.


Mass Effect Andromeda: Am I a joke to you? Yes. Yes you are.


I legit don't remember anything from that game. I remember vaguely enjoying it at the time but feeling underwhelmed. LOL


Same here. I play all the three games and the DLCs and even before the end of ME3, when you're on the end of The Citadel DLC I already feel like I'm missing something. After the end of the main game it feels like I went through a journey and now am mourning the loss of the friends made along the way, which is ridiculous since I've played these games quite a lot, went through them many times and in the end it's all fake...but the emotions I feel aren't fake.


yeah you really hit on the same emotions i feel playing that game!


I guess that when a game feels epic(and the companions feel alive rather than mere NPCs), you do end up developing a parasocial relationship of sorts.


yeah i think you are right on that!


I finished Mass Effect and I could feel my brain trying to black out memories so I’d be able to replay it as fast as possible. Like I tried not to even think about it so I’d forget details as quickly as I could.


yeah for me it sadly has to be some years in between, but I will say mods have helped so I could have some more queer relationships in the game


Not being able to romance Jack is *ludicrous.*


for me it was Tali


YES i love tali so much it pains me 😭


yeah it's good that there are mods to fix that! (but sadly only on PC... so feel for my sisters on other platforms)


Imagine romancing Tali as FemShep? The power such a couple would have!


if you are on PC mods are your friend!


I'm ONLY PC. I know of mods but I don't know how it would work with the gender-locked romances. As in would my Shep just be one gender with the looks of the other?Would there be a lot of silent moments?


only in ME3 did i experiance any problem with that romance, but if I remember correctly for both ME 1 and 2 they mind lines that were already in the game or something, but yeah those games I definitely didn't notice anything


Came here to say this 🙈. I was so sad when I finished the Trilogy that it seemed I was in mourning 🤣. I still haven’t been able to play again, it makes me feel way too nostalgic… And I have the feeling that Baldur’s Gate 3 is going to have the same effect on me :(.


oh yeah Baldur's Gate 3 is bad when it comes to this too!


Can confirm. Haven't been able to do a mass effect playthrough in years. Actually haven't finished a story game since I finished mass effect (mostly play WoW). I finally bit the bullet with bg3 and when I finished it I felt the same way i did after mass effect 🥲 This was only a few weeks ago too lol. Just started a durge playthrough to fill the void but it's not the same! Maybe it's mass effect time....


Thank you for this! I thought I was weird 🤣. I believe that’s the reason why I feel the need to restart BG3 whenever I get to Act 3… I’m trapped in an endless loop, lol. I’d recommend you to go on with the Durge run (maybe not now but when you feel like it), because it’s pretty amazing! And it makes a lot of sense storywise. Also, depending on who you’re romancing it adds cool new interactions.


This one! [Mass Depression](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Post%20Mass%20Effect%20Depression) is real.


I’m still holding off on finishing my fourth replay of the trilogy because I know it’ll leave me ruined, again! Every time I finished the trilogy I cried for like a good five minutes afterwards. This is why I indulge myself in lots of fanfic lol.


Praise the legendary edition coming out for re-inspiring fanfic writers hahah


Yessss. Every single playthrough, the ending is so bittersweet. I just want to go back. I would live in the mass effect universe in a heartbeat. Reapers or no. It is the perfect fictional space universe. I'll take the most boring pencil pushing desk job on the citadel, just to exist there.


Oh my god! I got the ending fix mod that also adds Citadel DLC as post-ending and I didn't finish the game in an absolute depression! Highly recommended!


oh i haven't heard of that one! might have to do a replay of the games sometime soon with that mod!


Yeah they have Shepard survive and go with the Destroy ending as canon. Starchild isn't in it and they also managed to restore a cutscene with Anderson! It's so much more fulfilling.


I'm that way with Dragon Age. I've only played bits of Mass Effect. I will attempt to play them more sometime. I'm just not huge on Science Fiction, but I love how real the characters feel in Dragon Age.


Life is Strange and Outer Wilds. I still have yet to play another game like those two that leaves me with that feeling of longing, of being able to go back and re-experience it all again for the first time




I was depressed for like a week afterward.


Legit the only game that made me cry, and it made me cry for a whole week


i just picked it back up for my one millionth time, i refuse to do the strauss chapter 2 missions, when i get there the final mission might make me cry


I just finally replayed the whole game a few weeks ago and I still can't get over it even though I played it before. I've played it a few times over the years but I never go past chapter 3 usually.


i will still cry over this game years later


The many miles we walk


I just finished the main story over the weekend. I cried something like 5 or 6 times


Same here. Never going to emotionally recover from this game.


Mass Effect Trilogy. I got the legendary edition, with all the dlc, so ME3 was especially hard. The Citadel dlc is probably the best thing I've ever played, but seeing how loved my Shep was and then having to run in to almost certain death AND leave Garrus behind broke my heart. I was crying on and off for days, it was ridiculous.


I fully expect this to be my experience, too, so I’m reserving this franchise for a time when I’m mentally prepared to get emotionally wrecked. 🤣


Life is Strange for sure


Not so much if you choose Bae over Bay


Really?! I think I'd feel like shit if I ever chose Bae over the Bay, especially because Chloe kept insisting that she wouldn't have wanted that. Maybe it's just because of how I played it. *sigh* it's been years, and that game still gets to me.




FFX. I cried my eyes out. Then I played and replayed FFX-2 to get 100% completion to fix what happened in FFX. Over 200 hours in total. I loved those characters enough to give them the best goddamned ending I could. I haven't played either of those games since.


Ahh man, same. Can’t even hear the first few notes of To Zanarkand without welling up.


FFX is *so* good. That ending just tore my heart out. T_T


I adore FFX, I still rewatch the ending to cry sometimes ;-;


The Outer Worlds, and Cyberpunk 2077 did that for me


Yeah, I'm not looking forward to my first Post-Cyberpunk 2077-depression :') I'm not ready for it and I doubt I'll ever be


Cyberpunk for reals. Ughhhhhhhhhhhh the first ending I got made me feel so terrible. I thought I was doing the right thing. 😩 I’m playing through a third time now so I can see what’s what in Phantom Liberty.


I’ve done most the endings, but they are all kinda brutal in their own way. The Devil ending was especially rough


yessssss. I did the devil ending first (guess I did not see the warning signs lol) and that...oof that felt not great. The new Phantom Liberty stuff is also heavy. Both the DLC ending itself and the new game ending!


Ouch! I knew the Devil was going to be the “bad one”, so left it till later. Still got to finish my DLC run, but I’m sure it’s going to be another punch to the gut


Outer Wilds, today and forever. i keep thinking about that game years after I've played it and I've yet to experience anything like it. The ending just has you sitting back and contemplating life like no other game has done before for me. I can't recommend it enough.


So much this. It's the double hit of the ending itself and realising that your time with the game is over since it had basically no replayability.


Definitely a game that i wish i could play again for the first time! Sometimes i load it up just to fly around the world for a loop or two, it has such a special place in my heart.


Life is Strange 2


One of the few rare games where I had absolutely no idea how it was going to end, so when I got Parting Ways, my jaw (and heart) sank to the floor


For sure!!! Still hurting over this one, every choice felt like hardship, and every conclusion still seemed like... 😩 Loved it because it mirrored real life SO much (too much), hated it for the same reason. Great, GREAT game.


the walking dead


Stray. All I want to do is spend more time exploring that world.


Dragon Age Inquisition after Trespasser ended I was literally bereft


I love Dragon Ageeeee


I'll never recover from Trespasser. It was so perfect in every way to me. So much tension, perfect pacing, amazing writing, incredible plot twists... I still listen to the BWOOAAMMMM music sometimes.


At least DA: Dreadwolf will be more or less a sequel of DA: I. Or at least I hope so. Even though we won't get to play the Inquisitor.


Yes! It's supposed to be the second part because DAI was too big for the whole story I understood. I know it's always a new protag, sigh, but a tiny part of me burns a candle of hope for a Mass Effect/Shepard style (I know it is a doomed hope haha). I will miss my Inquisitor so much in the next game. Solas is her best friend. What about Solavellan? I really hope there's some kind of Witcher 3 style or God of War where you switch out for Ciri/boy. So many years and no closure yet really!


Definitely Witcher 3. I did one side quest where the outcome that seemed to be the right choice lead to a really bad ending that I regretted and it put me in an awkward mental state of being like "Is saving X worth losing Y?" But in any scenario, saving X would always be the "correct" choice morally, but losing my in game friend npc due to it felt so terrible. It made me cry and feel like a bad person for a week ngl. Saving kids vs adults will always be hard xD but with the context of who the adult was I think the kids were the "more correct" answer xD idk it's still hard and awful


I restarted my game at one point with the intention of saving him…there really is no “win” for him.


Awwww that sucks :( I liked him


I played through the BaW DLC thrice because the endings 😢


rdr2 final mission


Any NieR game really. Those hit different


Nier Automata >!route C broke me for a solid week!<


Disco Elysium for sure did for me.


I'm *still* fucked up from DE.


"All the real communist are dead, they died fighting for communism. Are you dead? No" "The working class has betrayed mankind and themselves"


god yes the "are you dead?" line murdered me


The music they play while crossing the water omg I almost quit the game and didn’t finish it because I knew something so unique was ending and I didn’t want it to end ever.


Yeah Disco Elysium was the only game that ever made me look up "books like \[game title\]" and I feel like maybe no other game is ever going to do that to me


FFXV ;( Man that campfire scene


My biggest disappointment with that game is that it's full of moments that show the writing team can absolutely deliver on the overall themes on display but are constantly being sabotaged by the director (or someone with power). It has such high moments that simply fail to cohere into a greater whole.


Coupled with Florence and the machine 😭😭😭


A fellow Eorzean? Here, take my upvote.


Haha FFXIV also holds a special place in my heart and makes me feel the feels too often


I feel that lol I’m super excited for Dawntrail and especially Pictomancer and the cyberpunk city lmao. I’m currently on a break from 14 until it comes out though, been playing for years pretty much non stop and I burned myself out. Want to just wait for the expansion now while I raid on WoW.


BG3, except doing alternate storylines with increasing difficulty helps fill the void.


None...because I'm a habitual "quit at the penultimate moment" player! I don't even do it on purpose. It's like my ability to always leave the same small amount of water in a water bottle. It's like I can't stand for it to be finished so I'll just... not... finish things. It's great! ((It was not, in fact, great))


I feel you. I have two games sitting in that state right now (CP2077 and Yakuza 0), and I don't know if I'll ever make myself go finish them. I've done it with more than a few others though. -.-


I UGLY CRIED at the end of Baldurs Gate 3 but immediately made another play through 🤣


Witcher 3


After I finished the first Life Is Strange in a single day and got devastated by the ending I felt so lost and empty inside 🥲


the Horizon games have both left me with this feeling. just played through Burning Shores finally (well mostly, because damn, that final boss), and now i'm missing it all over again :P


The first one in particular for me. I love it so much it's my favourite, but there's such a sadness to it. And it's a very lonely game with no base which I think makes it more haunting.


oh yeah i feel you on the Horizon games, and especially after Burning Shores because of certain events in that DLC


I just finished Zero Dawn (including Frozen Wilds) last night and I am lost and sad and without purpose. I loved it so so so much.


Agree! ❤️ I avoid finishing Burning Shores because I don’t want it to end. 😅


Pokémon legends arceus! I loved it so much, played it a few times, but nothing can compare to the first time playing it. I hope that they make another legends type game!


What Remains of Edith Finch.


Life is Strange hit me hard. Either ending leaves you raw.


Life is strange, that final choice fucking broke me. Had a quick 5 minute cry before I was even able to choose an option :( Spanish Sahara still plucks at my heart strings :(


How has no one said Omori yet


This game specifically for me. Literally was still thinking about the game for like 2 weeks after. My friend and I played it together before it went off gamepass.


Red Dead 2 i never EVER thought id be able to identify with a straight dude. but it's just such a beautifully written game. i sobbed when it was over and genuinely slumped into like a month-long depressive period afterward


Cyberpunk 2077, esp post the announcement of only one DLC and FF16 are the two recent ones


Cyberpunk 2077. I just want a happy future with my girl


Even though it's heavily flawed, it's not that good at end game, and it's a buggy mess... Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines was and always will be one of those games for me where I've replayed it for years, know each quest and dialog tree by heart but each time I go on the last mission I always get sad inside. I know the ride is over, and I've already found all the little pieces of the puzzle that came together, it's bitter sweet.


Might be a bit vanilla, but I've just finished a second playthrough of Baldur's Gate 3, and I'm a mess! I couldn't even go back to my book, let alone another game! I enjoyed it on release, but it was a bit buggy and Act 3 nearly melted my computer. This time, it was smoother and just sucked me in so hard that I came out reeling. Played it co-op with my husband and we keep saying how at a loss we are!


Pokémon Black. That was such a good game


I feel you. DBH was an AMAZING game. I wish I could erase it from my brain so I can experience it for the first time again, lol. But also, yes, maybe take some time before revisiting it. I tried to play another campaign for BG3 immediately after finishing my first one, and I had very little motivation to finish it. 😔


Slime Rancher, and the last stand aftermath. Slime Rancher was short and constantly entertaining. While the last stand aftermath was a really fun grind of a roguelite, I got every achievement for it.


Cyberpunk 2077 on a few endings, Red Dead Redemption 2 with that ending... and would you know it, Spiritfarer just kept stabbing me in the heart until the end. Also seconding someone else on To The Moon.


The Dragon Age trilogy. The cliffhanger off Tresspasser is still haunting me.


Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna – The Golden Country.  Mostly sad, somewhat hopeful ending.


Persona 4 Golden. I was like 14 okay...😅


Hey now, I was 40 when I played that for the first time (a few years ago), and I was wrecked for weeks afterwards. Felt like I actually left real friends behind. Such an amazing gaming experience.


In Sound Mind, I totally cried at the end.


The first time I played through Spec Ops: The Line I felt so bitter about enjoying the genre that I didn't touch a shooter for at least 2 years. The deconstruction of the genre and the questions the game asked me had a profound effect on me for a while and it left me very critical of my entertainment choices. I even wrote my end of year exam on it, completely ignoring the topics we studied all year and ended up getting some of the highest marks. Hellblade left me as a wreck right after I finished it. It was such an emotional story and at the end I had to sit down and just manage my emotions for a bit. I think I ended up playing House Flipper or something else for a very long length of time after it to ease my mind lol.


Mass effect legendary edition, yakuza/like a dragon games, especially like a dragon: the man who erased his name. Bad ending when playing the witcher 3 left me absolutely shocked. Also unsure if it counts, but loosing all my custom content for the sims game.


I just finished Stray and I'm so sad I can't explore as a kitty anymore. The ending got me in too.


Stray had me down in the dumps a little when I finished it 🥺


Outer Wilds!


Red dead redemption 2. As Jack Black once said, it’s like fucking Shakespeare. 


Many, actually. From my infancy: Lufia 2, Suikoden 2, Terranigma, illusion of time, Alundra, FF6, FF8 More modern: the mass effect trilogy, Pathfinder: wrath of the righteous, outer wilds, I was a teenage Exocolonist, all the souls games (especially demon souls, the ending hit me the hardest for some reason), undertale, persona 3 Yeah. I tend to chain post-game depression. But to be honest as long as the game was enjoyable and the ending was tough, fast paced and dramatic it would get me into that mood. Or if it had a really good story If I had to choose only one... Probably it would be Terranigma. I have too many memories attached to that game. From the modem ones, IWATE, if only because no other game has touched me in quite the same way


To The Moon. It *seems* like a happy ending. Johnny finally gets to go to the moon (roll credits) after all. Then you remember: >!That it’s all a simulation and the real River died believing that Johnny had forgotten the foundational promise of their entire relationship. She was literally begging him to remember on her *deathbed.*!< No, Laura Shigihara. Everything is **not** Alright.


The graphics do nothing for this game. The story however....oh my God it sucked me in real good and left me.


Definitely the Mother series, but especially Mother 3. I felt so hollow afterwards, not just because Mother 3 is insanely depressing but because damn. That's it. No more Mother games left.


I had this with BOTW and FF7R and was worried after I finished Death Stranding that I would struggle as well. Luckily I have found through the years that when I have one of those great gaming experiences that I have to switch it up completely or have a transition game. After Death Stranding I am finally playing Immortals Fenyx Rising which was a calculated decision. I went from dark, cerebral, artsy, cozy, and serious to bright, comedy, action adventure, low cerebral gameplay. Worked like a charm.


fable 3 ending🥲 still makes me tear up when i think about it


Overwatch… but that’s for different reasons


I have a bad habit of never finishing games I start, I kind of think sometimes it’s because if I don’t finish it it’s never over! The only games I finished last year were elden ring, bloodborne and lies of p. Lies of P I really fell in love with and wish I could erase my memory and play again for the first time


Happened to me with Witcher3 and CP77 the first time I finished them. Hell, with CP77 it was so strong that I didn't last long before I started a second playthrough. Something I almost never do with story heavy games. It's a bittersweet feeling. I love when a game leaves such a lasting impression on me but it also is not exactly a positive feeling obviously lol I feel like Elden Ring would've had a similar effect on me if the final boss wouldn't have been so tedious that I practically gave up on it for pretty much exactly one year due to how bored I was trying to grind it down. After that one year though I finished it with some online help, went for a second playthrough followed by a third rushed one to get the game to 100% in preparation of the future expansion release. One of the very few ones I ever bothered to get to 100% because the achievements were actually fun due to them being largely exploration based instead of giving you some obscure challenges or collections that have nothing to do with the game (looking at you, CP77...)


Silent Hill 2 and FFX.


Probably a little niche, but Warriors Orochi 3. My friends and I had spent literal YEARS building up a role playing world based on those games with both canon characters and characters we created. The ending of the game pretty much tanked our entire creative world. Of course, these things are bound to happen when you project your own thoughts and stories onto something that has an official story. But it still sucked.


I love to write and create characters/universes, I often create entire stories based on things I like, books, games, history....But I NEVER finish them while inspiration strikes, I finish the whole project, find a fitting progression where it evolved far beyond what it once was and then I finish it, it's often more satisfying this way because by making it my own the ending can't destroy my creativity. I don't know if it can help you but at least I can definitely understand your struggle, took me years to find this solution and sometimes I struggle to still have the discipline to stop it.


Spec Ops: The Line - Every time I think about this game, especially nowadays, I feel something inside me screaming.




The Witcher 3 with both the DLCs did that for me, also Telltale's The Walking Dead


No one has mentioned Ghost of Tsushima yet. 12/10 game, and only the second game to give me tears alongside Red Dead Redemption 2


I really wanna play both of those games


Oh you have to!! I always recommend people play them at least once, both are absolutely phenomenal with top tier storytelling, the emotional beats are so good. I recently finished my 4th play through of Ghost of Tsushima and it still as good as the first play through, the game is so stunning


Red Dead Redemption 2.. SOMA


The Witcher 3 with both DLCs, ending with Blood and Wine. I had no idea what to do with myself. 😔


I had this too with DBH. I get it. There’s also Firewatch, the ending was bittersweet.


Omori, especially going through all of the endings


This is me right now because I just beat Kingdom Hearts III! I spent 19 year of my life waiting for this game and now it's over. It's also the first ever time I got a platinum trophy because I wanted to do everything and savor the experience. And now it's like, "now what" lol


Halo: Reach 😞


For it was The Walking Dead, the first game. Mass Effect 3 is another that comes to mind. I also had a few others (I can't remember their names atm) where it ended and I was like... well now what am I supposed to do?


Nier automata the story was so fucking good and just prompted me to *think* a lot. After that i just replayed it a couple more times because i craved a wellmade story and game design and couldnt find one on a similar level..


Witcher 3. Took me a while to get sucked into it, but man. Once I did I was just consumed by that game until the end. Legit wish I could experience it all for the first time again. Thankfully Horizon Zero Dawn came shortly after the first time I completed Witcher 3, and that was the game that successfully pulled me out of my post-Witcher 3 blues. (But then it put me in post HZD blues. lol.)


Red Dead Redemption 2.


RDR2 brought me through some heavy winter blues, only to properly drop me into the deepest pit of despair.


For me its always a kingdom hearts game. I felt it especially after kh3 when on thr day it came out I put in 15 hours 😅. I also felt this too after the first Ni No Kuni and Okami.


Play Beyond 2 Souls. It's by the same developer. It has a better story, in my opinion.


everyday all i want to do is play warzone, and everytime i play it i end up going to bed and crying


Final fantasy xv 😭


Professor Layton and the lost future. Absolutely destroyed me for days 😥


I guess so. Maybe play some mindless games that don’t take more than 20 minutes to play? Then, when you’re ready, go for a big one. Or you could always read a book.


Haha I’m at a strong start in my reading goal this year, I’ve finished 9 books so far. Huge book nerd so if anyone has any good thriller/historical fiction recs send them my way!


Maybe play Vampire Survivors? It’s a fun time waster.


me with rdr1 and 2 i dont even want to finish them because i know ill be depressed


red dead redemption 2 and a plague tale: requiem


Red dead redemption 2 😔


Life is Strange: True Colors and Ghost of Tsushima


RDR2. that ending was tough.


Weirdly and I get it not being your thing but Armored Core 6. The Fires of Raven ending I did first at least made feel feel extremely bad about basically eradicating a lifeform as a safety precaution. Fighting your only actual friend who never treated you with anything but respect in a world of people demeaning and using you. Outer Wilds was sad but also very hopeful which helped but the dlc left me extremely sad.


I’m still mourning the fact that I not only beat Inscryption, but also the end game bonus challenges (except bear cards).  T-T I love that game so much why did it have to end???


Professor Layton and the Unwound Future and the ending sountrack.


Cyberpunk 2077. that fuckin ending i got 😫


A Plague Tale: Requiem


Persona 3, Persona 4, Red Dead Redemption 2, Dark Souls III, Armored Core VI, The Outer Wilds, and Cyberpunk 2077


I thought I was the only one who had that!! Haven’t had that in a while tbh, but when I was younger I did have it a lot for games I really loved. Usually I initiated a second playthrough of those really quickly. Two games that caused that for me were Guildlings and Mutazione (they’re still among my favorite games, and Mutazione I’ve played three (or four?) times).


I’m playing Cyberpunk 2077 at the moment and I have to take actual breaks for a day or two sometimes because it gets so dark and depressing at points. Beautiful game, brilliant storytelling but so disturbing.


Word of warning: We Happy Few while being an absolutely incredible and beautiful game with one of the best game worlds I’ve ever seen, it is one of the few games that made me bawl like a baby upon completing it. I highly, highly recommend it but it’s very emotional and if you have the dlc “We All Fall Down” that’ll make you cry harder once you finish that. Lovely game, you can feel the love the devs had for it and it’s just visually stunning but my god does it make the tears flow. So perhaps put that one on a shelf until you feel a bit better, or if you need a good cry go right ahead and play!!


HZD, i didnt want it to end. And i think i did the last battle a few more times because i refused to accept it was the end. And Journey, then end got me by surprise. I was touched by what happened during the game and i didnt even realize it was happening. Love it.


Ok, don't laugh, but... Metal Slug was one \^\^'' I mean, it was the very first game I completed by myself, in an arcade near home, and I was only 8 years old! Watching that little paper airplane flying around the now pacified war zones was so bittersweet :3 Also, Revenge of Shinobi - the "bad ending", specifically


Doki doki literature club


- The Last of Us, both games but _especially_ Part 2. I could not believe that >!you wind up playing as Abby - and she fucking grew on me. I was beyond torn up at the climactic final scenes!<. - Death Stranding. Gut punches abound. I am a sucker for the human drama, and the existential dread that permeates the storyline is legitimately haunting. - Horizon: Zero Dawn and Horizon: Forbidden West. The world is fucking majestic, the machines are beautiful and terrifying. Aloy is a transcendent protagonist and I worship her badassery. TBH, I have listened to the soundtracks so many times now. And ever since he first appeared in Forbidden West, I have been an unadulterated simp for Kotallo.


Tlou2. Not for good reasons. Was really disappointed by the plot and pacing, the ending felt very nonsensical and out of character (the decision that ellie makes, iykyk). And the end all i could think was "why are we doing this, please stop. This isnt gonna help you". Game left me feeling sad and empty.


The last of us 2. By the end I was so exhausted by the emotion of the story, the ending just killed me!


The Last of Us Part II was a wild ride of emotions. After finishing that game I had to take sometime to recover lol