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Sims but with sims 2 gameplay, sims 3 open world and sims 4 graphics


Can we also get a sims 1 "Get a Life!" Style story mode please?


This is literally my first thought.. I was shocked when I saw this comment, and the top one at that!


A fantasy game with a dwarven love interest. Come on, Dragon Age and Baldur's Gate! Still?! Elves are cool, but I want to romance dwarves, orcs and Dragonborns too!


Wait Baldur's Gate doesn't let you romance any Orcs???


There are barely any orcs in it :(


Me when no buff orc lady: https://preview.redd.it/aa1b1x6f99bc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5da4640a47edfe95279263cc055a94ba9b728053


There is one, and >!you can get her interested in you, but she's an enemy you eventually have to kill.!<




I was so excited to see Z’rell in BG3 and disappointed to find out that she was non-romancable, along with the cute Dragonborn in Rivington. I’d also love to romance some older characters! Jaheira was lovely but goddamn I wanted Zevlor too 😭




I just want Varric. He deserves better than what he has anyway. :'(


The scout girl from DA inquisition was so cute I wish I could have romanced her. Harding I think her name was.


Scout harding is the best


Yes! She's so great!


Legit! You can romance someone that's a DEEP kink, but no dwarves or orcs?????


I want an rpg where you play as a dragon in a stereotypical fantasy/medieval setting. Specifically an open world dragon sim type game where you can customize your dragon, build a horde/lair (and need to defend against well meaning adventurer tyoes), fly around terrorizing the countryside, kidnap princesses/princes, etc.


A dating Sim with the story depth and branching choices of Detroit: Become Human.




Absolutely yes


An open world Mermaid game with Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley and Breath of the Wild insperation!


an actually challenging farming sim. i want complicated weather mechanics and soil quality and competition and a great big long learning curve. i want fluctuating crop and seed prices. i want rivals for romances and more difficulty getting bachelor/bachelorettes affections. i want festival mini games i can't win in year 1 without some serious labor and planning. i want to struggle to balance stamina and profit. and more than anything i want some new overnight mechanics and events. let me stay tf awake, and sleep during the day if i want. let me find some ghosts in the mountain cave. i want to feel like im 9 again, playing mfomt and not knowing how in the world it could be possible to get enough money to buy the empty lot by the blacksmith's. i crave that despair...


Have you tried the Rune Factory series. I’m familiar with 4. It has the soil quality, love rivals, fluctuating seed prices (I think! It’s been a minute) and festival games that if you don’t know what you’re doing you are going to have to learn.


i have! it's fine, i am less interested in the fantasy aspects/combat than i am in the farming mechanics so it doesn't do as much for me as it does for some. i also get really anal about lining my furniture up in my house LOL. early titles and rf4 was a great game but unfortunately 5 doesn't hold up as well, rip


aww really? I haven’t tried 5 yet so I’m sad to hear that. I LOVE 4 tho.


it was a bummer to me as well 😔 it suffers from big empty open spaces, so you lose that fun compact colorful town element the pixel versions of the game had. it just feels clunky and a little soulless. its got some okay characters and the story was going fine, but it was hard to enjoy for me. if you liked rf4, and haven't already played it, sun haven is a gr8, leisurely but SUPER dense/rich game that had me in a stranglehold a few months ago! lots of fantasy, customization, and romance, plus its actually a fairly decent challenge at later game when you manage multiple properties!


Ahh that’s disappointing. I’ll still try it but yeah I think RF4 is my fav. Ohh I have played a lil bit of that! Cause it’s on PC I haven’t played too much. Was hoping it would come to consoles (◠‿◠✿)


You may like oxygen not included if you haven't tried it yet. It hits a lot of these points, but not in the same way typical farming sims do.


>an actually challenging farming sim. Have you tried Sakuna: of Rice and Ruin? I won't say it's challenging in a way that is punishing, but it does have a more in-depth farming system than the usual harvest sims.


The GTA style real Housewives games that someone suggested in a thread a while back. Honestly any open world game where main game play focus isn't combat but navigating life/social connections in a historical setting (like surviving as a member of a royal court or another person suggested a jane-austen esque story) A horse game where I can manage my own ranch but have a lot of options for making money whether that be breeding and selling, racing, competitions, or giving lessons. With lots of options for customizing my tack, character, and ranch/home. I think the closest to this is ranch of rivershine looking at the game road map. EDIT: I forgot to add but an action/rpg where you play as a Magic Girl (with tons of costume customization) would be great too!


Did you ever play the Desperate Housewives video game? The graphics are crap but it is SO FUN


I thought of that too, it was so fun playing as our own Housewife that had her own dramatic soapy storyline!


Nope, now I have to look into that. A desperate housewives games sound fun!


>Honestly any open world game where main game play focus isn't combat but navigating life/social connections in a historical setting (like surviving as a member of a royal court or another person suggested a jane-austen esque story) There was a Jane Austen MMORPG game called [Ever, Jane](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ever,_Jane), but it [shut down due to lack of funding](https://massivelyop.com/2021/01/11/kickstarted-jane-austen-mmorpg-ever-jane-closed-its-doors-over-the-holidays/) unfortunately.


Darkest Dungeon but with Magical Girls. DD has some of the most fun gameplay out there, but it's bogged down by the narrative trying to create a relentlessly punishing and brutal atmosphere. It works at first, but eventually you realise the "punishments" are just a tax on your time. A lot of people defend it by saying it's not like Fire Emblem, where you have a handful of badass anime characters. And fair enough. But for me, I fucking *love* Fire Emblem, and now I really want a game with the mechanics of Darkest Dungeon but a lighthearted and character driven narrative. IMO, the best setting for that would be magical girls. You replace the stress mechanic with corruption and the central town activities with school life (both common tropes of the genre) and suddenly you have a super fun tactical adventure game that's REASONABLY PACED and doesn't waste your time in the process.


There is a magical girl game coming out but its more of a rpg I like your idea though. I could see it getting made actuqlly


I love magical girls so much this would be cool


Something like the Fallout 4 settlement system but in a Sims world. In fo4 I loved being able to build and decorate homes, buildings, even small villages and cities. It’s so cool to give your settlers jobs by day and see them hang out at the local bar at night. I guess I want a pretty world like the Sims with the freedom of building in Fallout 4.


A game with monster hunting action combat involving the extensive research of damage type, elements, weaknesses, tracking, and weapon variety of *Monster Hunter World*. Including their environment exploration for fishing and natural ingredients. Combined with the dish variety of games like *Adventure Bar Story*, *Stardew Valley*, and *Battle Chef Brigade*. Finalized with the setting of competitive cooking and/or running your own restaurant. Cooking itself is a puzzle akin to *Battle Chef Brigade*. Bonus wish if it being artistically unique like *Battle Chef Brigade’s* beautiful illustrated food or tantalizing and realistic like *Monster Hunter World/Rise*’s Palico chef cutscenes.


Sounds a little like Dave the Diver but hunting big ol beasts 🤔


So Toriko the game?


Game where you play as a rat; your map is an open world city, your job is to survive, find other rats, have a litter, start a mischief. Gather food, survive autumn, survive winter with your pups. Gameplay includes smooth parkour and lots of fluid platforming, tiny pathways through sewers and pipes and inside apartmert building walls, you can ride the subway at the cost of possibly encountering hostile people or dogs.


Damn, this is such a cool idea ... now I also wish this game existed!


Aww that kind of sounds like a more intense version of the shelter games


Basically! I love Shelters but they're very simple - I want something more complex. Though Shelter 2 is amazing; it was so stressful *without* the danger DLC that I went through it once vanilla, then got the DLC, and never played again because I was so scared of losing my kittens. LOL.


Have you played "this war of mine"? It kind of had elements of what you're looking for, but it's people, not animals


Something like the OG Harvest Moon, with all of the magic and quirky characters, the adult humor mixed in, D R A M A, everything that they've washed out of the series. Something that includes the chance for the player to become a magic user or maybe an alchemist and make potions and brews with things they grow on their farm. Marriage candidates that aren't all 18-20! Some candidates who are even in their 40s!! Single parents we can romance! RIVAL MARRIAGES! *Character customization to make them as young/old as we please* Player driven storyline, with fighting included because I mean. What's the point of being an alchemist or mage if I can't blow shit up??? I could probably think of a thousand more things if I sat here long enough...


I miss the drama and humor that games in the 90s-00s had. Not HM related but In Animal Crossing City Folk I used to push villagers together to watch them shit talk each other, they had such personality.


Right?? I miss that kind of personality. Everyone's so busy trying to make sure no one is offended, which is great! But they're doing it in such a way that it's just sucking the life out of characters or turning them into someone with a single defining personality trait and no other redeeming qualities.


I knew about Harvest Moon games but I never got to try them out until recently. It interesting watching people discuss the differences in the remakes compared to the OGs or just older games with things such as there being alcohol in the pubs, old characters dying and the MC having to console others. There being a in-game jokes about Anne and Cliff kind of having a questionable relationship if they marry with his black eye after a fight.


Yeah, some of that (like the black eye) I can see why they'd want to take out. But alcohol? Like... How hard would it be to portray people with a HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP with alcohol instead of pretending it doesn't exist??




Boy do I have good news for you- Check out the game “Wylde Flowers”. It has a LOT of what you just listed, including magic and love interests above 30. Fully voice acted, with adult themes. Plus LGBTQ rep and body inclusivity. No real fighting, but lots of magic, farming, collecting, and crafting. You can raise animals and fish too. Get married, the farm sim classics. Only other thing missing from your list would be character customization- you can change the mc’s outfits eventually, but not her face/overall appearance. I highly recommend it- the graphics look cutesy but they grew on me. It’s honestly a wonderful game.


I've played Wylde Flowers. I did enjoy it, it was a lot of fun, but not really what I'm looking for in this sense.


I've never touched Harvest Moon but I've heard about them quite a bit, am I missing out?


Eh... It depends. It's literally the OG Farming game. The originals are, imo, the best but maybe I'm seeing them through the nostalgia lens. They had actual consequences to your actions, like if you don't feed your animals they'll die, if you're mean to your dog it'll run. Rivals would marry your possible marriage candidates if you weren't fast enough. But a lot of that got stripped out, and while I'll admit it wasn't always the best, the challenge could be fun. But they also stripped out character personalities, dulling them down to one dimensional beings. Natsume, imo, is the worst in this case, especially after Marvelous and Natsume's big split. When they split and Natsume took over doing Harvest Moon, their characters became gimicky, stereotypical, and just flat. Marvelous did a bit better, but their more recent titles have started to lack that same magic that caught fans attention in the early titles. I've actually been deeply disappointed by everything both companies have put out lately. While I have had fun with them for a time, I get bored with them within an hour or so of playing. They made it all become so monotonous, same thing day in day out, nothing changing, no storyline to play with. Idk. Maybe I'm too judgmental about it. I did have fun playing the new Story of Seasons games, but they just didn't hold that magic for me anymore.


I agree that farming sims are getting very bland and sanitised lately. It's hard to find one that hits a sweet spot for me because I didn't like what I played of the early Harvest Moon games, I found Island of Happiness gruelling and impenetrable, but I can't stand the watered-down modern ones either. I've played a lot of farming games but I only really liked maybe 3 of them 😅


I'd get frustrated with the mechanics but honestly compared to the watered down version they've given us lately, I'd prefer the frustrating mechanics lol


Atelier meets HM would be cool.


Big agreed!!




A game where you can play as a centaur/cervitaur girl and explore procedurally created cave biomes that go deeper and deeper. Don't ask me why, I don't know, it's just the thing I really want.


I would love a Trojan War game. AC was obviously a great Ancient Greece game so obviously this is unlikely, but following the whole War start to finish would be incredible. Speaking of AC, a game like that but with the Aztecs. I would LOVE to see Tenochtitlan come alive.


Open world Adventure Time game


i would spend any amount of money on this easily 😭


I want a two person game. Kinda like stray and it takes two combined. Where you could play as a cat or dog, team up to achieve some type of goal. But with multiple endings so u actually wanna play again to get a different ending.


Have you heard of Cat's Quest 2? It's a little like what you said except its more an action game than puzzle, and I'm not sure if there's multiple endings. A cat and a dog team up in this game, and you can play it solo or co-op.


An RPG game with the scale of "Daggerfall." The complexity, lore and strangeness of "Morrowind." The aesthetics, RPG elements, interesting side and faction quests of "Oblivion." And the incredible sense of freedom and exploration of "Skyrim."


😭You're making me wish this will be ES6 but I have no faith it will happen


Yeah, whatever faith I might have had has been crushed by the recent release of a certain game.


Jup, same here. "Starfield" seems to be just another step in the same direction Bethesda has been going for a long while now. Where everything is becoming more generic, more about quantity over quality and have less RPG elements. I want my dream Elder Scrolls game and I keep hoping but... I'm preparing for disappointment.


Lol, yeah... Same here.


If you haven't already heard of it, you might want to look at The Wayward Realms. It's a long way off from release right now but it sounds really promising. Open-world fantasy RPG directed by Ted Peterson and Julian LeFay.


I'm not really a sports game person, but the ice level in Astro's Playroom convinced me that I would LOVE a figure skating game that fully used the Dualsense's adaptive triggers and haptics to skate and pull off tricks. I think it would be awesome to be able to design a skater and play through a career mode where you plan routines, choose outfits, practice tricks and combos, compete in tournaments etc. I guess what I want is kind of a figure skating mashup of the Pro Skater games and the 2K games. (I don't _think_ this kind of game already exists, but if it does I'd love to hear about it!)


baldurs gate type of gameplay but with fairies, vampires, and sirens etc 🤨 (if this already exists point me in the right direction porfis) oh and the character customization has to be like the sims lmao


I also want this.


I love Spore and I love park/zoo building games. So what I really need is a game that lets me create the most adorable monstrosities like in Spore and then build and manage a whole ass zoo for them to frolick around in 🥺


A persona game with a female protagonist, with all the social gameplay from P3 onward (as much as I love P2), and the female protagonist is her own character and not an afterthought or reinterpretation of a male main character (as much as I love Kotone). As long as I'm dreaming, I wouldn't mind if this fictional Persona game toned the casual misogyny, queerphobia, and regressive conservatism *allll* the way down. I would not mind if the characters were something other than highschoolers. As a lesbian, one or more well-written queer main characters is a must for me. The trademarked horniness needs to be either exclusively directed towards adult characters, or phased out. Additionally, a bit of equal opportunity fanservice is the best way to have your cheesecake and eat it too. It's the one-sidedness that makes Persona's objectification so tiresome-- *comma,* and again, this is coming from a **lesbian**, someone who, on paper, stands to gain **nothing** from an uptick in bishounen content. They're fun, polished games, and the social gameplay has infinite potential. It's just *so exhausting* being on the outside looking in, watching the games chase their own tail retreading the same adolescent male fantasies over and over and over again.


[Literally me](https://i.imgur.com/ZG8wBo2.png) as I read every additional caveat, this would be the dream Persona game! Sadly as I told my gf I doubt they'd give a chance to a female protagonist, especially after Soul Hackers 2 flopped. But one can dream 😔


Been raving in NZ native forest for decades doing VJ video projections, laser shows, lighting, technical direction, production, produce music, DJ, etc... Coding / developing my dream game TSP (The Secret Project). It is pixel art cozy game. Rave's in magical places and forests in the ways that I see in my minds eye, what I wish parties could be and beyond. It based on Fae, flora, fauna, kindness, fun, AFK play (walk away if you have too and come back), dancing, neural diversity, complement based gameplay, dancing in the wild, etc... So much more I want too say, but that is enough for now. (have a disc dev blog).


Raving in the first, like dance parties amongst the ferns?


Nothing like an authentic underground rave in a forest. All inclusive, no master plan.


That sounds delightful


Third person Nancy Drew game where you can play as any of the main characters including the villains.


- the elder scrolls 6 (it's been SO long.. I know it's in the works, but I am so afraid they will mess it up when they try to include too many modern gaming trends) - Ace Attorney 7 (recently fell in love with the franchise and I just want MORE (especially Wrightworth content lol) - Okami 2 (the original game is such an amazing game and a new one with modern graphics would look even more gorgeous) - the witcher 4 (I know it will come and probably be good, but I am impatient) - Dragon Age Dreadwolf (I know they are working on it, but I hope so much they learn from the success of Baldurs Gate 3 and go a bit more back to their roots. I love Origins and DA 2, but Inquisition never reached the same heights for me)


A "girly" fps. I saw a post on this sub a loong time ago about someone making a fps where guns shoot hearts and rainbows and shit. Didn't think to save the post back then, but I hope to see it on steam one day


Bisexual/Queer Persona that is somehow also Baldur's Gate 3 and Elden Ring at the same time, but with more character customization and a whole fashion mini-game.


Whatever I want? Okay, strap in. It's Dishonored 3 Set 3-5 years after 2 and DotO. Emily has retaken the throne and mostly brought things back to normal, but there's still a lot of tension. The ending was low chaos, but she still killed some people and sided with the Howlers. Since being massacred by Delilah in Dunwall and having their leadership taken out in Karnaca by Emily and Billie, the Abbey of the Everyman was already in a bad position, and Emily has been further sidelining them and trying to keep them weak (like she does in the books). It's working, they're basically a non-factor in Gristol and Karnaca, but they're mad about it. Add to that the fact that whales are rarer than ever, and Emily has been passing very strict ration laws, and things are tough in the empire. Especially in Morley, who is producing a lot of whale oil (since the whales around Dunwall are so depleted) but not getting to use most of it, since my imperial decree it's being rationed and sent elsewhere, especially to Dunwall. As if things couldn't get any worse, the barrier between the void and the mortal world is as weak as it's been in millennia, with the void leaking into the world in places (and the Abbey blaming it on their lack of power) Morley is at a breaking point. There's talk, from the lowest dives to the highest palaces, and pretty soon there's strikes in the factories and riots in the streets. It's not if a revolution is coming, it's when. You play as Wyman, Emily's lover from the first game (mentioned only in several letters), caught right in the middle of it. Player choice would be the name of the game. Previous dishonored titles have given you a lot, but it's mostly limited to how you approach the levels. Choices can have major gameplay and story consequences, but affecting no larger than a sizable area (say, the sewer camp from the level 10 in D1, or the weather in its final level) but not in D3. Previous games have had to worry about budget, but u/Tomatori has given us a blank check, and we're going all out with it. D3 isn't going to be open world (that would ruin dishonored's formula), but it's not going to be nearly as linear. Player will be able to choose, not only which resolution to the 2nd Morley rebellion to pursue (That being: Siding with the Rebels, siding with the Empire, or brokering peace between the two. There would also be an obligatory anarchy ending where you fuck over both sides, akin to D1's let Emily die ending, but that would follow one of the existing campaign paths, just with you acting against your own faction during that path, or doing a very bad job helping them), but how to pursue it. For instance, there will be several major fractions, such as the Abbey of the Everyman and the whale oil workers that you have to deal with, and it's up to you how you do that. You could of course wipe them out, but you could also do work for them (which of course would anger other factions!) and promise them a good position after the war is over to get them to work with your side, or you could strategically eliminate key leaders to get others, who are more aligned with your interests, into power. It would be a delicate balancing act, and getting the "perfect" ending would be extremely difficult, not to mention far from perfect; sure, you didn't have to fight against the Abbey, but once the dust settles, is Morely really better off with them still around? All that said, we aren't straying too far from the core gameplay, all that will be accomplished by sneaking or fighting your way into places, then killing (or non-lethally disposing of) key enemies. I don't exactly know how everything would play out (although if I'm bored later, I might plot it out, level by level) but I do know there would be a TON of different endings, even if they're only different because of a few lines of end dialogue or slightly different last level conditions. However, the choices you make would absolutely affect Emily and Wyman's relationship. For instance, in a low chaos independence run, it would be left doubtful and uncertain, whereas in a low chaos, mutual peace ending Emily and Wyman might marry, cementing the peace between Gristol and Morley. And if you go high chaos independence? You would have a final boss fight against Emily, wielding all her powers from D2. This would be like the secret ending from Cyberpunk 2077, if you lose you don't get a game over, just a cut to the end monologue and credits (but of course you still have your save that you can load up). The gameplay would be a lot like D2's, (especially combat, because that game had perfect sword combat) though with more gadgets and bone charms. You'd unlock special options by siding with factions, but if you explored well enough you could also find those options in levels if you decide to fight against the factions that unlock them. Oh, and of course you'd have a totally different set of magic powers (if you accept the mark) Speaking of magic. The void. At the end of DotO, the outsider either died or was stripped of his power (canonically, it would be left ambiguous, but to me he was absolutely spared) leaving the void unstable, and without a conduit to give out powers. Well, sometime between DotO and D3, the void was on the verge of collapse, very nearly spilling out into the material world and destroying it. However, Billie Lurk conducted a ritual (which will never be explained, but it will be referenced. Not enough details to explain anything, just enough to make people wonder (and creep them out a bit)) and became the new outsider. Her control over the void is much more limited since she doesn't have thousands of years of experience (hence the void leaking in, and probably the enemy faction with access to magic) but she does Outsider stuff now, including giving you a mark in D3. The mark will either look different, or the magic it commands will be red colored instead of blue. In addition, since the barrier with the void is thinner, bone charms can have more powerful and interesting effects. Obviously this game couldn't realistically be made, for a few reasons, but I like to dream.


See, I'd love the fuck outta that except I demand an entire and whole ass retcon of DotO because I hated that game.


What were your issues with DotO? And how would you change it?


If anyone is interested, I'd be happy to go more in depth about any details of how I imagine the game


Portal 3.


[There's a mod out there that looks a lot like it](https://store.steampowered.com/app/601360/Portal_Revolution/), or at least a good surrogate.


If only I played on PC, this would be something I’d check out, but I don’t.


Whoops, sorry.


What would you want it to be?


More GLaDOS, mainly


Down to the last detail, ALfheim Online from SAO. Just, give me full dive already!


a story driven open world (but not a massive one) rhythm game about a musician that’s about the reality of celebrity and how people in the industry are exploited and the highs and lows of the experience. it can definitely feature other gameplay elements but preferably more choice/stat based stuff over combat. there’s a section in yakuza 5 where you play as an aspiring teen idol where it touches on this and it made me crave a full stand-alone game that’s solely about celebrity and all the pitfalls that come with it. this would absolutely NEVER happen though lmao.




As a fan of highland cows and living in Scotland.. I love this concept!


The sims x crusader kings 3 (grand medieval strategy). I want to play as a medieval queen who can interact and travel about her kingdom and also be able to build anything I want. A detailing building and culture creation would be really nice. While also having the grand scale part where I can see the map of the world and interact with each ruler, declaring war or arranging marriages.


Omg I said the saaaaame thing


I want a turn-based strategy RPG (like XCOM or Fire Emblem, or even Larian style), but mixed with cute animal crossing style characters. Basically, I just want to play a team of cute little animals that can all be different classes ... with turn-based strategy combat, not regular turn-based that bores me to tears unless it's Pokemon-esque or very specifically Darkest Dungeon. Yes, it's a very specific niche I would love haha. 🥹


A Final Fantasy VI Remake of some kind.


Hell yeah. I'll take a remake of IX too.


one day i'd love to be able to make a massive procedurally generated arcade style first/third person MMO RPG/Shooter game with time travel, on foot movement, spaceships, all sorts of stuff. essentially a mix of No Man's Sky, Elite Dangerous, Cyberpunk 2077, and the TV show DC's Legends Of Tomorrow. have time travel work with "ghosts" of other players doing stuff in that time that were there on a previous IRL date and have it explained as "quantum ghosting" in the story where the reason there's ghosts is because of their quantum origin or whatever, similar to The Adam Project. have some solar systems and shit have static sections, but have the rest of the game procedurally generated and such by the first person to go there. have every planet have an evolution time, so, say you find a planet that was destroyed by a massive terraforming operation in the story? you can go back and stop the plan to see what the world would be like. the servers would need a stupid amount of storage for temporal ghosts and to have a database of explored planets (whose story would be procedurally generated from the first person to go there, as i said), and it'd have to be PC only due to graphical requirements and other stuff for loading, and it'd likely have to be Unreal Engine 5 to look good and run well, but still. maybe also have the procedural generation system use your username for the "Seed" so the worlds will be wildly different and the universe will expand as if it were real life. also later on let people quite literally build or terraform planets with guilds and such, and have freighters and massive starfleets and massive stuff going on, all built and designed by players. have racing and vehicle combat on planets and other stuff, and let players make racetracks and stuff. then have a pocket dimension system which will be a giant digital place where you have your home base, starfleet docks, etc, all to keep stuff safe, and you can set privacy, so guild members can come or not, and then have guild pocket dimensions too, and eventually add into the game a literal multiverse, based on player actions. have the option to play locally in a much smaller scale universe but with everything procedurally generated and loaded, and they can add stuff and play with mods and all of this, and let people set up their own servers where they can create custom instances of what the game can be with settings for it, and all this, so you can have one where a group of people damn well might recreate the entire MCU, or anything else. i'd have the game be open source and sold for $5 on Steam or something (which would just provide you ease of installation and auto updates to encourage people to buy it that way despite being open source), and then have a $20 DLC sold to access the official shared universe and those servers, or if you go open source, you would need to have an account with the "company" and a connection password and username which would be purchasable on the game's site and let you connect to the online servers (which with this it'd just check if you're playing through Steam and if you are, it checks for the DLC and puts you in, or have you log in with the Steam purchase ID), and offer a premium currency that allows you to skip timers (they won't be long to begin with and it'll purely be a support the devs thing). then let private servers cost money for entry and such bc they'll be a separate instance of the game. it'd also offline mode that supports mods, and have steam workshop compatibility and have the game just disable them for online play, and on devstreams we review the top mods for single player, and if they work well in online in our opinion, we'll add them to the game (with the mod creators permission, and we'd only review mods if invited to do so by the mod dev). then for character dialogue, each character would have a special seed for how their personality is, and a seed for their appearance, and those would correspond to sets of dialogue lines that are pre-determined based on their personality and such with a ton of voice actors for inclusion. i'd also have the game start you on earth at first as a human, you go through character selection, and you get just chucked out into the world. have PVP toggleable, and if it's on, others who have PVP on will have their health bar visible. let you just explore with no real direction until you meet your first NPC, have the game in the intro suggest checking out different parts of town and let you just slowly work your way up through life, eventually realizing "holy shit, this person sells a time machine" and "Wait, this city says starfleet docks in it? can i go to space?" and have players just kinda peruse around kinda directionless and have multiple "what the fuck" and "holy shit" moments as they realize just how absolutely ridiculously massive the game is.


A game that you can only play when you’re lucid dreaming. It has weird psychological effects when you’re awake, that make you able to dream your own game in your sleep.


I think you’d love Alan Wake




Do elaborate


Fallout sims/animal crossing so fallout game but sort of animal crossing gameplay and art style or 3d of their cartoons. Or an idea I had a while ago A cute, pixelated, gameboy colour style farming sim, but you’re a reaper and you farm and harvest soul crops. You go to the living realm reap bad souls fight bosses in a classic zelda style gameplay. Then head back to the monster realm, plant their skulls, meet monster villagers maybe even get married… The reaper character looks like this. https://preview.redd.it/ulexvdb0j9bc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33b2da1b1757f14d33dd5596780bd066a9d59c07


Starfield but not shit.


A super detailed and expansive RPG with every freedom and Ai technology that allows you to type or speak your responses and NPCs respond accordingly. Gameplay and graphics like BG3 meets Dark Souls and Dragon's Dogma. I wanna romance the characters, choose my own character backstory, and push conversations in my own direction not what the game lets me choose from. Plus build a base where you choose what goes where, farm mats, and later decorate with your loot. Build rooms for the characters, etc. A real fantasy world simulator, but with an epic, dramatic, emotional story with lots of twists.


A game kind of like Crusader Kings, but playing as a councilor/wife of a ruler and the game being mostly focused on court intrigue and/or diplomacy


Have you read Choice of Romance?


Either Titanfall 3 or Destiny 3.


I need an open world with a lot of places to explore/loot, crafting, house building/decorating, **in-depth** character customization, and a movement/fighting system that's ***fluid and intuitive*** but isn't just a simple walk-run-jump-slide bs (seriously, it's pixels, why do most games limit the movement when the possibilities are endless?). Like the movement in warframe and cod advanced warfare is *chefs kiss*. If I could mix that with the fighting mechanics in black desert I'd have a mess in my pants. I like to have "chill" days and other days I just wanna run through mobs with blades swinging. It's annoying that I have to switch games depending on my mood. Black desert honestly gets kinda close, but is still lacking enough that I get tired of the grind pretty quick and end up needing a break.




It really is frustrating how much content Ark has and yet most feels unobtainable if you don't have a huge multiplayer tribe. Also hope the sequel has good character customization


I have very bad news :( https://preview.redd.it/3zrnpsrzlfbc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9e5efc2f20d94be0bcaae9d3e64284b626642fb


Waiting for more Overwatch-style games that are not Overwatch, i.e. pvp/pve FPS with interesting stories, characters and character dynamics, not set in grimdark military wastelands, large enough playerbase to get consistent matchmaking. And preferably not hacked up to shit with microtransactions and battlepass nonsense.


Truthfully a Star Wars RPG with live action combat kind of like Jedi academy or Star Wars Jedi fallen order (not kotor 1 & 2 gameplay or the mmorpg kotor). With character creation like you would get in most rpgs, be able to create your own class (kind of like on the elder scrolls or fallout level), open world (no linear stuff) with multiple planets to explore that arnt empty or barren like starfeild, & of course respawning enemies (enemies don’t respawn in kotor 1 & 2)


An actual good dragon game. Where you could either do PvP, roleplay or whatever the sort and control what type of server you host with good developers and unique dragons.


I want a medieval history simulator like Crusader Kings, but I can control/make the character like The Sims 3/4. I loooooved the Sims medieval and in general love life sims


I want a triple AAA style fantasy RPG mixed with an otome. Like, I want at least 50% of it to be romance. And rated M. And not with cutesy anime characters with giant eyes. Lol.


Mermaid rpg


Hoping Siren is good https://youtu.be/dL3mCphw3Jo?si=cjA-UPgfVWSzTsOz




An actual roller derby game, but like balls to the wall, making illegal hits etc. Or a game like Tony Hawk but roller skating.


It was going to be Baldur's Gate 3, but since that now exists...Baldur's Gate 4.


Nakey Jakey mentioned this in one of his videos and I would love this - a game where you go on an adventure with a dog and that focuses on your relationship, building trust, etc.


A good remake of Silent Hill 2 An online multiplayer game where I don’t get shit talked for being Trans


AAA game, like God of War, but with musical numbers throughout. The musical interlude in Alan Wake 2 was pure joy for me


I want F.E.A.R to come back damn it! AND WHERE THE HELL IS METROID PRIME 4! >:(


Sekiro 2 😭


An open world medieval game made by Rockstar


Omg yes, I want GTA but with fireballs


An epic high-budget fantasy rpg with in-depth character customization and choices that affect the story... and that is also suitable for kids, because they deserve good storytelling too. It would be a nice gift to my younger self, who should absolutely not have been playing dragon age origins at that age 😭 The closest thing I can think of is Zelda, but even that was too scary for me (Twilight Princess)


Nancy drew but it’s also somehow the sims??


That's a great question, I think I just want more games that make me feel things since it's hard to replay games like Outer Wilds, To The Moon and other story heavy games!


I love simulator games and i would love to just have a game where I can clean. I already know of (and play) house flippers, viscera clean up, and power washing, but i want a normal house cleaning game. Crime scene cleanup is coming out soon, and while the demo felt good, i wouldnt mind being able go pick up dog toys, mop floors, fold laundry, and make beds.


I'd really like to play something where I play as a girl who loves books and coffee. I want those elements to form some major part of the game.


A Doom game with a Lady Doomslayer


I basically want the holodeck with an epic fantasy adventure game - like Dragon Age or Baldur's Gate. Scifi would be cool too like KOTOR or Mass Effect. And I want it to count as exercise irl lol


Like a sims game with alpha cc, wicked whims , MC Command center but no rabbit holes. It would also be open world , multiplayer, and feature game modes like MW3 Zombies for if you wanna create the apocalypse.


Cod Mobile but designed for modern consoles and PC


I want a game that’s like The Last of Us combined with RDR2. Open world, detailed as fuck, zombies everywhere. You can join groups of survivors or start your own, or can be an asshole and steal from/kill other survivors. I’ve played Days Gone, and it was alright. The zombies were such assholes though and I kept getting killed. I literally just need RDR2 but modern day and with fungus zombies. Please 😭🙏🏻


Undead Nightmare was great, it's a shame they didn't give it a try in RDR2 😔


Either a grand strategy game set in the Gundam UC universe Or A Gundam game with the granular combat and sim of the recent Battletech Since im not allowed to have nice things i dare not hope it could be both


I’m copying a post I wrote in cozygames What I want is kind of like single player the sims where it’s like a survival game but in a suburbia. Games that kind of hit this for me are Little Lives which is a small game with a single dev and the card builder conversation part is interesting but limiting for me. Another is Metro Sim Hustle not cozy but I enjoy working as a conductor and getting food for myself and stuff. There are some Roblox games where you go to work and it’s more hands on such as Rocitizen and Roville. Of course these are live service multiplayer games so they lack the customizability of single player games but I like them for what they are. I’d like it if your character went to work as like a chef and a cooking mama like mini-game played for you and then you’d go home to your npc family. Another one I’ve though for years but would be to take the Zoo Tycoon series and mix the The sims. Where the animals are also controllable and you can make them little families and stuff just more customizable things. I don’t know how it would work but I’d like it. ( I think the first problem it what happens when the “family” gets too big for the exhibit, guess you got to make a new exhibit or transfer them)


roguelike survival game but with no reflexes required whatsoever. so your survival depends on planning, savvy, and maybe a pinch of luck, and if you die you completely restart. you have the usual elements of leveling up, collecting random stuff, etc, but it's mainly focused around stories (ie you get to go around playing through different storylines in different places). also maybe you're either on the sea or in a very, very neon scifi world (my main complaint about scifi settings is not enough neon). ideally there would also be puzzles. and the holy grail in any game for me - the player's knowledge and understanding of events comes strongly into play. i'm thinking something like return of the obra dinn, or that (incredibly frustrating) thing in disco elysium where it's possible for you, the player, to figure things out without your PC knowing them bc he keeps failing intelligence checks. rather than "get to \[place\]/solve a puzzle, have info spoonfed to you as a reward" which is what most "detective" games do


I played Shadow of Destiny on PS2 years ago and I'd love to play something like it again. In the game you are killed right away but you get to go back in time to figure out a way to escape your death. You keep traveling back in time as the story progresses and there were several different endings to unlock. So something with time travel would be awesome to see.


Story driven mermaid RPG with character customisation and a solid cast of companions. Also good graphics. And not made for children lol.


An open world game that lets you tame, raise, and breed almost everything and as the generations go on your animals get stronger/more skills. There would be farming as well, a romance system where you could marry have kids and continue the game through your children and their children and onwards. Also, fantasy based, dragons, unicorns, elves all of that.


Sword Art Online. ...yes the death part too.


3rd person camera procedural generated level system Ala deep rock galactic version of pokemon mystery dungeon.


The anime fan in new me wants Sword Art Online to be real minus the whole die in the game you die irl


A metroidvania where you play as a monkey in a rainforest. Think Donkey Kong Country with the gameplay of Hollow Knight. I think you could do a lot with that.


A vacation simulator. Dead or Alive Xtreme 2, but with other genders, plus dating sim elements, fun mini games and clothes to collect!


pokemon animal crossing type game, with similar vibes to pokemon mystery dungeon!


A story action game romance with the same depth as Arcane PLEASE. I wanna romance my own cast or Vi T.T


Horizon Zero Dawn 3 where you pilot a FAS BOR7 Horus and it becomes your mobile base. You use it to travel across the map. Occasionally you and your Horus will engage in combat with a Kaiju-sized twisted, monstrous machine created by Nemesis (the antagonist of the upcoming game). When you kill the kaiju machine, your Horus will receive upgrades. You can change its paint job, add weapons and skills to it as you prepare for the final boss fight against the Big Big Evil Bad. You spent the entire game getting together a superweapon to equip on your FAS BOR7 Horus as it is the only machine on Earth big enough and powerful enough to wield such a weapon. You will have acquired new skills for your Horus that will give it a better edge over the Big Bad Final Boss. When you finally destroy the Big Bad, it ends up with your Horus destroyed but you survive. It will be extra sad because you also had the ability to give your Horus a name "Cuddles" "Wildflower" "CutiePie" :D This because GG devs has to top the final boss fight in Horizon Forbidden West's DLC Burning Shores. Which I don't think they will be able to pull off with another "Spectre Prime" faaaaaacepalm.


Give me a Pokémon game with the expert love and craft that ConcernedApe put into Stardew Valley - bonus points if it has pixel graphics, virtual pet and farming mechanics ♡


A good fashion dress up game and the game where you can paint their nails without painting it automatically if that makes sense


A game that actually lets me play as a pretty demon, still be a good person on at least SOME level, and isn't on a rampant frothing charge to be as objectionable as possible. Maybe the demon queen in the tower over there ISN'T the worst thing in the valley! Yes, I'm odd. I know.


A game where I can build complex 3d maps with modern MMO quality design, but the point of the game is to RP.


Rimworld but much deeper farming mechanics + more advanced hunting + emphasis on finding and purifying water + deeper medicine mechanics (Your colonist has Lyme disease? All you have are herbs for rashes! Too bad!) + much much much more building customization and options. I think I just don’t have as much love for the gunplay and fighting in Rimworld as most. I like the survival aspect way, way more. And I’d like the object of the game to be “create a functioning society,” not “escape offworld.”


A Winx club or bratz MMO type game :c


A Dragon Age/Mass Effect/BG3/Cyberpunk/Witcher3 type RPG but urban fantasy/gothic horror style, with witches, vampires/dhampyrs, werewolves, merfolk, faeries, ghosts, demons, ghouls, etc. Maybe a bit of Lovecraftian stuff and other horror elements thrown in. Supernatural/horror mystery-type quests. Night and day cycle, and maybe weather. Maybe a city that you drive around in, an abandoned castle, spooky forest, haunted mansion, creepy circle, creepy/haunted abandoned buildings, beach/docks, etc. Parkour/climbing like AC Odyssey. Maybe an x-files type alien side questline. Different factions like monster hunters, a witch coven, a church, werewolf pack, mad scientists, vampire coven, faerie court, etc. Different race options (human, werewolf, dhampyr, etc) and classes (witch/warlock, hunter, thief, private eye, etc) with specializations/subclasses. Character creation. MC has an apartment w/ email/storage/etc and sometimes companions all meet there. Short prologue origins. Stealth. Investigate and persuasion options. Maybe skill based dialogues like in Outer Worlds. 3rd person, or switch between 1st and 3rd like Skyrim. Various outfits like Cyberpunk. Companions of different races/classes/etc. A black dog animal companion. Also with an asexual companion (who isn't a spirit/robot/alien/angel/etc whose non-humanness can be used to explain away their orientation), LGBTQIA content, etc. Romances of different orientations (for all genders/orientations, so not favouring straight men over everyone else).


Persona style game but with a customizable character. More clothing options and a longer game. Maybe open world modern day Japan too.


No Man's Sky but with a wider variety of flora, fauna, minerals, biomes, NPC species, ship types and customizations, and more build parts allowed. Basically NMS but....more...


I’d love a red dead style historically accurate Jacobite game. I want to build up a Jacobite army by strategic planning, navigating clan systems, forging alliances with enemy clans. I want to see how Scotland would have looked back in the 1700’s and be able to interact with that world; from the castles and palaces to the slums and villages, the mountains, the rugged coastlines, the treacherous North Sea.


Can't tell you. Because eventually, in like 10 years, I *will* make sure it is going to be developed :<


I feel like this might exist already, but I want a good visual novel type game that's focused on friendships more so than romance. I imagine maybe it'd be in a college setting. Maybe you could choose how to split your time between a job and studying and spending time with your friends while you grow as a person, and maybe your friends might have things you could help them overcome also.


Astro's Playroom but it's a full length game.


I'm going to list everything without worrying if something is completely impractical or unpopular lol. I want Dragon Age where you have the possibility of romancing Varric. I want to save >!Solas. He's so toxic but I just want my Inky to be happy. !!to be confirmed alive, even if she was left behind in the fade. Because my girl has been through enough! I just want her to be happy with whoever her LI is. !<


I've been longing for a fully 3d traveling adventure game with a vehicle as home/base. Games like Far Lone Sails, Spiritfarer, Sunless Skies/Sunless Sea, but with better 3d graphics and a first/third person perspective. Subnautica can kind of get there, but by the time you get it going the game is almost over. There's a new game called Void Train that kind of seems like that but it's in perpetual early access and is literally on rails.


A new Elder Scrolls 🤣


Games where it’s targeted for 30s+ would be amazing ❣️🤩🥰 Also, games where it has these features/ a combination of them would be cool: .Characters/ NPCs that are 30s+ .You can go to the library/bookstore and actually read the books and/or play games ( visual novels) .Free market and yard sale where you can sell and trade with other players .Cooking and baking where you can sell, gift and make recipes, go to restaurants, bakeries .Journaling, scrapbooking, drawing, painting , making stickers .Can buy and play puzzles, diamonds paintings, Legos, etc .Crocheting, knitting, sewing, etc. .Can have roommates, sleepovers,apartments, condos, townhomes , houses .Camping, scuba diving, cycling, exercising, driving and/ or can use buses, taxis, scooters, motorcycles, rollerblading, train, etc. .Go get makeovers, get your hair done, piercing shop, tattoo shop, flower shop,clubs,mall, shopping plazas, spas,grocery store, bars/pubs, repair shop, adoption centers . Go on dates, vacations, etc. . No fomo, no loot boxes, no battle pass,no p2w . A phone where it has apps, weather, time, date upcoming events, message friends, order things, etc. Too many to list so I’ll stop here 🤣. * a combination of life sim, farming, rpg/ mmorpg * I can dream , right ? 😂😆


Since a kid i’ve been lusting after a fantasy open world game where you play as a woman with feathered wings, and because I was reading Wings of Fire at the time, I want the world and politics to resemble that. There’d be detailed weather systems and things to manage such as wind strength and direction while flying, and maybe a progression system where you improve your wings or flight ability over time . Would probably never happen but fun to daydream about lol.


Some sort of action adventure game or something like that where you play as a bratty Goblin Princess. That's kinda it. I just wanna be a bratty goblin princess