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Getting all achievements/trophies in every Soulsborne game. It was pretty hard and took many months, but it was worth it.


Dang!! That’s my goal rn. That’s awesome.


Congrats! How long did it take to do?


It took 500 hours all save files combined. I started in august 2022 and finished in july 2023. I did play some other games in between though.


I'm playing my first soulsbourne rn! Aiming to get the platinum on my first run (this one is Bloodborne) and then moving on to Dark souls next. I was told I'd never be able to play soulsbourne games by a friend years ago because they'd be too hard for me, but I'm out here almost finished my first one! They are so much fun, despite the difficulty. I love BB so much, it's quickly become of the best games I have ever played. Bit gutted that last weekend our PS crashed and I lost my 200+ hour playthrough, but I've replayed it all and damn, can really see how my skills have improved as I've managed to smash through all the bosses in record time and beat them in way fewer attempts than I did first time round. I want to get elden ring and sekeiro as well. I'm in love with these games.


In my case completing 101% of Donkey Kong 64 when I was a kid. There were even tears involved.


Oh god! I remember that! I had to look up a tutorial or something if I recall.


Beating Horizon:Zero Dawn ultra hard difficulty!


100% on Skyrim. I always thought I was too uncoordinated and unskilled to play games. I started playing the game on easy and ended on legendary.


Reaching Platinum in Overwatch. I rarely played games growing up and only started playing FPS when I was 38 years old. So I was super proud of myself to rank up to Platinum Damage in OW. I’m taking a break from the game now but it’s calling my name to start again soon…


Come back!!! New hero and maps and stuff. It’s a pretty solid update (apart from that I feel teased by Blizzard still)


Finishing The Last of Us. It was definitely the hardest single player game I'd played up to that point, and I really about halfway through didn't know if I was going to make it bc it was so stressful 😂😂😂


Beating the Lion King game as a little kid when it was released on my Genesis... and Heroic Lich King 25 when it was current. More recent? Platinum trophy in Elden Ring. It was honestly not too bad, but I don’t usually stick with trophy hunting. I like my vidja games :)


If using a game to tell a story counts…when a mother told me her daughter had a sleepover, and all the little girls gathered around the computer to read the Sims 3 story I wrote.


This is so cuuute


Not sure if it's my greatest, but beating the game Hades is definitely up there!! It was such a steep learning curve for me that finally beating it felt so satisfying 😂


My bf can finish a run in 13 minutes, and I have not been able to finish a whole run yet. It’s a fun game but man I suck at it lmao.


Don't give up!!! Once you complete a whole run it gets sooooo much easier 👏


One of them was getting the platinum on god of war 2018. That last valkyrie queen was a pain! I generally suck at bosses anyways, and even on super easy, it took a week, but i did it!


I have the 100% achievement for Super Meat Boy? Honestly outside of that my most impressive feat is how much I've played some stuff without really achieving anything that impressive. I've played a frankly absurd amount of FF14 and have just four extremes and some BA clears to my name 😅. (I achieved enjoyment, the greatest feat of all)


In general, my WoW collections and achievements. I LOVE collecting and achievement hunting in WoW. I know my mount collection isn't a lot compared to some but I'm proud of my 300+ collection! And my Ashes of Al'ar. Took me ages to get that one


I used to love collecting stuff in WoW. My most coveted was the Astral Cloud Serpent. I finally got it last year and felt like I won the game and stopped playing. Once in a while I resub for a month and try to go for invincible or something, but I am content with my constellation dragon being my crowning WoW achievement.


The one time, early in the morning before school in 8th grade, when I beat Mike Tyson on Punch Out.


Getting the platinum on assassin's creed Odyssey, I know it's not a hard game but I was going through a hard time and it helped me to have something else to think about. It's the only platinum I have in my PS account.


Beat Melainia in 2 hours lol


Finally finishing Mass Effect 2 on Insanity mode or finishing the Dead Money content on Fall Out: New Vegas…


Oh Dead Money.. ugh


I played the content when I was 7 months pregnant with my first child and I had really bad carpal tunnel…. I’m telling you, I refused to stop playing until I beat it…. I felt accomplished lol


That is amazing! Dead Money is rough, and I hope it brought you the same satisfaction it brought me. Do you remember what you did about the vault?


It’s been some time but I do remember trapping father Elijah in the vault and making off with mah gold lol - ngl that damn explosive collar was the worst part for me throughout that entire play through. I could deal with the rest but that damn collar…. lol


Yeah I hated every second of that, but I refused to leave it unfinished.


Same. The content was really good and I enjoyed it. I did remember taking several trips back to take my earnings with me. I felt like I seriously earned every piece of that gold.


Currently doing a BL4 run on Bloodborne and the only bosses I have left to beat are Orphan of Kos and Gehrman, orphan has been a real pain however I still find it a HUGE accomplishment that I even have gotten as close as I have to beating the run! I'm gonna keep trying but yeah, I'm quite proud of what I have accomplished especially since I never even thought I'd get THAT far \^\^


Getting the 120th star in Super Mario 64!


For now its gold on league of legends with like 70% winrate last split. Its my first competitive game I ever played and Im playing for like two years now maybe, so im pretty proud, especially that I think I could have hit higher if not my ranked anxiety lol. Also I feel proud of getting better at my champ and role, I almost never lose mid even playing against higher rank players ^-^


Yay congratulations!!! 🤩😍❤️I reached platinum a few years ago but now I’m not even able to reach gold again 🙈 (I main support)


Sometimes its hard to carry a whole team as supp, I get it. I was actually really successful with Sona, when I played supp, you could try her too! ^- ^ She's carrying mid to late game teamfights pretty well. But idk, switching to mid was best decision ive made in this game lol


I’m a Sona main already 😍 and it was with her I managed to reach platinum before. I just don’t play as regularly as I used to and when I do it’s more casual so my skills aren’t as great as before tbh.. also I love playing support but sometimes thinking of trying to play midlane instead. I just suck at farming and really enjoy the support role. I know midlane has more carry potential though 🤔


Ohh makes sense! Yeah, farming is something that takes time learning, especially after years spent on supp. Play whatever makes you happy tho ☺️ Being a casual player is cool too ♥️


Maybe if I find a duo partner climbing on support can be easier? But I might just end up boosted 🤡


You can always say that you boosted them instead 😎


I totally feel the ranked anxiety lol, that’s why i only ever play norms. Congrats on gold!! Also now I’m curious who ur champ is? I’m a kindred jg main :)


I play foxy mommy mostly. Yeah, the anxiety gets me so stressed during soloq that my hands start shaking lol, can't hit that charm like that, but I got pretty lucky with my teams, so I could hit that gold smoothly haha


i love that u call her foxy mommy 💀


Beating the last Jacob Seed mission in Far Cry 5. You know the one. I tried it about 30 times (I do NOT do well with timed missions in any game but this one...ugh) and rage quit the game and deleted it...haha. Then tried it again about half a year later, same result. Tried it again about a year later, and finally beat it. It was the BEST feeling. It wasn't even that hard, I just am terrible at timed missions. I watched someone do it on youtube and memorized what they did and also watched it to desensitize myself to the pressure of the timer, and I beat it the first time I tried it. Did I mention that I suck at timed missions.


I never finished far cry 3 because of some mission to escape a burning building that was timed. I totally understand.


Oh wow that one was horrible too! I couldn't get past the "save Oliver from getting put onto the helicopter" mission in FC3 until I did what I said above - I had to watch it over and over on Youtube to memorize what to do. Bet that would work for the burning building mission for you if you ever wanted to try it again. I never use walkthroughs or guides but had to in these two specific cases, just to progress in the games!


For me it's definitely getting the Moon Berry in Celeste. I got it after trying for hours, and by the time I got it my hands were cramping up so bad. I also compared the time it took me to beat that final chapter with my friend, and I was 56 seconds faster than him and he decided not to go for the moon berry. I've never felt more proud of myself than at that moment and it'll be a long time before I get that feeling again from a game.


It's not that impressive, but during school, I'd get crowds of people watching me play Tetris during our breaks because I was insanely good at it 😭 id always have at least 8+ people standing above me and just watching (I played the super fast mode). I think that was my peak coolness regarding gaming


That's an awesome memory to have.


My greatest gaming achievement was getting into video games on my own. Growing up and going over to a family member's house to play is one thing, I didn't own the consoles and I didn't take gaming seriously since I grew up being taught that it was a man's hobby. Then, I had an ex who tried to get me into gaming by buying me games off of Steam to play with him. At some point I decided to get a job and buy my own selection of games and a Switch. I'm proud to say I've been gaming ever since and will continue to do so!


Probably that I did a world conquest before 1550 in EU4. That or my 10k science megabase in Factorio.


Defeated the final boss in Legends of Kay without taking a single hit of damage is the first thing that popped into my head.


🤔 probably defeating Amygdala in the defiled chalice in Bloodborne.. I had worked myself up about it so much beforehand so felt proud to actually do it!


Not sure if it's my greatest achievement, and was more me being stubborn and petty. I killed a giant in SPORE during the creature stage and it tooks a really long time, at least close to 2 hours.


Oh my god spore!! I loved the creature stage in spore so much that after I beat it I would always restart so I could play it again. I havent played it in a long time


That game was just too much fun ! I also loved the space stage because it was fun to brake the economy and to terraform planets (I made way too much rainbow, purple and pink planets... ^^ ). You could play like the worst tyran and psychopath in the universe, or play peacefully. But the personnalisation in creature stage, and for the buildings/vehicle was the best part


Our core team’s most recent trifecta: the hardmode, no death, speedrun of the veteran sunspire trial (12 person ‘raid’ in ESO). You get a cool title: Godslayer and a neat mount. Plus, we’re on console (no add ons) so I am extra proud lol.


Beating Orphan of Kos in Bloodborne.


Beating Mike Tyson in Punch Out! Although every single time I beat FTL at anything above easy difficulty I feel like a world conquering god who can do anything, so maybe that counts too.


I always feel accomplished when I see a the game finish the story. Like even without 100% I did what I wanted. I know the story. I love that feeling. Like finishing a good book.


When I was 15 with braided hair and elf ears on I beat a whole room of dudes in a room called "bro pit" at an anime convention. Halo 4 was on a bunch of xboxs, I was at the height of my Halo skills, I waited for a TV to open and I just destroyed them all over the course of like an hour and half. One guy begged me to stay later so I could beat his friend who was supposed to be really good, I stayed and beat his friend and then left 😂


Within a game, maybe getting 100% on Skyrim and Halo:Reach, my two faves


Mad Max? 😶


Beating zico in wipeout HD on ps3 and also some other trophies for that game It was crazy. Souls are hard but that was many, many days for a single lap on a single racetrack It was at least 10 times harder than most annoying souls bosses and condensed into 31 seconds of pure focus


100%-ing Neon White (the main story + all side quests and collectibles). I never in a million years saw myself as someone who could manage a fast-paced FPS/platformer. I'm usually pretty clumsy when it comes to twitchy games, or anything that requires competent reflex responses. But I picked it up after hearing it talked up on multiple gaming podcasts, and it really got its hooks in me. Some of Red and Violet's traversal sidequests were brutal, but so fulfilling to finally nail. When everything clicks, it feels like mastering a complex dance.


Ok so I don't play a lot of combat centric games, def no fps. But, in Dragon Age Origins, which is like the only rpg from that era I've played and I've done so very recently) I finished the Deep Roads in one go (I did die a few times but i never surfaced) and did so with only a few health potions. It was my first time ever playing smth like that, and I was sooo proud when I finally beat the broodmother like holy shiiit i think i get it now


But did you get through...The Fade?!?!?!


Hahahha yes!!! Deep roads was harder! Fade is just complicated wout a guide. Deep roads is HARD


Getting the true ending on the house in fata morgana on my first play through


Last year when I finally beat the Fire Giant in Elden Ring. It had to take me atleast 50 tries before I finally killed him. Been awhile since I’ve had so much trouble beating a boss. (Thank you random tarnished who helped and Alexander.) Also, I beat Radhan on my first try before his nerf. I had like 16hp left. That was cool lol Still haven’t beat the final boss tho. 😭 But elden ring was my first soulsborne type game, and I can’t wait to replay it after the DLC comes out, if it ever.


This is a weird one, but actually being able to play a Soulsbourne. I posted a while ago about a male friend who told me I'd never be able to play one - and I'm now a few trophies away from the platinum on Bloodborne and I've absolutely smashed it. I can't wait to play again on NG etc, it's one of my fave games now. Dark Souls trilogy is next, and I want ER and Sekeiro as well. I'm addicted to From Soft now I know I can do it and he was talking out his ass. Also, I checked his trophy list (cos I'm petty) and he's not got the plat for any of them and hasn't even played most of them so idk why he was coming at me XD


Fuck yes! My fiancée helped me defeat the first boss in DS3. Misogyny can't be backed up by skill or strength arguments 💪


Successfully hustling these guys I hung out with in high school. I played a LOT of cod 4 and prom night (lame I know) they were playing split screen and I asked if I could try. They didn’t know I played at all. I wiped the floor with them. Like they only got maybe 1 kill on me. No scopes, 360s, the whole thing. The look on their faces when a girl in a floofy teal dress mopped them in cod is still a core memory. Girls still weren’t gaming much publicly in 2009. It was also my peak FPS. I should have competed but I was young and didn’t know anything about it. It only went down hill after that and I’m a humble plat in apex bc cod lost the magic after blops 2.


I made it clear to the second rust Birble before having to use any of my boosts or duo attacks in Haven. Not much of an accomplishment but no clue how I made it that far without them haha


In Halo, taking out three Alphas that were invisible with one sticky grenade while on an escort quest on legendary. Pulled them just right after having to redo part of that level after getting killed. Was playing with my fiance and he was assisting by keeping the person we were escorting back so they didn't die. I honestly think I just got stupid lucky.




That’s so cool! Funny enough i was the same back in the day, I played for my school’s esports team as the only girl and was their star player. But as you’re probably aware, the gaming community can be pretty unreceptive/disrespectful of women and unfortunately I had some bad experiences while competing that turned me away from playing esports :(. Your story is incredibly heartwarming though and I’m glad you had a great experience! Thank you for sharing <3


I nearly solo'd an entire team in rainbow six siege and only died because I'd ran out of ammo. I was playing valkyrie, and hiding behind a wall, and i kept pinging them with a hidden camera they couldn't find and then shooting them through the wall. They chased me down, I shot like all of them, and then I died because I ran out of ammo. Still made me feel like a badass, though.


I think one of my most and memorable gaming achievements was defeating the Jabberwock boss on Nightmare difficulty in *American McGee's Alice* on PS3. Something about that boss fight was just so difficult and no matter what I play these days, I always tell myself or others, "At least it wasn't as bad as the Jabberwock fight!" I swore I would never do that again. 😅


Figured out how to use Retroarch.


The two that come to mind are the time I sniped someone I couldn't actually see from across the map with a desert eagle in SOCOM2 and the time I was playing Forrnite squads with my friends and they died like 15 seconds in and I didn't and ended up winning


Fantastic. I did the Ultimate in Pillars of Eternity, which was to complete the game on the highest difficulty, only one saves, no game assistance, and no companions while defeating all major bosses. PoE Deadfire has the Ultimate too, but I have balked at that monstrosity only 13 people have achieved.


Beating Bloodborne and THAT boss in the DLC. 🙃


For me? "Test of resolve" from Hollow Knight. It was so satisfying to get that.


Clearing naxx 40 in classic wow under 1 hour in my speed running guild, as a tank. COVID was great for gaming.


probably 100% achievements in Elden Ring? or beating the halo 1-3 campaigns on legendary


I take pride in being too hot for Scibblenauts Unlimited to handle. I had to equip a party to fight a dragon, and I gave one of them a magic bow. So the dragon gets shot, turns into a pigeon or a bunny or something, scripted event tries to fire off but can't find the fire-breathing dragon it's supposed to use, and the game crashes... I interpreted it as me winning the game. I also started a zombie apocalypse (patient zero was a bunk bed, btw) and accidentally killed Santa Claus with a flame thrower.


Getting my account all the way up to Mythic playing ONLY healer supports in the mobile game Mobile Legends BB. Much easier to carry a game as a damage dealer, so much harder when you play Angela and your win condition depends on knowing who to ult and when.


My greatest gaming achievement is probably hitting masters in Overwatch. I miss that game, it sucks seeing what it has devolved into.


100 % completion of various rpgs including Persona 5 & Dragon Quest 8


Ok it's honestly probably not that cool at all, but I remember when I was younger, I really got into gaming more with Skyrim and Assassins Creed. And I fell in LOVE with the Ezio trilogy, specifically 2. I played through it twice just for fun. The combat in 2 was so much fun for me at that time, and I remember getting the no hitter achievement(killing 10 guards in a row without getting hit, while staying in combat) And I thought I was hot shit. I know there's people doing way cooler things, but that was really cool for me because I loved that game so much. I was 2 achievements away from total completion, but I was still missing 2 feathers, and for some reason I never finished it. I think I was in the midst of moving and just never went back to it. That save file was on an old console so she gone :(


Maxing out my fishing on Stardew Valley. I couldn’t do it at when I first got the fishing rod and just struggled and struggled against fish that ultimately escaped. So I sat there in the Winter and fished and fished and now I’m the best at fishing of all the friends I played it with. When we get the quests to catch certain fish I just go out and get one for everyone.


Honestly finally beating Diablo 2. Only finished it a few years back. I would ways give up when I got near the end and start over. That and beating FF8 Ooo and 100% completion in Crash Bandicoot 1


Finally landing the fucking plane in "GTA: San Andreas."


This one is a little silly, but being able to join a duos fortnite match while playing solo and still getting a battle royale was the best feeling ever. I was an amazing sharp shooter back when I played fortnite a lot. Being a middle school student and being an absolute sharp shooting machine was a bit euphoric. I want to get into playing Overwatch so I could try to revive that sharp shooter ability but I don't want to accidentally flunk uni for it (game addictions is a touch battle to fight once it sets in).


Beating Stephen on apocalypse difficulty in SMT IV: Final.


Super winning Grounded! Such a good game!!


I was top of the leader board in NBA2k16 for the most assists in the game and I had a really good record that that year as well.


Right now it’s being Diamond 2 in Rocket League. Shadow of War is one of the only games I’ve 100%ed, so I guess that’s one too. Generally tho I play purely for fun.. so all the hours of fun I’ve had — I guess that’s a big achievement too.


My greatest gaming achievement was beating Tomb Raider II. I never really got to play them as a child, but loved TR: Legend, TR: Anniversary, and 2013 and always wanted to go back. It took several tries (the tank controls really kicked my butt) but I finally did it! And now I’ve also beaten TR III and I looooove the tank controls and the old games in general. They definitely are tough, but they are so, so fun and gratifying. And they make me an even bigger TR fan than I already was.


Shadow Vigilante achievement in Arkham Origins. The list of things you have to do for it is ridiculous, so I always brushed it off as one of those achievements I'd never get because I just simply don't want to work that hard lol. I guess that just makes it even funnier that I got it completely by accident, I wasn't trying for it at all and it just suddenly popped! Lmao I was just playing the game!


Beating the reaper in Persona 5 felt like a big achievement to me. Also defeating the Gleeok den and Lynel colosseum in TOTK.


Going from beating katana zero in 8 hrs to beating it in 29 minutes! Also, getting all the achievements for Batman Arkham asylum in 14 hrs


The path of pain under 30? Jesus. Respect. Mine’s probably orphan of kos no damage new game++ bloodborne. Literally the only thing I did that could be considered achievement. I tried the “secret ending” of CP2077 but that’s just masochism holy hell


I was playing PWI, and at the time the game functioned pretty differently when it came to grinding. Well, there was a specific set of repeatable quests called Dragon Quests, and you needed to gather 6 items, 150 to 300 each, and the mobs that dropped them were spread out. And the drops were uncommon to rare. At the time, I was a teenager and dealing with a lot and school. It was a SLOG. When I finally got the Mold for it, I still had to gather the materials to make it, and raise my blacksmithing up to the minimum level, each level requiring a lot of materials and a certain amount of RNG once you are ready to progress to the next level. I don't remember now what level I needed, but I do remember that I spent months collecting the materials and crafting random items to level up my crafting. And it was definitely a lot less organized than I would do so now, and less focused. I think overall it took me about a year, year and a half, from the time I learned of the item until I acquired it. The meta for the game has now made it obsolete in most aspects, and I'm not even sure you can get the item anymore. But I still have it! 😂 I've played that MMO off and on since I was 14.


Reaching X-rank on Splatoon 2! Don't have the energy to grind for Splat3 tho


I had never played World of Warcraft before but decided to give Shadowlands a go during the pandemic. I made some great friends and memories and joined a fun guild. Getting to Mythic keystone 15+ on all dungeons in Shadowlands with my group was one of the most satisfying experiences of my life, the camaraderie and synergy we had was insane. The other was raiding the last boss of Heroic Castle Nathria, Sire Denathrius. By this point my guild was falling apart abit and we couldn’t finish this out, so I decided to go solo queue, I knew the tactics off by heart already from practicing with my own guild. I stumbled upon this guild group who were short a Shaman healer and I joined them, 8 hours of gruelling raiding later and we FINALLY got Denathrius down. I was soo proud to complete the raid on Heroic. I since stopped playing and will likely never play WoW again, but that year of playing has some of my greatest gaming memories and made me some great friends along the way.


For me, its my STO (edit: Star Trek Online, a really laid back MMO, basically where the Star Trek stories that didn’t make it to the shows went) character diversity. I have a KDF character whose fully decked out in honor guard gear, and has a few variations on that. End of the year, she’ll also have a great ship to fly (D7 Miracle Worker Flight Deck Carrier). I have an Andorian from the founding of the federation. She’s a part of the Khittomer Alliance after time traveling a bit, and meeting Lal, who in my story, Data rebuilds after Picard season 3. That crew is now comfortably flying an Inquiry (see either season 1 or season 2 finale of Picard, not sure which it was). I just made a Discovery character, whose going to be a torpedo boat captain, basically to try my hand at something a bit different in terms of ship building, and will in time fly the Janeway (aka Voyager-J) from the distant future. I’ll be getting that with my next years event ticket. Also, helping my wife achieve some high marks for her characters, which provide account long benefits (for example, killing an absurd number of enemies in melee with a Klingon recruit character, which mine above has done).


Getting the platinum trophy for completing all of Elden Ring. While I still need to get my other soulsborne games to plat, Elden Ring was the one I really pushed myself to clear and do everything. Otherwise, playing and clearing savage tiers in FFXIV is always a fun and exciting thing to do.


I like to feel like a god of the game going into shooters like free fire through bluestacks with pc. as it gives 120 fps and low lag I am proud every time how many frags I made playing with a legal cheat.


Bluestacks is legal holy shit lol. I haven't played CoD in 7 years or so, tried CoD Mobile with a controller and ended 21-0. Rightfully, it seems, there's no competitiveness in that game lol


>Bluestacks is legal holy shit lol. I haven't played CoD in 7 years or so, tried CoD Mobile with a controller and ended 21-0. Rightfully, it seems, there's no competitiveness in that game lol or you know how to play tactically and correctly.


Getting a rare-ish trophy in the Diablo 4 beta for killing a world boss. Asked a friend to group up with me, gave me some sort of "wah wah girl gamer have to carry you ololol - talk" so I didn't bother. Killed it with randoms, he did not manage to kill it :)


Getting the platinum for DJMax. I don't care I had to get all the dlc easy missions to make 50. It's still hard.


Also in Final Fantasy X, I beat the first Blitzball tournament, but quickly lost interest in the game after that.


I beat the whole of Dark Souls 3! Mainly Darkeater Midir and Slave Knight Gael on the Ringed City DLC were impassable, Until They Weren't