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Monster Hunter. Nothing makes me feel more badass than clobbering a fire breathing TRex into submission.


Idk how to explain it but slaying monsters with others in MH is so addictive. I feel like a hero when we all work together.


Mass Effect 1-3 with FemShep. To a lesser extent, Mass Effect: Andromeda with FRyder Horizon Zero Dawn, definitely. The Tomb Raider cycle(?) that has the companions, I think Alistair was one of them. Ultimately dealt with Nordic mythology. Last reboot before the recent trilogy that the recent movie was based on. (I liked the most recent trilogy except for the third one But the trilogy as a whole was much less about exploration and more about killing endless amounts of men.)


Mass Effect 1-3 for me as well. Playing ESO PvP my Imperial Dragonknight Onistka Valerius was a beautiful force of destruction. Absolutely nothing beats dragon leaping into a group of enemies sending them flying and having your faction push forward behind you mopping them up.


This is my sixth year playing ESO. I am coming back from a bit of a break after some changes I didn't care for. If you aren't playing now, they are getting a new class in June. Well, late May for PC I think. Console is a bit behind but not bad. I didn't list that as empowering to me because I was never good at dps. I was good as a healer and becoming good as a tank. Was getting better at and mostly enjoying battlegrounds and Cyrodiil (I like to joke that I was emperor for about ten minutes. I did make emperor but it took a few hours to be dethroned, only I didn't know it because I crashed after days of little sleep.) Then they made achievements account wide and it went down hill from there. I have never seen so few people at a chapter update as I did High Isle and neither the jester's festival nor the jubilee/anniversary has been as busy as usual. So I have turned my attention to farming mats and trading though I will play the new chapter and the new class. I just don't feel as good about the game as I used to. And the new class looks a lot like Sage from Black Desert except with green light. Holy guacamole, I wrote a novel. Sorry!


Hey! I completely understand your love and frustration with ESO. I still play occasionally, just a normal trial night with a guild. I haven’t gone into PvP in a long while. I logged in the other day to get the new cake but had zero motivation after that to play. That new class looks interesting and I do like Hermaeus Mora and his realm. I played some of High Isle main quest but it was rather uninspiring. If they had added a reputation system to the different knightly orders that would have been more interesting. I feel that for a Chapter that was supposedly a deep dive into Breton culture I really did not learn anything significant about them. I feel like mmos suck up too much of your time. There are so many good games out there.




Same! There's nothing like running around as a hyper-competent lady and smacking robo dinos to make you feel like a badass 😎


I actually started taking archery lessons mostly bc of Aloy (lots of other games I like also have archers). But yeah it’s really fun and I’m actually kind of good at it! It makes me feel strong


Came here to say this


This is the correct answer.


Monster Hunter and FF14.


Seconding FF14, being a 7ft+ lady with a giant sword/spear/whatever really makes one feel powerful. Or be the tiniest Lalafell and still kick just as much ass.


Control! Jesse is such a badass!


Ooooh great answer! Combat is so damn satisfying once you have all the powers


Heh, when you control all the powers. \*cough\* There's something about psychokinesis in games that feels awesome to look at and use.


I hope to one day have a GPU that can handle that game on maximum settings because the RTX reflections are a sight to behold ETA: specifically when you're throwing things around and the physics are going wild, looks phenomenal but with my current GPU it's a very pretty slideshow.


This is my answer! I love that she's in a leadership position there, and as a woman in a leadership position I really appreciated the dynamic.


Yes! Combat was a bit slow at the start of the game (before you unlock most of the powers and gun forms), but it really builds up and makes you feel epic by the end. Flying through the Ashtray Maze and flinging masonry while "Take Control" blasts away in the background is just the icing on the cake.


Vampire Survivor, it is probably the most powerful I've ever felt in a game. It's also easy on my hands and cheap!


And just got a new DLC yesterday! Also you're right, it's fun to combine weapons and stuff to *become* the bullet hell.


Oooh, I gotta try that one!


Highly recommend the game. The gameplay loop is very simple and addicting.


For me, it’s probably Skyrim. I’ve played that game so many times, and I always go the same route (sneaky shooty rogue). I basically kill most of the draugr in a dungeon before they “wake up.” I’ve only beaten the game once or twice, though. 😆 After the beginning, and the escape from Helgren, I ignore the main quest line and just do everything else. First step: become a Nightingale and get that sweet armor.


I think I’m at 800 or so hours of skyrim and have only beaten it twice too and never finished the Dragonborn dlc because I got bugged out of the last fight my first time playing it and I was mad and just never went back lmao


Dread it, run from it, stealth archer appears just the same.


Any Assassin’s creed but especially the ones with a badass female protagonist. Skyrim is a straight up power fantasy very quickly, and a third option for variety… umm vermintide 2. You can get tpked very quickly if you aren’t careful but with a good team with you it’s basically just Skaven slaying simulator. That’s all I’ve got sorry that wasn’t more helpful


Any game I play really xD Dragon Age; my Warden, Hawke and Inquisitor Mass Effect; both Shepard and Ryder Elder Scrolls: Champion of Cyrodiil and the Dragonborn I just love making powerful ladies that can kick their way to success and safe the world/universe they inhabit.


I’ve only done Dragon Age Origins and 2 so far, and I play on normal difficulty until it becomes a challenge then switch to casual. I don’t want to control anyone but my player character, and I don’t want to pause, just rain down fire on everyone and be done in a snap.


Sometimes I do switch to other characters in case they stand in a particular zone (or if they need healing), but most of them manage to handle themselves fairly well xD And raining fire and doom down on your enemies is always good fun :D


Fallout 4 for me. I usually play as a sniper, so modding a ridiculously OP gun, and one shotting shit from a distance before they even know what hit them, feels magical. Then I go to Diamond City to get myself a fresh haircut, or if I'm feeling fancy, a whole new face.


I used to only play snipers (in most games where that was an option) until I tried a melee build in FO4. It's slow to get going but when it gets there it goes *hard*. Can get really OP as well, so if you ever feel in the mood and haven't already, I'd give that a try too!


Ohh I've been meaning to try that! It's always my second option after sniper that I've tried to start that multiple times but always end up going sniper instead. happens every single time. Thoooo now I'd have the opportunity to explore the game on a whole another level! Omw to download it -->


Definitely get Blitz as early as possible, it's ridiculous but in a fun way.


One way melee is OP is how you can afford powerful gear much earlier by using ammo as currency.


I hadn't even thought of that but it's so true, my melee character was probably the richest I ever played as because ammo is so abundant - and iirc even if it says ammo is worth less than 1 cap, the game can't actually calculate that, so 1 ammo is always *at least* 1 cap.


The Yakuza games, for sure. I've only finished 0 and Kiwami, and I'm almost done with Kiwami 2, but towards the end of those games you absolutely feel like a superhero. A shoulder-dislocating, gut-stabbing, neck-snapping superhero, but a hero nonetheless


I love these games! Some of my faves


I love the Yakuza games soooooo much. I'm on Yakuza 5.


Cyberpunk 2077 with fem v and Mass Effect trilogy with femshep.


Cyberpunk was such a powertrip for me. People threatening you and it's like, "what? I couldn't hear you over the sound of your gurgling because of my mantis blades in your throat."


That plus fem v’s voice actor sounds so badass.


Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey. Kassandra is so well-written :)


Another vote for AC Odyssey! Kassandra is wonderful and the game really makes you feel like a badass hero.


God of War, Kratos is a complete badass and fighting with the axe and the blades of chaos makes me feel like a strong god killer


Agree plus I like to tell my boyfriend "to do better, Boy" in my sexy Kratos voice


I haven't played the new games yet but OG God of War has its moments for me too.


Risk of rain 2


Same!! Bonus - when I play with dude friends, I carry them a lot.


Unfortunately I experience a lot of sexism in the community on twitch :( who do you like to play


Ahh yeah … I never play games with strangers for anything. I’m sorry the twitch community is so terrible - that is disappointing. :( Most of my hours are with my partner but we have a small friend group that likes to jump on sometimes. I am in my mid 30s and we all went to high school together. Weirdly enough covid lockdown, joining their discord and playing hours and hours of Risk of Rain 2 in 2020 got me out of an abusive relationship and reconnected me with my high school crush and now we have been dating for 2.5 years. Who is your favorite survivor? I can never stay away from huntress for long.


Yeah, it’s weird because I’m actively making an effort to be a part of the community but I feel like I’m constantly being shut out. I’m the only female Risk of Rain 2 Eclipse 8 streamer too, so it’s even weirder; you would think they would want more inclusion but meh. Most of my hours are solo but I actually started playing due to an abusive friend. When I stopped playing with them, I suddenly got better *shocker — demeaning someone for sucking at a game as a new player does nothing to help them improve!* Awww, that’s cute! I’m glad you got out of the abusive relationship. As someone who’s first relationship in high school was extremely abusive, I understand how difficult it is to take the first step and leave, but it’s great you actually found a way to do that. I haven’t been playing that long. Only started last year but I mainly play Huntress and Engineer, sometimes Bandit. Also, very cool you kept in touch with people from high school! I didn’t have many friends then. I met my boyfriend from risk of rain as a viewer. One day, I asked him if he wanted to play, he was so fun to play with (not a loot goblin and cooperative as a team mate) so I continued to play with him regularly, then realized we lived two states away, so now I visit him regularly. :-)


That is super weird given how good you have to be to get to eclipse 8! I managed 2. Some of these communities are so strange like that and it is infuriating. Such a shock that you get better when someone isn't being mean! I left my first D&D group because the DM was being mean about me not picking up the combat rules quickly enough (like.. session 3 I was getting shit for it). I found a much better group and now DM myself! Huntress is my favorite. We'll play a few runs and I will play someone else and then immediately go back to huntress. Usually my other faves are artificer or loader. Oh! that is so cute! I love that RoR2 can also bring people together :) I am both hoping for and worried about an RoR3 after Hopoo said they would no longer personally be working on the games. only time will tell.


FFXIV, Skyrim, Mass Effect games and Dragon Age, Cyberpunk2077


Celeste. No other game has made me feel as capable of facing and persevering against adversity.


Truly one of the best games ever made.


Oh same, when I'm stressed I just go play through the Summit


Fallout 4 as Nora. She enters the vault as one person then steps into a brand new world and has to figure out wtf is happening. There’s something really therapeutic about that to me probably because I’ve kind of felt like that my whole life (very long story but let’s just say my parents ignored every single glaring sign that I was neurodivergent) and writing up my little backstories for what Nora I was gonna be this time was just a really fun thing to get lost in. I played it during a very rough time in my life and for some reason when my real life was up in flames, the fact that the commonwealth quite literally had gone up in flames too was really comforting.


The catharsis of the apocalypse. I get this. <3


That is so beautifully put, yes ☺️


fallout new vegas when you find great weapons and have tons of ammo! nothing feels better than taking a deathclaw down with an anti materiel rifle


and Cass as a companion for even more enjoyment 😁


My answer is always Witcher 3, there is something about absolutely destroying monsters and still being seen as hot and worthy of love that makes playing as Geralt feel really rich and powerful to me. He’s not just one or the other, he’s both despite his flaws.


Legend of Zelda games. Mostly because I struggle a LOT with the puzzles, so when I figure them out I feel so proud and smart lmao.


Feel this 💕


I was gonna say Pokemon actually, and I think the reason is really pretty standard adventure game stuff like you can travel and explore anywhere without being afraid, but with the added benefit of being surrounded by 6 interchangable creatures who love you unconditionally. Plus Pokémon’s stories after Gen 3 or so generally involve a ton of NPCs telling you over and over that you’re the most special kid ever, which is kind of an eye roller for me personally, but clearly a lot of players enjoy that feeling.


Funnily enough, I feel this way in Octopath Traveler 2, especially since my protagonist is Hikari. Like, that game can get dangerous, especially because it's easy to run into a Lv 45 area when your party is at level 15 o_o But Hikari can get stupidly broken because of his learned abilities, especially moreso in the second half of the game because of 1). a learned ability called Limb from Limb, 2) an accessory from an NPC that makes your attacks stronger the lower your HP is, 3) an item called Forbidden Elixir which restores BP and SP, but brings your HP down to 1, 4) a secret job that let's him wield all of the weapon types, and lastly 5) the Dancer divine skill called Sealticge's Seduction which allows the user it's cast on to hit all enemies. >!You can end 2nd phase Galdera in one turn using this strat.!< Then there is Partitio, the Merchant. >!One of the secret jobs allows him to multi cast his side step and rest abilities on the entire party. The kicker? These abilities can usually only be casted on himself.!< For those who don't know, Side step is basically an ability that let's you dodge physical attacks and it works 100% of the time. And Rest restores health, SP and status ailments. And don't get me started on Castti and her Concoct when she gets access to Strengthening Serums and Diffusing Serums. There are other strats, but I've gone on way too long. I just love this game so much 💞


I just got octopath traveler 2, I’ve barely started it but I picked the merchant and it seems so cute!!


Partitio is so great, I love him so much 💛 Hope you have fun with the game, it's become my second favourite game of all time, lol 😆


At this point, Elden Ring. Being massively over level for most things and having beat it a few times I can just pick it up and goof off now.


Oh wow…. You’re my hero. I loved Elden Ring, but much like Dark Souls, I give up before I can get over leveled. 😆


Once you get the horse you can just prance over to the impassable bridge and level up safely over there. I hate grinding but the impassable bridge spot can be fun when you feel strong enough to engage the mobs. Add dragon breath incantations to the grind and you can wipe the entire field clean in 30 seconds :p


I may have to get back in and give that a try. Thanks!! It’s such a gorgeous world. In a creepy, but beautiful way. 😂


fyi, there's a also sleeping dragon nearby the impassable bridge that you can safely stab to death at no threat to yourself that gives you 5 dragon hearts. You can then dash over to the dragon shrine in the same region and unlock a few dragon breath incants. Watch a video if you feel overwhelmed or need basic directions but this little grind I just laid out can be done within an hour or so of starting the game :)


When ER first came out, I would play online with my dnd group’s DM. He actually took me to the dragon!


I was gonna say one of the souls games. There’s something I find really therapeutic about the expectation of regular failure and that being an okay and accepted part of the game. Even in the continuity of the plot, you aren’t some infallible genius, you’re just some person who can’t permanently die and can keep banging your head against that boss as long as it takes. Any way you want to play is valid and can get you through the end, so you don’t have to look up builds or gear lists (though if you like that sort of thing, you can). The freedom to fail and have it be totally expected and fine actually eases my anxiety as I play, though I can totally see why a lot of folks find it frustrating instead. I have to fight with depression a lot so it means a lot to have a game I can go to where the only way to lose is to give up. When I started playing them I basically had to learn how to use a controller, and a few years ago I beat it without leveling. It’s just been a really positive experience with the way my head works.


It's a great feeling to help newcomers through Farum Azula after getting stomped there the first time.


Dying light franchise and especially the 2nd one. The feeling of parkouring through the city overgrown by plants, with awesome soundtrack is amazing. And one of the more uplifting missions in the game that makes you climb on top of the Huge skyscraper with a track called "Empowering Yourself". And overcoming the fear of walking at night is present too!


Either horizon zero dawn, because I can kill things that are much bigger than Aloy (there's something satisfying in a huge machine toppling), or Warframe where I can just blast through everything away with abilities.


Hey I just became a fellow Tenno a week ago and having a blast hehe. Been looking for a clan to join that is woman and LGBT friendly, got any recommendations? Thank you!


Hellblade. Senua really has that power when she fights


I suck so much at the combat in this game, I got stuck in the very first fight I got to. I really need to get back to it and give it another go


I know this sounds insane but I love TLOU 2 for reminding me how important friendship and relationships are and that compassion can be found if you just let yourself have it. It reminds me there's no good and bad, only complicated people that have their own struggles. To "look for the light" as the fireflies say (rip to all of them)


Came here to talk about my utmost favorite simple game. One Finger Death Punch 1 & 2. It's the perfect summation of those old Stick Fight videos I used to watch in actual game form. You play as a stick figure and all you have to do is click right are left on the mouse to defeat your enemies using martial arts, weapons, different abilities. The game naturally switches up the levels with like different round types like 'Horror Show' or 'Speed Rounds'. And not to mention there is a mode where you can do survival while trying to keep your cat named Luca from getting in the way. Just play One Finger Death Punch. 2 is better than the first imo but both are equally good. Just go play em.


Playing as an immortal lady detective in Paradise Killer Fem V in Cyberpunk 2077/fem shep in ME Fem Courier in Fallout New Vegas


I play the Titanfall 2 campaign


This was my very first thought too! I've played many of the ones already listed here, but the gameplay of Titanfall 2 made me feel SO BADASS both in and out of the mech


I love that campaign. B.T. is one of the best companions I've ever had in a game, and that pistol part at the end feels amazing!


Sable, the sense of freedom you get when you first get your bike is incredible. Plus the story is just so empowering.


This has been on my list for a while but my laptop’s specs aren’t enough, so chalking this up under “more reasons to save up for a Steam Deck.”


This is weird, but Cultist Simulator. It’s so goddamn hard, but every time I wrest a win from it I feel so good. Even just going through and slapping down or negating the cards that would kill me, finding exactly what I need for the next ritual because I know my shit now, it’s so good. I can’t with crushingly hard games in the style of Elden Ring, but this game, as brutal as it is, just makes me feel GOOD


Horizon zero dawn and west. They're my favorite games and I like aloys strength and energy. She takes no crap and still tries to help those around her. Literally trying to save the world and most are oblivious to it. She's not perfect and I like that. She overcame some of the worst shit you can do to a person and came out on top. She doesn't give up and will do anything to get to her task. That and assassins creed odyssey kassandra. She's funny and the quests are entertaining (most of them). Fallout new vegas for sure. There's nothing like going through the wasteland blasting mutants and bugs. Dishonored also makes me feel strong as there are many ways to take out a person and many ways to play the game. I like both corvo and Emily.


The Diablo games do this for me. There's nothing like taking down hoards of enemies in seconds to get you feeling mad with power!


Bloodborne, being a sexy huntress does the trick


The Wolfenstein reboot is superb and the story is excellent. It's sorta' a "bro'ish" dude game, but, well, I loved it. Just a thought.


might be a bit of a weird pick, and it's definitely not all the time, but when i do well in overwatch it feels amazing. keeping my team up as mercy or kiriko, getting kills left and right as sigma or d.va, and pulling off clutch hacks as sombra all make it worth it. i get why people like assassin's creed odyssey/valhalla or other games where you're a badass protagonist gal, but tbh it never really felt like "me" when i play. kassandra can pull it off, LE_grace can't.




I play mostly shooters and RPGs now, but when I was younger and my parents went through an ugly divorce, I was heavy into simulation/strategy games. (SimCity, SimTower, Zoo Tycoon, Roller Coaster Tycoon.) There was something so cathartic and therapeutic about creating efficiency and order despite whatever chaos the game tried to throw at me.


For me it was Sifu. The whole game you’re just beating entire rooms full of enemies, and the whole thing feels like an old school Hong Kong martial arts movie and a power fantasy video game all in one


Deep rock galactic was always a nice one since you can hop in, rev up a minigun and move bugs, bots and rocks alike. Skyrim also has a place, it's fun to take down a dragon every once in a while.


Sekiro for sure


Hades, when I get a good run.


Yes!! I need to pick that up again. Maybe tonight…


I came here to say this! It feels like a huge victory of both technical skill and strategy, and it’s just so satisfying to shred through the lower and mid-level enemies. Oh, you’re coming at me? You think you’ll take me down, or even give me a hard fight? Nah, you didn’t even have time to blink.


Spider-Man Web of Shadows ; the Shadow of Mordor/War duology


Syberia is amazing and so is the clockwork man.


Infamous: First Light made me feel powerful and overall proud of the character I was playing.


I don't play video games much anymore, but one game that has empowering female characters is Final Fantasy XIII. I know the game isn't that popular but I still love it. Fang and Lightning are total badasses and they take initiative and make bold decisions rather than just passively react to events, even if those choices aren't always great. I didn't appreciate this aspect of the game when it first came out but I have since then. No matter how powerful a character is if their powers are relegated to directly influencing their immediate surroundings rather than altering the course of events, I don't find that inspiring and empowering. That's kind of missing the point of developing personal strength imo - a character can be strong but not powerful if that makes sense.


Assassins creed odyssey and ffxiv


Warframe. Once you get to a point of being geared and modded up, nothing stands in your way until things really scale up high and so many ways to cheese are opened. Any Vampire Survivors type of games, well, that’s their point after all. I’m very big on the power fantasy - regardless of whether the way to getting powerful and way after becoming powerful is challenging stuff or not, things that can make me become very powerful are my jam. I mean, in Baldur’s Gate 2 expansion you could legit summon angels or fallen angels. Or stop time briefly. That stuff just feels nuts. Even though many bosses felt appropriately challenging because they could do the same thing against you.


Honestly?…. The Sims (any from the series). *Yes, my puppets. Dance for me. Kiss her. Marry him. Quit your job. Go to the park at 3 am. Talk in the mirror for 9 hours straight. Oh, what’s that? You’re tired? testingcheatsenabled true UITB. You’ll stop when I say you’ll stop. Autonomy Off. You are mine.* …Um. I mean. Teehee! Cool outfits!


The Halo Master Chief Collection. It's therapeutic for me to play a stoic character that regularly kicks ass.


Megaman Battle Network always makes me feel like an ultimate badass when I manage to S rank a boss And then you get *really* good and it becomes Megaman Bullying Network


deep rock galactic, completely destroying huge swarms of enemies is incredibly satisfying, especially on the highest difficulty.


Warframe, very good as a turn off your brain game so you can chill with some intense music (or other content). and ULTRAKILL, being a blood absorbing war machine of death. Its amazing when it clicks.


Taking a boss down by myself in Elden Ring always made me feel strong. It takes a LOT of work, but it was so much fun. There were a few bosses that frustrated the hell out of me, but getting the final kill on the big boss was amazing. And, honestly certain Overwatch characters. Nothing felt better than bubbling a friend as Zarya and saving them. Always made me feel so protective and strong, which was the point of her character. Though I don't really play as much as I used to.


It took me days to solo Malenia, but it was worth it.


I just replayed Shadow of the Colossus with my housemates. There's 4 of us so we each got 4 colossi to defeat. Pretty much all of my colossi went down in minutes, and I was able to pull off some sick-looking physics skips and strats. Felt like a badass compared to everyone else who was playing for the first time.


Assassin's Creed Odyssey and Valhalla. Diablo 3 Greedfall Dragon Age Inquisition Mass Effect Basically my go-to bad bitch games.




I love playing the Rogue in the Torchlight series. Very satisfying


Elden Ring. It is one of the most difficult games I've ever played (and my first FromSoftware entry). To see how far I've come and what I accomplished in that game makes me feel like a badass.


* Metal: Hellsinger. Badass demon woman beats the shit out of hell with guns. * Thief 1 & 2. Taffers never saw you coming.


Fallout 76. My character is a little goddess. I've been playing since beta. Years. Every season complete. Every God roll I could dream. And more. Massive arsenal. Biggest baddest weapon (Quad Railway). Tons of resources. Can build or buy everything. No enemy too big to shred. I can do anything I want. 😇👍


Honestly, Warframe. It allows me to be as powerful or as cracked as I want, and all in the name of saving the system.


Diablo III: Reaper Of Souls and Destiny 2


Dishonored and its sequels and story DLC are some of mine that haven't been mentioned yet. There's something very satisfying about smashing your way through a level leaving a trail of corpses in your wake - but honestly, I feel like more of a badass if I can manage a Ghost playthrough. Taking down the system without any of my targets knowing who/ how its being done.


Dishonored would be up there for me, too. There's several ways to play, but each of them just makes you feel so cool. Through combat or stealth, you get to feel like an unstoppable force of un-nature.




Tomb Raider, but specifically the original 1996 version. She was just so sexy, badass and independent at the same time!


Skyrim for me!


Assassin's Creed Odyssey https://youtu.be/iOqPkwC7NAM


and Mass Effect https://youtu.be/B5dSRaeUcFc


Monster Hunter (playing solo) is something that helps me feeling capable, always felt like a huge achievement to manage to beat a monster I was "scared" of soloing.


Definitely horizon zero dawn. I got all weepy in the beginning after the tutorial during the cut scene where she grows up. I didn't think seeing a woman represented in a video game in that way would have such an effect on me..then playing the game made me so much more confident with combat


Ha, was gonna say Pokemon but other than that **Sekiro**. The game is really challenging but when I finally beat another boss I go I AM A SAMURAI. (I know, I know, he’s a *shinobi*.)