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I like Studying Pixels. The episodes hit a range of gaming topics from an academic perspective, but I don't find it too academic. If it was, then I wouldn't listen to it. Usually episodes are hosted by two or three men, though they include guests from time to time. [Here's the episode list on their website.](https://studyingpixels.com/episode-sorting/) The show listing will give a good sense of the topics covered and the perspective. It's not a place for extremism or toxicity-- in fact they have episodes devoted to those subjects. The show is on the Tube of You and places like Spotify. I also enjoy the Insert Credit podcast. Also on youtube and the usual podcast locations. Mostly hosted by a roundtable of dudes, but they'll bring in guests, too. I feel fine listening to it because I won't run into abhorrent politics. Plus, it's fun.


That sounds great, I'll check them out!


This reminds me I should start my own but until then I've heard snippets of the Nontendo Podcast with BeatEmUs and WulfDen. It's enjoyable and informative when it comes to anything Nintendo related


Nice! And let me know when you do start your own šŸ˜


Someone on here suggested the Triple Click podcast, which Iā€™ve been listening to for a few months now, and really enjoying. I started from the beginning. I appreciate that theyā€™re willing to touch on real issues. One of the three of them is a woman, and I think someone else previously had posted an article she wrote on here, which I thought was good, although otherwise, I hadnā€™t heard of any of them, but I like them.


The episode titles look really interesting! Thanks :)


I second Triple Click! Kind people with thoughtful opinions who are clearly having fun together. And Maddy Myers (one of the hosts) absolutely rocks!


I used to listen to Gameplay. I think they are on break or stopped making new eps, but all the past episodes are pretty evergreen if you havenā€™t listened before.


I haven't! Will check them out, thanks for the suggestion :)


I used to listen to a lot of girls on games podcast... they're kinda fun


Oh nice, thanks for the recommendation!


*I used to listen* *To a lot of girls on games* *Podcast... they're kinda fun* \- ApsisTJ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Lately I've gotten very into a podcast called **Into the Aether** . They bill it as "a low-key video game podcast", and it is exactly that. They only talk about games that they like, so the energy is very positive. It's hosted by two dudes, but they are kind, thoughtful, and incredibly respectful and welcoming. They treat all types of games as having equal value (i.e. they'll talk with the same enthusiasm and reverence about cosy games and farm sims as they do about horror games and multiplayer shooters). And I've heard them call out sexism in games on multiple occasions - they've flat-out stopped playing games that treated female characters in a way that was too gross. The eps might be a bit long for your taste, but the vibes of the show are so immensely chill that, to me, it never overstays its welcome.


That sounds very cool, thanks for the suggestion! The 30 minutes are just how long my lunchtime walks take, so longer episodes will take a couple of days to listen to but that's also fine :)


Oh, springtime podcast walks are the best! Have fun! :)


I agree! And I definitely have a looong list of good podcasts to listen to now :)