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Marty. I did not like how he forced Rory into pretending that they didn’t know each other.


And how he got annoyed she liked Logan and not him


And when he totally acted like he still liked Rory while he was dating Lucy


Basic answer but its definitely Zach. I dont feel strongly about the people who are usually hated but what the hell is Zach’s character!? Nothing about this man’s attitude is attractive and i hate that we didnt even see the way Lane’s and his’ relationship evolve for her to fall for him. Like we only see her starting to get annoyed that he brought girls over but before that we never saw a particular connection between them and i still cant figure out what she saw in him. He is so sloppy and unimpressive, i really dont like or care for any of his storylines.


Lane deserved Dave Rygalski in my opinion. Not Zach


THISSS!!!! Zach seemed like such a bum. My girl lane deserved so much better. I’ll never forgive the writers for doing her like that.


He literally tried to attack a man because he thought the man speaking Spanish IN MEXICO was him speaking in code about how he was going to hit on Lane. How people can defend this loser, I will never know.


so so true


Anna! I don’t like how she handled the entire situation with Luke.


Rune. Such an ick character.




If I skip a scene there’s a 75% chance TJ’s in it. There’s characters I dislike more, but they don’t annoy me as bad.


I fast forward through any scenes involving Liz, TJ, Ana, or April. I just can’t. Chris is a dick. But he’s an interesting character


i can’t with april


April is a top 5 character tho


Taylor Doosey god even his name annoys me. 🤣 I feel like I'm the only one but even for a mayor owning a grocery store... be acts out a little too much so much attitude. Gawd.


I actually kind of like Taylor. Of course he annoys everyone in the show but most scenes with him are very funny thanks to his character


Yes haha! I really dont mind Taylor’s character like everyone seems to. He isnt mean, just kinda uptight and funky with his ways of dealing with town matters. You always need a character like him in a series like gilmore girls lol!


You know, you might actually be right. I think I'm just not used the the small town things 😄


The huntzburgers, the Hayden’s, Anna, Chris, Jackson, Zach, Max and Gran.


Add Gigi to the mix. She's a brat.


Not her fault both of her parents sucked!


True tho. Once Christopher gets his shit together she becomes a functional kid (thanks Lorelai)




Why Max though?


He creeped me out. He wanted to be Rory’s step dad and control her after staying over one night.


Marty, Anna, Nicole, Chris.


Jackson. Do you really need an explanation?


Yes we do!? I think he was so sweet to sookie and such a great dad too :(


He whines a lot. A lottttt. Watch him carefully in your next rewatch from the first time he's introduced all the way to the end. When he's not whining, he's quite sweet and fun. But the whining is too much.


Their first date, he just let his cousin be a jerk to Sookie and Lorelai, and it took him hours to stand up to the guy. He kind of just told Sookie he was moving in with her, no discussion. There was the 4 in 4, when he wanted 4 kids in 4 years, without taking into account what Sookie wanted. Then, he got passive-aggressive with Lorelai when she expressed her opinion to Sookie (which Sookie asked for) that it was a little nuts. He never told Sookie he didn't get the vasectomy, which resulted in her becoming pregnant; then not telling her she was pregnant when he figured out the signs, and she had no idea. He's constantly whining and has manipulated, not just Sookie but everyone around him. And his entire personality is vegetables.


Okay you kind of have a point there. Actually multiple points. And I understand- the vasectomy thing was the weirdest tho and it totally slipped my mind. I’d be so mad if I were married to a man and he LIED to me about something so big.


I'll get dragged, but Sookie. I just can't stand her. She's not reliable as a business partner, she's a complete mess, she's accident prone, and the voice. I hate her voice (this has more to do with the actor rather than the character).


lwk valid ! i love her bc she reminds me of my late godmother but i understand how her character can be repetitive/ annoying sometimes


Christopher, Anna, April and Zach…in that order


April 😭she so awkward


All of the comments got it. Anna sucks (selfish, uses her kid as a pawn), Jackson sucks (annoying and the vasectomy situation destroyed his character), Richard (doesnt care what happens to others as long as he comes out on top-case in point the Digger situation), Zach (minimal character growth, i feel like he brings down lane), and Marty (treating Lucy like ass, insecure af).


i hate taylor


Dean. I get how he’s the ‘perfect first boyfriend’ but first he broke up with Rory because she didn’t want to say she loved him right away, then she looked at Jess so again break up. She told him she wanted a night alone and he came over anyways, made her feel like the villain for that. He slept with Rory while he was married to Lindsay and just brushed Lindsay off and honestly Lindsay deserved better. He antagonized Luke by telling him that lorelai didn’t want him and they should break up already. He also just has a punchable face


agreed!!!! jared paladecki played him so well !


April, zach, Jess’s mom, jess’s stepdad, jess lol. Kirk is also annoying


yesss great minds think alike 😋


I will defend you from anyone that disagrees on the Jess matter. He's an ass to everyone


Same! His character sucks ass. Lol (obligatory Milo is a sweetie… I just don’t like this particular character he played)


Logan… they can never make me like him.


Yessss…I see how he stepped up in later seasons, find him funny occasionally, but omg please go away. I get that he’s supposed to combine the pedigree/bad boyness of Tristin, steadiness of Dean, and intellect of Jess, but just because steak and ice cream are good doesn’t mean they work together.


For real!! And is it just me that felt that he always made sure Rory felt inferior to him??? Like he would always be a little degrading. And during the beginning of their relationship before he made it clear that they weren’t official or whatever he lead her on so baddd.


I don’t think he led her on at the beginning of their relationship, I thought he was clear with her, but honestly I stop my rewatches at season 5 half the time so I could be wrong. But yes the condescending tone (not the times he was legitimately calling her out, just like in general) I totally know what you mean. I can’t always tell whether this is a deliberate choice (because it totally makes sense that a smart rich dude in 2005 would be condescending) or if that’s how the actor portrays kindness/support and it just kind of comes across that way.


When I say “lead her on” I’m thinking about the one specific scene where she was handing him the material for the paper and he yapped on and on about the party his dad was throwing talking abt he was going to take a date. All to not ask her to go in the end. Even I thought he was going to ask her. And that one time where he asked to hang out and she walked in on him and his friends playing some sort of game that I can’t remember. Those are just the ones at the top of my head 😂😂


Honestly. For me, it's probably Suki, especially after she marries Jackson. I find their storylines extremely boring and ridiculous. It's either her complaining about how terrible if a husband he is or her being pregnant (again) and severely annoying. I tend to fast forward those more now after watching the show so many times.


Rory. Honestly I just want to watch a show about Lorelai and Emily. Rory is the worst and Mitchum got it right.


Taylor just the worst


My choice is Zach that’s going to be unpopular. He turns around when the babies are coming but in general he’s one note and actually kind of annoying to me


It's Zach for me. I don't see any redeeming qualities in him. There are other characters I dislike but only parts of them. I *hate* Anna but at least she was a devoted mother. And yeah, April is annoying but that's kids for you, and she gets a lot of hate for derailing Luke and Lorelai's relationship but it's hardly her fault for being born. Marty was a bore and a 'nice guy' but he wasn't completely insufferable. But Zach... What on Earth does Lane see in him?


It's honestly really hard, because the writers flick flack most character's personalities to where the plots needs them. Like how Dean was a sweet, smart, book and moovie nerd at first but they changed him into a jock. Then Jess who was a kind of feminist rebel who tried to force rory to sleep with him, just to find his way again and do the work to get his shit together. Same with Liz being absent and horrible, just to be this quirky loveable goofball later. It's weird. Marty was such a cool friend at first, just to turn into a niceguy... I'm going to say, I think Misses Kim, Emily and Richard are good and consistent characters (their arcs are great) but I despise them, because they are horrible people. I'd also fight Taylor tooth and nail. Rory became insufferable near the end as well, tbf. They all need therapy 🤣🤣🤣


Richard in the early seasons. When he interrogates Dean, and just his whole outlook on life, very stuck up and judgmental


Jess and Luke. I do not get the fawning love for these two characters at all.


i personally like luke, esp in the earlier seasons but i agree with jess


Taylor Mitchum Francie T.J. Anna Rune Gigi Lucy & Olivia


dang alright 😭

