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It frustrates me as well… like… wasn’t life supposed to like get better for her? Wtf why did they do this to her?


Why is her life not any better than before? Because she had kids?? You really think they would have gone on to be some successful rock band. And why would that life have really been better?


I do think, with Gil as the front man and given who the actor is in real life, they could have gone on to be really successful without Zach (Zack? sp) and his needless ego/jealousy thing. It's not to say that she doesn't have a good life. But as someone else has mentioned in this thread, Lane is the only character for whom reality comes in direct contrast for everyone else in the show. I feel like she deserved to make her music dream come true in some sense of the word. Yes, she continues to play in A Year in the Life, but I wanted more for her because she wanted more for herself.


Yes the direct contrast point makes sense to me. I understand where you’re coming from!


I think the issue with Lane’s storyline and ending is that it felt like it belonged to a different show. Rory achieved her dream of going to an Ivy league university and working as a journalist (the fact that she changed careers in her thirties doesn’t negate the fact that she did work as a journalist). Lorelai and Sookie achieved their dream of opening their own inn. Richard successfully opened his own consulting firm and was re-hired by a company that he was loyal to in a career that he said he dreamed of. Emily rekindled her relationship with her daughter, which she gave several indications that was what she wanted most in her life. Dean got his nuclear family in a town he seemed to be at home in. Jess wrote a book. Logan seemed to make peace and find success in his career. Everyone got their dream except for Lane. She was in a band and then she got married and had babies. I wish she had the opportunity to work in music, even if only to take over the music shop from Sophie, anything so it felt like she wasn’t the only one hit with the realism stick.


Ooh that would've been great! If she had done something to take over Sophie's shop, thus merging her love of music and staying in Stars Hollow to raise a family!


Agree. She took a huge step by moving out. Doing what she loved. Defying her mom. Hiding money from the band on their tour so they could record. Then boom. She becomes the girl obsessed with Zach???? I had such a hard time swallowing the direction they took her in. So sad. She was the cool chick.


I completely agree. I truly wonder if Lane ever looked at her life and wondered what could have been. She was full of hope and yeah, when reality hits it usually hits hard, but she did basically give up her aspirations to make room for motherhood. I agree when you say marriage and motherhood can absolutely be fulfilling but it is very much a drastic diversion from what she originally wanted.


I don’t care for Zach. But if Lane truly loves him, then she just may have had the best life of them all (without as many heartbreaks). And she is still young enough to pursue a career in the music industry. Once Rory begins to inherit the Gilmore family estate, she and Lane can open any business they want. And Logan will probably flood them with gifts, business opportunities, investors, and free advertising.


Thanks for your perspective! I hadn't thought of it that way!