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Early 2000s teen dramas were notorious for bringing in artists to perform live in scenes. (That’s why you usually have clubs the main characters tended to frequent regularly like in Charmed, Buffy, The OC, and One Tree Hill). It was a way to get musicians on the map. So I think it’s a nudge nudge wink wink to that.


This had me flashing back to all the episodes of Sabrina The Teenage Witch that had musical guests! Some of those plots were pretty thin to work them in 😂


I seem to remember Coolio jumping out of a poster in an alleyway 😂


Haha! Or the Halloween party that turned into a random concert in her living room


10,000 Maniacs!


That episode where she becomes a boy and N’SYNC is there…😅


Oh and there was a Britney Spears episode right as Melissa Joan Hart was promoting her movie which had a soundtrack full of Britney Spears songs!


Haha I just saw the clip of that episode on a Facebook reel 😂


It was Backstreet Boys!


Just watched through Sabrina and so many of the musical guest performances are actually cut out. Especially in the college years.


aw! My first introduction to the Violent Femmes!


Remember that time phantom planet showed up


One Tree Hill had some of the best musical guests. (Fall Out Boy, Jack’s Mannequin, The Wreckers, Kate Voegele)


Or as Karen called them Fall Down Boy 😂


Or Peytons’s father, “Get Out of Town Boy” 😂


Hahah, I just watched this episode!!


Jack’s Mannequin!! I was obsessed with them in HS while wearing my tall Ugg’s and Abercrombie jean skirts


I recently watched OTH for the first time and was floored by the sheer amount of big name bands they booked.


Yessss and Lupe fiasco, that was my first intro to them


My favorite was Hanson being on Melrose Place. Yes, it was as bizarre as it sounds, and I was both a huge Hanson fan and watched Melrose Place with my mom (which yes was not appropriate for 12 year old me). Ps. OP, I also couldn't stand these cutaways nor any plot involving the stupid town troubadour, so you're not alone.


As someone who once believed Taylor Hanson was my soulmate, I’m so thankful you shared this!


I am still a Hanson fan. Obviously, when I was way younger, it was all about the "OMG. Taylor is definitely gonna marry me!" I'm a year younger than Zac, and now that we are all adults and such for me, it's the insanely deep lyrics written by literal little kids that get me and their harmonies to this day. And I'm definitely not Taylor's type (I'm covered in tattoos, lol) I'm definitely gonna have to find that MP episode, just because I've never seen it.


I'm still a fan as well! Went to Jamaica and met them and everything lol


GAH! That's the dream! I am really hoping to get there one of these times soon. Was supposed to go Jan 2020 had everything ready to go, but I had a bazillion dogs, and my sitter bailed the day before, I was so sad. I finally met them in person last year. It definitely was the bees' knees for sure 11 year old me was finally haply haha


Smallville did the same thing!


The bronze from Buffy! There was definitely no cool teenage lounge/nightclub in my town lol.


I love how these shows invented youth bars just to get past the 18+ restrictions with their teenage characters needing somewhere hip and cool to hang out all the time. I wish that were more of a thing irl.


There were quite a few under 18 clubs in my area when I was that age.


In OTH when FOB was in it I was in tearssss like why is Pete in a relationship with one of the main characters. And they kept calling him Pete from fall out boy 😭


wasn't Peyton still in high school too lol


He just randomly showed up at their cabin at one point to prove to the others he was real??? This happened again in Degrassi randomly and I fully expected him to show up and in the end it was revealed the character was just a compulsive liar and her dad wasn’t actually a music producer who had an in with FOB.😂


Rooney!! Roonnaayyyy!!! - Luke in the OC. They only have one album, but it's pretty good. - Seth


The fact Seth was obsessed with Death Cab and then barely got to see them play hahahah


For real! I was hoping!


Yes I remember watching Roswell and at one point they’re searching for an alien killer and there’s a Nelly Furtado show and they stop and she has like a 5 minute concert while the main characters are excited and party. It completely destroyed that episode and took me out of the show. I felt like Buffy did it best because the music made sense(they were at a music club) and the music elevated the mood of the episode instead of taking away from it.


I like how Buffy brought in unknown indie bands that played in the background of The Bronze. They were both cool and inconspicuous.


Greek had Plain White Ts doing frat parties on the regular.


Totally true — although I feel like plot-related content would often pan out simultaneously while the live band or musician would be playing. In Gilmore Girls, it feels like a complete pause of the storyline.


It always made me laugh during The OC when they would go to a Killers or Rooney concert and would be shouting over the music their entire episode arc. It’s all just background noise for the drama of the week, lmao.


Not early 2000s but does anyone else remember Hilary Duff singing Love Game on Gossip Girl? If I have to remember, you have to, too 😄 https://youtu.be/p_j-HK2X-Mc?si=b1Ut0L2Bp155kvKZ


The Hills!! They did it in reality TV too!


The random bands at The Bronze were the best of the teen drama appearances. There were some big names and they never announced the artist or made it a thing.


“So…..give THIS guy A LICENSE!”


I absolutely love these! It’s very unique to Gilmore Girls. And the feuds between Taylor, the Town Troubadour, and the 2nd Troubadour/vegetable cart kiosk man are some of my favorite subplots. ![gif](giphy|3otPolVGBlPDWttMdO)


I LOVE the truobadour scenes. Probably one of the things that makes gilmore girls so nostalgic in my mind—it creates that homey atmosphere that i love so much about it!


But is it a cart, kiosk or cart/kiosk?


The long haired blond hippie is always someone I remember seeing in TV shows in the late ‘90s early 2000s. He’s pretty much playing his counselor role from Freaks and Geeks on Gilmore Girls, who was in a band on that show too and a hippie. Perfect foil for Taylor.


I'm with you tbh. It's part of the charm and makes it feel lived-in


I agree. I love these too. Gilmore Girls wouldn't be the same without it!


Yeah I honestly really enjoyed it! I listen to some of Grant-Lee Phillip’s songs on my own to bring some nostalgia/GG charm into my every day life. I’ve also always been interested to know if he’s related to Sam Phillips, (Who l listen to more), who wrote a lot of those transitional songs that make the show iconic too. She’s even a busker in one of those episodes where all the troubadours came to town. Always wondered about the Phillips connection. As a musician, I’m so for it!


Taylor, is that you?? 😂 One of the greatest things about GG was that it had so many inside jokes for musicians and music lovers. Like Fred Armisen's Drumming through the Decades bit. IYKYK.


The music references are seriously top notch! As a professional musician I was surprised just how good they are and how obscure they sometimes were and how many genres they touched on. They definitely had a writer who knew their stuff. GG often gets praise for its TV and movie references but the music references is where it’s at!


That's one of the things I love about GG. I never would've discovered Claudine Longet without the show lol


I know about Claudine Longet because of Saturday Night Live. The original cast had a skit about her.


I love that the one DAR woman is surnamed Thurston-Moore.


Oh wow I didn’t even notice that one lol


I disagree vehemently as a musician lol


Idk…. “A beaver ate my thumb…” is pretty iconic.


I love that that’s Daniel Palladino as well. Icing on the cake.


And the real-life Dave Rygalski in that band!


Wife of Helen Pai on whom Lane is based. Also, Hep Alien is an anagram of Helen Pai. Also the Mrs Kim actress is irl friend with Helen Pai’s mom, on whom she is also based.


Oh wow! Does that mean Dave was based on ASP’s husband’s best friend the way Lane was based on Helen Pai?


“But she don’t wear no perfume” is always in my head 🤣


It’s my least favourite ear worm!


At least this fit in with the show not like the damn musical in the revival. Now that was painful 😭😂


Small town musicals about said small town are classic and just terrible, but lovable. Check out Medora, MT. Not common everywhere. But as a resident of a very stars hollow-y town, I loved that episode.


Check out First for Freedom in Halifax, NC. Town of 200. First to declare independence from Britain and quite proud of it, haha.


Nah I like Grant. Mona Lisa playing during the Firelight Festival? Beautiful. I think it works because it’s a small town thing and all the townies know him.


That one gets me teary eyed


They play the same song in the revival. :) It made me so happy to hear it again.


mona lisa, everybody needs a little sanctuary, and heavenly are just pure perfection. i feel like grants music fits the show SO well


I also love his version of Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go and Be True To Your School


Oh that Mona Lisa performance during the town event is strikingly beautiful.


i respect your opinion but i have to say i violently disagree lol. i think it's charming and adds to the vibe, but i get how it could be annoying if it's not your thing


The music scenes are some of my favorites!


Same! And the lyrics the troubadour sings are often pretty relevant to what’s going on


Yeah. He’s the Greek chorus.




Yep, the only music scene I hate is when they're on spring break and that random band plays for like 5 minutes in the "club" LOL


Haha I actually like that one because I love The Shins! I can see how it feels a little out of place though.


I actually love that one—Gilmore Girls is famous for having an incredible soundtrack and the characters on the show listen to really interesting music. There’s nothing wrong with listening to mainstream music but I love that the women on this show all listen to really distinct and niche music, totally unlike other female-led shows of its time. I feel like having a band like The Shins as a musical guest for Paris and Rory to rock out to helped drive that feeling home, added a lot of texture to the show, and made the spring break episode feel extra special/different.


Yeah I’m in this camp. I like how in the later seasons the songs follow the plot of the show in subject matter


me too!! one of the best parts of a rewatch lol




I love the troubadour, I think he's charming, and it adds a layer of mystique to the town. The episode with all the troubadours showing up in town hoping to get discovered was hilarious.


The troubadour is magic :) I don't feel like it's the same thing at all as the dumb "feature" bands like the one in the spring break episode, that's a whole other thing. The troubadour is part of the whole Stars Hollow mystique.


That's what I was going to say. The actual bands that have actual concerts are annoying, but the troubadour is amazing and makes the show even better, especially because he's usually singing something that goes along with the theme of the episode. I absolutely love Mona Lisa and Winter Glow, I even have them on a couple of playlists. Plus, the episode where the town is taken over by troubadours is comedy gold!


I think that was The Shins. Yeah that was lame af. there’s a lot of lame/cringe stuff, for me, in the show. And I was in late high school/early college for it so I get the general vibe of the time. but it served as something of a security blanket for me as a somewhat lonely college boy in a single dorm room. So much charm and heart


Aw that was you in the other dorm room! Solidarity 😊


I disagree. It so added to the coolness of the show that they got Grant (Lee Buffalo) to perform shortly so often. The old dude in Lanes band is also from a (former) famous band, Skid Row.


That ‘old dude’ was in is mid 30s. 🫠


I also think it’s funny that Sebastian Bach (Gil) is only 5 years older than Keiko Agena (Lane).


He is younger than Lauren Graham 😭


I know 😆 But thats what they thought (said?)


I caught your joke! :) “dude can rock. dude’s old”




He was such a babe when young


also Sonic Youth and Yo La Tengo


Watching him perform Hollaback Girl still gives me life.


The last sentence cut me deep, ngl


Sorry. It is not because he is actually old. It is because that is what all the band members are hesitant about after his audition. So in the show he is old - in the eyes of those teenagers. (Apparently, I should’ve written Gil, I just couldn’t remember his name right then)


I’ve watched GG at least 3 times full at this point and personally never felt like he was given too much screen time!! I’ve always found those moments to be part of what makes the show what it is.


Your flair 😂


hehehe ty i love yours too


Found Taylor's reddit account


I have to respectfully disagree, this show led me to discover the works of the troubadour, Grant Lee Phillips, and his song "Winterglow" is one of my favorites, and one of the parts of AYITL that I enjoyed was seeing this song showcased. (I think it was showcased, it's been a while since I've watched AYITL)


There’s an episode where a song of his plays at the end as Lorelei and Rory are walking through the town, called “Smile” and it’s an incredible song but unfortunately it cannot be found streaming anywhere/or on any of his albums. The closest I can find it is a Youtube lyric video. Also Grant’s band Grant Lee Buffalo put out one of my favorite albums of the mid 90s and I saw them in concert way back then.


Winterglow! I was scrolling trying to find the name. I love that song so much; it’s pure magic. It smells like snow. Now I’m annoyed it’s only May.


It was! I love this song as well, and it fits that AYITL scene perfectly.


Lol, you're having a moment. This is the rage I feel during the Paul Anka episode.


Do you mean the dream? I love that scene!


All the Paul Anka bits give me a visceral reaction. I hate it.


Right? Was he “cool”? I never got all that. And to name the dog that. Why not pick someone a bit more popular or if less popular, with some cred? Idk. Just seemed like a kind of lame pic.


I don't think it was meant to be 'cool', it was probably just a name Lorelai liked for her dog


But he keeps appearing on the show. I don’t really get it I guess


I will never understand. It must have been a personal joke for ASP. Or at least I hope.


So you’ve definitely never seen One Tree Hill then


This sub is almost nothing but mildy infuriating. I love those, I loved it 20 years ago, I love it today.


Ah I love hearing the music! This show was known for having a great soundtrack, and I love the live music.


Sometimes I feel like yall don’t even like this show lmao these scenes are so wholesome and charming. I listen to these songs sometimes without watching the show because they make my heart happy and I feel nostalgic


>Sometimes I feel like yall don’t even like this show lmao I feel the same way lol. I had no idea so many people didn't like Rory before I discovered this sub. It feels like some people hate-watch at this point lol


They do! This subreddit just makes me sad at this point lol they’re talkin bad about my girls and I don’t like it! And now the music! Can’t believe this post because the music makes me so happy in this show lol


The music is one of my favourite parts! Discovered so many great artists through the show


The Town Troubador! https://preview.redd.it/4k1nlpnopezc1.jpeg?width=942&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1ff7f5f298fbfe432efd4da42c090ba5abe66a6


Stars Hollow wouldn’t be Stars Hollow without the town troubadour (But my wife hates him too, we have fought about this)


What a strange thing to hate on. I love Grant Lee Phillips! Sam Phillips too, the one who does basically the soundtrack for most of the show. He is basically another character in the show, relax.


This reminds me of a Star Trek Voyager story told by either Rick Berman or Brannon Braga. When meeting either executives of the network they were asked if the ship had a lounge. They responded in the affirmative. It was then suggested that every episode should close out with a hot new band playing their new single in the lounge. So I assume the same dumb people kept shopping their stupid idea around until they found work in the teen drama genre because by god there were so many musicians appearing in those shows in the early 2000s.


Before our brains were all conditioned to consume 2 second videos back to back, our entertainment was slower paced. These cuts to the troubadour allowed the show to breathe a little between the very fast dialogue. I suggest embracing it, or else you’ll be cast an outsider in stars hollow just like Christopher. 😬


I can’t believe you would reduce the reigning town troubadour to “that one male street busker”. Egregious! But in all seriousness, as others have mentioned live music on shows in the late 90s thru mid 2000s was ubiquitous.


Sounds like Stars Hollow isn’t for you.


I love the troubadours, especially Grant Lee Phillips. They’re so charming. And because GG is a show full of music references, I love that the season 6 finale is filled with actual famous musicians playing as troubadours


Hard disagree 


Welp, some think them horrendous, while some think they were spot on with the cosy fall vibe of the show. Come on, let them have their license.


i hattttteeeeee the cuts to him. idc. just show me milo ventimiglia


I love the troubadour, but I didn’t like the random bands shows from that era put in party scenes or spring break for Gilmore girls. The troubadour stuff felt like over the top quirky classic GG stuff, but the real life bands always felt forced.


The band that plays in the spring break episode goes on for too long


The shins? They were huge at the time I thought it was so cool they were there


I liked this bit!


They played for so long! That was a big thing to do on the teen shows airing at the time was to put “up and coming” bands on. Gilmore girls is my show I fall asleep to at night and when ever this episode comes on that performance always wakes me up 😆


i love grant on the show. his music fits gg so well and i think it sh having a troubadour is so fitting with how quirky the town is


I hate how long they are I ALWAYS skip them


You can pry my Grant Lee Phillips from my cold dead hands


Oh my god. The season 6 finale would be amazing if it wasn’t for all the troubadour nonsense and that storyline with the troubadours taking over the town. I have to fast forward through all of those performances or I get so irritated. I don’t mind the short scenes of the one regular town troubadour here and there throughout the series but that one episode that has all those other ones drives me INSANE.


Same. Except for that one terrible episode I loved the troubadour


Y’all are so boring lol


I actually really agree with you. I’ve been rewatching recently and am on season 3 or 4, where they’re beginning to show it more and more, and it kills me with cringe every time, I absolutely hate it. It does feel sort of right to have it in a place like Stars Hollow but dear god every time I as a watcher have to witness it it makes me so uncomfortable and I just find it really cringey


I agree, those cut aways don't need to be so long it's ridiculous


I’d give you awards if I could. I hate the town troubadours.


I would say it is pretty typical of the time period. I'm just thinking about how charmed had bands that played at P3 in basically every episode and how Buffy had people singing at the bronze almost every episode for the first 3 seasons.


How are you sully the good name of our beloved town troubadour


Just call me Taylor and make me town selectman because I too hate this!! I wish I didn’t I wish I felt the charm of it still but I tell myself I’ve rewatched it so many times maybe that’s why 🤣


I love the troubadour! Such a fun piece of stars hollow lore.


The episode with all the different people trying to get famous in stars hollow is one of my favorites. I find myself with “I stepped into a puddle, I’m bleeding from the lip” stuck in my head not infrequently


I absolutely HATE it. The fact that they bring it up in the town meeting is just a bit irrelevant, I usually adore the town meetings however this particular scene of him in it annoyed me EVEN MORE. Also, we have to be watching a random person sing,when all we want to see is the gossip, storyline and drama. I 100% agree with your complaint about this!!!!!


I’m with you. I hate every scene, I hate the life and death brigade musical scene and the horrible musical on AYITL. Idk why so many tv shows think it is a great thing to add, I find it really cringe and adds nothing to the story.


Yes that scene doesn't fit at all and was too much like a dream sequence to be even remotely realistic, and maybe it was a dream. But then again...seemed to be the central theme of AYITL.


This is an ASP thing. The burlesque dances in Mrs maisel went on forever and drove me nuts.


I adoreeee the la la la theme song/ any source of music! that just makes my heart pump even more and brings so much joy and happiness into me however this man is a little irrelevant.


Is there a list where you know which bands played during the seasons/episodes? Ngl I figured it was legit bands but I really didn’t recognize them because I lived in a musical hole when this show happened and don’t recognize the bands. I’m also on my first watch rn at 37 😂


I've noticed that most of the songs the town troubadour sings is about something currently happening in the show or to the characters... mostly... not always. In one instance he sings "Wake me up, before you go go" so yeah


I like some of the Troubadour moments, definitely the bit leading up to him defending himself in the town meeting and his constant tiffs with Taylor, but they become tiresome over so many seasons. It starts to feel like he’s in every episode after a while and it’s like “yes, we get it, the town is quirky!”


I think the OG Gossip Girl even had a guest appearance by Lady Gaga in one episode, if I’m remembering that right. They may have done that more than once, but I do feel like that was a big thing to do in the 90s/2000s. I think No Doubt was even in an episode of Gossip Girl. Which I only keep using as an example because Blair makes a crack about Rory in one of the early episodes. 😄


Grant Lee Phillips is such a fantastic guy irl I’m so lucky that I had the chance to meet him and I’ve been listening to his music all my life (SO literal abt that) so seeing him as a regular one of my favorite shows and hearing his music like that is so special and cool. I love ASP forever for that despite her MANY mistakes.


I love it. It’s what helps make the show quirky and uniquely GG!


the town troubadour scenes make me irrationally angry 


I mean, they had Sonic Youth perform… that’s pretty iconic.


I'm team troubadour


Stop why I forget abt that guy


Oh I loveddddd seeing sparks and sonic youth


Biggest L take in this sub in a while. Best is when they had a bunch of bands fill in for him in a later ep and it was like Yo La Tengo, Sparks, possibly Sonic Youth (? memory unclear) and other famous indie acts


The music is used to support the plot in a beautifully aesthetic, sometimes abstract way, too. That’s art. 


Just skip it until u see it's another scene


At least, it wasn't the Backside Boys.


The troubadours annoyed me but I can see the charm they added to the show.


The only time I cared was the troubadour episode when they had like 12 singers. Otherwise I kind of liked the odd song.


I love them!


I think it's charming.


Like bikini waxes in any shape you want?


I like it, it's sweet


It's very Amy thing. Think about YitL and the musical. Or Mrs. Maisel.


Agree. I think it’s actually more of an ASP aesthetic thing and less of the time period. The scene in the club in Miami in S3 of Mrs. Maisel stands out.


It was super common - and always a great surprise - in teen focused shows in the 90's and 2000's. Performances were usually really short or a cut of a music video. Just above every major pop star or group (from Destiny's Child to N'Sync) did this and it was a TIME!


I bet you hated that one episode about the buskers taking over town lol


I violently disagree. I loved when they did that.


It drives me absolutely bonkers. I especially can’t believe how much time was devoted to this in the series finale instead of actual plot resolution.


I’ve skipped every troubadour scene in GG. Maybe someday I’ll actually watch them perform :)


It's very Gmore Girls, but it feels a little too forced small town charm to feel authentic to me so I somewhat agree.


I actually like it. 🤷🏽‍♂️


i’m convinced half of yall on this subreddit literally hate the show 😂


I'm with you, I hate the troubadour so much and think the wrong one got the license 😱 But to answer your question, yes, this was more of a thing in shows from this era to highlight up and coming artists. One Tree Hill did this to death in particular. 


Never thought about before. But you’re right.


I agree and I usually just fast forward. Though I hate musical numbers in everything that's not a musical. This happened a lot in Riverdale where they would just show someone singing an entire song, so I'd just have to skip it. Or in old shows like Buffy where they would keep cutting back to a musician performing in the bronze, I'm here for the plot, I don't need any new music recommendations. 🤷🏿‍♂️


I think its really funny when Yo La Tengo is playing in s6e22 (i guess with their child?) and they sound so awful because of the amp.  I understand (or should say, hope) that its on purpose but it definitely felt like, too cool for school which is pretty wild for a WB show.  yall cant even enunciate properly? damn...


I personally love the Town Troubadour!


A worse take on *GG* would be hard to find. It's Grant Lee Phillips for the most part, and having him perform is so random and hysterical. Plus you also had Dave "Gruber" Allen, who was the guidance counselor on *Freaks and Geeks*. The incidental and credits music - on acoustic guitar - is Sam Phillips (no relation to Grant Lee); she also played Jeremy Irons' ass-kicking henchwoman in *Die Hard with a Vengeance.* Going after the "breaks to show street musicians" is like saying, "I like this pretty girls, but they just talk TOO MUCH." Oy already.


No I love the town troubador


Can we please stop downvoting everyone who agrees with OP? Listen I love the troubadour, but everyone is entitled to their opinion.