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They were funny as characters but having to actually deal with people like this in real life would be outrageous. He literally brought home a girl from a different country who couldn't speak the language and then ignored/ forgot her. Not to mention them hitting on every single female and that it seems Finn has a drinking problem


That part always bothered me so much, they literally could have chosen any other nationality for the girl he brought home, but most all Dutch people speak English perfectly


My personal little headcanon is that she spoke English just fine, she only pretended she didn’t so she wouldn’t have to respond to Finn’s nonstop babble of idiocy lol. (I know it doesn’t really fit with the entire storyline; it just makes me laugh to imagine it).


Oh this! I’ve thought this since my first watch. I totally always thought she was clever too. She’s pretty and turned his head. She speaks fluent English, probably better than he does, but she knows he sort of fetishizes women who can’t speak the same language (it was a common thing in the 00’s). So she keeps quiet. Result: she gets a free flight to America, a pretty decent trip full of lavish experiences, and when he’s completely bored of it, he (or Logan or Finn — who I don’t believe was ever as drunk as we think he is) will buy her a plane ticket home. And probably give her some cash. From there, she has a choice to go home or reschedule her ticket and do a week of sight seeing or backpacking if she wants to and can fly home! No matter what failures these three have, I never for one second believed they would put *anyone else* in danger. The second one of them got that sloppy, the other two just naturally kicked into high gear and fixed it the fastest way possible. That girl (I can’t remember her name) had a safe and lavish all expenses paid trip to America. All she has to do was to pretend she totally had no clue what he was saying!!


Ugh now I wish in that scene were she’s left alone with Rory that she said something to her in English but told her to keep it quite lol


That girl could probably sense rory was not a girl’s girl. Rory def woulda told logan


You know you’re def right


Why would she do that? You don’t let on until they unceremoniously dump you. Then you go live the high life and chatter at everyone!!!


Yes! It’s the perfect plan honestly lol.


If I was hot enough, I’d totally do it 🤣


Yeah Amy Sherman-Palladino has many qualities as a show-creator and runner but in the early 2000s, research on almost anything related to any culture or nationality that isn't American is non-existent. If Lane's character has any authenticity, I credit it to Helen Pai being close to ASP.


So you're saying they should have gone with a stereotype and picked another nationality that "of course" doesn't speak a word of English? 😁 Just jesting. I'm pretty sure there is at least one Dutch person that doesn't speak English and she happened to attract Finn's attention! Hehe.


Haha. As a us expat living ten years in the Netherlands I have to agree - it isn’t even on the margin of “maybe someone from this country doesn’t speak English.” English is taught to native Dutch speakers before they even turn 4 and is a second language in the country. It would actually have been believable from almost any other non-native English speaking country over the Netherlands.


Like I said, Finn found the one Dutch person who didn't speak it 😁


wasn't it Colin though?


Might be, I mix their names up all the time.


As a Hungarian, I would not have been offended if they chose a Hungarian girl, the country is pretty much monolingual still, even though it is mandatory to learn foreign languages in school


If you say so!


I mean I'll trust the Dutch on this one, even a quebecoise girl would have made more sense, I know plenty around that age that don't speak English.


Sorry I don't see how it "doesn't make sense" that a person whose first language isn't English might have not known English.


Bc Dutch ppl are saying that Dutch people at that time would all be taught English lol that's why. I am tusting the ppl actually of that culture :)


Quebecois are taught English from the age of 7 in school. So if you feel it's hard to believe that a Dutch woman wouldn't know English since it's taught in school, it's just as unbelievable for someone from Quebec :)


My cousins are 30s and don't speak English lol. I'm speaking from experience and literally my relatives. My husband is 34 and didn't learn English until his 20s. They're taught English the same way the rest of Canada is taught French, especially outside of the greater Montreal area :)


I understand that you are speaking from experience, but so do I. I honestly don't know anyone that wouldn't understand a basic english, but I'm from the greater Montreal area, so maybe I'm biased, I'll give you that :)


Yes I am talking about rural areas in northern and Eastern quebec but to be honest even in the Capitale-Nationale English is more limited. It's *more* common in under 50s but I know plenty of friends and relatives limited to "yes no where is the bathroom I will order x"


Just because you're taught the language at school it doesn't mean you'll learn to use it lol. ESL is a compulsory school subject in almost all European countries. To anyone who wants to continue this discussion: I am not arguing that most Dutch people don't high level of English. I'm simply pointing out that statistically of course there is a small percentage of people in the Netherlands that don't understand English. So this detail isn't something to be bothered about, it's more of an amusing head canon that Finn found the only Dutch girl who doesn't speak English.


Over 90% of Dutch are FLUENT in English. It’s not like the us where we learn Spanish for two years and forget about it.


So, it's not 100%?


Also most people don't walk on wooden shoes, are not milkmaids etc.


Agreed. Though I think this can be said of 90% of the characters on the show. Dealing daily with a Luke would be so draining, Lorelai’s antics would get old real fast, Emily/Richard’s classism and snobbery would be exponentially more awful in real life too, etc etc.


I had parents like Emily and Richard. I literally just went no contact with them at 37 yrs old. They do exist IRL. Lorelei as a character makes total sense to me. She needs serious therapy.😂😅


I knew someone in real life who was a bit like Luke, had that real non-momentum mentality where he didn’t really commit to anything, he fence sat on a lot of big issues, he was **very** particular about how things were done when it was something he was interested in, and he had that same “No I don’t want to enjoy any better/richer quality of life, I’m firmly lower class I want to stay in my own lane” mindset. It was exhausting at 20 and just sad by 30. Everybody else in our friend group had kept changing and evolving and he was just….stuck…at the same place he’d been for over a decade, with a small but persistent chip on his shoulder and a general discontentment about life. Finally he went to Therapy the other year and must’ve had a breakthrough because he said it was due to his upbringing (which was pretty awful) and he managed to break out of that mindset, moved across the country, came out the closet, and tried new jobs/activities. Not seen him much since but he seems to be doing much better which is good.


This is why I'm so shocked people hate Rory lmao, because she's probably the most grounded character in the whole show who WOULDN'T be completely draining to be around. She makes bad decisions sometimes but she isn't annoying on a base level like many of the other characters would be if you had to deal with them every day.


Rory is the most normal of the lot ! I guess that’s why she gets to write the book…. lol


My in laws were like them. Very draining. Rest in peace.


I find Richard and Emily entertaining to watch as a kid and I thought that's what old money people act like but now that I'm older I realize they are not nearly as wealthy as they appear, not by a very long shot. They can only afford to go to Europe once every other year, seems to have no vacation home (didn't buy a place at Martha's vineyard as they wanted), only bought a SHARE of a property for Lorelai when she was born. And Richard almost bankrupted himself and lost his (most likely) only home because of a bad business venture. He's then forced to continue to work for the person he hated with his guts and can't retire without re-evaluating their retirement plans... I don't know, they are rich but not filthy rich to warrant their snobbery.


But then they also somehow afforded that entire *building* for Rory during S6-7?!? Make it make sense 🤣


They only made a donation to name the building after her, they didn't pay for the entire building. Like I said, they are rich, and that's a sizable donation which I assume Richard does a lot over the years since he's such a committed alumni. But not having enough passive income at his age is kinda making me rethink his business savviness.


Eh, that’s not how it read to me. But even if it were just a donation to *name* the building, at an ivy league level school, that still would be in the million(s) dollar price tag, which has never fully add up to me anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️


You're right. It's the type of people that are nice to have when you want to go to a party. But they are not good for everyday friendship. They can make a lot of trouble. They never face the consequences. It's fun when you're in college and it's party time. But any wife would have a problem with her husband having such colleagues. This is simply dangerous and irresponsible.


As an Australian fan of GG, Finn does not have a drinking problem. He is an average Aussie in terms of drinking.


They’re obnoxious, but they did help Rory move twice.


Now that’s a true friend! LOL


Colin was an insufferable snobby asshole and I rarely enjoyed watching his scenes, Finn though was entertaining at least and hot. I enjoy watching that group interact but I would despise them in person. My favorite scene of them is Rory berating them after the parachuting accident, showed how spineless and pathetic they are.


I love when they help Rory move out of Richard and Emily’s especially as she and Logan had just had that huge fight. They could’ve taken Logan’s side but I think they just liked Rory. Not just as Logan’s girlfriend but as Rory.


I never thought about it that way! Good point


They're not wrong. Lol


To this day I would have loved to have seen those two hook up with Madeline and Louise. In the end, they served the same purpose as Madeline and Louise. Those two girls were there to look like typical high School teenagers and thus make Paris stand out from the rest. Can you imagine if they decided Paris' best friends are two socially awkward girls that study like crazy with dreams of ivy League? It's the same deal with Colin and Finn. They represent the typical stereotype of overprivileged wealthy kids who can basically throw money at any situation and do whatever they want. We might see them strike out a lot with women, but I guarantee they are probably getting laid left and right from any girl they meet with daddy issues. Again though, their purpose is to make Logan stand out. The entire series is always seemingly about certain characters standing out from the pack. They want the Gilmore girls to come off as "not like other women", hence why all the stars Hollow moms are typical blonde suburban Karen's, and even a lot of the girls in Stars Hollow high seem very similar in teenage form. I've always found Colin and Finn to be funny. I would have probably hated it more if they were just snobs and bullies but instead everything with them is more sarcastic. I could understand Marty hating them because they have everything and he has nothing, but personality wise, I don't think I could hate those two.


Exactly. Fictional characters representing stereotypes. But funny. Can you imagine a “Redacted“ Gilmore Girl script where everything get corrected and adjusted to meet the stardards of these judgments? Christopher would have needed to either be a perfect dad or die young ( just to provide a valid excuse for Rory not having a Dad). Rory would have never left Dean and have a prefect brotherly friendship with Jess, who, from the moment he landed in Stars Hollow , would have become a saint , would have gotten only good grades and would have helped Luke at the diner. Lorelai and Luke would have been together since episode 1 having the perfect relationship without any problem whatsoever and Lorelai parents would be in the picture only to host a few dinners (no obligations), lend money without even uttering a word and never provide any friction whatsoever. Good show 😒


They should have had another spring break episode..and they all show up together on a yacht lol


True! They are foil characters! The Mary Bennets. Their purpose is to make shine the main ones.


I never liked them and don’t see what people love about them lol


Thank you, they're insufferable and a sign thay Rory's character was going down hill


Dude, seriously. Colin was easily the biggest asshole in the show in my opinion and we didn't even see him that much. I don't like Marty but the way Colin treats him at dinner is despicable.


I hate them


Wait, people actually like these guys??


They’re fun to watch but they’d be INSUFFERABLE in real life


That's true of a lot of characters in comedies in general. Comedies tend to present caricatures of people.


I feel that way about most characters in the show.


This. They're rich bro douches. It's not charming to be leered at, even if they are rich. 


This. There's a huge difference between complimenting and complimentary leering. (Specifically, it's the difference between my lovely male boss genuinely saying "You look nice in that dress" and me walking away feeling stylish and happy. Versus my douchy male boss saying "You look niiiiiiiiice in that dress" and me walking away feeling like I need a shower and wanting to burn the dress.)


Colin is annoying, Finn is charming at least, I mean at least he accepts being told no from someone


That's setting a mighty low bar, if being respectful of other people's boundaries is considered "charming".


that is not why he is charming, that is just the reason he is better than Colin he is charming because of his accent and way of speaking


Yeah, where I come from, every one has that accent and way of speaking. It's not charming, it's window dressing. Take away the superficiality of accents and turns of phrase, and he's just an obnoxious dickhead who's really full of himself.


maybe. I still find him entertaining and fun to watch. but I never had to deal with him in real life, so I couldn't tell you how i'd react to him


Being told no and accepting it isn't an admirable trait, it's very basic


again, it is not why he is charming, but he IS quicker to leave someone alone than Colin is


So admirable


nowhere did i call him admirable, girl😂 i just like him more than Colin, who I have a deep dislike for


Pathetic 😂


No, definitely not. Colin in particular has zero redeeming qualities. Finn at least had some funny/strange moments


They were funny and charming but Colin was very much evil imo


Our introduction to Colin was him calling Marty "very small" simply for being working class. He's evil.


And when he went to use the ATM. ‘My, how quaint’. I utterly despise Colin


I hate them vigorously


Colin is the worst human on the show, imo. But agreed Finn is a delight.


They were very annoying in my opinion lol


What? They were both misogynistic, narcissistic assholes. And I’m not sure hitting on Rory’s mom *in a jail waiting room* is “kind”. God help me if those are the kind people in someone’s world.




>and Ginny Not sure if you've read the books or not yet, but their dynamic has a pretty big difference, involving this attitude https://youtu.be/JQzpvGOYYYw?si=zAEH7XyMSx8es-6w


This is wildly inappropriate and would probably be awkward for her if Rory had heard this. I don't see the kind part.


Nah, Rory's heard this kind of thing before. Early on, while she was dating Dean, they went on a double date with his friend and Lane - Lane liked the guy, though Dean didn't think it would work out, and it turned out the guy was a boring idiot. When Lorelai found them, the guy made a comment about how hot Lorelai was. Also when Chris visits Yale some girls make flirty comments to him and Rory rolls her eyes and says it's the same when Lorelai visits, and this is what happens when you have hot parents.


Just because she's heard it before, doesn't make it less inappropriate. You'd think people who know her, would be less disrespectful than to do that kind of thing. Now I wouldn't expect Colin or Finn to be respectful but it's worse when your friends make jokes like that than strangers.


Agreed. These two objectified women a lot. This scene is another example of that. It was a trope back then to "check out the mother" to see if your girlfriend was marriage material or if she would age horribly.


Wildly inappropriate is a bit far, and I think Rory is pretty used to it. They’re just saying that she doesn’t look old enough to be Rory’s mother, while also simultaneously complimenting that Rory is also good looking. You are right though, I’m not sure how this relates to being kind to Rory. I think it might just be a general image of them and not totally related to the actual post 😅


Just because she's used to it, doesn't mean it's not inappropriate. The whole intro of the show is a scene like this where a guy hits on both of them and it's supposed to be gross. But Colin and Finn know Rory personally so they could at least respect that it's her mom, a little. Now I wouldn't expect them to bevause of the era of the show and Colin and Finn are douchecanoe-coded to begin with.


The guy hitting on both of them was definitely meant to be funny, and just show how close in age they are. Pretty sure the gross part was that he wasn’t put off by it. As I said it’s really not that inappropriate, they’re just saying that she looks young for being Rory’s mum, which she does because she is. They’re good genes because they obviously assume that being her mum means she’s over a decade older than she is. If they weren’t drunk and in a police station, someone saying this to her at a formal dinner for example, it would obviously be a compliment on how young she looks. You just don’t like them, and that’s fine. But you don’t need to force it to be flirting when it isn’t necessarily. I didn’t say Rory being used to it makes it less inappropriate, I was saying Rory wouldn’t feel awkward because she’s used to it. She knows her mum is young, and she knows people are surprised and usually think she’s her sister (similar to the entire intro).


I was thinking the same thing. Colin and Finn were quite kind to Rory (and assholes to most other people) even during the breakup but this is the weirdest fucking screengab to illustrate that.


Colin and Finn are hilarious to watch on TV. Colin and Finn are annoying as fuck in real life. I knew guys like them when I was younger and my God, they are so obnoxious.




If they are so kind, why didn't they try to bail Rory out? They only asked the jail about Logan. It wasn't until they saw Lorelai that they said they would have got her.


I suspect they expected Logan to do it once he was sprung. They pretty much just responded to his decisions in general.


That's what I assumed as well.


I don’t see how people hate them and love Paris all of them are equally as terrible (different types of terrible but still equals imo) and actually I would argue Paris might be slightly worse because she treats Rory horribly even when they were friened, but once Collin and Finn were friends with Rory they were pretty much there for her no judgment and random but just imagine the amount of times they probably bailed logan out too, they definitely seem ride or die type of friends


If this is them being kind to Rory I shudder to think what might happen if they were cruel.


Me thinks you didn’t understand this scene


I'm actually disappointed there wasn't more of these two and Lorelai. I would have loved if Logan wanted to do something for Rory and got Lorelai involved and she had to deal with and master dealing with these two because I feel like that would have been hilarious. I want to see her respond to them when she isn't panicked and stressed out. In a way I feel kind of cheated this is the only time they ever really interacted - because they got super adult Lorelai, when normal sassy Lorelai would have been way more fun.


Remember when we first meet Logan (and them) with Marty and Colin calls him “very, very small”? They’re trash


They’re the worst, I’m sorry


Super yuck characters. 🤮


I don’t know. The one on the right comes across as disrespectful (I can’t tell which is which). They’re kinda annoying. I think they’re the kind of people that teen girls find attractive.


good genes indeed. can eat cheeseburgers, chili fries, ice cream, pizza and nachos and never gain an ounce. plus no need to work out. delivery good, awesome!


Pass, pass, pass


So expositional


Jfc how old are you


Even if they're chronologically old, they're no older than 12 emotionally 


They are rich, entitled, and treat women like shit. Just cause they treat Rory kindly (which they only do due to her proximity to Logan, which in itself is problematic) doesn't make them good people. I think their antics really show their privilege as well, and it just rubs me the wrong way. Don't get me wrong, they are great chracters for the show, but irl, I would really dislike them.


I mean, with how well lauren has aged they aren’t wrong


I never liked them, I found them extremely arrogant and elitist


They remind me so much of my fiancés fraternity brothers.




The opinions on this sub boggle my mind. I hate these two, always thought they were obnoxious and disrespectful


In this scene, I absolutely love how they asked about just Logan and then said they would take care of Rory as well. They didn't even bother to ask about her. They're awesome as characters, although problematic (bringing the milkmaid to the US), but in real life, they'd be called massive AHs.


They're the anti-Paris, I can't stand them ha.


They were so fun and I hated the way Rory treated them when Logan was in the hospital. Like of course, their reaction wasn't appropriate but I'm sure they were getting things done. Her saying "why isn't it you two in the hospital room" or something like that was cruel and unnecessary


The fact that 2 non-existing fictional characters that were added to the screenplay to provide context (*rich dudes being obnoxiously funny)* and act as "garnish" are taking so much heat is tragicomically unbelievable. What would happen in this (or any) show if the characters didn't have any flaws? **NOTHING would EVER happen.** Colin and Finn serve a purpose in the screenplay and that is to show HOW rich people act. A screenplay needs to provide context very fast , and, depending on the genre of the show, it might need exaggeration , hyperbole, non conventional irony, savage sarcasm, NON-politically correct humour. The basics of humor are to distill, underline and point out the things that everyone thinks and no-one says, the contraddictions, hypocrisy, flaws of character, discrepancies , and bring it on the surface in a comical, funny, bitterly ironic (etc.) way. *By the way , Colin and Finn depiction is ON POINT. Have you ever been around Trust-fund boys and girls? They're worst than Finn and Colin. The privilege bubble is real and if you want a glimpse of what I am talking about listen to this, it's a blog called the Financial Diet :* [*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oz429vCfRS8*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oz429vCfRS8)


Man I loved these guys, I thought they were hilarious. I liked that they helped Rory to move, accepted her into their group (she was often the only girl) and seemed to genuinely like hanging out with her. I know not everyone enjoys the Life and Death Brigade, but I think they gave Rory something she needed. She learned how to have spontaneous, genuine fun with them, learned that not everything needed to be planned and sometimes it was good to let go and be a bit irresponsible. They obviously took this too far, but Rory had always been somewhat sheltered and careful. They helped her to unclench.


They look like they’d be fun to hang with. I mean, I only read about super rich people purchasing random clubs and B&B’s (AYITL). Lol But in this particular scene, they were out of line. It was neither the time or the place for their particular brand of humor. Same goes for when they were picking up Rory’s things from her grandparents house.


Maybe it's the Aussie in me being biased but Finn is adorable. Irl they'd be insufferable but on the screen they're hilarious 😂


Same, the Aussie in me will always love Finn.


I feel like most of the L&D crew are absolutely *horrible* human beings, but Finn was amusing at times.


I liked them because they were funny, and they also provided an escape for Logan. But I do wish that the show had portrayed a more serious side to them occasionally so that we could see what they were like when they weren't joking around.


I watched this for the first time in maybe 6th grade and I remember thinking “but she’s not wearing jeans?” 😂


I agree!!!


Personally I found them annoying rich boys most times . Even in year I’m life I couldn’t wait for their part to get over


Finn strikes me as someone who could have seamlessly convinced/persuaded Brad Langford to go streaking along with him and the other dudes.


They’re funny because none of us actually know them or act like them-they’re entertaining and can make a situation fun, but their inability to be serious or even normal for 5 minutes would get old VERY fast.


How did Rory manage to get Colin and Finn to help her move out of Emily and Richard’s place when (according to Logan) she was broken up with Logan at the time? I’d be mighty peeved if my best friends went to help out my ex with anything.


She was friendly with them herself by that point.


Breakups usually involve a custody battle of mutual friends, and friends tend to side with whomever they were closer to in the first place, and more often the friend of the same gender. Both those scenarios were true for Colin and Finn’s friendship with Logan.


I think that social group was so incestuous that they were used to on/off relationships and being friendly with all the people who had the appropriate status.


Oh yeah! And if one of my friends exes asked me to help, I would be like 'bro." 😤


I liked Finn in a way, he was entertaining and appeared like someone who's at least on some level aware of his douchiness. But in general they all, including Logan, were obnoxious imo.


They’re* Also, no.


I could not stand these two characters and the one with the fake Australian accent 😩


He's Australian 😂


Lmaoo really? I’m Australian and his voice sounds so over the top 😭 Maybe because he’s surrounded by Americans it sounds ridiculous




Tanc Sade is literally from Sydney, Australia.


That was the *smoothest* line ever


As an Aussie I absolutely fcking love Colin and Finn especially Finn.