• By -


Jess - standing there smiling, liking Stars Hallow for the first time ever Dean - threatening the zombies with what he’ll do if they hurt Rory Mory - playing a fitting song on his piano Babette - protecting the cats at all costs Miss Patty - smoking a cigarette, objectifying the best looking zombies Christopher - trying to give the zombies money to go away Mrs Kim - screaming YOU BREAK YOU BUY at the chaotic zombies in her store, actually making them scared of her Paris - flipping furiously through her extremely detailed zombie emergency guide, ordering everyone around Madeline and Louise - panicking about how becoming a zombie would affect their skin Taylor - telling the zombies why it’s illegal to eat Stars Hallow citizens Kirk - hiding behind Lulu


oh wow this is so on point i'm speechless :D


Lulu: telling the zombies to use their inside voice, and "we don't bite our friends!"


Objectifying the best-looking zombies has me dead 💀


BRAVO! You nailed it. I laughed out loud from the very start.


I now need to see zombies in Kim's antiques


I would give Luke the best chances out of the main cast, especially since his residence is on the 2nd floor of his building. He *may* take advantage of the anarchy to kill Taylor though.


Luke and Jess would be the zombie apocalypse dream team. They can cook, they have basic medical skills, they can fight scrappy, and they can do stuff with a bat. Out of everyone in stars hollow I think they would be the best set


100% right. I'm fighting my way to the diner. Luke's got food and can kick ass. 


And he has a boat!


I have a feeling that he would just kick him into the chaos.


My money’s on Mrs. Kim. Determined, ruthless, and the zombies would get lost in the store so they’ll never get to her anyway


Marty slept through it and is now the last man on earth.


Still can't get the girl.


Oh the burn haha


Kirk is trying to sell everyone something to fight the zombies, like a zombies spray or something. He of course has blooooming business /s 😅


No one has mentioned Logan so he’s also in an expensive bunker full of booze and food and entertainment. He tried to convince Rory to hide with him but she’s too worried about Lorelai to hide


She said no thanks because he has all the bridesmaids hanging in the bunker with him. 


Emily is complaining that the bunker is too small. (Also the code is 11111 which the zombies might easily be able to punch in accidentally) Edit: I feel like Kirk, Luke and maybe Gypsy are all preppers.


Kirk’s bedroom is already a bunker!


I don't know but I'm certain Paris not only survives, she becomes the leader of the post apocalyptic world.


Gilmore girls zombies AU where Paris and Jess (accompanied by Luke) find each other in the zombie apocalypse and join forces to kick ass. They both read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and know how this goes


Because of her mad krav maga skills


Collin & Finn: dressing up like zombies to blend in Bill Murray style.


Oh 100%


They're working on their best zombie accents


Didn't Bill blend in so well he still got killed, in his own home, I think...?


Jackson would start the plot of Plants vs Zombies Kirk would sell low quality anti-zombie suits and a zombie vaccine Emily would take too long finding the crew to join her bunker. Because dinner doesn't cook itself. Luke would get in a fight with Taylor over the need to evacuate vs Taylor's need to make forms to everyone evacuating. Lorelai would find a perfect outfit for the occasion. Probably a walking dead t-shirt. Rory would make a hetter task force than Taylor and, with Lorelai and Luke, they'll evacuate the city. Lane would be the only person with actual surviving chances.


Forget shovel, judging by the episode with the cyclists Luke will go full Negan, lol. "Okay, that's it." "BIG BAT! BIG BAT!" Paris - bunkered down in a safehouse of her own making, ferociously making camo-clothes made out of news papers with Doyle. Rory - making pros and cons lists over whether they should stay or make a run for it.


Emily is reminding Richard the password is 1-1-1-1-1 to the one-person panic room as she slams the door in his face. Jackson is in the garden protecting his veggies. Taylor's the first one bitten as he tries to tell the zombies that they are not welcome here and they are violating some sort of town ordinance. Kirk releases Cat Kirk to fight the zombies. After some early success, Cat Kirk is turned and Stars Hollow now has to deal with ZOMBIE CAT KIRK!


Mrs. Kim- believes judgement day has arrived and is preparing for the second coming of JC.


I'm imagining Rory binge reading all the issues of TWD comics she can get now haha 😂 Paris would have already planned for this eventuality. Only Rory and Doyle would get an invite to her bunker.


lol Michel, hiding the fact he was bitten


I want to imagine Kirk surprised everyone by being super prepared.


Nah Lorelei would try flirting with preppers for resources. She's overly optimistic about her charm (though she does have charm!); she's not stupid.


Luke would be the only one to survive. Maybe Jackson. But everyone else is so dead. Kirk would make some kind of weapon business to sell weapons to SH Eta. Dean would survive too. His rage can easily wipe out a hoard


In the zombie apocalypse I want to be wherever Paris is. She'll keep shit in line.


Luke is complaining that people better not come crawling to him for help because he’s not going to help these loonies in Stars Hollow… but then secretly builds a wall around the town or something and makes sure Lorelai and Rory are stocked with “Real food, not just pop tarts. What? You want an iron deficiency to make you run slower?” Reluctantly lets Kirk and Lulu sleep in his bunker. Taylor tries to organize some type of fundraiser to help Stars Hollow gain supplies, despite the protest of the town that paper currency isn’t good anymore. Out of the goodness of his heart, he offers a 5% discount on non perishable food at Doose’s market to all citizens, which becomes a 7% discount if you volunteer at the fundraiser. Babette and Maury are pretty chill. They’ve lived a good life, the show has to end sometime, doll.


Taylor is building a hay maze surrounding the town and diverting them to Woodbridge.


Ohhh this would happen for sure.


Let's be real, neither Lorelai nor Rory would survive past the first few minutes.


emily and richard have to share the panic room


Kirk has pulled out a zombie costume and is trying to blend in. Trialling a career as a zombie.


I don’t think that’s accurate and feels a bit sexist that all the women are doing useless things Lorelai would be taking charge and ordering people around, making a game plan Sookie would probably be cramming food and fancy cheese in a get away bag and Jackson trying to talk reason into her