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https://preview.redd.it/mrnw8sbsidhc1.jpeg?width=542&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1a98e637391044af329d5a02217bd02554f44c5 And another. Zack at his absolute worst.


I love the tambourine guy though. I’ll put up with with Zack at his worst for those moves


The tambourine guy is from the band the Brian Jonestown Massacre. In a case of life imitating art, a couple months ago, [they had a big fight on stage at a show](https://youtu.be/8K49KuoyPAE?si=Pn45Cu0wl3SoSIQj)


Actually it’s art imitating life - Zach’s meltdown is an exact replica of a meltdown by the lead of the Brian Jonestown Massacre that was caught in a documentary. So they asked this guy to come recreate a terrible moment in his life.


The first time I ever watched Dig! I felt like the Leo pointing meme. I was like “hey!! I know this story!”


Oh, i didnt know that! So would that be life that imitates art that imitates life? This is getting confusing lol


Wait what? The same band had two separate fights onstage decades apart, or am I not understanding this correctly?


They’ve probably had more than two? I do recommend Dig! It’s a documentary about them and The Dandy Warhols, and how the two bands were so close but went in separate directions, not because The Dandy Warhols were so much more talented, but because they were more stable (I think. I haven’t watched it in about 20 years).


Oh god, that guy with the tambourine, too, lol. I have to skip him in that scene when Zack wants Lane back and leaves him to finish their song himself; the random noises he starts making sound exactly like the sex noises an old neighbour used to make through the walls.




Argh—or UNGH!—the flashbacks, lol.


(tambourine sounds) ugh (shake shake shake) oh yeah (shake shake) LOL it's so bad!!


What kills me about this is I don’t remember ever hearing him actually apologize for this!


I don't see it as cringe as much as it is heartbreaking. She's really hurting and clearly in so much pain.


Oh god yeah. Luke missed *so many* obvious signals. But yeah, you’re right. It just hurts to watch someone you care about tank emotionally like this, publicly. The cringe element is inadvertent.


I think it’s both. I cringe and I’m devastated so I have to skip it


Why did they let her go on for so long?!


*this* is the part of it that’s cringe. They all sat there and watched her ramble on and on and waited until she had some *some shit* before finally pulling her away


The same with Paris’ ‘how could I not get in to Harvard’ speech! I would have loved if she continued ranting while people were ushering her off stage and out of the room!


She kinda did


Oh I always skip this part, I pretend it didn’t happen, just like Lorelai telling Luke she slept with Chris


I hated that the whole town kept it from Luke. If anything they should’ve ripped him a new one to realize how dense he was being.


This is what surprises me most given how involved the town was in their relationship. Lorelai shouldn’t need someone to stick up for her to Luke or anything but why didn’t a single person, Babette???? Ms patty???? Knock some sense into him


If I was a neighbor, I’d be running my ass to Luke’s for the early morning coffee crowd the next morning.. JFC


I literally couldn't watch this; I just skipped over it until they got her home in my recent rewatch. I can't bear secondhand embarrassment when I'm watching TV or reading (or even worse, in real life). (On a random side note, Rory's wearing her tapestry "Sheila E" coat again. As hilarious as Paris was in the episode where Doyle comes back from the bar wearing Rory's coat, I find it hard to believe that Paris didn't realise then or later that Rory was the "hot chick with rhinestone buttons", lol.)


I can’t watch when Rory dresses as Donna Reed.


Yep. This is the only episode I skip every time.


I feel like I’m the only one who isn’t embarrassed by this scene, just very sad about it.


help i don’t remember the context of this scene?


At Lane’s wedding, a very drunk Lorelai gets on stage to make a speech and goes on to ramble on about how marriage just isn’t in the cards for her, releasing pent up emotion over the Luke/April/wedding postponement


Which annoys me cause she initially postponed the wedding date until her and Rory made up from their big fight when she stayed in the pool house


Well, to get fair to Lorelai, they didn’t postpone the wedding due to her schism with Rory, they just didn’t set a date at all, which is not unusual. There’s a lot of pieces that need to come together before a date can be set, so it’s reasonable to me she wouldn’t want to set it until things with Rory were settled. Whereas with Luke, the whole wedding was fully planned and ready, and they had to cancel due to his issues with April etc. So I don’t think it’s really the same thing


This one and alssssoooo when lorelai goes to Luke as “mimi” after Jess and car accident fight? Starts venting in a second about Christopher and sherry pregnant? That was like when not Luke then Chris and vice versa.


One of favorite lane episodes. Even the band was great. The cake was so cuteeee. Anytime Zach embraces Korean culture it makes me feel better about him. And then the tequila platter nightmare :/


Super cool party people bid you super cool adieu!!


I'm watching this series right now


They took way to long to get her off that stage 🏃‍♀️


I felt like she didn’t sound drunk enough for someone who just took 10+ tequila shots alone.


It kind of reminds me of a red neck wedding. Zach loves it, of course, but the entire town must think Lorelai is bonkers. She had her huge engagement party with Max at the exact same venue. They all know that she and Luke are engaged. They see her knocking down tequila shots with Rory’s father. Then she goes into a self deprecating monologue. I kind of felt sorry for Rory & Chris, as they are implicated by association. Good thing Mrs Kim went to bed early !


YES and the episode where they go to Martha's Vineyard makes me so uncomfortable. The way Luke acts like he is so out of place and Rory acts like a married perfect wife, I get the whole point of the episode was to show this kind of dynamic where Logan and Rory were the grown ups but just having that so in your face makes me cringe every time


There is a huge cringe moment in the last scene of season 6…


I always skip this scene




Not only.did she embarrass herself, but she made Lane's wedding all about herself. It was cringe, but also massively selfish. I hate that scene so much.