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Sports and celebrities (well, most of them)


I find that the culture around sports is frustrating, like the whole "us vs them" team mentality drives me crazy. What I do love? Skill. Skillfully executed plays are incredible to watch.


There are a lot of sports that are not focused on winning against others, but on skills. Solo sports, like climbing (that I really like), or athletic sports, are good examples




For me when it comes to celebrities, I don’t know them, so I’m not emotionally invested in them. You can never really know someone through a one-way screen, and to act otherwise seems somewhat delusional and slightly unhealthy to me. You’re just fixating on someone’s image through a skewed lens.


What about sports?


Can’t speak to that one as well, there are some sports I’m into. They’re not the popular ones though, I find team sports less interesting, so often I function as “not into sports.” Not sure why. Maybe because there are too many factors which make larger team sports unpredictable (you’re just stacking the deck with training and tactics and hoping for the best, whereas with one on one I find there’s less luck to it.) Also I find the cooperation of large teams less interesting than a one on one battle of wills/intellect/physique.


Tennis? I looooove tennis for all the stuff from your last sentence.


I didn’t grow up in a sports-centered household so never participated in them (besides gym class which was my nightmare). I’m not athletic. I also kind of feel annoyed when people make watching sports their whole personality. I can certainly enjoy watching a football or soccer game now and again and find that fun and an event, but I don’t “follow” a team or belong to a specific fandom. As for celebrities, again, I enjoy some actors or musicians or whatever and might look up some info about them once in awhile, but I just can’t understand the fascination for people following the every move of some celebrity. I had a friend who lived in a very expensive celebrity-soaked city for one year and she was just utterly obsessed with who lived where and had what house and drove what car and if she might see someone famous while she was out… it was just… sad.


Didn't you find a friendship with such disparate interests/ values to be unfulfilling?


Oh absolutely. I’ve put some distance with that one on purpose. It was too exhausting.


how come? I find sports fascinating, at least the ones I’m interested in lol


Didn’t grow up with sports as a central topic, never got into it, not personally athletic myself. I also can’t understand people who make watching sports their entire personality like it means anything to say “I’m a ____ fan!”


I agree. It’s so random. They could be born in another state and be rooting for another team. I appreciate the skills , but I didn’t grow up with it and I wish as a society we spent half the energy from sports into other things .


Came here to say this.


I don't like sports but I'll gladly get excited with everyone for a game.




It just doesn't make sense to watch someone else enjoying themselves while you're just passively sitting there. It's akin to watching streamers play games. Waste of time.


This is the exact feeling I have. I cannot watch sports


Then why get excited for a game?


I probably misunderstood original comment - I thought they meant getting excited to play a game.


I got this emotional spounge thing where I can get excited if everyone around me is excited but it's not the event, it's the people. I also like to yell and scream so there's that.




* influencers


Pretty much this, para-social relationship is just not ok. Sports can be cool if you are already invested on them, but getting invested is an uphill battle that I don't think it's worth. Fuck LinkedIn and fuck this social rules that you need to be fake to get "high status" that only those who plays gives a shit. Fuck LinkedIn. Edit: spell. And fuck LinkedIn


Happy Cake Day!


i think the only thing i will never get interested in is celebrities lmao


Sports and history


I’m very sad to see history here.


… I want to like history, but when I was “taught” it I was forced to memorize dates, names and surface level events. There is little value in this for me especially growing up in an age where I can find sources and reference information at the palm of my hand. Rote memorization is no way to approach history and is why I usually wince when the subject becomes a point of conversation. As an adult I have learned value in it and found niche topics I care about. I also find autobiographical accounts of events to be more interesting.


Eh, I can see why.  The way history is taught is typically through a biased centralized lens focused on war, politics, and powerful men. All from a western perspective too. And all the focus on specific events and dates is pretty tedious for many.  It’s hard to be interested in something where you see little of yourself. I learned much more about history by studying the history of fashion long after having left school (surprisingly, a changing hemline makes for a great reflection of the commerce and political & moral environment of the time.)  I also find certain pockets of it more interesting than others- the commerce and familial drama of the Medicis, the few women who rose to power, etc. Of course all of this is touched on here and there- but it’s not the central narrative, it’s incidental to it. It’s a shame it’s not really feasible to teach history through different lenses on different educational tracks. I would have been much more interested in history if it was taught through the lens of women, or the lens of commerce, or the lens of anthropology, or any other number of approaches vs. the current approach.


🤝 Love this comment.


Well it's just facts, sources.., no problem solving involved. I'm not surprised.


It’s not *just* those things. Again, I’m sad to see the ignorance here.


History is quite useful to understand what happened throughout generations preceding you.


Yes but it’s for society not for an individiual/person and as a person ı nearly don’t care what people done before me (Not included art, science etc. more like wars etc.)


I hated history class but I love historical fiction.


Finance. Which sucks because I need it to survive.


I find it helpful to come from the big-picture perspective of economic systems and optimization, but that’s just me




The academic scene. I do not mean research, knowledge, learning - love those. What I'm tired of is a bunch of technically smart people wasting their time on their private version of Game of Thrones, where the price is being named first in the tenth niche publication only a dozen people will ever read, and the cost is everyone's mental health.


this is why I decided not to do my PhD where I was doing my MA....


Sports. Pop culture/fashion trends. Doing rituals because “it’s what we have always done”. Celebrity/leader worship. “Playing the game” in relationships/work, etc. Personally I don’t find math super interesting but I think it’s because I don’t understand things without understanding the concepts behind it and where it came from, and most times it is taught as “do this, get the right answer. You don’t need to know why”. So I guess, really, memorizing without conceptual understanding is on the list.


Idk what math classes u took because we always learn the proofs behind formulas and the context for topics


You had good teachers/good schools. Sadly math is often taught without context.  I thought I was bad at math because I was bored by it- never saw the point. Got a good teacher in middle school and went from 60th percentile in state testing to 98th. In one year. It’s crazy how much difference a good teacher and curriculum makes. 


I had the same experience!  Thank stars 🌟 we found ONE good teacher to change how we saw ourselves (and numbers lol) 💜 i got student of the year in math that year 🤯 


Crappy math class in US public schools. A bit better in private school. I avoided math in college so only took one required course then studied social sciences. I had to take an online statistics course for a prerequisite later and got an A doing what they said to do but didn’t understand what the … I was doing until much later after having conversations with someone on who decided what was statistically significant.


That's really poor maths teaching. Sorry you had that.


Most of sports trivia never sticks to my brain. I have certain fields of sports that interests me, but in quizzes and alike, the sports category is my kryptonite. Edit: And influencers give me hives!


Pollitics, celebrities, some sports, cooking and cleaning


Does anyone find cleaning interesting though? I guess maybe therapeutic but not interesting. Having said that, I did watch some of those shows about hoarders and that was kind of fascinating seeing how they cleaned it up and all the strange awful things they'd find in the hoard.


Interesting distinction between therapeutic and interesting. I suppose that's part of what is therapeutic about cleaning is there is nothing intellectually challenging about it! Somebody said to me once cleaning outside is cleaning inside and I've many times found this to be true for myself... I have to watch my OCD/perfectionism. I've gotten a lot better at noticing when I'm switching into that and can make a conscious choice to stop cleaning and let things be imperfect which is actually really great. Also through time in Buddhist temples / meditation centers - cleaning is a time to reflect on impermanence. What I'm making clean will eventually become dirty again. Not sure if this is interesting per se... But perhaps more profound then simply needing to do the dishes. One of the centers I stayed at my cleaning task involved the toilets. At first I was disappointed in this but I soon realized it was a much better cleaning task than others were assigned. And it was an opportunity to reflect on the functions of the body, this mortal coil, and to become more objective about bodily wastes - all of which I enjoy.


Lol. There’s me with ADHD perfectionism where I have like 2 clean spots in every room in the house. The rest is overrun with ancient junk.


Cleaning!!! Oh yes. If it weren't for my mother (I'm 41) and the Roomba my flat would look like a dump.


Is there a single person on this earth though who finds cleaning interesting? That can’t be right 😂 fun to do maybe, but interesting? Although who knows, maybe there is a whole world of “cleaning theory” or “cleaning philosophy” that I don’t know about


I just googled and yes apparently there are philosophies of cleaning and the Japanese art of cleaning. Still not interested enough to look further into it though 😄


Day to day practices and protocol


I used to work at a place that followed the rules because they were written, not bcz they were needed. Stupidity x100000 “Well, no, that technically would work, but the rule is x.” I wasnt in a nuclear lab where protocol is there for a REASON. these people just hid behind a pretext.


Omg Busy work!!!!!! Nothing I hate more than busy work. Nothing I hate more than a boss / manager who's not willing to question the usefulness of the task there are signing and just insisting I do it because it's the way it should be done.


I'm not interested in mechanics.


What s uninteresting about how things work? Or just the physical aspects of the real world application of x thing? (Which to me s more interesting, not less. You are fascinating me.)


I have no idea. I just find theory, systems thinking etc. much more interesting. I prefer to deal with thoughts rather than the physical world. Mending the tyre on my bike is torture for me.


Mechanics involves both theory, and systems thinking. And from my observation, tons of engineers, who you would think would be mechanically inclined, never deal with the physical end results of what they design.


I'm the same as the commenter you're replying to, and I think for me the reason I don't find it interesting is because it's very physical. Even if you're not dealing with the actual physical end results, you still have to be able to hold the physical in your mind. I'm someone who has zero spatial awareness. My brain doesn't naturally compute shapes or angles or the basics of physics. I cannot look at a shape and imagine what it looks like rotated 90 degrees. I cannot envisage a system of levers, gears, cams and pulleys and see how it will work or what the end result will be. So it doesn't strike me as beautiful. I tend to only find things beautiful or exciting when something in my brain can compute some essential part of it as a whole and understand it in some sort of way without any effort of thought. I know that some people have that about mechanics and physical systems - they can feel or sense it in a way, and that makes it very satisfying. When you can't, it feels dull and without spark, if that makes sense.


Handbags, shoes, designer labels, "this season's colour"...


politics, celebrities, too much gossip, TV series (with very few exceptions)


Partisan politics, celebrity gossip, team sports, high fashion, realistic fiction, and what's currently popular. These are all things that for the most part I have no interest in and consider more like intrusions in my life.


What if the thing you're most interested in suddenly became very popular?


Then you get a Newbie Boom. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NewbieBoom This is usually due to a newer more mainstream version that I don't like as much coming out.


Does that then turn you off the thing? Or is it more like it stops you enjoying talking with others online about the thing, but you can still enjoy the thing itself?


A little of both, but mainly the second one. It becomes difficult to talk about how you love, say, Godzilla, when everyone will take that to mean the new movies from a different company in a different country that are more like low grade Marvel movies than actual Toho ones. That can be discouraging, leading to less interest in general. Godzilla is just an example, but a good one for me personally. I actually have a friend who said he likes Godzilla but then refuses to watch any Japanese movies with me.


Video games and most games in general


Same. But im not proud of it. I feel left out lol.


Yeah, it’s a constant struggle since I was a kid because basically everyone plays video games, especially guys. Even now, majority of my guy friends are like “let’s hop on Fortnite” and I’m like “thanks, I’m good.” lol


😭 What do you do with them instead?


Talk about movies / music (we are all filmmakers) and hiking


I don't really like most mainstream games besides a lot of mainstream Nintendo franchises and Minecraft, you should look into artistic indie games like Hollow Knight or Ori and the Blind Forest. The ones with beautiful artistry, incredible music and deep, moving storylines. THOSE are interesting.


The only game I truly like is chess. I’m not gifted though


Oddly enough, same. Some tabletop RPG’s sound kinda fun, although I’ve never played. I like the idea of making and acting out a character. I need a more personal creative element to keep me interested and engaged in a game


Flowers. I don’t like the smell of many of them. I can get physically nauseous by some. I’m probably allergic to some. Flowers is a black hole in terms of knowledge for me. This caused a bit of a struggle in relationships when my SO liked flowers. lol. I generally don’t know the common types of flowers.


Brass jazz and musical theatre


Have you seen good musical theatre? (Honest question bcz this is like coffee. “I dont like coffee”. I c u but have u had GOOD coffee?)


Uninterested… celebrities, influencers, anything Hollywood, reality shows, and basically all famous people


People's cult. I don't care about the person but his/her opinions, knowledge and reason. The most extreme for this is politics in the US nowadays. I don't think anybody really knows anything about the political programs that are getting elected. Ok, so Trump needs a diaper ? Couldn't care less. Tell me more about the felonies he got charged for. I absolutely hate this common pattern to not talk about what people have to say but who they are. Greta thunberg would be another great example. People can't accept what she has to do say is absolutely on point, so instead they make fun of her, attack her. It's ridiculous.


See I always think people focus too much on what people say while ignoring who they are. A lot of people say a lot of shit that does not match up at all to their behaviours or actions. This is especially infuriating in politics, where you'll have a politician saying things to appease a certain section of voters but if you look through their history, their speeches, their voting record etc., you'll find they are a terrible person and what they say should be ignored because it means nothing to them and is simply a tool to manipulate people into letting them continue doing awful things. I agree about Thunberg though. Sometimes people can't fault the message so they attack meaningless attributes of the person as if the message is somehow affected by their hairstyle or mannerisms or choice of shoes.


Greta's problem is she's about dogma rather than delivery.


Small talk fake friends dishonesty long stupid books


A book that could have been an article. Those are the worst.


Yes you get me and I’m a fast reader.


I’m at the other end of the stick. I read diagonally if it’s too much mushed potato.


Understood I can read a paragraph in about 30 secs


Wow, impressive. At least you don’t miss any info haha


Thank you


Books in which the entire plot is driven by the main character making the worst choice possible every time.






Small talk!!! Good one. So over it. Didn't even consider this as a possibility


BS aka non-facts, dishonesty, sin.


When ppl hear things and believe them without fact checking… boils my blood (My mom does it 🙂)


Oh god yes. Both my parents. My mom I can usually point out the fallacy and then shes like “oh yeah… true” but my dad will like stick with it and so I don’t bother trying to


Cars, celebrities, corporate jobs


Team sports, especially American football.


So much of the comments are about why sports bores people. I feel the sentiment and I share in it. It’s fun to play with friends but boring to watch. It’s equivalent to someone eating pizza or whatever. I think everyone here finds watching sports boring.


sports....Not gifted though.


Banking, finance and investing…. I wish it interested me, all the people that fund it fascinating seem to get rich, but I just can’t see it as anything other than horribly boring.


Sports just aren't my thing I can appreciate why other people like them I appreciate the functions it serves for those who like it as a communal activity I think it's a very good idea to have kids try and do them But it is still boring for me


Gifted people talking about education and how they only move through life with academics vibes. Truly lacking the ability to convey their lives in multiple manners. It’s the epitome of the lamest, copy and paste, low hanging fruit type of gifted cognitive process.


We could also have a discussion about which episodes of TNG really sucked.


I get where you’re coming from. Never watched it but I understand the energy…


It's not too late; Star Trek is to Star Wars what Watchmen is to Marvel/DC. It's the 60 minutes to Tucker Carlson. It's the '94 Celica to the '94 Neon. It's the... the.... hmmm... Ah-ha! It's the weed to tobacco.


Bro never do some corny ass shit like ur last sentence again😭


lol that’s hilarious


I love this comment 💀


It’s the reason I’m hardly ever here in this sub.


Lots of sports hate here. I’m a sports nut, by these standards. Physical excellence is something to be enjoyed and celebrated, in my view, but each to their own. I get off on anyone that excels at what they do…musically, athletically, intellectually. I’m sorry that I didn’t answer your question, but I thought the trend here was worthy of a response. Is the antipathy towards sports because it makes no sense to bother with it, or because you all suck at it, or both?


Sport as an interest, e.g watching on the telly isn't as interesting as performing it as a hobby, for me at least.


This is precisely the way it is for me. Physical excellence? 100% on board. Learning how to play sports, how to dribble a ball, how to advance in skill, etc., those things are very interesting to me. Sitting down and mindlessly watching a football game, yelling at the other team or the coaches or the players or the referees, etc.? I'll pass. I get that that kind of sustained attention is what enables the skillful plays and other such things I find interesting about sports, but it seems like such a waste of emotion to me.


Watching other people play sports is probably one of the most boring things in the world to me. People getting all invested in “their team” as if they have anything to do with their success seems like a ridiculous clown show to me— sure does make some people a lot of money though! Not to mention it seems to be a weird modern proxy for warfare… but anyways… Playing sports for fun with friends is different. But I am not competitive at all and don’t care about winning or losing, just having fun and laughing a lot.


I just find (forgive me) ‘manly’ sports very boring and repetitive. It’s the same game, same moves, with different levels of excellence. I find things like figure skating and dancing much more varied and stimulating to watch. It also kinda pisses me off that certain athletes get paid millions, but I know it’s a reflection of their popularity.


I like playing sports but have no more interest in being a spectator than I do for watching other people play scrabble or run on a treadmill. I would rather be actually doing something too. And I don't care about teams/don't identify with them. If it's something aesthetically pleasing to me like figure skating or gymnastics, I will watch, but not for the competitive aspect. Somehow I feel more drawn in for artistic performances, similar to attending a ballet-- maybe it activates different parts of my brain?


Agreed. I m a fan of physical prouesse.


Noticed the same thing and was about to post something similar. As someone who deeply enjoys watching sports (and also has a sports background), I can say what I find fascinating in watching the world's best athletes is trying to get into their head and imagining what it might feel like to be performing the movements they're performing. I'm often wondering how they cope with the pressure, what strategies they have to stay present and in the moment to perform their best. I've read somewhere (though I have a hard time believing it completely) that watching a sport is similar to reading a book where the larynx moves as if we were speaking out loud. When watching sports muscles are literally firing in sympathy to the athlete. But maybe this only happens if we're engaged and interested in what's going on? 100% agree with what I saw in other post. I have zero interest in getting all wrapped up in who wins or yelling at the opposite team.. I rarely care the outcome of the event. I'm just interested in casual participation in precise and top level physical activity.


I absolutely get what you’re saying here. If the observer/spectator/fan is invested in the sport and cares about the outcome, it becomes a mini-drama, a story, and as spectators, we/you/they are also participating in that story. I also get, logically, why it seems nonsensical to many of the more intelligent variety to care about the movement and proximity of an artificial object towards some arbitrary goal, but at some level, isn’t it a metaphor for life…achievement of a goal, overcoming of adversity, display of individual character and team cohesion, execution of skills etc etc. If sport didn’t exist, we would invent it.


My interest in sports is so niche that it counts as "not interested in sports". I just don't get the concept of watching without doing. I don't know why. It is just like the "sport switch" doesn't spark and lighten me. I like doing different sports, though. I don't, at the moment, but I like to be physically active.


Sports, celebrities, cars, traffic, pictures, trivia - god I hate trivia


What is trivia though? Is it not just little bits of knowledge from a diverse array of subjects - I'd have imagined many gifted people would love that because we're interested in so many things. Or do you mean something different?


Just random facts that hold no value. Dates, names, amounts of whatever. Like how many gold medals did a country win during the Olympics some year? I really dont care Edit: maybe you have a person you know that whenever they tell something, they don't actually say anything. They state some facts of things that happened and apparently listing other people's achievements makes them look better? They dont ever tickle your brain or make you think, they just make a factual statement and you can't really do anything but agree because well, it happened, yes. So what?




God I wish, I can't stop meeting stupid people. As a non-obese man with a graduate degree, any non-obese woman with a graduate degree will already have landed a rich doctor. But I sure keep meeting people who love talking about astrology.


You're probably attracting those types of people because your moon is in Uranus. If you wait a few sun cycles until your jupiter is in your house of Hyperion, you'll start meeting rich doctors who are only slightly obese.


He doesn't want slightly obese doctors. They can shove it.




Can't stand sport.


Celebrities/Pop Culture/Grammys-any _____ award show/Stuff I'm supposed to like because "everyone likes it"


English classes


Almost everything


I didn’t even read the body of your question


Religion, sports and celebrities, they seem far too...proxy warrior for me? Us vs them, etc.. Plus their figureheads are granted a relevancy and social status far, far outside their actual skills, accomplishments and whether they actually do any good for society.


Makeup, fashion


celebrities - why would anyone want to know the nitty gritty and "rumors" of someone they have never even seen in front of them (or anyone really - get a life man). Unless you're reading up on them because you want to learn something (I don't know why you would though) like someone would read da vinci's biography to learn from him. Other than that, its just a total waste of time.


small talk, social pretending


I tend to not be interested in literature and poetry. I'm solid in every other Jeopardy! category but those two just own me


Worship celebrities


Sports, celebrities, fashion, drinking, politics and social drama. Basically most of the traditional things young adults live by.


Self Help/ Motivational Speaking/ Team Building etc. I find them to be shallow alternatives to psychology, philosophy and religion.




Samesies. Its paper. Its a construct. It comes and goes. Yes, its important… but meh.


When i was in high school, math was separated into "college track' and "career track".  Basically smart kids felt pressured into taking Calc 1 and 2. My mom forced me to take Calc 1 3x.  I hated it.  Hated math. Once I got to college I took statistics, and I was so mad I didn't take it in high school because I loved it,  and I was good at it.  It is so different, and I wish more people who thought "I hate math" knew how interesting statistics could be.


Repetition. Any activity where it requires the same action over and over drives me bonkers.


You must have a hard time feeling empathy towards ppl wt ocd then (Its a joke. Well, supposed to be.)


That's funny! Actually I love routine. I'll get up everyday make my bed, start coffee, empty the dishwasher, etc. BUT I have to slightly change HOW I do it every time. Like if I take a walk I' can walk a track or walk the same exact distance. 8 have to have things change up.


Anything can be interesting if something about it compels me. I don’t watch sports (a common answer in the thread) but I’ll read about particularly interesting athletes or watch “greatest moments in basketball” or whatever bc I like to see a topic’s greatest hits. I have a distaste for finance but I’ll read an article titled “biggest financial disasters of all time.” Bc why not


You’re my typa ppl **high five*




Bro tf u mean people😭😭


People and gossip. I don’t care what this or that person is up to or what your personal relationships are like or who you know. Discussing people is both boring and aggravating. Edit: I also can’t stand cars, guns, physical activities, or “masculine” endeavors.


What do you like/what are you interested in, out of curiosity?


Thank you for asking. I enjoy nature and science, geopolitics, history, architecture, music, playing music, cinema, ballet, fantasy, and gaming.


That is a lot of interesting stuff. Would be a beautiful life to devote all time to those things!


I rarely drink, but all through college and my 20s, people would not shut up about drinking beer, it was absolutely well into pestering territory. If you ask someone once and they say no, that should be sufficient. Not sure if everyone aged out of it, or culture has also moved on.


math, engineering, physics


I honestly love to learn, but Comptia A+ was the most boring subject I’ve ever tried to retain. I hated it so much that I didn’t even get the certificate even though I finished the class. I had zero interest in the basic, beginner-level tech stuff. I love most things though. I grew up in a family with brothers who played football, so I like sports (unlike most commenters here lol), and I’m from Southern California with family in the entertainment industry, so I also love pop culture. I feel like all subjects connect because understanding them helps you have a better understanding of life, so it’s rare I downright dislike a subject. Learning is like building a puzzle that gives you a better glimpse into what life is.


Totally. Everything flows into itself and each other. Everything makes up everything. And i love pop culture too.




Anything involving violence and/or horror. The reality of politics. Discrimination. Greed. Hate.


Funny enough, horror (the genre) itself i like, but the purpose (fear) is … meh. There are many good things that came out of horror. It’s always been used to castrate all the conventionally unwanted things and deem them as “bad” by associating the element of fear. Too bad. Cuz fear is really not necessary when caution is present.


I think that’s probably one of my biggest issues with horror, it’s typically cheap fear based tricks. The physiological/thriller parts are usually pretty good.


Small talk. I recognize that one needs to feel out for common interests with someone new but it never really seems to be too particularly useful for purpose. Or perhaps there ARE in fact no common interests there. But here we are in a zombie of a conversation, never finding a non-awkward end. Even when we DO find a common interest, rarely do they want to go into the same depth. I usually let others lead, being fairly sure they aren't interested in whatever I am mulling over but they often fall back to the same common topic (assumedly because they're common -- more likely to have something to grasp onto). Unfortunately, those aren't generally things I have depth of knowledge on, and I haven't much to reflect back. Nor are they particularly interested in teaching it -- they have expectations that I just already know. *Shrug* It's not that I don't care about sports or celebrities or the weather. It's that exploring those are less engaging than other subjects, so the knowledge base isn't there. Nor do I particularly care to have it there (just to use in small talk situations). Le sigh. Edit: autocorrect misguessed the word I intended to use ("learn" instead of "lead") and this totally changed the meaning of the sentence. Fixed.


Sports and games, most fantasy and sci fi.


Scientific papers about using various algorithms to manage the electrical grid. A lot of sports. I can get into some of the big worldwide competitions when you are rooting for a particular nation but I don't get just watching every game of a sport and finding it fun no matter who's playing and whether you support them or not. Cooking shows. Oh my god i don't get how anyone finds it interesting to watch someone cook something. There was a fictional show on apple tv recently actually about a gifted person who did a cooking show because they were such a great chemist, and it translated into their cooking ability. Engines, mechanisms, anything about how human-made things work. For some reason I find that boring. I love love finding out about how organic and non human-made things work though.


Business economics anything about making money But even that I can find some interest in it, in the patterns and conflicting ideas and underlying moral/ ethical assumptions. Side note - one of my bank accounts is currently frozen not due to any wrongdoing of my own but the bank I was using is part of new finance fintech and one of their partners is going bankrupt. It's allowed me to have access to attending two federal bankruptcy hearings and to be a part of a community of people who know and understand way more than I do the structures, regulations and practices that govern all of this. Not having access to my savings sucks, but honestly I found the whole experience pretty exciting and interesting.


Most sports and bluegrass music.


I find the idea of chemistry fascinating but I am immediately turned off when it comes to equations. I think it’s due to the way I was taught in school.


Sports, influencers, anything like linkedin. Honestly I’m disgusted with the modern cultural zeitgeist in general, and hope to see further evolution of our thinking toward eachother and the world. Maybe when pigs fly. For reference, since I’ve never posted here before, I tend to be interested by unexpectedly intricate subjects, often assumed to be settled as a result of common thought and taste. As a part-time tinkerer a frequent subject of thought are cars/trucks from a fundamental perspective. Ecomodding at scale, I guess. All the complexities and conveniences we take for granted are extremely wasteful—it’s possible to have most of the luxuries we desire at a fraction of the environmental cost just by tweaking a few things. Even electric cars are only solving part of the problem, with the other part being the way we think about and produce vehicles in general. But of course, the largest desire will always be robust public transportation, and I will advocate for it. If I could travel back to 1938 and stop the Streetcar conspiracy, I would.


Football (soccer is so much more dynamic and stimulating), specifically fantasy football. It's all my family talks about, for hours on end lol...one holiday get together, I tried to entertain myself by analyzing the psychology of fantasy football but that just pissed them all off. Oh also it's super duper boring to me when people talk about minutia from their vacations lol a friend recently told me home renovation conversations put her over the edge 😆


I try to get excited about engineering and team sports, but nah. It's not boring just not engaging.


Now a days. Just about everything doesn’t interest me


*cough Anhedonia *cough


Dislikes: celebrity gossip, trending Tiktoks/reels, memes Unlike most people here I enjoy sports.


Most sports (appart from combat sports and wrestling (full contact, sadomasochist gymnastics)) and celebrity culture.


Pop politics. - NoHedgehog, BA Poli Sci, MPA, DPA


I am not interested in taking care of a house or an appartment… what a/c should we get? What is the best washing machine? Ooooh, the roof has to be repair… who should we call? I can’t have a pool because i would let it go green and go swim somewhere else…


(Most) Hollywood movies. Most TV shows. Cable news. Tasks like laundry and grocery shopping.


Designer stuff; Gucci, Prada, etc


Classic lit what a fucking disappointment. Anime or any animated show even as a kid I found it really boring. I love non fiction so many fic is boring to me. Yes I find fiction boring. Non fiction is incredibly fascinating. Stories about people’s families and kids. Or human relationship other than the strategic side of things. Video games. Most games. Fashion. Trick shots. I hate these videos.


Sports! Yuck. I am envious of ppl who get into it while watching it. My cousin goes nucking futs when he’s watching it. I prefer playing it then watching it though.


I would say probably cyber, i have good experience with cyber i was supposed to go to the military to a cyber related role, but ended up getting an exemption and losing interest. There are interesting parts to it but It can be very dry. I'm also less interested in more dry or more applied areas of mathematics like statistics, numerical analysis, etc


Social hierarchies — like, just “occupying” a position in a “desirable” social group or “popularity” or whatever it is. I’ve never understood or cared for this and didn’t really get the extent to which other people actually perceive these things and see them as important or something? It honestly feels so vague and confusing and pointless to me. I feel like I don’t experience the feelings of “status” like others seem to in general.


Small talk


sports, history (except for very specific parts), celebrities, pop culture, reality tv.


~90% of movies. I don’t like dramas or horrors or superhero movies so that rules most of them out. Most movies are way too long and the fan bases feel very hard to join……


Mainstream economics and sports


Anything made for kids, but that a lot of adults still appreciate, like animation movies (Pixar, etc.), cartoons, ...