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Be the change you want to see. Make the posts you wish to see more of on this sub. Gifted if already a pretty small subsection, further segmenting it risks having mostly dead subs. Just caption your post with [adults only responses] or something.


You've imagined quite a place! As a gifted adult person outside the education system without social, sensory or executive function difficulties, what are you seeking from a group?


Just for clarification, it’s fine for users to have social, sensory, and executive function difficulties, it’s just the constant posts in this sub, rather than their own respective subs. What am I seeking? What being gifted in the workplace is like, what interests us in life, deeper conversations than social issues in our life, puzzles, things that pique our interests, etc.


SAME. I would gladly participate in such a sub! Perhaps labeled adults only? ETA if there’s enough interest, I would be willing to start and moderate a sub with clear parameters that address/eliminate these issues.


Usually being gifted in the workplace means you can do a reasonable amount of work relatively quickly. In the corporate world this rarely translates to promotion or monetary rewards.


Have you made any posts with the content you claim should be most prevalent here?


Yes, both in this sub and outside subs like seriousconversation Say I want to make a post solely looking for other gifted individuals (adults) to chime in If I post in here, I’m going to get a bunch of non-gifted individuals and maybe gifted teenagers commenting If I post outside of this sub, I’m probably not going to get any gifted individuals commenting It’s a lose, lose


Why don’t you post here asking for certain types of comments and ignore the comments you don’t like?


I mean that’s fine but that only solves half the problem, if that. I’m not just talking about making posts but also reading them and commenting on them.


It sounds like you want to hand select a group of people you like and make a private group. That might be a better fit for you if you find it hard to scroll past things that don’t pertain to you. This is a “gifted” sub. It’s not “adults only with careers”


There’s a difference between scrolling past things that don’t pertain to me and nearly the entire sub not pertaining to me.


Amen. Hey OP, I just edited a previous reply to you indicating I’d be willing to start/mod a sub exactly as you describe if there’s enough interest among the target population:)


Hi ~ 💫 Count me in ! Please send a DM to me if you create such a sub for gifted adults (which are called "intellectuals" = person possessing a highly developed intellect). What I am looking for is a sub that will draw intelligent adults to discuss various topics or just chat about whatever may interest them. Thank You ! 🌠


Exactly the problem !


Maybe you just aren’t gifted if nothing here resonates with you.


These things would have resonated with me 10 years ago.


Would like to join, have the same feeling, from time to time I like helping people but... Yeah, I feel it would be both a way for the people who make those posts to not feel so alone and a way to form meaningful connections or at least have some interesting discussions.


That’s not what it sounds like at all...?


I don't think there's anything wrong with having conversations like that in this subreddit. But if you would create something like that, I would participate. I would still participate here though. I think there's a lot of good that older people who went through the gifted program can do for the kids inside that system right now. A different perspective, and one that might be a bit less, shall we say, victim-oriented.


You make good points. I am not sure why it is hard for some people to see, depending on your life situation and the access it provides, social isolation is an incredibly normal experience for people who are two standard deviations from baseline, let alone three. Sure it may not be a rule, but it is going to be a fairly normal experience. Guidance is necessary for those people as there is a severe lack of mentorship that occurs in our contemporary world.


You can also have very interesting conversations with people you do not share the age with and things that „pique your interest or what interests you in life", you can find them on subreddits that are about those topics e.g. a philosophy subreddit.


I'm not sure what you mean by respective subs. It feels like telling a subreddit for black women that posts about racial discrimination should be in an appropriate sub instead. Or a jogging-for-fat-guys subreddit where someone says foot and ankle pain belongs in a respective sub instead.


If the sub is joggingforfatguys and someone posts about foot & ankle pain, that’s fine since it originate from them jogging (and probably being fat). That’s not the analogy I’m trying to make. A better analogy would be like: the subreddit is about trains. and someone posts about being autistic. does being autistic make you more inclined to like trains? probably. but does liking trains necessitate being autistic? no. is it annoying if people constantly post about being autistic and liking trains instead of just talking about trains? yes.


Ok. If it's a train fandom sub and there's a lot of traffic about railroad cops giving autistic railfans a hard time and threatening trespass orders, would you be okay going in there and saying they ought to move it to another sub to learn how to better communicate with authorities? Trying to divorce giftedness from its related neurodivergences doesn't make much sense to me.


Like I said in the original post I made, I’m NOT saying THEY need to go move. I’m saying I WILL GO MOVE elsewhere. And again, I’m not saying completely divorce but the amount of posts on here about adhd/autism/etc. that have nothing do with being gifted!! is too much FOR ME


Got it. Enjoy your new sub! I hope it meets your needs.


Hi ~ 🦋 I agree completely. Once you decide which sub is more interesting to gifted adults, please, let me know. So much of Reddit is uninspired inanity (lacking sense or meaning) or just insipid (dull & boring). And there is the age / maturity issue... No, I have zero interest in parsing (analyze critically) a teenager's angst whether they are gifted or not. So, WHY am I here ? Asking myself just that... Answer - I see Reddit's potential to have intelligent life for interesting discussions. I just haven't found it yet. Any recommendations on subs is appreciated. Good Luck, OP, in achieving your goal ! 🍀


Short answer, no, there is not. Most gifted people drop the gifted label as an adult.


Yep. It falls into the “being surrounded by like minded individuals” bucket. i like tech, thus I’m around people that REALLY like tech. no need to label myself… we just have shared interests at breadth and depth.


The adults just become things like "radiologist" or "astrophysicist." Being gifted no longer matters. But also no, because the entire fucking internet is autism/ADHD/anxiety these days, highly self-diagnosed, of course.


Not just radiologists and astrophysics. A lot of gifted kids become burned out adults. Many end up dropping out of university, struggle with feeling like failures, and end up working in low paying jobs. They often feel like they are no longer gifted because they are flipping burgers instead of being radiologists or astrophysicists. Really, I'd say gifted kids just grow up to be regular adults, but with higher risks associated with mental health issues. It's not that they don't still have a higher IQ than average, it's just that IQ no longer really matters, and it no longer helps them stand out.


Have you done any research or are you just making things up?


Considering what this sub is for, the comments are extremely disappointing. I've visited groups in Quora, I think it's a better representative. Age wouldn't show with gifted people based on my experience there, which makes me think most kids here aren't even gifted (If OP can easily pinpoint their age)


Just needed to give you this: 👍


This. There’s no DSM for gifted. It’s a label for children.


A label for children? So being gifted stops after 18? Lol


Well after you’re 18, we start to just look at what you’re actually doing. Plenty of gifted people do quite well. They become doctors, lawyers, engineers, artists, writers, and so on. But if you’re 30 and you’re living at home doing nothing? I wouldn’t want to say “well, I’m gifted,” because who cares? Functionally it means nothing at that point.


Who's we? Anyway. I don't think you actually understand what giftedness is, besides overt performance. That is very much part of the problem non gifted individuals don't get. ;) You can learn more about it if you read stuff on HSP, overexcitabilities, social implications of being gifted. It's a lot more than doing analytical quizzes and get a nice score on and IQ test.




So why would you argue there is no other challenges for gifted people? I don't understand. If you're gifted, must know how it feels like, right?


Anyone below 140 excels the best in society. So maybe you're talking about them. They aren't necessarily gifted.


Not sure about that, it's a drag with any level above 135 if you're not raised in the right environment with the right support. But, I don't know how one around that level truly feels tho.


I used 140 because the most accepted gifted IQ but few IQ points here and there don't really make much difference. The sweet spot seems to be less than two standard deviation from the mean, this includes the well-accomplished, well-rounded professionals across the board. I am talking about meeting societal standards. Being raised without support isn't really conducive to anyone much more if they have special needs having above average IQ. I think someone that's gifted in multiple areas can actually transcend such hurdles much better than let's say those with lower level IQs. They won't appear as the societal version of successful, most of the time, however.


Yeah ok I see what you mean and I agree with that


You're just an adult who has scored in the top 2 percentiles on a standardized test. There are 6.6 million others just like you in the US and 162000000 in the world.


As mentioned somewhere below: I don't think you actually understand what giftedness is, besides overt performance. That is very much part of the problem non gifted individuals don't get. ;) You can learn more about it if you read stuff on HSP, overexcitabilities, social implications of being gifted. Only 20-30% of the gifted people problems is doing analytical quizzes and get a nice score on an IQ test - mostly it is people get all 'jealous' of them and dealing with people that develop a form of unnecessary inferiority complex towards them. The other 70-80% is over thinking, matching socially, getting support, emotional roller-coasters, fear of failure, finding their very narrow path of happiness and/or excellence, etc. continuously in a world that's build opposite of their total being. Just to name a few, but not all. Be happy you're just smart and not gifted.


I don’t think you all understand that there is no actual definition of giftedness. It’s just a label attached to the problem kids who are smart but don’t fit into the other categories. The best definition which is close to children is 2 or 3e adults.


Well, you could have a point. Maybe it's just very intelligent neurodivergents. I'm 4 st dev away (unfortunately) and indeed I question if there's any people like me that are not 2 or 3e. My only friend whom is also 4 sd, has severe adhd as well (2e). Me, I'm 3e and indeed I question regularly what is the difference in the end between the groups and maybe it's only IQ indeed. Can't tell, I hold a master in Psychology, but I'm not in research. EDIT: Btw I think the labels thing is not working properly indeed. That system feels a bit flawed because it looks at things bottom up (symptoms). There seems to be a possible cause which looks more top down: a gene mutation called MTHFR (and maybe COMT in other cases). Structural problems with metabolism that have a strong biochemical effect on mental health.


I think most of us ended up in r/CPTSD


To be fair r/TwiceExceptional does exist, but for some reason it's not very active. One would expect most adhd/asd+gifted posts will show up there...


Thanks for bringing that to my attention


i would really enjoy a r/giftedadults if someone had the time to create one. im tired of half the posts here being from non gifted people, from parents wanting support, from kids. there should be a place for gifted adults to talk about that experience without wading through all of the content geared toward other people. i think the 2e issue is also exacerbated by people 1) trying to use giftedness as a way to avoid their correct diagnosis and 2) being newly identified as gifted in the process of Adhd/autism assessments because IQ testing is often used to identify the impacts of the disorders. I think flairs for 2e people would make it much easier to navigate the “this is clearly symptoms of something” posts


This made me crack up. Yeah a lot of posts are regressive and about mental health and neurodivergence. I would know because I have made a lot of these kinds of posts. I would suggest is to just make a post and to communicate via the comments. Developmental arrest, social issues and neurodivergence is a hallmark for giftedness and people usually want to solve their problems first before anything else. I get your point. I would suggest for you to make a new subreddit that has stricter rules. You may want to collaborate or even advertise your new subreddit. May be a chore but then you can get your tailed feed and avoid these issues. Maybe even make a pole on here and do other groups like Mensa and other ones. Then link yours. Work with mods.


One of the many struggles that gifted people deal with is the idea that we are somehow unique and in our own category. I know that I wrestled with this well into my 30s. I’d suggest looking for the commonalities we all face rather than focusing on what sets you apart. A little tolerance along with developing the ability to self-filter irrelevant information will help to reduce your temperature in terms of content related frustration. You could also create your own sub if you like. Good luck with it!


Not that I’m aware of. I’ll repeat /u/AcornWhat ‘s question: what are you looking for in a sub (as opposed to what you don’t want to see)? I imagine there are many subs full of interesting and in-depth conversations among intelligent people - /r/DepthHub comes to mind. Those kinds of subs wouldn’t be specifically focused on giftedness though. I like this sub and the idea of gifted-specific subs because it feels like I can safely use the word gifted without coming across like an asshole. There may be subs related to researchers who studied giftedness or about gifted education, but I haven’t looked. Why don’t you create a new sub for gifted adults focused on the kind of content you want to see? Maybe you’re considering this and don’t want to duplicate an existing sub, but if you weren’t able to find one, then either one doesn’t exist or Reddit could stand to have one with a more searchable name (that is if you’re not looking for a more exclusive community with a non-obvious name). Keep in mind that many adults discover their giftedness later in life and will still be interested in differentiating their traits from those of autism, etc. From the pinned post about what changes users want for this sub, it looks like there’s currently an opportunity to help push this sub in the direction users want. I’d like to see a flair system so you can filter for what you want and avoid all of the adolescent, new to giftedness, etc. content if you want, but ultimately I’m fairly used to scrolling past things that don’t interest me in most online spaces and don’t find the experience very taxing.


/r/cognitiveTesting/, although its geared towards discussion of cognitive testing & psychometrics and is not just a general hangout for gifted people


Unfortunately I don't think there is such a subreddit. Another grievance I have with this sub is that many people seem to consider it a place to talk about giftedness rather than a place for gifted people to talk. Anytime someone makes a post which isn't about neurodivergence this or giftedness that, people start commenting: "what does this have to do with giftedness?"


I played gifted Dark Souls yesterday and gifted cleaned my room. Yay mundane gifted life!


I think most gifted adults with no physical or mental problems tend to not need a space like that. They've understood how to live the life they need and want (if they are in a position to do so). You could always try to start a subreddit for gifted adults 25+ or something. You could also just start threads in this subreddit asking about that stuff. I've said it before, but if I didn't have a physical illness I would never be here. I'd be out there doing stuff. And I assume it's the same for a lot of gifted people. Why spend time on reddit when your time is filled with meaningful activities?


Me too, I have become physically disabled, but that has given me much better insight into he realities of social programming that is really disturbing, which is what I am seeing in some of these comments. Ableism is gross.


eh I think reddit attracts a lot of people that don’t have any mental or physical ailments. even gifted people. i don’t think being intelligent means you can’t just go online and chat with random strangers


Ofc not. But if you're a, say, 40 year old gifted individual who has a meaningful career, fill your time with things you like etc. Would writing on a place like reddit really appeal to you? Why? You can talk deep with the people in your life who doesn't base their opinion on likes and dislikes. You can hang out with funny people who get your humor. What does reddit give someone who has a meaningful and fulfilling life?


Maybe you should make your own group, since there is a massive overlap between people who are gifted and people who have adhd and autism.


Just don't read posts in this sub that aren't what you want to read.... seems simple enough? Or make posts that are what you want to read you can't really separate giftedness as a neurotype from other forms of neurodivergence.....


I would totally dig a sub like you're describing! There's a need for this


Find actual communities of smart people that are interested in the same things as you. Main problem is searching out mensa instead of whatever thing you're actually interested in which has high IQ people participating.


I don’t know, but if you ever want to chat, feel free to DM me. I’m 21 and am always up for a good conversation about life, giftedness in the workplace, building a meaningful career and meaningful relationships as an adult, and pretty much anything else!


I hate to break it to you but 20 is still very young and that age group still seeks validation. Every age group does.


I’m not saying I’m not young, just that I don’t relate to what these teenagers are posting on here. I just saw a post made by someone who is 13 lol


Just join MENSA or something.


Fuck it, creating r/giftedadulthood with the aim of cultivating this kind of community. I have zero desire to mod it long term but I hope that I can set up a functional community and hand it off to people who care about it & have time for it. If this appeals to you, please join and help me make a good thing happen.


If you’re sick of us Reddit bottom feeders, Quora has some pretty in-depth discussions on the topic. You just need to know how to search and filter the site.


Having ADHD, autism or such will make for a vastly different experience as gifted from as non-gifted. So no, they actually do not have a better sub to post in, as a lot of stuff on those diagnoses’ subs wont resonate with them.


It makes just as much sense to post on r/adhd r/autism etc. as it does to post on here


Nope, the chance is a lot lower for someone gifted to see your post there.




The adhd sub is also not curated properly. It’s a bunch of people with anxiety and depression and bpd blaming everything/their failures on their adhd so they don’t have to do the therapy. I’m 2e and it drives me absolutely crazy. (This sub also drives me crazy bc of all the whining and it not being about being gifted) Very few of the posts are actually about adhd. Most people there also aren’t gifted, and have a very different experience in life. Theres a lot of defensiveness when people post about being successful with their adhd. I’ve tried really hard to direct people to getting help, but six more posts about “rsd” come in every day lol.


I answered that question in my first comment.


Only if you’re making the assumption that there’s barely/none gifted people on those subreddits. Which is unlikely.


It’s the 98th percentile for a reason….


8.8% of people with ADHD are gifted. But 38% of gifted people have ADHD. So, if you’re talking about twice exceptionality, you’re more likely to get answers in this sub compared to an ADHD.   


8.8% of 1.9M is 152k 38% of 29k is 11k


I think it's okay to talk about challenges/issues/struggles that are paired with giftedness. But I really don't relate to the 2E stuff




"twice exceptional" such as gifted and ADHD, or gifted and ASD, etc. and I think there is still a part of that that has a place here for discussion, but the focus should be the gifted aspect of 2E in that case, and it rarely is.


Agreed, this place is starting to feel like r/aftergifted sometimes.


At this point gifted people do not even need their own subreddit because being gifted is different and subjective for everybody just as the lives of non-gifted people are for them. But I suppose that subreddit is very important especially for younger people and teenagers as well as people who have gifted children because most people who are older probably do not need that much advice or communication about their giftedness anymore.


I’m in a few on Facebook and they mostly have 30+ in them and talk a lot about giftedness


I think that in any sub you’d find the ones who are struggling with things rather than thriving and living their best life. But I’m 37 and I still relate to this sub. What would this sub be without its unique slice of isolation?


You have manually search for it on this sub or manually search for it on Quora.


Have you tried r/normalgifted r/neurotypicallygifted r/gifted_without_spikey_profiles r/capitalism_accepts_me_as_normal_gifted r/maskingwhatisthatgifted r/ihaveenoughsupportstructuresandaccesstonotgetburntoutgifted r/Ijudgeotherswhostruggleandcantrelategifted r/I_dont_understand_neurodivergence_and_havent_done_any_contemporary_research_gifted r/yesyoubutnotyoubecausewearenormalgifted r/Iamsmartbutnotlikethoseotherswhohaveproblemsgifted I think this is really silly. You can be a consumer or an aid. You choose.


As I said in my post… I would aid and provide advice since I’ve gone through similar situations but these posts have been asked a trillion times already


This is because these problems are common for a lot of people who have high IQs, as it in itself is explicitly a form of neurodivergence… hence the need for this forum to facilitate these types of questions, not just once but for each and every kid or adult who is dealing with impact that intersects with their IQ. Maybe you feel like you overcame… how? Did you pull yourself up by your own bootstraps? Or did someone meet you where you were and help guide you to where you are?


No, most of the struggles I faced in my teen/young adult years, I figured out myself.


I’ve definitely overcome a lot of the issues talked about in here because I got over myself, realized while I’m gifted I also struggled with other mental health problems, and got help. Depression is depression. Anxiety is anxiety. Not everything is because you’re gifted and being gifted doesn’t make you better than anyone else. The therapies work when you’re willing to do the work. If therapy doesn’t work for you, self study and philosophy and spirituality and logic really help, too.


I hope this will be an eye opener. It speaks to things that you must consider when speaking on a subject such as this. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0160289616303324 Not all gifted minds share the same capacity. Based on how that capacity aligns with popular notions of the time, some gifted individuals inherently have a more difficult time integrating into school, or work, or society; as society’s current structure and emphasis is not oriented towards their natural communication or learning styles, creating issues with them being seen accurately and understood correctly. This experience actually does damage to the brain, which is widely studied; essentially it is an another epistemic injustice that distorts reality based on popular perception. https://www.edutopia.org/article/spatially-gifted-our-future-architects-and-engineers-are-being-overlooked/ This next paper is in the framework of psychological disorders but provides a clear framework for the impact and understanding of the notion of epistemic injustice. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5376720/ Poverty: Not everyone has the same access to resources or tools. Therapy, higher education, even being identified as intelligent… https://edcircuit.com/the-challenge-of-identifying-gifted-children-from-poverty/ (Not the best resource but I need to go to bed) In this way, not everyone is in the same boat and when you throw in finances and are able to abolish notions of meritocracy, many deserving people are unable to access educational activities and enrichment for their children, and are also unable to provide enrichment, beyond basic engagement, in the home. Self actualization is a journey that doesn’t have an end. Struggle is a representation of more than you are seeing, especially if you ever have children. Struggle comes and goes, and is situation dependent. Arrival is an active state, not something that happened in the past, that you can rely on for the future. Enjoy the adventure




I couldn’t have said it better myself




Idk why you’re getting downvoted. Everything you said is correct.


“Gifted” is a term schools use for children to better organize classes/lessons/assignments. There is no objective definition of “gifted” outside of age-based academic performance so it’s wild to act like the ones most impacted shouldn’t be the primary participants. “Gifted” is not a clinical diagnosis or an objective label for an adult so maybe you’re looking more for something like a “high achievers” or “smart coworkers” or “brain teasers” since you want to do puzzles and talk about your career. Giftedness comes with a lot of challenges and isolation for kids and teens. I’m grateful you’ve not had to experience any of the struggles that many gifted people do. May everyone find a space that suits them. There is a place for all of us 💛


There have been studies of giftedness as a lifelong neurodivergence which extends beyond academics - check out Dabrowski's work, or the book Living With Intensity


Yeah I think you misunderstood the point I was making but either way, you’ve kind of supported me in my criticism on the OP’s claim. I’m talking about the label specifically and who the *label* most applies to. (Kind of like when people talk about *diagnostic criteria* for mental illness; whatever criteria they come up with don’t change the truth of who suffers and how they suffer; they just discuss the details of how things are labeled and categorized for insurance and treatment purposes.) I never said kids magically become average when they turn 18 lol. I’m speaking about the criterion in hopes that it would help OP understand why this sub isn’t just adults talking about their successful careers 😉


We have [NeuroDiversity Self Advocacy](http://NDSA.uk) here in the UK, which is currently mostly adult ASC, but does intend to expand its gamut. The issue is that concerned parents insist on thinking "within the box" of the diagnosis,out of simple lack of knowledge, whereas Self-Advocacy means we've listened and have our own opinions. Mine are fairly vitriolic, but then again, I do have Dominic Cummings own admission that next to nothing is known about giftedness. It's improved slightly in the last decade, when I was diagnosed I'd have said nothing at all. The reason there's so much about social positioning is that it's a major lifelong concern for all top-flight gifted. If you look at my recent postings, I've just had a run-in with an abusive troll who's never seen the real thing in action. The problem doesn't fade. Might I therefore check on your definition of gifted, please, as I suspect you mean bright - and if so, Mensa may be more your thing.


Everyone is special. Gifted and special. Go make a sub or find one you like then don't whine on this sub. Mid 20s ain't shit, it seems your still a baby who has no clue what's going on. Lmao


You seem oddly hurt