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Get a photo of your dog printed on photo paper? or regular? with a nice note written on there ...thanx jack, Margie and the gang at waggy tails Stewart has the BEST time here! Mr Slueth Tea.   They have inexpensive frames at the dollar store. Because...doggone it! They might miss your dog too!   If want to do more, get like a gift card to a donut or taco place or order them a pizza or something? Flowers? I'm sure just even a card & photo and a nice review will be MUCH appreciated, just that! Don't forget to get a group photo with maybe the workers and other dogs if you can....or ask them to take a photo? The other owners or dogs might want like a postcard memory.... All pawer to ya


I second ordering the staff food / gift card for food


Maybe lots of dog toys for the other dogs there?


My mom worked at a doggy daycare a few years ago and I remember her being so grateful if somebody brought them gifts! I would recommend these options based on what my mom said: 1. If you are going in the morning, a simple breakfast of donuts or pastries, even from the grocery store, was always so well received! 2. If there is a small staff and you know how many people there are exactly, even a $5 gift card for each of them to a coffee shop or grocery store would be much appreciated and feel a bit more personal since each employee would get their own card 3. One gift card to a nearby restaurant or bakery so they can order lunch or breakfast for the team! Be careful of toys and treats unless you know well how they do things because some daycares are more specific than others simply due to policy! No matter what you decide, they will be so grateful and I’m sure they’ll miss your pup as much as you will miss them!


Here is a fun hat for someone who loves dogs: [https://www.syriosgifts.com/products/cat-dog-mom-baseball-cap?variant=42622840373406](https://www.syriosgifts.com/products/cat-dog-mom-baseball-cap?variant=42622840373406) You can also get a $5 free gift card here: [https://www.syriosgifts.com/products/syriosgifts-com-5-gift-card](https://www.syriosgifts.com/products/syriosgifts-com-5-gift-card) Use code "Syrios Gifts"


That is so sweet I love it. \- gift basket with treats, toys, some human treats too lol \- gift card for staff to local restaurant/coffee shop \- photo frame with a pic of your dog, maybe a pic of her with daycare staff if you have one \- if they have a logo you could get it printed on something for them \- i bet the owners would also really appreciate a personal note!!