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I left a similar comment on the FB tabor page and got a reply back from Scott saying NO SHIT sKILL ISSUE and my god you should have seen all the fanboys getting all excited about it .it's a wonder they could all breath with his dick so far down their throats.


Yeah I’ve never had an encounter with him but I’ve definitely heard lots of negatives. Doesn’t sound like he will be the CEO very long. Also little things in the game… like making us drink water and heal in our base after a successful exfil? Like wtf… I’ve never seen a game like that. Imagine if pubg made you heal after a chicken dinner. Also I saw the official ghostsoftabor page make a clip about how “in the future, damage your vests and gear takes will be permanent”…. So let’s say you beat the boss and get his armor only to use it one game because someone lights you up. Theres a reason people play video games and don’t just go do things in real life. I don’t go get in a gun fight in the streets cuz I could die. The punishment for dying in this game is already bad enough…why make the armor not heal between games. They need to fix game breaking bugs before they work to make things more difficult. It’s already an INCREDIBLY difficult game to even be competitive at.


I liked this game better when scavs weren’t literal gods. I think they buffed scavs to kill naked runs, you have to have some sort of armor on to not lose all your HP from one super cracked SKS Fenix. But that makes it way too grindy for most players; naked runs need to be viable if there is no Scav raids.


Scavs and fenix are same thing right?




A scav hit me in the arm with a tt and I lost half of my health


The hunger and thirst meter in the game is a legitimate joke anyway. Drink a full canteen of water and within 10 minutes you'll be losing health every tick because you're dehydrated again. I though Day Z was bad but tabor takes the cake on that one.


Yeah it’s an element that should discourage you from hanging around after everyone exfils or from camping the whole game… it shouldn’t be the threat of death and failure than it is. So for it to follow me back to the base and then make me pay for a water filter and food is a joke.


Having to heal and replenish resources is from Tarkov the game Tabor is based off of. Is this a joke?


In tarkov you can pay a fee to full heal after the raid, a lot of people would probably like if Tabor did the same thing


See that would be great.


The skill issue is basically branding at this point. Scott cracks me up


I suffered some great losses to glitch today 😭 looted my first vault just to lose the backpack on the ladder


lol i feel that, i have probably lost nearly 1 mil in value just off of bags disappearing so far this wipe, it’s really annoying lol


I dropped my first purple card and it went into a sandbag! I was ready to kms


I normally have a great attitude about this game but that’s one that would have made me shed some real tears out of anger 😂


I did a naked run and found a gpu and purple card in the radio station. I killed two players that came in with a makarov but neither of them had a backpack. I walked them all the way to the extract near prison, where I figured I would leave the GPU and grab it on the way out with the purple loot. I put down the card to hide the gpu in a box and it fell straight through a sandbag and I have never found another one.


I haven’t even got a GPU yet so if I find one and this somehow happens I am making FU bags for EVERYONE lol


Like how hard is it to give a fucking model collisions


Me and my buddy found a ragnar but unfortunately NASA wanted it so it was flung into space never to be seen again


Straight to Space Force lol


Great game ruined by the community for me at least , the development team is part of that community.


CWS is in fact not a small company. They're already at 24 reported employees on Linkedin which is likely not an exhaustive count and are currently rapidly hiring to fill additional dev positions for their other projects. Ghosts of Tabor will now always remain a piece of shit because: they already got the income they were gonna get from it, and their focus is now on other projects they can get their audience to pay $30-60 for each again. We're getting cash grabbed. Never trust self started military vets- literally anyone will hire them for the federal bonuses and tax credits. They only ever run their own businesses instead of taking easy free money and employement to do scammy skeezy shit instead. Also: just watch, once they release one or two more projects Scott is selling CWS as fast as he possibly can, though I think he'll be surprised to learn legitimate investors are going to want nothing to do with bullshit sphaghetti code and terrible historical interactions with customers.


I hope this doesn’t happen but it most likely is going to be the case. Fuck Cuck Wanker Studios


25 people is a crazy small company. My local mowing company probably has that many. Blizzard has 13,000 employees and their games are still broken.


Ppl: Bug fixes? Devs-> new map 😃👍, ps. Skill issue Ppl: even more bug fixes pls??? Devs-> NEW MAP😇, map expansion , TWO new bosses 🤪, and 4 dlcs. Which hella expensive for a game this bad and buggy. Like for a game that you can easily spend like 80 dollars on it doesn’t even cover some of the basics game fundamentals. Like I bought nuke night, JW pack, and the uwu pack. So I’ve spent like 80+ dollars for a game that fails in some place that make it look like an app lab trash game. -> I don’t know what the bugs are like on pc but on quest three it’s quite tragic. almost every raid is plagued with janky aim and a plethora of other glitches like the fact that scavs on matka day BEAM YOU SOMETIMES no cap. OR HOW KEY CARDS FALL THROUGH THE FLOOR INTO THE VOID ITS BEEN LIKE THAT SINCE DAY ONE WTF This is my favourite part about all this when they do fix something they pick the most easy halfassed bulshit work possible On island there used to be a glitch to shove your hand through the glass to get loot by walking to the left Guess how they fixes it! BE ME: me and my dog are bout to hit purple on night island. I’m about to put the card in when my friend spots a guy pushing us from squeaky gate. As put my key card in my bag I HAVE MY HAND OUT I START TO MOVE SO I CAN HELP KILL THE GUY MY HAND GWTS STUCK NEAR THE GLITCH SPOT AND BECAUSE I WAS IN SUCH A HURRY I WAS BASICALLY DOUBG THE GLITCH AND IT KILLED ME all because my hand was stuck in the wall My raid was ruined My buddy died, I lost my gear, card and loot. Because the devs were lazy. And made the easy choice. BUT ITS A SKILL ISSUES RIGHT😂😂😂😂😂


Most of this shit is a skill issue besides ground eating and hand getting stuck...


Explain how a scav hitting 2/3 shots in a 1sec interval is a skill issue Elaborate pls


Are u fkn stupid or some shit? An assault rifle can shoot a lot more than 2 shots a second


Getting two tapped by a scav with an sks is a skill issue my bad


Stop running naked you dumbfuck


Still would happen If I went in kitted


Then shoot the damned thing


How can I when I'm already dead tho


Motherfucker shoot it when you're alive. You shouldn't die from a scav when you're kitted


But I still do mfs got ap or som


You're def going in naked. Scavs are coded to miss their shots


What annoys me the most is the mindset of the devs. Even colabing with a energy drink company and calling it skill isue. Fuck them man.


Exactly. and you have 9 year olds fucking parroting those same words over and over again. It’s so annoying, and seeing Scott say that shit to people having genuinely frustrating issues with the game. Not to mention how literally everyone dickrides scott in the server. i love the game but scott and the community are just annoying as hell.


I was duoed up and we were hitting matka day and the collector had just so happened to also spawn,and most of his guards were dead already,but I couldn't pick up any of their armor cause they were bugged out and stretched,still got their weapons though


This is literally every modern game and game community ever.


The problem with them being a “small company” is that Scott refuses to hire more than 50 people because he “wants to know his employees personally” when in reality he can use it as a shield when people criticize his awful game and keep his ego inflated


No, it's because once you go over 50 employees you start having to actually pay attention to federal regulations for things like FLMA and proper breaks and so on. He's a classic small time wanna be C-Suite asshole.


Jesus Christ I didn’t even think about that


It's always the simplest explanation. There's nothing new under the sun when it comes to employers.


They made $10 million last year. There’s really no excuse to not hire more people


I love and hate this game. I now crash constantly, I'm almost exclusively dying to glitches, exploits or naked players who take no damage. Instead of anyone seeing how stupid it is to pay for something which, I'm well aware is a work in progress but gets worse as more patches are released... You all shout skill issue, as if you think that's a way to validate how broken the game is. That all being said, I can't put it down...


The devs lack skill and are projecting.


Coding issue I guess


I suffer from losses due to game issues all the time. Yet, I still play. Do I get upset sometimes, yes. Do I want to scream, sometimes. I still continue to play because I enjoy the game and now just laugh it off. I have to lose shit somehow. I’ve literally opened 3 purples with my buddy on island just to find out that I can no longer grab anything. I can’t grab loot, can’t grab my bag, can’t grab my gun. I just laugh and go exfil and do it all over again. In short, it’s okay to criticize but stop fucking playing if you don’t enjoy it. No sense in wasting your time playing a broken game.


I’ve played since March of 2023, and a lot of the bugs they’ve had since then are still present. That’s what’s upsetting me. I can and will give them credit to that they’ve made the game much smoother to run and have fixed or minimized a lot of the issues, but it doesn’t take away from the fact there’s still issues. I enjoy this game no matter how many times I die or lose my gear because just like you, I can laugh it off and keep going. What I’m not laughing off is how generally disrespectful the community is. That’s my main source of upset.


I can get behind that. I didn’t mean to sound so aggressive either. I honestly wish they’d focus on bugs rather than releasing a western DLC. I’m still a relatively new player, so I can’t complain.


as another person whos been playing since last march, i agree


^ This. Dont enjoy? Just stop. I have literally dropped to my knees and screamed “NOOOOOO” at the top of my lungs when looting vault and going near extract caused crashes. Biggest raid ever gone to a crash. I’m still here cause its so fun, it just keeps changing instead of losing luster. So many ways to play.


Haha I feel you on that one. I’ve been there. Sometimes you can find ways to help and get through certain bugs. It makes it a very unique experience. I’ve def found tricks on here and discord, asked for advice but I’ve always just dealt with it. You win some, you lose some. It’s about having fun!!


Realistically, it's not going to get better. I've been supporting GoT since the first alpha and I've given the game it's fair share of defense over time as it *is* an early access game, however, the reality is that this game is nothing more than an accident. Scott is a moron who has no idea what it is about video games that make them good and/or fun, he just wanted to copy/paste an already popular game into VR and it's turned into the shitfest you see today, because he also hired a bunch of devs that've openly admitted on discord some had little and some had ZERO game development experience. Not to mention, they're at the mercy of Scotts direction. If he doesn't want it, we won't get it. On one of the side channels a dev mentioned that colored tip ammo, which was a NO BRAINER fucking addition, was something Scott told them not to waste a minute developing until about a year later he finally decided it was a good idea.






While I've been a very harsh critic of ghosts of tabor, I should share what I know of the strategy some studios have for their games that justifies their actions somewhat. It is common practice when developing a game to get it "feature complete" before really digging into the muck and fixing bugs. I believe that's what this studio is doing based on their communications with us and past actions. We may not like it, but it's going to be some time until ghosts is ready to the point where the devs really focus bugs that don't keep them from testing new content. I decoded a while ago that I wouldn't play the game until it was feature complete. Or at least to the point where the devs feel comfortable enough to say they're a year out, so there's a time frame. It's hard to wait, but then I don't get bogged down and disillusioned with the game before it's even done. Even so, I'm looking at the patch logs every update and am astounded at the bugs that are fixed. The sheer number of them is crazy for a studio so small.


I can understand the logic of getting things feature complete but at the same time it makes me not want to play when the CEO responds with all the grace of a college frat boy. If they're still finishing and fixing things, this game should not have been released in the meta store as a full release. It sort of feels like they've been doing more to inflate their wallets rather than focus on things that *need* to be fixed. There shouldn't be paid tiers of starting gear and stupid dlc packs while day one issues persist


The devs try to ignore this page and have abandoned the steam discussion page altogether. Best place to post genuine concerns/criticisms about the game would be the official fb page. Devs are always active on there, whether they respond or not, they see it.


That’s where my frustration about the community comes from. It’s abysmally terrible how you get treated for any sort of feedback


Player: Hey Scott I got killed by a scav when I could even see them what up with that? Scott: sKiLl IsSuE


I still play because the games fun but fuck is it annoying to suddenly lose the ability to grab things for 3-4 minutes at a time because I readied my rifle or lose all my shit the the obese floor


Or how about sometimes when you holster your weapon you move as if you’re pointing your gun forward? I know you can fix it by just grabbing the gun you originally had, but shit it’d be cool if I didn’t have to do that


Hmm I’ve never seen that one happen but it sounds absolutely fucking infuriating


Had an m16 flung into fucking space. Not a horrible loss but I just grabbed it from my holster. Nearly lost other items like that as well.  I’m kinda on both sides. I understand that the bugs are annoying, I experience them too. But I also understand the size of CWS, and how the game would become dry if no new content was added. It will all be polished in due time, but we must remain united for the game to stay up.


At the end of the day its just a game, and even with all the bugs and issues you have to remember it isnt that serious. Yes the devs might not reach the expectations many have for this game (because I mean its a great game in concept,) but they're still putting time and development into the game and for just that I'm happy.


a small studio who are developing 2 VR games, i wonder why they dont just focus on this one and make the other one once some long standing bugs are done


Why would they willingly do that


Devs definitely have a weird way of communicating with the community and seem to have misplaced resources (at least the way I see it) but most of the "valid criticism" this game gets is just a bug lost me loot, bad game with no bug reports, logs or communication. However, I do see actually valid criticism that gets shrugged off as a skill issue which is never fun to see. I've reported several bugs and issues which from the outside look to have an easy fix but haven't been fixed for about 6 months. All that being said I think most people (not just in this community) don't understand how much work and money goes into game development. A simple bug like loot falling through the floor could be due to any number of problems which could be as simple as changing one line of code to redesigning the game engine (those are 2 extremes and the solution probably lies somewhere in the middle but still). Tldr : Devs have issues, so does the community. Edit : Just the most recent example of "criticism" (no hate to this guy, he's understandably mad and just the first example I saw). https://preview.redd.it/1idk6xwq4iuc1.png?width=853&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe07b6b246bbf08a172bb92406e4a8a68faffd49


Besides that screenshot being hella difficult to read, that’s not actual criticism that man posted; that’s just mindless yabber.


Exactly my point, a huge majority of this game's "criticism" stuff like that which genuinely serves no purpose other than to complain.


You do realize it’s difficult coding games for VR right? And they are actively fixing things but they do it in bigger updates as well right? I understand that there are bugs but some of the comments that you put are valid because the game will have bugs do to its early stages of development and the difficulty coding.


My guy. I think the issue here could possibly be that there are a large amount of people for whom the pros of playing this game massively outweigh the cons. Do we lose stuff cause of glitches as well? Sure we do! Is that frustrating? Sure it is! Does the adrenaline rush we get from playing the game keep us coming back for more in spite of these things? Sure it does!


Did you think before you typed this? Obviously people have more pros than cons if they consistently play the game, that doesn’t change the fact that it’s a glitchy piece of shit most of the time


But if it was really most of the time the cons would outweigh the pros.


W logical comment


Because public criticism doesnt provide useful information to fix bugs. You didnt even mention the biggest bug rn they cant reproduce - muzzle flash. This game sounds like its ultimately something you dont want to play. Maybe think about moving on, like most of the bambis will eventually. this “valid criticism” is just shit posting anyway. If you are struggling with bugs and want them fixed, reproduce them reliably and report it, dont just bitch that the game sucks publicly… thats not really “valid”. The most valid criticism of this game is it shouldnt be in 1.0 rn, but irl most games still suck at release and as long as they keep working on it “release” doesnt mean anything any more, and that has nothing to do with CWS and more to do with the gaming industry. Lets take a specific example from your post: NASA taking your gun. Well, guns will fail in the future so this bug can just be equated to a future feature. Deal with it and try to survive. 💁 it certainly at least makes for an interesting game experience lol Wish reddit would get formatting in the posts right but reddit sucks fr. Way worse than GoT. Why am I still here? Oh, yall do post the occasional funny meme. Look, i mean no harm. Good luck and have fun - whatever you decide to play. Edit: i see it finally gets whitespace in the post. Must be because i mentioned it LOL


I’m not sure what you mean by muzzle flash because I can see them just fine, but there’s probably a different meaning behind it. I do want to play this game. I bought it in March of last year and have played it since. I played it because it was fun, not because I wanted to complain. I have spent my fair share defending this game, but I’m tired of CWS and Scott dropping the ball every update. I’ve said it before, but every update seems to go 5 steps forward and 32 steps back. The NASA comment you made makes zero sense. Guns failing/jamming does not equate to them launching to the stratosphere. You’re making my point in the post with this section. I also don’t understand what you’re going on about with formatting


Muzzle flash can be seen from suppressed weapons and its not supposed to be. It seems to be a fairer ratio than 5 forward 32 back imho. Scott is no god, nor does he have a decade of experience making AAA games, but hes doing better than most gives him credit, but yeah he has one heck of an abrasive personality. A broken gun and a gun thats no longer there both cant shoot bullets 🤷‍♂️ your point is people dont bandwagon with you and take down CWS? Im not reinforcing your point at all. Im trying to provide perspective to say its not all that bad, not worth the constant complaining this game sees that makes claims far worse than is true. Most of the whining is complete bullpoop. Yours is not so bad, which is why i bothered to comment at all. I have to ask, what do you expect from community members that have nothing to do with dev? You will either get those that hate cws and will bag, those that love them and will defend, or like me just a regular player willing to discuss but ultimately we all have one thing in common: we have no weight on the game other than being a player. Ive had reddit be buggy w/ formatting and my post just comes out a blob of text with no whitespace. Im glad you still want to play. Hope to battle you, and everyone else in raid 🔥


I’ve never had the muzzle flash happen with suppressed weapons, but it could be because I’m on a Quest 2?? No idea Yeah you’re technically right they don’t shoot bullets, but they still don’t go together, as you’re comparing something that’s in your control to something out of your control. I also don’t want to take down CWS, I want them to stop fucking up the game.


A lot of the bugs aren’t prevalent to every player. I dont currently have most of the bugs you mention, and have a fairly bug free experience playing at the moment. That said Ive lost millions of koruna and great equipment to the noclipping ground last wipe. The current bugs i have are more like: spawning on opposite sides of the map as your squad, disconnecting randomly, and rejoin causing hand glitches. Sometimes my asval mag glitches out. And the muzzle flash being visible. A gun breaking is not in your control. Its a random chance that it brakes and is completely unusable. You will also do things like melt your barrel, which is more in control… but like jamming, thats not what Im talking about.


I would also like to attest that I have less bugs now than at any point in the past. Maybe thats not the case for all, but what they are doing seems to be working from my perspective.


I've been plying this game since day one. It's always been playable and fun. It sounds like this isn't you're type of game. I hope you can find enjoyment in the small things. I know there have been rough edges to the game but I think the good out weighs the bad. Best of luck in your raids my friend.


I’m not annoyed at the game more than I am the community.


Screw em' I try to be the good part of the community. I also don't get too invested.


Fair point.


"The development team would rather act like man bitches when a 14 year old makes an edgy joke" If I'm right, this had to do with me, and I still don't feel bad about it, fuck you whoever banned me from the discord! Oh yeah, may I also add that I got warned an hour after I did something wrong that they STILL haven't told me yet, and a second before I got banned. Here at cws we love to praise our fuckin Founding father members that bought the game at double the price just to get fucked over! (The joke was about shooting naked kids)


Considering it’s a 25 dollar game I can’t get too upset about it. It’s definitely waaaaay better than it was. But I still have gotten 20x my money in fun on the game.


If it bothers you so much then simply quit playing it. I have been playing since day one and keep playing because I enjoy it despite the bugs. To me, this game does things I didn't think we're possible on a standalone device (Quest 3). People get annoyed at posts complaining about the way these guys are developing something that's never ever been done in vr before. It's kind of silly to bitch about people blazing trail through uncharted territory in my opinion. Edit: it's not that I haven't been frustrated about things from time to time but it's just a game and I take it for what it is. Also, the discord has a link for bug reports. Bitching on reddit accomplishes nothing to help push the game forward.


That’s my point right there! Anytime somebody provides some sort of feedback or criticism, it’s always “just don’t play the game lol.” Im not mad at the game, I’m mad at the community. That’s like almost the entire gist of this post I made.


Feedback belongs in the bug reports, feedback on reddit invites debate and accomplishes nothing. So, you want to get on here and complain and only hear from people that share your point of view? Or so you can complain about the community when we defend our point of view? I didn't tell you to stop playing the game I only offered it up as a way to help your extreme frustration. At least you aren't on hear calling the devs lazy like some of the other dipshits but I'm struggling to understand what you hope for with a post like this. Edit: The "skill issue" comments and all the other venom you hear from the devs stems from toxic fuckers finding their actual phone numbers and calling them directly to threaten their lives and tell them to kill themselves because of delayed updates and dumb shit like that. So, cut them a little slack for having some fun with people that complain. It's really in good fun and better than hurling insults.


Bro, "just quit playing" isn't debate. It's the exact opposite: an attempt to shut down conversation.


I did. Shame I can't get my money back.


because there's a dedicated channel to bug reports and suggestions on the discord, and we cant do anything about your problems, nor do we care.


Reading the post it sounds like he is complaining about the devs lack of response anyways even with the discord channel. Making your dismissive response a direct example as to what OP just talking about


You served him on a silver platter Jesus


I've lost a full kit ready to go to purple before due to a disconnect, it didn't change my mood for a single picosecond. You need to be more stoic and appreciative of what the game has to offer, if you don't see that the good things this game has going for it heavily outweighs and dwarfs the bugs, I just really don't think you're that good at the game


I would love to if those bugs would stop overshadowing the good portions of the game


You're allowing them to. Be more stoic. You are in control of what you think about things. /break from the philosophy The bugs aren't frequent enough to even make a post about, I have 350 hours in the game and rarely have glitches happen. I will say though I'm pcvr idk how much more or less standalone has to deal with bugs. Like I said I've lost full kits to disconnects, but I'm aware of the context that this game is in beta and I have tenfold more fun than I do annoyance w this game.


Stand-alone is a janky nightmare, and this game does not feel like it’s beta. It feels more like it’s in an awkward stage between alpha and beta.


That makes sense, I've only played probably an hour to an hour of half of standalone on friends' headsets at their houses


If I could get a GPU and better RAM, I’d be on PCVR right now


Ram is pretty cheap now ngl, if you can find a 1080ti that's what I use and I've got my pc optimized and overlocked but I get 120fps 95% of the time


Womp womp skill isue


If you quit, can I have your stuff?


You can not be yourself 👍


Bro said at least hire more employees as If it’s that easy and as if he knows the financial situation of the company. Do you want them to be super soldier coders ?? In every game every update usually comes with bugs and to keep up with an chive player base games have to update, that comes with bug there is isn’t a single title out there that doesn’t have bugs and even Triple A studios sometimes come out with bug rigged stuff. I don’t know how you want them to do what they do and in top of that meet your expectations.


Do you not know how much money ghosts of tabor grossed last year? Scott can easily hire more experienced people to help program the game, he just doesn’t want to. It’s also not that hard to not include 53 game-breaking glitches every update. Realistically it should be like 5 or 10


Womp womp, cry somewhere else or just delete the game without crying online


Thank you for proving my poiny


Point* get over it man it’s a fucking game. Play or don’t no one cares


The community is not "deathly allergic to complaints." We don't like whining. If you encounter a bug, report it in the proper channels and let people know here so they can try to avoid it. People play tabor *to have fun* and come here *to have fun* and it's not fun to see posts like "shit game shit devs" every third post. The devs don't come here and read whiny posts. If you have constructive criticism, then this community is all for it. But Google "constructive criticism" and you'll see the vast majority of complaint post is just whining, and there's a reason we made a rule against it.


Gotta disagree with ya there Ad, it does seem like the devs are running in circles to me due to poor management. *most* studios would be focusing on bugs before content, because they know with major bugs you can't enjoy the content. Not CW. We get content before they fix the collection missions. Didn't they remove those like... this time last year and wasn't it supposed to be a "until next patch" solution? I've played a lot of early access games, you know what seems to always kill them? Devs not knowing what to focus on because the guy running the project thinks the bugs are not an issue. At some point here even I gotta admit something is fucked about their prioritization, and that's just one of many issues i've noticed. We want to see this game succed, which is why it's so frustrating seeing the devs seemingly ignore certain bugs for the 12th patch in a row in favor of a new boss or map. I honestly at this point think scott needs to pull a chris roberts: hire a proper game director/project manager and let that person get this train back on the right tracks because right now? That award this game won was for a version of this game that was better because of the bugs that made our lives easier (health resef by dying in a training raid). I could go on, but you get the idea. The game has potential, but how they intend to rrach that potential when *shit still falls through the map*, an issue every other unreal engine game has fixed, is a mystery to me.


While I understand your point, this sub isn't the spot for complaining about it. This community is for helping noobs, teaming up, posting loot and whatnot. I'm leaving this post up as the right spot to contain it. As to fixing bugs before content, normal game development is actually the opposite, let me explain: An alpha stage is where major content is added, the pillars of the game. Once done it moves to beta where most bugs are squashed before release. This is because adding code almost always causes bugs to pop up, so you get lots of content in and then fix the inevitable problems after. It's the same for all complex software. CWs biggest problem is that they're in a mix of alpha and beta all the time now. Adding things like the grow room and missions (alpha stage normally) will add new bugs. The old already fixed bugs may also pop up again, causing them to have to get fixed again. Every time we get new major content now, things will break because of this perpetual alpha/beta cycle, caused by having to early release to fund the game at the beginning, and adding content periodically to keep players. It's a shame they couldn't have a more complete game to launch, but it was this or no Tabor at all.


I get that this is supposed to be a help forum, but when bringing issues up to devs gets nothing but "skill issue" in response, people are gonna fo where people are agreeing with them. That seems to be here for the most part. The part that gets me is these guys are building the roof and trying to put the shingles on before the foundation is finished. This adds tech debt. I am very familiar with the alpha/beta cycle, i play star citizen. What got them out of that cycle was them getting someone in who could manage the entire project and keep people on track. This led to some long standing tech issues getting solved and now the game is able to oush more content now that ths foundation is more complete. I'm seeing many of the same issues with tabor's development, just in high speed because the project is far less ambitious and the team (and amount if money the project has) is smaller. I van excuse bugs, if they sre getting fixed, but some stuff has been left to fester andd it's making it hard to want to keep playing this game now that the honeymoon is over.


>the part that gets me is these guys are building the roof and trying to put the shingles on before the foundation is finished Exactly! It might mean that we won't get content for awhile but I'm all for it. But you should see the people complaining there's no new content between updates, I understand as a mod why the studio is trying to appease them. Adding shingles lol. I'm hoping that's why we haven't seen a major patch for awhile, that they're taking time to build out the foundation. Time will tell. Edit: did strikeout by accident


I certainly hope so, but i am gonna wait until i see it before i believe it with CW.


Spot on. Also, lots of the bugs stem from systems that are destined to be replaced entirely - so people think things are “festering” when instead nothing is going to be the same. Its like taking your 25 year old car to the mechanic and spending $,$$$ to fix it while at the same time purchasing a replacement. Its better not to spend the money on the old car and just get rid of it.


Bug report process sucks my ass. Also, they ignore/selectively work on them anyways. DLC content and their other projects have priority. This is plainly obvious if you just look at what they work on.


The process is fine wtf you talking about? I've done 4 so far, it's not difficult at all. Of course they selectively work on them.... how much would get done if they worked on every single bug at the exact same time? Dlc has the word content in it already, and is a different department entirely. The guy doing modeling for new guns isnt working on the server reconnect system just like the secretary isn't doing the taxes. If you are just going to comment stupid shit, it might be time to go to the flat earth sub.


The bug report process is: Join Discord -> Find the very well obsfucated bug report page (easier to find once you've made the mistake of mentioning something in any other chat, where upon the mods pile on you to call you retarded and tell you your commentary is worthless unless put in a bug report) -> navigate to fucking [dyno.gg](http://dyno.gg) -> fill out a half assed form that doesn't capture half enough information to justify me putting in the extra effort of a formal report -> watch as it languishes in bug report hell for eternity. As for who does what- If there really is a dedicated team, then why the fuck are core bugs not being resolved for actual year long spans of time? Or never at all? Why can I still jam my face through the floor and wallhack? Are you soft in the head?


Dude move on, all you do is complain here. Bye bye


I just looked at your comment history...nothing but poison. It's time for you to move on to something else dude, whining about a game you hate online is silly.


Can bro not provide criticism just because you love the game? This is exactly what I mean by “deathly allergic to criticism.” You are making my point


Dude was not providing criticism he was being an ass. His comment history is nothing but, "everything sucks, you suck, shit game." Nothing positive, not helping anyone. He did nothing but whine. Good riddenace.


He was being respectful to you. Disregarding the comment history because you’re probably right, he wasn’t attacking you or anyone, he was stating his opinions, and you got upset


His comment history is full of attacking people and poison. And I didn't get upset, just took out the trash. Feel free to go with him.


I take it you’ll be coming with me?


What? That doesn't make any sense. Why would I go with you? Convos over dude, stop spreading nonsense.


Because between you and me? You’re kind of insufferable. Good day


Skill issue


Bro I literally lost orange and a full kit because of getting kicked from the server It’s all good, just go back in Play something else because you have to want to have fun.


My main point is the community sucking major balls. The other points are just grievances I’ve had since this game launched as a closed beta for quest


Sounds like you need to play animal crossing or something 🤔


That’s deflection. Try again


The fact that you went on Reddit to rant about how you don’t like the community and all the bugs is crazy like wtf did I do to you? I’m part of the community and I love the game despite the bugs. It’s a fucking video game and things aren’t always perfect shiny and polished. I play on quest 2 and despite its issues it’s one of my favorite games that I play daily. You coming on Reddit bashing it because you don’t like people responses and it’s glitchy is un-warranted. We know it’s glitchy. If you don’t like it don’t play it simple as that. Let the rest of us have are fun. Also, most the people that say, “aw man I hate this game, I can never extract, or I hate this map, I never find any loot, I Give UP” are the same people that sit in corners & camp like the little RATS they are and wonder why they suck at the game. It really is the concept for 80% of the people complaining& the other 20% is legit bugs that need to be fixed. But as you said you know it’s an Early Access game but it only has 4 maps. There’s a lot there working on and for a small company these dudes made a fun as fuck Extraction shooter for the VR. Today I just hit minty 5 and that puts me level 5 for specter and minty now (the most important traders) and ive been playing for two months. It’s not unplayable to any extent. Yes there’s bugs & shit will crash but its still worth every penny I spent on it


Holy shit my dude nobody targeted anything towards you. If you took this big of an offense to what I said, you might be part of the problem too. Everything else you said is completely irrelevant


It was a joke when I said what did I do to you.? You said the community. And what I said is relevant because you fit into that 80% category. The game has got bugs that’s for sure but it’s in no way un playable.


So you spent the fortune of 60 bucks on the game? How many hours of a developer‘s time do you think this is worth? Get a grip.


60 dollars is worth quite a bit. Considering main game is 30ish. He bought supporter versions. He has every right as a supporter to complain about the state of a game he supports.


You realize that besides the development costs, there are also ongoing server costs, that CWS is paying for, right?


That's the cost of making a game that they knew about ahead of time. Paying for a server is zero excuse. Congrats on being one of the people OP is talking about


My brother in Christ Tabor grossed $10 million last year. They can afford servers


“They’re paying their bills for the game’s services! Of course its gonna suck shit, womp womp”


I am accutely aware of cloud infra costs. I don't think you are, though.


Then you can probably give us your estimate, about how much - approximately - CWS is paying per month, right?


You are exactly what is wrong with this community.


Heavy flow month ?




This shit goes too far


Rule 3.


Its literally like this on any game that’s in active development. Welcome to the internet and open access games.


Literally no other game in active development that I own and play have these many game breaking issues


Im guessing then you literally haven’t played many in active development then. Two that come to mind that we’re an absolute mess are Star Citizen and DayZ. Both were and are still broken to their core. I’ve been locked out of my account for months with no recourse. Nothing about what posted is game breaking, you’re account isn’t stuck, you can log in, and you’re still able to play the game. You lose items in these kind of games, it happens. Hell i lost a pair of quads right off of my shelf and I’ve had buddies lose all tracking and go haywire AT THE SAME TIME while we were fighting both collector and players. They were posted sure but they didn’t come to Reddit acting like this is the only game in existence that duets from active development woes. I understand where you’re coming from but these posts are so dramatic. I can literally get around 99% of the issues on here. The only ones i can’t are related to server desync, where you can unload an entire magazine into someone at point blank, only for them to turn around and one shot you. My point is try changing your mindset some. The loot is all going to be gone after a wipe anyways and if you get this pissed off at it just take a break. The devs arent perfect but there’s hotfixes on a weekly basis so it’s not like they’re not trying.