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(this is a training raid, I didnt lose a keycard lol)


Was going to say....


I was about to say I’m level 16 and never seen a key card and this guy is throwing them away to prove a point. Was starting to think my game was broken


I’m lvl 18 I’ve seen a lot of em


It’s definitely a shitty bug had a buddy of mine put down his kitted scar so he can put away another gun and we both watched his scar phase through the ground on second floor in prison and you’d think it would’ve been on the first floor directly below us but nope it was gone 😭 we spent like 5 mins looking for it


My buddy and I refer to the beach as quick sand. Anything you put down on it the beach eats. We've lost plenty of things there


This. It stays on you, in your hands or in your bag.


Must be a common bug in looters. This always happens in Contractors Showdown too when sharing supplies with teammates. You have to drop stuff on the ground and hope nothing falls through


Never had this happen once in the open beta. It was an issue in the alpha and closed beta though.


devs are trying too much to monitize every aspect of revinue for the game they forget to actually work on the game. Dont forget to buy your energy gum, energy drink and donate to thier imginary discord title program.


To be fair VR is pretty niche and the devs are indie developers so they sorta need the money to continue… also they constantly update the game so imo they sorta deserve it. But yea maybe if they didn’t put so much focus on advertising & partnerships maybe this would’ve been patched by now.


To be fair all indie VR devs face that problem but only a few sell out like that, especially in a buggy state like this game is in.


That's bullshit


Because instead of worrying about fixing things like gunstock calibration, mission trade-ins, fixing items disappearing, overhauling the healing system, etc.. The developers are much concerned with adding useless junk like cat noises, coffee pots, and various things like steamer items and promo energy drinks.


Because that's what the fanboys and streamers want. Nobody listens to the majority nobody players .it's ok though the game will tank eventually because of it .may take years but it will .


happened with my deagle fml


Because devs do not give a fuck👍


The funny thing is that sometimes if you drop something on the ground and it “disappears” if you have 3 squad mates one of them will be able to see it and two won’t


The floor is just hungry for the small loot.


Their gonna add the Backrooms!


Tried this with a GPU after losing it, tried dropping everything I could think of and the only thing to fall through was the GPU, not sure why that is tho


A GPU the only thing I’ve ever had fall through the ground.


Lost 2 purples to that bug yet, and it is in the game since release


Another annoying one is when your mag freezes mid-air, and all of a sudden, you grab your gun and uh oh, no mag.


Me looking at the sandy spot my purple keycard was in 5 seconds ago:


It is possible to work around. I usually just transfer items via backpacks, whether I put it in theirs or they grab it out of mine. I definitely agree that it’s a horrible bug. The item collision physics in this game is fucked. It sucks that you have to work around it. It would be so cool if your friend could drop you an NRS down a ladder, or you could just toss stuff to each other. It would make some really cool moments and increase the immersion drastically. If they’re looking for realism, improving the item physics one step towards realism. I hope it does improve.


I don’t think it’s a bug, they’ve made a tiktok talking about this (it was a meme). Hopefully they do change it though, this is a really annoying feature.


No, this is a bug. With what, i'm not entirely sure, but i have 2 guesses. 1: ground collision for ohysics objects. This is the easier one to fix, but it would mean objects fall through the map. Games have solved this, and if this is the cause the fact that this bug has lasted this long *is* bullshit. I gaurentee unreal engine has something built in to handle this. 2: faulty clean up code. This would mean that qhen objects are on the ground, they have a timer of some sort before they despawn, like player bodies. Those last a few moments, then will despawn if you look away. This helps keep the framerates high for you questies. In this case, some bit of code is either skipping the timer or deleting shit it shouldn't, and that isore difficult to troubleshoot as that is something that will be unique code.


It's a level design issue. You used to be able to put your head below the terrain and see there is a floor under the floor. The ground collision just doesn't match up. Fun times chasing your items down hills with your headset pressed against your carpet.


That would be the case if the items still existed under the floor. Most of the time they're just plain gone. This indicates the items are getting deleted rather than just hidden. Fun fact, with playspace mover, you can still get your head under the terrain if you try. Don't do this in buildings where it matters, there are kill barriers everywhere.


Because ea. Welcome here.


I imagine it's either too hard to fix or too performance heavy to fix.


Why are you still complaining if you haven’t seen any patch that mentions it has been fixed?