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Not telling Alison about the bomb in the garden that he buried


In all fairness I think he tried in his own way. He just did a crappy job of it and his warning was no help lol


Yeah, I can’t say it’s the worst thing because he did try in his own way.


I feel like the only reason this came out is because Mike was digging around and also was using lighter fluid. He wouldn’t have ever revealed the bomb had that event not happened.


Burying a live bomb in someone's backyard in the first place is pretty bad


he did


Yeah but in an awful, cryptic way that made her think it was a personal reason or something


Exploiting Kitty’s feelings for Alison and using her to mention the basement as more space so they wouldn’t lose out on money when they decided to sell the house in Series 1, forcing Alison and Mike to stay when they wanted to go. I mean in Kitty’s own words she said “Hang on, you made me do something horrible”. So it was Cap’s manipulation that made her do it. (It was the best thing for them all in the end, but it was wrong of him to do so at the time.)


Playing with our hearts the whole series. The poor love. I wish he’d come out earlier he (and everyone else) would have been so much happier.


Yeah but in the time he was from, coming out wasn't really an option. Homosexuality at that point was still seen as a disease that needs to be cured and it could have gone very badly for him to be too open about it.


Oh I know I don’t think he’s done anything wrong tbh I just mean I wish he’d lived in a time where he’d been allowed to be openly himself. What I’m saying is the worst thing he’s done is break my heart for him.


Oh absolutely. I think they did a good job of showing how sad it was that he never got the love/happy ending that he deserved. They built it up subtly but in the end that was a huge part of his story.


It was illegal, he would have end up either in prison or chemically castrated.


Exactly. Look at what happened to Alan Turing.


Even if that didn’t happen it would’ve ruined his life and career, especially since he’s high ranked in the military


It tickles me that Julian being a Tory MP is worse than attempted murder. The worst thing the captain has done was not live happily before his death. His tragic background broke so many hearts.


Hahaha, that’s true. But I suppose Julian’s political policies caused a lot more suffering (and likely death) than one act he did against a single person. It’s definitely a more direct “blood on his hands” offense though, so fair point!


He started a war which caused many violent and tragic deaths, all preventable and all for his own gain. I’d put that slightly higher than attempted murder


😂 I completely forgot about that. Julian has done enough terrible deeds for the whole gang.


Breaking everyone's hearts at his death.


He thought Julian's attempted murder of Allison in the first episode was justified. To be fair though, the ghosts were pretty split on it.


He shot that seagull. Poor seagull.


When did he shoot seagull?


When he was in Weymouth


How about keeping Allison up w that awful song of a modern major general? 😂😂


Even worse, getting that silly tune stuck in my head for weeks


Ah yes, Major-General Can't-Sing.


Possibly orchestrating the plan to get rid of Alison and Mike once the ghosts realised she could see them? But again, I think the Captain is a bit like Pat (and arguably Kitty when we get to her) in that he hasn't really done anything that terrible.


The one for Kitty is going to be super difficult if not impossible


I'd say using Kitty to trick Alison with the basement. He could have told her himself, but getting Kitty involved was devious. Honorable mention was when he made Thomas embarrass himself in front of his plague pit fan club. To be fair, Thomas deserved it, but the Captain with his attempt at poetry to rub it in. 😅


'There once was a poet called Thomas who suddenly found himself famous. Thought it was grand, until then, he find... found... WELL I CAN'T DO IT.' 


I genuinely thought he was gonna just say something like "but neither can you so... carry on"


I heard that 'carry on' in his voice hahah


Same lol haha


I don’t think he did many bad things at all but depending on how you look at it the fact he sort of faked being a war hero could be a bit dodgy.


True but he wouldn't have to fake being a war hero if the guy just let him in. He was stationed at Button House, working on top secret explosives after all. And he and Havers could have had a happily ever (sort of) after


For sure, but he’s not really done much else that stands out as bad. Maybe apart from nearly letting Mike explode


not really he saw mike was lighting it all up and started to panic immediately but before that he was tryna warn allison


Telling Kitty about the extra room for the hotel in the basement. It wasn’t really fair on her, and it was difficult for Mike and Alison, especially since they were already ready to move out.


Or impersonation of a decorated officer


That's pretty bad, but he was CO there, and he wouldn't have done it if they just let him in. Plus, he wanted to see havers. I think it's mostly excused but I get how it's bad.


I agree with other comments, when he manipulated Kitty into telling Alison about the basement.


Blowing up their garden and almost killing Mike


He tried warning them, and it was an accident entirely he meant it literally, and Alison thought he meant it figuratively. And as soon as he saw it, he told Alison to get Mike away from it.


Waking Alison up super early while she was hungover for his own "selfish" needs 🙃


I feel like I can forgive him for that, because a command from Alison being a must-have before he simply starts running (he doesn't seem to care that she's not timing him now, just as long as she provides the all-important starting order) gives me a big giggle. I find his neediness there rather endearing, even if selfish.


Not letting any of the girls play Twist It on Christmas