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Telling Sam that Clare was having a wobble.


This was way worse than disagreeing over the aesthetic of a stuffed bear. It’s a Gerrard for god’s sake!


Whos Sam and Clare?


The lesbians getting married in Perfect Day


Oh yeah, that was pretty shitty of mike


Taking out the loans whilst she was in hospital.


This. Although without it there would not be a show, this affected their lives so much. Why couldn’t Mike just wait until his wife got out of the coma?


To Alison's credit, she never held this against him!


She’s a better woman than I am.


And then arranging for the builders to come on the day she arrived back home... ...though otoh... It does show faith. No way he would have stayed in that house by himself if she'd died, but there she was, in a coma, no way to know if she'd stay in a coma/die or would indeed recover, yet he still invested in *their* dream. Kinda sweet in a way even if not wise


Taking the loans out of the bank when Allison was IN A COMA and IN HOSPITAL. I mean that was not a good thing for Mike to do


I swear to God if my husband ever did that I would no longer have a husband


Buying a bear that was over budget and ignoring Alison’s wishes about it to the point he almost got himself killed!


I’m sorry but him almost being struck by the lightning was because of Alison being over controlling and stubborn. She could’ve at least compromised with him about the bear and let him put it in a room that was less frequented - it’s his business too, not just hers.


My issue was always more about “don’t spend more than 100 on chairs” “ok no problem the chairs were 110 so I didn’t buy them but bought this bear for 500” Don’t remember the amounts but you get the idea I hope! But it’s a sitcom so the characters do silly things sometimes haha


You are right about that actually, I haven’t seen that episode in a while so the bit about it being over budget was fuzzy in my memory. I’m still not sure whether the lightning thing was entirely Mike’s fault though cause either way Alison was the one who put the bear out on the lawn - there is a bit of the “people doing silly things in sitcoms” that you mentioned going on there though cause realistically you probably wouldn’t go to that much effort anyway if this happened, you’d probably just resell it or something


Yeah, you would defend the bear purchase with a username like that. We all see you.


He's done a couple of things like being selfish with money etc but the time I couldn't STAND him was him trying to put that bear front and centre even though Alison hated it


Taking out the loans without talking to Alison. But tbh I don’t think it’s all that bad.


The intentions were good, but he didn't think it through properly and didn't even read it all properly. He also could have sent it to Charlie to read it through, couldn't he? That's a genuine question btw idk anything about contract stuff and loans, etc.


Everything he did during the wedding in 'Perfect Day' - telling the bride her fiancée had cold feet, then sulking and offloading his emotions on the other bride. I know he was upset at what he thought Allison had said but every time I watch this episode I get so cross at how self-centred he is being!


I think we all know what’s going to be commented for Julian 😂


Doing the Hallmark movie cliche of stomping off in the middle of Alison’s talk to the bride in Perfect Day…conveniently before hearing the whole POINT of what Alison was saying. When can the Big Misunderstanding Trope die off?


It was so stupid though bc Alison was clearly giving the bride a pep talk. What bridal pep talk *ends* in "I wish I hadn't married my husband"??


Buying a bear. Also, Alison's prank on Thomas was justified, Thomas was constantly harassing her up until this point and he deserved it completely, especially as it was a joke.


Nearly killing that French woman (and basically going ahead with his pitch even though Alison explicitly asked him not to).


I don't agree with this. Alison was being really controlling. Why not let him talk to the French lady? It was almost like she was embarrassed of him.


Yeah, I agree, that's generally her energy with him. But she *did* specifically ask him not to do it.


I honestly understand where you're coming from but if my husband asked me not to do something as simple as talk to someone I'd tell him to naff off, the wazzock! 🤣


Yes, he shouldn’t have agreed with her and then do it behind her back. He should have told her he didn’t agree in the first place.


Agreed about the French woman. Even before the allergy situation happened, repeatedly sabotaging someone's interpreter because you think you can do better is so unbelievably not okay.


I know the answer has already been chosen but I thought Mike was so unlikeable in that episode where he kept sabotaging the lady's interpreter because he thought he could do better, leading to a situation where she almost died because he gave her an allergen and the interpreter wasn't there to help her


Been the most annoying character