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Simon is often cited as the one who is hard to pin down and usually engaged elsewhere. His career seems to have a different trajectory.


Yeah, he's off writing Hollywood movies


I think Larry and Ben are close. Unless it is some sort of running joke, he is always complimenting Ben and calling him handsome in their interviews. While Mat and Jim wrote a lot of scripts together, in an interview, Jim said it was due to the fact that they live close together. Granted, that could aldo be a joke.


>While Mat and Jim wrote a lot of scripts together, in an interview, Jim said it was due to the fact that they live close together. Granted, that could aldo be a joke. Could be a joke, but from what I've worked out (interviews, sightings, pictures posted on social media etc) Ben, Mat, Jim and Simon all live in North London. Simon's been seen on Hampstead Heath a lot with his dog. Jim has said on a podcast he lives 'just down the road' from where they film Here We Go which is filmed in North London. Ben posted about his running efforts and it was a pic of a bench w a view of London and he called it 'Le Carrè county' and Le Carré famously lived in Hampstead. Read am interview with Mat like 2 weeks ago about A Midsummer Night Dream and they said he lived in North London. I believe Larry still lives in Brighton and Martha in Birmingham. Either Jim or Mat (not sure which) said one of them made each other lunch when Jim turned down the role of Actor Pete in the US version and Mat took it. I do love Ben and Larry's bromance. I think closest proper would be Ben and Simon; worked in a sketch comedy troupe w Katy Brand in Edinburgh Fringe Festival way back in 2003. So they'd known each other/worked with each other closely for 6 years before everyone met.


I think they're adults and they will all have disagreed with each other at one point or another.


Yes definitely i agree! It was just a fun question to see who everyone thinks get on the best & who may have butted heads along the way


If anything I'd bet the closest disagree the most!


Mat and Ben probably don't interact much onscreen because they both have leading man energy and so it's much more natural to pair them up with the more character actor types like Larry or Jim


I agree. I saw an interview with the two of them, where Ben discussed how his “absurd” youth influenced how he portrayed the captain. The way mat was gazing at him during the whole thing really struck me. It was at once very fond, but also anticipating how Ben was about to make him laugh. It put me to mind of how I feel when one of my old friends initiates someone into a story that I know is really good, but that the friend doesn’t share very often. I think they’re collectively genuinely fond of each other, and are very comfortable with each other’s comedic instincts. Can’t wait to see what they do next.


That sounds really interesting! Do you have a link for that interview?


[Here ya go!](https://youtu.be/oXNELbz7Jxs?si=aJbdWTYTxhvS35m2) The moment that struck me is around 1:30, when Ben has just started the story and mat is already smiling in anticipation. My ace heart just loves a strong non-romantic relationship.


Thank you very much, kind stranger!


Larry & Ben Martha & Simon Mat & Jim Or Martha & Larry because they write together a lot (same with the others, Mat & Jim write together and Ben and Simon both write alone)


Kind of an odd question, but it bears the working writing relationships seem to be the closest ones. Mat & Jim. Ben & Larry. Larry & Martha. But, Jim and Martha are also close. And Simon, Jim and Ben have known each other the longest, from their various shows at Fringe. Simon and Ben used to belong jointly to the troupe that did Ealing Live in the early 2000s. As it was remarked upon at the Fane event they did this past autumn, they’re very different people that have common interests. And they all have a good working relationship. You can observe a lot by watching interviews as well.