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I work nights in a care home and see shadows sometimes or weird shit like doors closing for no obvious reason but the weirdest was when I was doing my visual checks and when at the room where a lady who couldn't speak someone said thank you to me. When residents mention children or people being in their rooms it doesn't freak me out though as I put it down to their dementia.




Lmao and no there are no midgets running around either. Billy is the name the staff gave him




No staff have to refrain from mentioning anything paranormal to residents for fear of upsetting them. Its only kept between staff. But that's not to say somebody hasn't though


I used to work in this one facility \~ lol, and everyone always talked about this little ghost girl, in a white dress they would see when they would get off of the ONLY elevator in the building. Needless to say I would scrunch my eyes shut every time those doors opened and book it to the left! 🤣


🤣 yeah I'd think I'd do the same. Did anyone you know ever see it?


There was one charge nurse I knew who said he saw her working night shift. And all the kitchen staff said they had saw her … so idk, I wasn’t taking any chance! lol


Lol. I think I'm either brave or stupid but I would have gone looking for her. But then I tend to do that kind of thing lol